(2) The Stupid Man Stores UpMilk
Once upona time there was a stupid man who was about to give a party. Hewanted to store up milk for his guests. "If I milk the cowbeforehand every day, he thought, little by little, there will betoo much of milk and will not be enough space to store it and itmay even spoil. It would be better to let it remain inside of thecow. I'll milk the cow right away at the time of the party." Hethen separated the cow from the calf and tied them up apart.
A monthlater, he actually gave the reception. He tried to milk the cow,but the milk had run dry. Some guests got annoyed and otherslaughed at him.
So arethe idiotic fellows who want to give alms at once but prefer towait until they possess great wealth. It usually happens that,before they can scrape together enough money, it is seized by thecountry officers or taken away by robbers and thieves or by fireand flood. It also happens that, due to their sudden demise, theyare not in time for giving alms. This is just like the story of thestupid man who stored up milk.