詹姆斯-斯派德 James Spader
James ToddSpader
Birthdate: Feb. 7th, 1960
Hometown: Boston, Mass.
MartialStatus: not single
Children: 2teenage sons
Hair color: dirtyblond
Eye color: blue
Height: 5'10
Anactor with a taste for extremes, James Spader has forged a careerbuilt upon exploring the darker side of human nature. Most recentlySpader attracted the attention of television critics and audiencesalike with his portrayal of the ethically-challenged attorney, AlanShore, on ABC’s “ThePractice,” a role that won him an Emmy Award forOutstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. He returns this year toheadline David E. Kelley’s new drama,“Boston Legal.”
Spader appeared alongside Maggie Gyllenhaal in thecritically-acclaimed film,“Secretary.” Directed by StevenShainberg and based on Mary Gaitskills’ novella,Bad Behavior, “Secretary” is arichly imaginative and unique love story about two people whodiscover that the most delectable pleasures can be found betweenthe hours of 9:00 and 5:00. The Lions Gate Films release won the2002 Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize for Originality.Spader also starred in John McNaughton’s“Speaking of Sex,” in which heplays a depression expert, one of the many people who attempt tosolve a couple’s marital problems. Produced byCanal Plus, “Speaking of Sex”co-stars Jay Mohr, Lara Flynn Boyle and Megan Mullaly.
In Walter Hill’s science fictionthriller, “Supernova,”co-starring Angela Bassett, Robert Forster and Robin Tunney, Spaderplayed the co-pilot of a deep space medical vessel who rescues acastaway from the darkness of space. As the ship drifts closer to agiant star about to explode, the crew is drawn into the mystery oftheir newest passenger and the alien artifact he has smuggled onboard. In Blue Rider Pictures’“Slow Burn,” he co-starredalong side Minnie Driver, Josh Brolin and Stuart Wilson. Directedby Christian Ford, the film is a morality tale centered on onewoman, three men, a strongbox of diamonds and the remorselessMexican desert.
Spader worked opposite Albert Brooks, KyraSedgwick and Jeffrey Wright in Sidney Lumet’s“Critical Care,” a satire ofmodern medical care in which he portrays a libidinous second-yearresident involved with the hypocrisy and greed at the heart of thehospital system. And in one of his more controversial roles, Spaderstarred in David Cronenberg’s“Crash,” in which, following acar accident, he finds himself awakened by a sudden mix of violenceand sexuality in his life. Adapted from J.G.Ballard’s cult classic novel,“Crash” received the SpecialJury Prize at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival. The film co-starredHolly Hunter, Deborah Kara Unger and Elias Koteas.
詹姆斯·斯派德 (James Spader)。一个游走于各种边缘角色,一直被我误认为是英国人,却跟英国毫无干系,个性另类的美国演员。他拥有完美的侧面,和一头小王子那样浓密的金发;清秀的气质,和永远温暖迷人的微笑。迷人的微笑。
早先被朋友告之这是一部挺变态的片子,后来看了剧情介绍和一些相关影评,对片子多少有些了解,看之前也做好了充分的心理准备,只是等到影片结束时心头仍不免有压了块大石头的感觉,堵得慌。但为了看詹姆斯·斯派德(James Spader),我愿意。片中有个场景看完后久久不能忘怀,记得我对某仔说过。那晦谙,那颜色,那个场景中的一切。
再后来,看了一部在网上下载,无字幕,仅靠猜测和判断看完,情节简单的爱情片《白宫 (White Palace)》。詹姆斯·斯派德 (James Spader)饰演风韵犹存的苏珊·萨兰登的完美小情人。对爱情很是执着,死心眼。让人觉得,嫁人就要嫁这样的男人。
在詹姆斯·斯派德(James Spader)的所有演绎中这个角色最平淡无奇,但我喜欢,因为他的容貌和气质在片中达到了颠峰,连苏珊·萨兰登都忍不住夸他“太美了”。
詹姆斯·斯派德 (James Spader)就是个性的化身。他始终从心所欲,为自己而真实的活着。
《性,谎言和录像带 (Sex, Lies, and Videotape)》,拍摄于1989年,是一部深刻揭露人性虚伪的影片。片中使用了不少长镜头,对演员演技要求很高,詹姆斯·斯派德(James Spader) 因在片中的出色表演获得当年戛纳电影节最佳男主角奖。也就因为这一部电影,一个角色,让我爱了他多年。
在片中,詹姆斯·斯派德 (James Spader)扮演的Graham被女友抛弃,因此自闭,成为一个性无能者,他唯一的“财富”是采访拍摄一些女人,让她们讲述自己的性生活包括所有的细节,然后靠录像带中的情节来获得性满足。Graham身上集合了所有我喜欢的男人的气质,纤细、敏感、忧郁、柔情、渴望、孤傲、善良,还有一点神经质。

第二部应该是《异度深寒 (Alien Hunter)》,他扮演一个科学家。快速播放,有他的地方就停下来,全然不管故事情节。我就是为了看他而看的。