发布时间:2018年04月10日 18:51:57分享人:夏水流萤来源:互联网28
Mr. Steve Pincus
Human Relations
Winfield Medical
100 Main Street
Winfield, FL 09876

Dear Mr. Pincus:
Our last discussion left me thoroughly convinced that I can producedramatic results for Winfield Medical.
Count on my intelligence, experience, innate "people power,"top-notch positioning, negotiation, and follow-up skills to bringin the steady stream of business you seek.
Hire someone with the know-how, the guts, and the goods to succeed.Hire someone as committed to performance as you are.
Hire me.
John Apgood
(555) 456-789 Home Phone
(555) 765-4321 Work Phone
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101010/40750.html

Mr. Steve PincusHuman RelationsWinfield Medical100 Main StreetWinfield, FL 09876Dear Mr. Pincus:


读书报告格式及范文 2010年05月05日一. 读书报告有沒有一定的格式对初写读书报告的同学來说,学校会有一般的格式要求,让其有所遵循。一般地,只要有书名、有作者,其他可集中读后感來写。最浪费笔墨的是內容概要,惟一的作用是,让別人知道你

一、 汇款1、 汇款头栏。由邮局工作人填写。2、 汇款金额。用大写的汉字数字书写,且与栏内的“人民币”三字之间不留空隙,数字之间 也不要留空隙,数字后写一个“整”字。3、 收款人和汇款人的地址及姓名要写清楚。地址不能间写。4、 汇