No one ever saw me like you do | 没有人像你那样看过我 |
All the things that I could add upto | 所有的事情加在一起 |
I never knew just what a smile wasworth | 我都从来不知道一个微笑有什么价值 |
But your eyes say everything without asingle word | 但是你的眼神却能说出一切 不用一词一字 |
Coz there's something in the way you lookat me | 在你看我的眼神里有某种东西 |
It's as if my heart knows you're themissing piece | 就像我的心知道你就是我缺失的那一部分 |
You make me believe thatthere's | 你让我相信 |
nothing in this world I can'tbe | 在这个世界上 我无所不能 |
I'd never know what yousee | 我从来不知道你看到了什么 |
But there's something in the way you lookat me | 但是在你看我的眼神里有某种特别的东西 |
If I could freeze the moment in mymind ![]() | 如果我可以让时间凝固在我的脑中 |
Be the second that you touch your lips tomine | 在你将你的唇碰到我的唇的那一刻 |
I'd like to stop the clock make time standstill | 我想要阻止钟表 让时间停下 |
Coz baby this is just the way I alwayswanna feel | 因为 宝贝 这就是我一直想要找的感觉 |
Coz there's something in the way you lookat me | 在你看我的眼神里有某种特别的东西 |
You make me believe thatthere's | 你让我相信 |
nothing in this world I can'tbe | 在这个世界上 我无所不能 |
I'd never know what you see | 我从来不知道你看到了什么 |
But there's something in the way you lookat me | 但是在你看我的眼神里有某种特别的东西 |
I don't know how or why | 我不知道怎么会或者是为什么 |
I feel different in your eyes | 我会在你的眼神里感觉到有不同的东西 |
All I know is that it happenseverytime | 我所知道的就是每次都会这样 |
Coz there's something in the way you lookat me | 在你看我的眼神里有某种特别的 |
It's as if my heart knows you're themissing piece | 这就像我的心知道你就是我缺失的那一部分 |
You make me believe thatthere's | 你让我相信 |
nothing in this world I can'tbe | 在这个世界上 我无所不能 |
I'd never know what you see | 我从来不知道你看到了什么 |
But there's something in the way you lookat me | 但是在你看我的眼神里有某种特别的东西 |
The way you look atme | 你看我的眼神 |
歌词共享thewayyoulookatme lookatmenow

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