China, the World'sCapital
From Kaifeng to New York, glory is as ephemeral as smokeand clouds
As this millennium dawns, New York City is the most important cityin the world, the unofficial capital of planet Earth. But before weNew Yorkers become too full ofourselves, it might beworthwhile to glance at dilapidated Kaifeng in central China.
Kaifeng, an ancient city along themud-clogged Yellow River, was by far the most important placein the world in 1000. And if you've never heard of it, that's auseful warning for Americans - as the Chinese headline above putsit, in a language of the future that many more Americans shouldstart learning, "glory is as ephemeral as smoke and clouds."
As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if globaldomination is an entitlement. But if you look back at the sweep of history,it's striking how fleeting supremacyis, particularly for individualcities.
My vote for most important city in the world inthe period leading up to 2000 B.C. would be Ur, Iraq. In 1500 B.C., perhaps Thebes, Egypt. There was no dominant player in 1000B.C., though one could make a case for Sidon, Lebanon. In 500 B.C., it would be Persepolis,Persia; in the year 1,Rome; around A.D. 500, maybe Chang’an,China; in 1000, Kaifeng, China; in 1500, probably Florence, Italy; in 2000, New York City; and in 2500,probably none of the above.
Today Kaifeng is grimy and poor, not even the provincial capitaland so minor it lacks even anairport. Its sad state only underscores how fortunes change. In the 11th century, when itwas the capital of Song Dynasty China, its population was more than one million.In contrast, London's population then was about15,000.
An ancient 17-foot painted scroll, now in the Palace Museum in Beijing, shows the bustle and prosperity of ancient Kaifeng. Hundreds of pedestrians jostleeach other on the streets, camelscarry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and restaurants do a thrivingbusiness.
Kaifeng's stature attracted people from all over the world,including hundreds of Jews. Even today, there are some people inKaifeng who look like other Chinese but who considerthemselves Jewish and do not eat pork.
As I roamed the Kaifeng area, asking local peoplewhy such an international center had sunk so low, I encounteredplenty of envy of New York. One man said he was arranging tobe smuggled into the U.S. illegally, by paying a gang $25,000, but many local people insisted thatChina is on course to bounce back and recover its historic role asworld leader.
"China is booming now," said Wang Ruina, a young peasant woman on the outskirts of town. "Give us a few decades and we'll catchup with the U.S., even pass it."
She's right. The U.S. has had the biggest economyin the world for more than a century, but most projections showthat China will surpass us in about 15 years, as measured bypurchasing power parity.
So what can New York learn from a city likeKaifeng?
One lesson is the importance of sustaining a technological edgeand sound economic policies. Ancient China flourished partly because of pro-growth, pro-trade policiesand technological innovations like curved ironplows, printing and papermoney. But then China came to scorn trade and commerce, and per capita income stagnated for 600 years.
A second lesson is the danger of hubris, for China concluded it had nothing to learnfrom the rest of the world - and that was the beginning of theend
I worry about the U.S. in both regards. Oureconomic management is so lax that we can't confront farm subsidiesor long-term budgetdeficits. Our technologyis strong, but American public schools are second-rate in math andscience. And Americans' lack of interest in the world contrastswith the restlessness, drive and determination that are againpushing China to the forefront.
Beside the Yellow River I met a 70-year-oldpeasant named Hao Wang, who had never gone to a day of school. Hecouldn't even write his name - and yet his progeny were different.
"Two of my grandsons are now in university," heboasted, and then he started talking about the computer in hishome.
Thinking of Kaifeng should stimulate us to struggle to improve our high-tech edge,educational strengths and pro-growth policies. For if werest on ourlaurels, even a city asgreat as New York may end up as Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson.