The Serendipity as oneof the most classical films has been recommendedby our English teacher. Today I have seen out this excellent filmsand I was attracted by the romantic story. I hope I can like theleading role to find my true lover someday. I hope I can be asbrave as the two leading roles.
Jonathan and sara loved each other when they first meet ,he wanted sara left her phone number to him ,but sara only believedthe fate,she told him:fate behind she let Jonathanwrite his phone number on a five doller and used it to buy thechewing gum. If oneday the five doller can be back to her,she willcall him at the first time.and she would write her phone number ona old book and sold it to a book store,if he can buy the book, hecould contact her. As time went by,they never found the doller orthe book,Sara got the wedding ring from his boyfriend and Jonathanwas going to get married with his girlfriend.when they recalled thechristmas they met,they decided to try to look for the clue,butthey failed over and over again.when they felt dispionted,themiracle happened, Jonathan’s girlfriend sent him the old book as awedding gift and Sara mistook her best friend’s wallet and foundthe only five dollars,they tried to contact each other ,at lastthey managed to find each other and lived a happy and romanticlife.
Fromthis movie,I have learned those new word:
1. ltimate adj 最终的,极限的n 基本原则
2.blend vt 混合 vi 混合,协调 n 混合物
3.serendipity n缘分天注定,飞来好运,奇缘
4.offend vt 冒犯 vi 进攻,违反
5.vanity n 虚荣心,无价值的东西
6.snuggle vt 使舒适,紧抱,依偎 vi 依偎
7.insane adj 疯狂的,精神病的,愚蠢的
8.sneaky adj 鬼鬼祟祟的,卑鄙的
9.fiancé n 未婚夫
10.vague adj 模糊的,暧昧的
11.fragment n 碎片 vt 使变碎 vi 破碎
12.intuition n 直觉,直觉力
13.exotic adj 异国的,外来的,异国情调的
14.atter vt 发出,发射,表达 adj 完全的,彻底的,无条件的
15.culminate vt 使结束,使到达高潮,vi 到绝顶,到高潮
16.exquisite adj 精致的,优美的,高雅的,剧烈的
17.sublime adj 庄严的,极端的 n 崇高,顶点 vt 使升华,使高尚
18.irony n 讽刺,反语 adj 铁的,似铁的
19.psychic adj 心灵的,精神的 n灵媒,巫师
20.purple adj 紫色的,帝王的,华而不实的 n 紫色,紫袍
sentence translation
1.Fatebehind everything.
2.Maybe the absence of signs is a sign.
3.Wemust all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call“fatum”—what we currently refer to as destiny.
4.In the final days of his life he revealed anunknown side of psyche
5. The rich manage to generate profits for all of itslazy day
6 you find some altruistic need to protect thesedigital plantation-owners.

7. The rich create no concrete products, provide noviable services
8.Life is not merely a series of meaninglessaccidents or coincoincidences
9.Jonathan died last night from complications oflosing his soul mate and his fiance
10.Yet even in certain defeat,the courageous trager secretly clung to thebelief