团支书用英语怎么说写?团支书用英语翻译是什么?团支书用英语怎么说?团支书用英语怎么写?团支书用英语怎么说写 League Secretary
“我当过班里的团支书,学习委员,和英语协会的副会长” I used to act as the secretary of the Youth League,commissary in charge of studies and the deputy director of the English Association in my Class.
1. Party branch secretary and the Mission, the Deputy leader are neighbors. 和团支书、副班长是邻居。2. Secretary Yu read out the report about preparative work of Branch establishment. 会上,新当选的机关团支书俞晓文同志宣读了支部成立的筹备工作报告,并对当选后将要开展的工作做了简要介绍。3. Squad leader had been hit, but squad leader and the group secretary. 一直和班长闹矛盾,但一直和团支书关系挺好。4. Good relations between the branch secretaries and college, and his brother often and table-India quarrel. 和团支书关系不错,经常和哥哥兼同桌——印度吵架。