Firstly,yesterday afternoon when I waited forthe bus together with my colleague and met with my friend who is myroomates'college classmate,which I did not see him say hello to meat first,then after acasualglimpsehespoketome that you did not notice me when I said helloto you.At first sight the impression stroke with me which he becameso languished,Idid not think too muchoverabout it.I know he is a man with apositiveheart andtrying hisbest to buy a flat,maybethe overwhelming force isbe in a tangle with him.
Afterwaitingfor the bus for a long time,we got on itto home,I went to my home,and he went to my home for talkinginvited by Wang Laixi,I would like to state herewith he said to methat you must look after your bag carefully when a group of peoplebegan to crowd,then I said to him you were the first person I spokewith about the thief I have run into except for a diary.Iknowhe gave me a feeling like a brother andmannual enough to let me belive him ,but it isnotthat kind offeelingaboutlove.
Secondly,I have a cook yesterday evening ,andthe dish is carrot which the color is red enough to be appearedgood-looking,they asked whether you have pepper with it ,in realityI did not.some koreachilli sauce is with thecarrot.
Then after meat,we watched the TV Channelabout a zhouli bo show,I like the program.
When finishing watching,I went to read thebook "Romance of the Three Kingdoms",but I quickly hada fast sleep when I lied in the bed with halfpage reading.
Having lunch now.........