Homogeneous reactions(同相反应)arephysicalreactionsin which the reactants are in thesamephase,whileheterogeneousreactions(异相反应)havereactantsintwo or more phases. Reactions that take place on the surface of acatalyst of a different phase are also heterogeneous. A reactionbetween two gases, two liquids or two solids is homogeneous. Areaction between a gas and a liquid, a gas and a solid or a liquidand a solid is heterogeneous.
Practical applications of heterogeneous reactions are in catalyticconverters, fuel cells and chemical vapor deposition among others.Recently, manufacturing engineers have used surface reactions forsynthesis of micro and nanoscale features in biomedicaldevices.
You can tell a mixture is homogeneous, when everything is settleand equal, the liquid, gas, object is one color or same form. Suchas if you add objects or substances to another substance and itdoesn't change.
后一个指的是多相催化,一般指的是液固相或者气固相催化 当然也有三相催化过程