"Employer's Requirements" means“业主要求”是指
(i)all requirements specifically set out in theEmployer’s invitation or other document by whatever name ordescription setting out the design and/or purpose (whether with orwithout specification or other details) of the Works;业主招标或其他任何名称的文件明确提出的要求,或者工程设计与用途(无论是否附规范或者细节)所作的描述;
(ii)all requirements not specifically set out inthe Tender or any document, but which shall include such otherrequirements as a reasonably experienced contractor would consideras being necessary for the satisfactory design and completion ofthe Works; and 虽然投标书或者任何文件未明确提出,但一个有经验的承包商应合理地考虑到系满足工程设计和完工所需的此类要求;

(iii) all requirements not specifically set out inthe Tender or any document, but which shall include such otherrequirements as a reasonably experienced contractor would consideras being necessary for the purpose and integrity of theWorks.虽然投标书或者任何文件未明确提出,但一个有经验的承包商应合理地考虑到系工程目的和完整性所需的此类要求。
CONTRACTOR's Review of Contract Documents: Beforeundertaking each part of the Work, CONTRACTOR shall carefully studyand compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinentfigures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements.CONTRACTOR shall promptly report in writing to DESIGN PROFESSIONALany conflict, error, ambiguity or discrepancy which CONTRACTOR maydiscover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarificationfrom DESIGN PROFESSIONAL before proceeding with any Work affectedthereby.承包商对合同文件的复查:在着手工程的每一部分之前,承包商应仔细地研究和比较合同文件,检查和验证其上标示的的相关数值以及所有可适用的现场测量数据。承包商可以发现的任何冲突、误差、模糊或者差异,承包商应立即向设计人员书面报告,并且应当在因此被影响的工程继续进行之前取得设计人员书面的解释或者澄清。
CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or DESIGNPROFESSIONAL for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguityor discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR knew orreasonably should have known thereof.承包商未能报告合同文件中的冲突、误差、模糊或者差异,不对业主或者设计人员负责,除非承包商知道或者合理地应当知道。
1.Discrepancies between any Requirements and theContractor’s Design Proposals or any DesignDocuments承包商设计方案或者设计文件与业主要求之间的差异
In the case of any discrepancy between anyRequirements, and the Contractor’s Design Proposals or any Design Documents, theRequirements shall prevail without adjustment to the Contract Sumor to the Date or Dates forCompletion.如果承包商的设计方案或者设计文件与业主要求之间存在差异,应以业主要求为准,并且无需调整合同金额或者完工期限。
2.Discrepancies within or between theContractor’s Design Proposals and any DesignDocuments承包商的设计方案与设计文件内部或之间的差异
In the case of any discrepancy within theContractor’s Design Proposals the Engineer may choose betweendiscrepant items or agree any proposal from the Contractor toresolve the discrepancy and there shall be no increase in theContract Sum or adjustment to the Date or Dates forCompletion.如果承包商的各设计方案之间存在差异,工程师可以在分歧的项目中作出选择,或者采纳承包商提出的解决差异的方案,并且不应增加合同价格、调整完工期限。
If the Engineer’s choice between discrepant items will produce asaving to the Contractor, the Contractor shall account to the Ownerfor the amount of the saving in such way as shall be agreed withthe Owner. In the absence of agreement, or in the event thatagreement is reached that the Contract Sum shall be reduced, theContractor shall issue a Change Notification and Change Quotationin accordance with paragraph × (Changecontrol).如果工程师对分歧的项目的选择将使承包商产生费用节省,承包商应向业主说明业主同意的这种方式所节省的数额。如果没有取得同意,或者达成的协议是减少合同价款,承包商应该依照×款[变更管理]的规定发出变更通知书和变更报价单。
In case of any discrepancy between theContractor’s Design Proposals and a Design Document, theContractor’s DesignProposals shall prevail without adjustment to the Contract Sum orto the Date or Dates forCompletion.如果承包商的设计方案与设计文件之间存在差异,应以承包商的设计方案为准,而无需调整合同金额或者完工日期。
If the Contractor discovers any discrepancy withinor between Design Documents he shall immediately notify theEngineer of the discrepancy and shall resolve the discrepancy tothe satisfaction of the Engineer. There shall be no consequentialadjustment to the Contract Sum or the Date or Dates for Completionas a result of the resolution of any suchdiscrepancy.如果承包商发现设计文件之间存在差异,他应该立即将该差异通知工程师,并解决差异直至工程师满意。解决差异的结果不能导致合同金额或者完工日期的调整。
3.Discrepancies between dimensions specified ondrawings and scaled dimensions图纸注明的尺寸和比例尺尺寸之间的差异
Dimensions specified on any drawings shall befollowed in preference to the scale or scaleddimensions.图纸标注的尺寸较比例尺或者比例尺尺寸优先使用。
2.承包人未发现发包人要求中存在错误的,承包人自行承担由此导致的费用增加和(或) 工期延误,但专用合同条款另有约定的除外。
Responsibility for design 设计的责任
1.The Contractor shall be fully responsible forthe suitability, adequacy, integrity, durability and practicalityof the Contractor's Proposals.承包商应对承包商方案的适用性、充分性、完整性、耐用性和实用性负完全责任。
2.The Contractor warrants, absolutely andindependent of fault, that the Contractor's Proposals meet theEmployer's Requirements and is fit for the purpose thereof. Wherethere is any inadequacy, insufficiency, impracticality orunsuitability in or of the Employer's Requirements or any partthereof, the Contractor's Proposals shall take into account,address or otherwise rectify such inadequacy, insufficiency,impracticality or unsuitability.承包商保证承包商方案符合业主的要求并满足其中的目的,这种保证是独立的、不以过错为条件。如果业主的要求或其中任何部分存在不完全、不充分、不实用或者不适合,承包商方案应加以考虑,处理或者另行修正这些不完全、不充分、不实用或者不适合。
3.The Contractor shall indemnify the Employeragainst any damage, expense, liability, loss or claim which theEmployer might incur, sustain or be subject to arising from anybreach of the Contractor's design responsibility and/or warrantyset out in this Clause and under the law.承包商应保障业主免于因承包商违反设计责任、本款规定的保证以及法律而引起、承担或遭受的损害、开支、责任、损失或者索赔。
4.The Contractor further accepts and is deemed tohave checked and accepted full responsibility for the Contractor'sProposal, and warrants, absolutely and independent of fault, thatthe same meets the Employer's Requirements:承包商进一步地承认并被认为已对承包商方案进行检查,接受全部责任,独立地、不以过错为条件地保证承包商方案符合业主的要求。
(a) notwithstanding that such design may be or mayhave been prepared, developed or issued by the Employer, any of theContractor's consultants, his sub-contractors and/or his qualifiedprofessionals/persons or caused to be prepared, developed or issuedby others;尽管设计可能是由业主、承包商的顾问、承包商的分包商或者合格的专业人员(人)作出、展开或者签发,或者交由他人作出、展开或者签发。
(b) notwithstanding any warranties, guaranteesand/or indemnities that may be or may have been submitted by anyother person.尽管其他人可能已提交保证、担保和保障。
5.The Contractor shall be fully responsible forthe choice of Plant, materials, goods, workmanship, preparing,developing and coordinating all design works to enable that part ofthe Works to be constructed and/or be fully operational inaccordance with the Contract requirements (including but notlimited to the securing of all approvals that may be required bythe authorities or under any enactment, order ruling orregulation).承包商应完全负责设备、材料、货物、工艺的选择,准备、展开并协调所有的设计工作,以使该部分工程按照合同要求(包括但不限于取得管理部门或依照法规、规定、规则可能要求的审批)进行建造和充分运转。