Leo Auto series first from other planets otter warrior .Let us onhis appearance and full of novelty .Their planet was destroyed, Leowith ring lion is turned to the earth, and treat it as his secondhomeland .
In the battle, Leo emerged as the man .He never because of failureand to seek the help of others, he thinks : the real man is to bestrong in the end of the .Leo did .Finally he thoroughly ,in orderto grow a real iron man .
Finally ,when the star song is echoed in the ears ,when Feng sourceby sail set sail in the sea, who will not be moved by this scene?!I don agree with you ,say only love can understand the meaning ofit .
Ultraman ?Small monster Ultraman ?As far as the Japanese attempt todominate the world dream of offbeat reflected in dream MBIUSbeginning to earth ,the ultra father is said to Mebius: human --because they met ,your brothers are important things .
I believe ,important thing ,it is only you can find .Then ,theultra father called the most important thing actually refers towhat? Taking this question ,ultra soldiers came to the one and onlyearth ,at war with the growing silently gradually realized that themost important thing .
They learned to the most important thing ,it is also the Ultramanteach us something .That is -- we in together with Ultraman to getthe most important things .Ace first came to earth ,he made withhis first few brothers of different approaches -- hey ,your worldis one .

Well ,I don find a do not find ,go for two! So auto history ,onlyone had two people fit into the small Austrian born .In the lastepisode, acob Lu as Simon star child ,and called in many a defeatedmonster fragments synthesis of a body in the super beast -- strongking .
To Simon star child Yabululi used some want to protect his children.Compass saw through his plot ,but the only solution is to use histrue identity -- Ace Altman to get the children .
The defeated monster ,to leave the earth hour ,the children tell ofhis last wish :children ,warm heart not devoid of ,to help takecare of the weak .Within the four seas are friends ,friends andfriends in sentiment there will be misunderstanding and differences,but these are not important .
Listen to me ,don give up the friendship, and this is I to yourlast hope !( I do not know why ,after so many years, I stillremember the words ... ) Ace go ,like a star disappeared in theearth .
But he let the Earth children have learned :Trust -- this is thehuman interaction at least factor .Five ,don bare feet on theground .Two ,good weather to dry the clothes ;even if there isnothing has nothing to do with us in Taylor story, we witness thebrotherly love ,mother love ,the love of friendship .
The incomparable love, is all set to this .I want everyone to seeultra brother gathered in the earth, are going to dance for joy .Intaro, brothers assemble figure is up .Maybe the brothers oftenhelp, let taro look like a fragile ,will only be acts .
Yes ,at the beginning it is .But as the pace of growth, withbrothers concern ,with the friends of the earth ,a mother love,taro will understand the importance of independence .He knew :donrely on his own strength is never win .
Then in the final ,he took the otter badge belong to the mother ofultra ,rely on our own strength to defeat the Balki star ,told thewhite bird built a :Although parents are not alive, but only byvirtue of their own strength can survive not only victory !In factUltraman ,Japanese animation also in depth our spirit ,causing acultural aggression .
Since 90 time ,Chinese animation ( cannot be called animation )gradually declined ,Japan has to enter China .Have a look over thepast few years the Chinese animation ,has that several is good ?Forexample golden warrior ,the armour warrior ,star 4WD,I-go youngsterand so on are not copied Japan? ( and quite naive ) in factUltraman appears on the surface is a kind of naive violence thing,even if thus ,he was not associated with politics .
Ultraman is Japan human spirits ,to see his shooting time ,since1966 ,Ultraman has gone through forty years of groundless talk,1966 isJapan at war economic development after the heyday ,whenJapanese people hated to militarism ,Ultraman does not have anyimpact on politics .
I suggest that children under 3 do notsee ,then children is stillnot fully developed ,will have a negative effect on children .4-12withUltraman is also possible, because children have autonomousconsciousness .
After the age of 14 is the mostsuitable to watch Ultraman ,becauseonly after the age of 4 adolescents,can really see Ultramanconnotation .Ultraman meaning there are many ,I give my personalview on Ultraman Ultraman make Japanese another culture education,attempted from the ideological paralysis China ,Chinese peoplethoughts of further enslavement .
People say :blindly follow one thing that never really loved .Lovewhat I love ,no regrets -- for Ultraman ,Austrian fans oftenencountered such a speech :Ultraman children see .; Ultraman?Violent era noun .
; watch Ultraman person is accepting cultural aggression !;Ultramanchildish !... ... If you encounter such unwritten viewpoint ,we canonly make a partial refutation then part ,did not let those peoplereversal on Ultraman views .
After Jack left the earth hour ,sad Cilang revived the five greatvows .These so-called Ott oath owned by Jack, but also for the autobelief miniature .We read out the five great vows ,see not only itssurface ,but it brings us thinking -- the true meaning of love.
I don what is Japan ambition upstairs are justified, Ultraman andhuman encounter, Japan so often ,this is a kind of the embodimentof dreams ,cartoon scene is always hopes, dreams of children beingclose to the life ( TV computer) ,this also praised the mankind isvery great some old people ,and different people doing good deeds,have a look moved China ,for the purpose of ,Ultraman ,andJapanese animation, is to correct the developmental stages ofchildren thought contradiction and wrong understanding Eddie OTerman :church we should treasure the unforgettable memories.
dream MBIUS ,Ultraman :teach us you are not a person in battle . A,don go to bed hungry ;I hope my answer to help you zoffy as Ottbrothers in big brother ,will tie the Ott Legion step by steptowards tomorrow .
He is kind ,compassionate ,but for younger brothers defeat blindlyhowever not ignore .Taylor super war when the taro crisis andbegging brothers help, zoffy has repeatedly stopped by Jack and ACErescue ,tell Taylor :stand up ,rely on their own strength to defeatthe opponent .
What a story otter ,zoffy led the brothers in the face of theuniverse being assembled in front of large organisms withoutflinching .He told the brothers : ,not when the live target .
Until the Taylor rescue ,still encourage everyone :a little injurydoes not matter ,we must make concerted efforts ,the force istransferred to the Tiro, to deal with the enemy .Mebiusunauthorized biography of the hikkari the trial ,zoffy toldhikari:: don think only of ourselves live alone ,live in a world ofbiological ,are of mutual support to live .
So Hikari knows :life and death has not come back ,but ,still needto start to protect the life existence .And so this is similar tothe side guidance ,zoffy let Ott soldiers back from adversitycoming out ,so as to protect something to protect and fight ,notafraid of difficulties and tough to face ,until forever .
Three ,wearing the road to pay attention to vehicles ;more thoughtand other small Austrian seem to a little bit different .His earthroad is very complex ,uneven ,and not encounter difficulties can besmoothly done or easily solved .
The lone hero alone on earth to witness human corruption andbrilliant ,still unknown to the public in the battle .Because thebody can be freely telescopic ,so he and human relations and closeone pace, naturally know how to cherish the friendship and love cannot be replaced .
Leo, he is a captain reproduce the earth ,as Leo brother ,he toldthe leo: that you are tomorrow again raised a new sun! The earthentrusted to you .Destroy Ott glasses ,but not to destroy his ownheart of Ott .
Because he love the earth ,love ,a man on earth .Or rather ,morepower is derived from themselves are derived from human !Four ,donot rely on others; Ace Altman :church we understand and trustothers .
China is not started like Ultraman that film it !~ ~ witnessed inabove the Ott brothers wealth ,Mebius can be said to be experiencedall previous ultra warrior deeds .He learned many things, and inthese truth gradually grow .
I think ,that was almost human and Ott soldier shouted .You are nota person in battle ,not only tells us :you are not alone .Want totell us: alive -- itself is not lonely .In this world, you haveaffection ,friendship ,love ,but these must be what you need toseek ,others can not help you .
Fall, hurt ,then please yourself bravely stand up ,stand out ,youcan have a wonderful future .Because the ultimate fate ,or in theirown hands .But in the face of the earth, as long as there is aperson in need of you ,you can ,but can not give up .
You are not a person in battle ,you still have us I have alwaysfelt that ,Eddie is really love incarnation .A vector image ofearth visit ,is a teacher and UGM players .He is gentle ,kind,friendly ,made the students and the players .
From the beginning to end, vector experienced a hitherto unknownstory .Between teachers and students ,between teammates ,friends... ... Hell-bent emotional won the Austrian fans of ED about.
Julian ,some let Eddie and we be taken by surprise .In addition tothe ultra female and the first female soldiers in Edison stage,irrigation more memory .City of love ,is how are we going to memory.
Memory -- whether it is good or bad ,as long as the unforgettable,is worth our time even tears to recall .In the dream MBIUSbeginning to earth ,the ultra father is said to him :the human.
.. ... Because they met ,your brothers are important things ,Ibelieve ,then only you can find .Then ,the ultra father calledsomething important actually refers to what? Taking this question,Ott soldiers came to the one and only earth ,in battle with thegrowing silently gradually realized that the thing ,and theylearned to something important ,it is Ultraman the Church of ourstuff ,that is to say ,we and Ultraman common this important thing!We see is that known as light and hope for the giant ,only withthe Japanese close is Ultraman so they shoot, that .
I think the Ultraman is a Japanese attempt to dominate the worlddream of offbeat reflected attempts to world hero great liberatorcalled peacemakers vindicator image appeared in the world in anattempt to better image gradually clear world on their evilhistorical memory in order to achieve the purpose of backdoorlisting on the attempt will gradually have evil deeds and glorifyJapan desalination language ,culture ,spirit in order to achievethe so-called innocent noble state tried to praise their methods toachieve the Chinese whispers to suggest strongly resisted JapaneseUltraman types for all cultural suggested parents teachers awarewhat is Ultraman attract children attention and make its worshipwith real threat and not because of simple toys need causedeconomic burden or to resist or false judgment on the Ultramanabove is individual opinion does not know whether or not completelyaccurate in this advice and shared the voice of those who say tothe people: blindly follow one thing that never really loved.
Love what I love ,no regrets -- for Ultraman, Austrian fans oftenencountered such a speech :Ultraman children see .; Ultraman ?Heard.; watch Ultraman who is the traitor !;almost naive to be ultraman.
... ... Often encounter such unwritten viewpoint ,we can only makea partial refutation ,and was also part ,did not let those peoplereversal on Ultraman views .In fact ,for those who do not readultra point we feelings of the people ,we can not give notice.
But as truly qualified Austrian fans ,we must understand theessence and connotation of ultraman .Genuine Austrian fans remember,love him because what Ultraman taught me Leo and Ultraman :taughtus how to grow for the strong will of the people .
also, I think Japan to Ultraman to dominate the world embodiment,unlikely, as Ultraman is not interfere with human ,although DiGaotman was the first Ultraman ,but he never seek hegemony over who,humans are no how, but in order to save his Earth actuallynecessary to auto star to blow up ,it is to forget them to humankindness ,that person .
.. ... I personally feel that ,this is just round Valley revealsthe dark side of humanity ,but also reveals the dark side ofUltraman ( Beria Altman ) ,as well as the human emotional creatures( including Ultraman ,they are and the earth in the case of thesame evolution for 3000000 years ) ,encountered confusion ,fallinto a wrong path phenomenon ,to look like Ultraman children JackUltraman ,teaches us to understand the true meaning of love .
Severn ,Ultraman :the church we know how to cherish the cannotreplace the lovers and friends . you this understanding also hassome possible ,they will take advantage of the growth stage of thechild is not fully developed infuse them with violence ,althoughUltraman is excellent, but the only suitable to the adolescentchildren, for children, they focused almost only violent scene, itis also proved that the Japanese to citizen understanding degree,but may be a coincidence ,if the analysis of the connotation ,stillvery tough ,every work of each plot are moving you to thisunderstanding is also possible.
In the time of World War II ,the Japanese had done in the northeastthe enslavement education ,attempt to make Chinese people believethey are the cause for China further development and come .
I honestly don know what it is made in Japan ,I think the childrenwill not understand it Taylor ,Ultraman :the church we must learnto be independent . first came to the earth, because of guilt inthe early field young life passed away ,with him as one, to protectall life on earth .
As the auto history first came to earth to auto image fighters,early on Ultraman understanding is always dim and fuzzy .But hehas no ground for blame experience support .Can comprehend ,earlyas otter ancestor ,and number of difficult to remember the monstersfought ,may be one person ,but he is worthy of their primary.
In early may have sailed the seven seas for water -- came to earthbefore the war had many .But we can imagine :the earth is made upof millions of organisms and combined into the beautiful planet,primary reason in the earth spent tens of thousands of a day andnight ,he came to understand life is so fragile and precious.
Goodbye !hero of universe ,the early finally a taste of life notonly beautiful and shock ,it is the earth long surviving evidence.No actually ,for those who do not read our luck point was the mood,we can not give notice .
But as truly qualified Austrian fans ,we must understand theessence and connotation of ultraman .Ultraman ,it taught us what?!the young blood return to the initial appearance does not say,also represent Ott belief -- love .
Came to earth ,land of beautiful trees known Cilang ,Cilang thisearth boy also township as brother to look at .In Ceccoli ,other donot say ,something there is that we nearly has been widespread,even extending to the dream MBIUS stuff -- Ott five great vows.