On the date of
甲方:赞比亚联合铜矿公司卡恩分公司 (下称;甲方)
Party A: The Zambia UnionCopper Company Nkana branch
(Hereinafter refer to asParty A)
Address: Silicon HseKantanta St, Nkana East, Kitwe, Zambia
Phone: 021 224 5700, 021 2245011
Fax: 021224 5734
Party B:Non-Ferrous Metals Import and ExportCorporation
(Hereinafter refer to asParty B)
This Contract is a documentthat is legally binding and enforceable under International Law andICC Rules and Regulation. Whereas Party A agrees to sell and PartyB agrees to buy Copper ore from Zambia on the following specificterms and conditions:
1.1 品名及品质:铜矿石 (下称:货物)
Commodity and quality: CopperOre,(Hereinafter refer to as cargo)
原产地: 赞比亚Origin:Zambia
铜含量:15% (10%以下拒收) Coppercontent:15% ( below 10%reject)
1.2 卖方应保证品质如下, 否则买方有权拒绝收货。
Party A guarantees qualityas below,otherwise, Party B has the right to reject thecargo.
砷(As)最大不超过0.50%As: Max 0.50%.
铅(Pb)最大不超过6.00%Pb: Max 6.00%
氟(F) 最大不超过0.10%F:Max 0.10%
镉(Cd)最大不超过0.05% Cd:Max 0.05%
汞(Hg)最大不超过0.01% Hg:Max 0.01%
粒度规格: 0-50 mm:80%Size: 0-50mm: 80%,
Party B has right to rejectany cargo with copper content lower than 15%, in which case Party Ashall be responsible for all the cost and losses incurred by PartyB.
1.3 该货物必须是无害无辐射,适合熔炼和精炼。
The goods shall be otherwisefree of constituents deleterious and radicalized to the smeltingand refining process.
The outturn weights andquality of the cargo at discharge port analyzed by CIQ shall betaken for final settlement.
Party A will sell andParty B will buy 1000 DMT per month by one year contract Copper Orein container, plus or minus 5% over a period commencing on the dateof signing of this agreement, Allow partial shipment. The initialorder is 300MT.
3.1 CIF SHANGHAI 上海港,按照2000年国际贸易术语解释通则解释。
CIF SHANGHAI port, as per INCOterms 2000
Packing: in big bags for about50 kg, Shipment in container.
Loading port:DAR ES SALAAM Port,Tanzania or by Party Aappointed
Destination port:ShangHai port, China. Or by Party Bappointed
Copper ore shall be effectedshipment at loading port within 20 days after receipt of DocumentL/C according to this contract.
4. 称重、取样和水份确定
4.1 由检验者在装货地开立的重量与分析检验认证,显示该批商品的柜号、封条号、干重、湿重、含水量及含铜量,包含特定的相片(铜含量必须等于或高于10%)。
Surveyor’s weight and assay certificate at loading placeshowing container No., seal No., dry weight, wet weight, moisturecontent and copper content, including specificphotos(Cu content must be equal to or higher than 10%).
4.2 如果到货港检验机构所测定的总水份,则将从海运提单的重量中扣除。总水分最大8% 。
If Total Moisture percentageof the Copper Ore shipment as determined by CIQ at destinationport, then the actual weight of shipment shall be adjusted from B/Lweight. total Moisture(AR)8% Max
5.1 装运港由国际检验机构商检并监装,费用由卖方承担,货物到达目的港之后,做商检,费用由买方承担,卖方有权派代表参加商检。
Inspected and supervised byInternational organization at the loading port, their charges to befor Party A’s account. After the arrival of the cargo todestination port, The cargo shall be inspected by CIQ/CCIC, Chinaat Party B’s cost and Party A or Party A’s representative shallhave right to be present at such weighing and sampling.
At the port of discharge CIQshall sample from the shipment and divide into three parts, one forParty B, the second for possible need of Party A and third forpossible umpire analysis which shall be sealed and kept withCIQ/CCIC.
If the difference in thecontents of Cu and other components between CCIC and CIQ /CCICChina analyses is less than 2%, the amount should based on theCIQ/CCIC report at theunloading port. If the difference is more than 2%, Party B mustagree to have a new SGS inspection at the unloading port. Thecertificate of analysis issued by such umpire shall befinal.
The cost of umpire analysisshall be for the account of the party whose own analysis differsfarther from the umpire analysis and if the results of such umpireanalysis is the mean of the analysis of Party B and the analysis ofParty A then such cost shall be equally borne by bothparties.
Priceterms basis: CIF MainPort,China
b. UnitPrice: depends on the Cu% as following:
买主支付同意根据每日的伦敦金属交易所(LME) 官方价格A级铜的购买现金者的价格10日平均价计算,伦敦金属交易所网站如下http://www.lme.co.uk/copper.asp以到港日前后5天计算.
Party B shall pay for the agreed copper content accordingto the daily London Metal Exchange (LME) official price of theCopper Grade A Cash Party B’s price, as published in the LondonMetal Exchange website http://www.lme.co.uk/copper.aspdepend on front and back 5-days from the date of deliverydestination port.
C. 价格系数按照下来铜含量计算
Payingrate:depends on the Cu% as following:
Cu% (铜含量)Price(价格)
Under 10%( 小于10%)Rejected(拒收)
10%-14.99%60% of LME
15%-19.99%65% of LME
20% -24.99%69% of LME
25%-29.99%72% of LME
30% up75.00%(The tallest Paying rate)
总价格:单位价格x 总的干吨数量
total cargo value = LME AveragePrice x Cu% x X% x Total Dry Metric Tons
7. 支付方式 (PAYMENT TERM)
7.1 买方应在签订后7个工作日内,开出每批货物价值100%的,以卖方为受益人不可撤销,可转让即期支付的跟单信用证。
Party B shall, within seven(7) working days after the date of this contract signed, open an irrevocable;transferable Documentary Letter of Credit or BG (RMB)for 100% each shipment cargo value in favor ofParty A.
7.2 第一批试单铜矿石的价格,买方按照第9.1条规定的单据支付70%货款,在到货港检验后按照第9.2条的规定单据支付30%余款。从第二批开始,按照第9.1条规定的单据支付90%货款,按照第9.2条规定的单据支付10%余款。
For the first try orderpayment 70% against the documents in clause 9.1,and the balance of 30% payment against thedocuments in clause 9.2.
From second shipment Party Bwill pay 90% against the documents in clause 9.1, and the balanceof 10% payment against the documents in clause 9.2.
7.3 双方银行信息:The Details ofBanks of parties hereto.
Party A’s Bank Details:甲方银行信息
Bank name:
Account name:
Account No.:
Swift Code:
Party B’s Bank Details:乙方银行信息
Bank name:
Account name:
Account No.:
Swift Code:
Full set of Original. Cleanon Board Bill of Lading setting forth the weight in MetricTons.
2.装箱单一正本一副本Party A signed packing list 1 original and 1 copies.
3. 临时的商业发票二正本二副本
Party A’s provisionalcommercial invoices in accordance to total provisionalvalue.
2 original and 2copies.
4. 原产地证书一正本一副本 Certificate of Origin1 original and 1 copies
5. 装运港CCIC检验机构的质量检验报告
Certificate of analysis issuedby CCIC at loading Port 1 original and1 copies.
6. 装运港CCIC检验机构的重量检验报告
Certificate of Weightissued by CCIC at loading port 1 original and 1 copies.
7. 30%的信用证或者电汇付款单证:
The documents for the30% balance of the TT
8. 卖方的最终商业发票
Party A’s final commercial invoices in to total value.
9. 卸货港的商检机构质量检验单证
The certificate of qualityissued by the CIQ at the unloading port.
10. 卸货港的商检机构重量检验单证
The certificate of quantiityissued by the CIQ at the unloading port.
11. 如果买方在到货日后15天内不提供到货港的商检机构检验单证,则按照装货港检验单支付30%余款。
If Party B can’t provide thecertificate of CCIC at the unloading port in 15 days, the bank willpay the money according to the 30% balance according to theanalysis report at the loading port.
Party A shall, immediatelyupon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise Party B ofthe Contract No., names of commodity, loading quantity, invoicevalues, gross weight, name of vessel and shipment date by Email orFax within 72 hours.
Party A shall not be heldresponsible for the delay in shipment, short delivery ornon-delivery of the goods due to universally acknowledged forcemajeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing orin the course of loading or transit. Party A shall advice Party Bimmediately of the occurrence mentioned above and withinfourteen(14)days thereafter, Party A shall send by Expressmail to Party B a certificate of the accident issued by thecompetent government authorities or chamber of commerce where theaccident occurs as evidence thereof. However, Party A is stillunder the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten thedelivery of the goods, not withstanding under suchcircumstance.
Any dispute arising from orin connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendlynegotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall besubmitted to China International Economic and Trade ArbitrationCommission (CIETAC), South China Sub-Commission for arbitration inaccordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying forarbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon bothparties.
All contents of thiscontract shall be kept confidential by both parties; any partyshould not reveal any terms and conditions of this contract withoutthe written permission of the other party.
13.1. 甲乙双方代表已阅读以上条款并订立本合同,以示即日起执行,合同通过电子邮件或传真双方签字盖章后正式生效。
In witness whereofthis contract is executed by and between Party A and Party B andthe duly authorized representatives of Party A and Party B havingread the clauses of the contract and signed on this day . thisContract shall be effective after mutual signatures and affixing ofbadges,Once both parties sign the contract by Email/ fax.
13.2. 本合同一式两份买方和卖方各持一份,采用中文及英文两种语言同具效力 。
The originals shall beretained by Party B and Party A, one party holds two original.Thiscontract is made into four originals in Chinese &English language, and both language have legal benefits.
13.3. 本合同未提及到却是至关重要的事宜,须经甲乙双方协商同意后方可作为本合同的附录。
All necessary matter withare not covered by this contract shall be discussed and agreed byboth parties, are to be added and an addendum signed by bothparties. The Addendum is to form an integral part and shall not beseparated from the contract.
13.4. 上述未提到的条款和情况遵循国际商会国际贸易术语解释通过2000和其它修正版本。
For all terms and conditionsnot covered by above, Incoterms 2000 and any further additions oramendments shall apply.
Signed by PartyASigned by Party B
For and on behalfofFor and onbehalf of