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进入绣花行业,希望有机会和大家交流。 M 3D Embrodiery (立体绣)- Using urethane foam togive 3 dimensional appearance to embroidery. Foam is placed on thematerial and then embroidered upon. A high stitch density is usedto cut the foam for easy removal.(使用聚氨酯泡沫来使刺绣具有立体效果。将泡沫放在布料上,然后在其上刺绣。进行高密度针刺绣,将泡沫切碎以便取出泡沫。) Acetate(醋酸纤维制品) - A saltor ester of acetic acid of cellulose made into a syntheticfilament, yarn, or fabric. (一种醋酸盐或醋酸纤维素制成的一种人工细丝,纱线或者织物。) Aetze(德语)- 1. The breaking down or dissolving of a base fabric on which alace pattern has been stitched, leaving only the stitched threads.(在一种基本织物上刺绣好图案后,消除该织物,只留下针线)2) Laceprocessing;; may be wetaetze, involving a caustic soda bath or dry aetze, involving heat.(图案的处理:一种是湿处理,方法是用一种腐蚀性苏打水洗,另一种是干处理,方法是热处理。这些基本织物有以下这些:Pellon®;;和Sol-U-Web®;;或Tear-N-Wash™;;等。)Aetzing - The breaking down or dissolving of a base fabric on whicha lace pattern has been stitched, leaving only the stitchedthreads. Allover (印花布) - Continuous embroidery on yarn goods.(不间断的刺绣) Angle(角度) -Editing function to rotate the pattern in a counterclockwisedirection. Angle can be programmed in 1 degree increments up to359. You can do it in embroidery software or embroidery machinedirectly.(一种编辑功能,能逆时针旋转图案。在程序中,角度值是从1度增加到359度的。在刺绣软件和刺绣机器上可直接使用这一功能。)Applique (Appliqué) (贴布)-Decoration or trimming cut from one piece of fabric and stitched toanother, usually with a satin stitch around the edge. Addsdimension and/or texture to a design.also Can be used foreconomical or decorative purposes.Appliqu¨¦;;sare frequently used to reduce overall embroidery stitch counts,execute reproductions of which embroidery is incapable(such as continuous-toneprinting) and decorate substrates difficult toembroider directly.(从某一块织物上剪切下来并缝到其他织物上的装饰品,通常其边缘都打挨针。可增加一个图案的尺寸和(或)质地,也可用于节约或装饰的目的。贴布经常用于减少整个刺绣的针数。完成刺绣不能完成的织物(如连续颜色的印花),和很难直接绣出来的装饰底层。)Arm Machine (叶片机)- Multi head embroidery machine driven by a singlemain shaft. Each sewing head is attached to the shaft, usually bygears. Sewing heads resemble industrial sewing machines in the armthat the needle case is attached to. See Bridge Machine.(由单个主轴带动的多头刺绣机。每个刺绣头通常通过齿轮与主轴相连。刺绣头就象工业刺绣机的手臂一样。刺绣头上上装有针头。见桥式机)Artwork(刺绣图案) - Drawing, picture, or photoes for digitizing ofembroidery.(要进行刺绣打带的图画,图片和照片) Aufsatz(德语) - The last stitch of adesign before it repeats itself. (图案在重新打之前所打的最后的那针)。 Auto BackCount (自动后台计数)- User Parameter that programs number of stitches themachine will back up at a thread break.(这是用户可设置的一个程序参数,这样程序就会在线切断时统计使用该种线的真数)。 Auto Frame Changer(自动框架变更)- for embroidering on wide roll fabric was developed, Embroiderymachine use the Auto Frame Changer to embroider products likequilting machine.(由于在很宽的卷形织物上进行刺绣技术的发展,绣花机使“用自动框架变更”来绣出产品,就象是绗缝机一样) TMEF-324 ofTajima Multi-head Automatic Embroidery (田岛多头自动绣花机)with FullAutomatic Continuous Embroidery System (AutoFrame Changer)(带有完全自动连续绣花系统 ,即自动框架变更) Auto JumpData(自动跳跃数据) - User Parameter that programs the maximum stitchlength that the machine will sew in a single head revolution.(一个用户参数,使程序计算机器单个针头在一转内所跳跃的最大针距。) Auto Origin Return (自动回复到起点)-Sewing control that returns the pantograph to the start point of apattern when it has completed sewing.(绣花控制,在绣完图案时会将动臂自动回复到开始点)。AutoMat(自动管理机) - 1) Traditional name for thecomputer that controls the embroidery machine. Machine controlbuttons are located here.(控制绣花机的电脑的俗称。机器控制按纽都在它上面)2) Contral system of machanical schiffliembroidery machine, convert the card to data of frame moving.(Jacquard control system)(飞梭刺绣机的中心系统,能将带转化为结构变动数据(提花机控制系统) Automatic Color Change (自动转色)-The ability of a multi-needle industry embroidery machine to followa command to change to another specified needle. See to " Changeneedle" or "Stop" (一种多针头的工业绣花机,能按指令将针头更换为其他特定针头。见“更换针头”和“停针”。)Automend (自动修正)- Sewing function that backs up through the patternto correct a thread break. This function is equivalent toStitchBack. 一种绣花功能,能支持图案更正一个断线。这个功能与针备份功能是相同的。 Barudan -Manufacturer of Multihead embroidery machine inJapan.(日本的一家多针头绣花机生产厂家) Back Appliqué (后贴布)- A piece of goods usedin the back of a design, where the front will be cut away to revealthe fabric in back. (用在图案后面的一块贴布。该图案的前面部分会被去掉,这样它后面部分就被显示出来)。Backing(衬背)- Material used underneath the item to be embroidered toprovide stability and support for the needle penetration. Bestperformance given when hooped with the item, but also can be placedbetween the item to be embroidered and the needle plate on flat bedmachines. Available in many styles and weights most commonlyreferred to as cutaway or tearaway.(用在要绣的图案下面用于稳定和支撑针进行绣花的材料。当图案被用绣框框住时效果最好,但衬背也可以放在将要绣的图案和平板机器的针板之间。衬背的样式和重量有很多,一般所提到的有剪切式和撕裂式。)Batiste(薄织麻布) - A fine, sheer fabric made of cotton and of variousfibers.(由棉布和各种不同的纤维组成的一种透明布料) Bean Stitch (豆形针)- Three stitchesplaced back and forth between two points. Often used for outlining,because it eliminates the need for repeatedly digitizing asingle-ply running stitch outline.(在两点之间有三个针来回地放置,一般用于打包边,因为这样可以避免重复地打单层单挨针包边。) Birdnesting(线束) -Collection of thread between goods and needle plate, resembling abird's nest. Formation of a birdnest preventsfree movement of goods and may be caused by inadequate tensioningof the top thread, top thread not through take-up lever, top threadnot following thread path correctly or flagging goods.(图案和针板之间的线的总称,人们形象地成为鸟巢。鸟巢的形成阻碍了图案的自由移动,它可能是因为顶部的线张力不够,顶部的线未穿过紧线器杆,顶部的线未正确地沿着线的轨迹,或者是图案下垂了)。Birdnesting - Typically caused by inadequate top-thread tension,top thread not following thread path, or up-and-down substratemovement under needle (seeflagging), birdnesting describes anaccumulation of thread between substrate and needle plate, and canresult in restricted or irregular substrate travel.(鸟巢的形成,最典型的原因是顶部的线张力不够,顶部的线未正确地沿着线的轨迹,或者针下面底层的起伏运动。鸟巢说明了在底层和针板之间线的堆积,并导致底层的移动受限制和不规则)Blatt Stitch(- Schiffli term meaning to feed the yarn, thereforeproducing a long zig-zag stitch with threads laying close together.Adapted for multihead use;;see satin stitch.(飞梭刺绣机术语,指在进沙时产生的一个很长的“之”字形针,它的线头挨的很近。适合多针头机器。见挨针) Bobbin (线轴,绕线筒)-Spool or reel that holds the thread used to form the undersidestitching in bobbin case. Bobbin thread works with upper thread tocreate stitches.Used in lockstitch sewing machines(绕线的线轴,用于在线轴箱底层形成 Bobbin Case(线轴箱) - 1) Theunit holding the bobbin thread of a sewing machine, Small, roundmetal device for holding the bobbin. Used to tension the bobbinthread. Inserted in the hook for sewing. 2)adverse medical condition that arises from over-exposure toembroidery;; usage - e.g.,She was a complete bobbin case. (1 安放纺织机的线轴绕线的设备,多为小的圆形金属设备 2因过度地接触纺织而引起的很糟糕的医学状况)。 Bobbin Thread(线轴绕线)- Thread that isinterlocked with the top thread to form a stitch. (与顶部的线互锁形成针的线)。Bonding(粘接) - The joining of two fabrics with a bonding agent suchas glue. See fusible backings. Bonding - The joining together oftwo fabrics permanently with a bonding agent. Heat sealing.(用粘合剂例如胶水来将两种不同的织物连接在一起。见可熔解衬背。粘接是用粘合剂将两种织物永久地连接在一起。 Bone (骨)- Ahard bone or wood used to rub off pencil or charcoal design tofabric for samples, or forenlargements.(为放大图案或者为了抽取样品而用来擦除铅笔或者木炭图案的硬骨头或木头)。 Bonnaz(波纳茨) -Machine invented by Emile Bonnaz in 1866 and first manufactured byCornely. Most commonly known machine does chainstitch and chenilleembroidery, being guided by a handle under the machine to make thedesigns. Other variations of the Bonnaz machine include cording,taping, braid, sequins and other decorative stitches.(埃米尔。波纳茨于1866年发明的一种机器,最早由Cornely制造。是最著名的打链形针和绳绒织物的机器,在机器的下方,有一个操纵杆控制机器的运作。波纳茨机其他的变化包括愣条织物,经纱上浆,编织物和其他的装饰针。)Bonnaz(波纳茨) - Chain stitch machine developed in the 1800s. Namedfor its French inventor, Emile Bonnaz, and first manufactured bythe Cornely Co. of France.(于18世纪开发出来的链针机器,以其发明者,法国的埃米尔。波纳茨的名字命名,最先由法国的Cornely公司制造) Borer(钻孔器)- A sharp pointed instrument used to puncture goods, part of theembroidery machine, to sticking a hole on fabric..(绣花机上有很尖的刃的一个设备,用来在织物上刺孔) Boring(钻孔) - Openwork incorporated intoembroidered designs. Embroidered goods that have been puncturedwith a sharp pointed tool known as a bore, the edges of the holeproduced by the bore are embroidered, the hole is enlarged by theembroidery, and stitches are made around the opening to enclose theraw edges.(在绣花图案上所打的透孔织物。被钻孔器钻孔的绣花产品,孔的边绣花,孔会因为绣花放大,在孔的周边上打针,以将原来的边封好。Boucle(毛圈式花线) - A yarn with loops producing a rough, nubbyappearance on woven or knitted fabrics.(一种能在机织织物和针织织物上产生粗糙,块状外表的有圈的纱线)Boulogne(布伦针) - A chainstitch used to apply a round cord to a garment. The stitch anglecan be adjusted to create a slight twist in the cord.(用来在织物上形成一个圆形楞条的链形针。可调整针的角度,从而使楞条稍微弯曲) Bourdon (布尔顿)- A stitchsimilar to a zig-zag stitch except that the alternating stitchesare parallel to each other to form a Z. Commonly used to stitchappliqu¨¦;;sto garments. (与人字针相似的一种针,不同之处在它的交替针是彼此平行的,这样可以形成“Z”。一般用于绣织物的贴布。)Braiding(缏饰)- A flat, round or oval braided material stitched on agarment to form a decorative design. Soutache is one braid commonlyavailable. (一种平滑的或者椭圆形的编织材料,绣在衣服上形成一个装饰图案。饰带就是一种常用的编织) BridgeMachine(桥式机) - Embroidery machine with two shafts, one for the hookassembly and one for the needle assembly. Sewing heads aresuspended from a beam allowing for larger sewing fields than an armmachine. Bridge machines are accessible from both the back and thefront of the machine through the¡;;°bridge¡;;±.(一种绣花机,它有两个轴,其中一个是用于针头组合的,另一个是用于钩子组合,织布头被悬挂在一个梁上,这样织布的空间比叶片机要大些。桥式机可通过“桥”,既可从机器的前面,也可从机器的后面进行操作。)Broadcoth(宽布) - Any fabric woven on a wide loom. A woolen orworsted dress goods fabric constructed in a plain twill weave,having a compact texture a lustrous finish. A closely woven dressgoods fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or mixture of these fibers,having a soft, mercerized finish resemblingpoplin.(所有在宽织布机上织出的布。包括用平坦斜纹布织成的毛纺或者精纺衣服织物,质地较复杂,表面有光泽。类似的包括棉纤维,人造丝,丝绸或者以上各种纤维织成的织物,有一个比较软的丝光表面,类似于府绸。)Brother(兄弟公司) - Manufacturer of embroidery and sewing machine inJapan. See the details about Brother.(日本的一家绣花机和纺织机生产厂家,见兄弟机详细说明)Buckram or buckram lining(粗硬布和粗硬布衬里) - Heavy woven material,stiffened with glue or other substance, commonly found inside thecrown of certain caps, used to lend shape to thecap;; sometimes useful assubstitute for other backing.(加入胶水或者其他物质以增加其硬度的,较重的一种织布。一般用在特定帽子的冒顶上。 有时也用做其他衬背的替代物。)Bullion(金银片) - A hand made emblem, made with brass or silver hollowlike thread a product of India or Pakistan. The finished emblem.(一种手工制作的徽章。由铜和银混合制成。由印度和巴基斯坦出产。是一种和精美的徽章。) Cambric(细薄布) - A thin,plain cotton or linen fabric of fine close weave, usually white,with a high glaze.(一种细而平坦的棉布或者编织得很细密的一种亚麻布织物 ,一般为白色,表面非常光滑。) Canvas(帆布)- A closely woven, heavy cloth of hemp, flax or cotton, usedfor tents, sails, post office bags,etc.(一种用大麻,亚麻或者棉,纺织得很紧密的较重的一种布。多用于帐篷,船帆或者邮局的包等。) Cap Frames(帽框) -Specialized embroidery frames(hoops) designed to holdfinished caps for embroidering. Available in a variety of stylesfor various machines, with two basic styles being to sew thefinished cap flattened out (for use on a flatmachine) or sewing the finished cap(for use on a tubularmachine)(一种专为固定帽进行绣花而设计的一种绣花框(箍)。对于不同的机器,绣花框类型有很多种。最基本的两种是:一种用于平板机,一种用于管状机。ural curve.(乌拉尔曲线) Card(板) - 1. A paper tape to control the frame.Various sizes for Schiffli machines, 7 channel for multihead. 2.(Often) proprietary mediaused in home embroidery machines to store designs and trasfer tothe machine. (1 一种控制绣框的纸板。飞梭机的板有很多种不同的大小,而多头机的板有7个槽。 2(常用意义)家庭绣花机上所使用的存储图案并将其转移到机器上的所有媒介物) Card Reader(读卡器) - This is theTajima TMBE-612 Multi-head Automatic Embroidery Machinewithtape/card reader。(这里指的是TMBE-612(田岛多头自动绣花机的带/卡读取器) Cartoon(草图) -Finished artwork of an embroidery design to be digitized. Usuallysix times larger than finished design size, based on theart-to-stitching ratio historically used in the schiffli industry.Also called an enlargement(要进行打带的绣花图案。通常是所要打带图案的六倍(按图案与所打的带比例计算的),曾经在飞梭刺绣机上使用。也称为“放大”。)Casati (意大利语)- Casati Carlo is focusing on the technology of"winding coreless bobbins". (卡沙利。卡罗,主要研究“蜿蜒式无芯线轴”) Ceeding Stitch-See Fill Stitch or Tatami. (见密针或他他米) Center Line Input(中心线输入): Theability of the embroidery software to form a satin stitch around asingle line entered by the digitizer.(绣花软件在打带者输入的一条线的周围打一条挨针)。Chain Stitch(锁链针) - Stitch that looks like a chain link, formedwith one thread fed from the bottom side of the fabric. Done on amanual or computerized machine with a hook that functions like aneedle.(一种看起来象是链条的针。从穿过织物底边的一个线头形成。在一台手工操作机器或者电脑化机器上打,机器上有一个钩子取代针的作用。)Chain stitch(锁链针) - Stitch in which loops are connected in a chainfashion. Chainstitch embroidery is normally done with a singlethread using a machine with a hook in place of a needle to pull thethread through the fabric. See Chenille. Chenille and chainstitchare done on the same machine.(线圈相连,从而形成一个链条形状的针。锁链针绣花一般是是用一个线头,用一种带钩子(钩子取代针的作用,拉着线头穿过织物)的机器来进行的。见绳结线。绳结线和锁链针都是在同样的机器上打的。Challis(印花丝毛料) - A soft fabric of plain weave in wool, cotton orrayon, either in a solid color, or more often, a smallprint.(一种很轻的羊毛,棉或人造丝等织的很软很平坦的织物。要么是固定一色,更多的是小印花。) Chambray(钱布雷绸)- Afine cloth of cotton, silk or linen, commonly of plain weave withcolored warp and white weft.(一种由棉布,丝绸或者亚麻布织成的, 白线穿过彩色纵向线的精细平坦织物 )Change Needle(换针) - Code embedded in a design that tells themachine to change to a different needle, to sew with a differentcolor thread. You can configurate the code of change needle whenyou digitize or punching a embroidery design, the machine willchange the needle automatic as your design if you select the modeof change needle. See to "Stop"(在带山上打出的一个代号,告知机器把针换为不同针,用不同颜色的线头进行纺织。在打带或者车带的时候,你可形成“换针”的号码。如果你选择了“换针”模式,机器会按照你的图案自动换针。见“停针”。Check Spring(检查隆起) - Small spring located on the tension assembly,coiled around with a horseshoe-type loop at the end, also known asthe take-up spring. Used to take up the slack of the thread as themachine is sewing. Works with the thread break detector todetermine thread breaks.(小的隆起位于张力集中的地方,环绕它的是一个马蹄形的线圈,也称为拉紧隆起。用于在机器织布的时候取代线头的松懈。与线头断裂检测器一起确定线头的断裂。)chemical lace(化学饰带) - Chemical lace is created by embroideringdesigns with machines on a background fabric which is chemicallyremoved, leaving the "lacy" holes between the embroidery and givingthe effect of"lace".(化学饰带是用用机器在一块背景织物上绣出来的图案,对背景织物进行处理,最后背景织物被去掉。只剩下绣花品上的“花边”孔,从而达到“花边”效果。)Chenille (绳绒织物,Chain & Moss链针和苔藓针) - Type of embroidery in which a loopstitch is formed on the top side of the fabric. Uses heavy yarns ofwool, cotton or acrylic. Created by a chain stitch machine that hasbeen adjusted to form this stitch type. Also known as loop piling.Also called a Moss Stitch. See Chainstitch(一种织物,在织物顶部的那条边上有一条线圈针。用羊毛,棉或者腈纶等比较重的线。使用调整过的锁链针机器来织。也称为线圈堆垛。也叫苔藓针。见锁链针。)Tajima Mixed type with flat embroidery(田岛复合型机,能平绣) Chiffon(薄纱) - Asheer light weight fabric in silk, nylon, or rayon in plain weave.(用丝绸,尼龙或人造丝平绣织成的透明轻质织物) Chintz(印花棉布) - A printed cotton fabric,used especially fordraperies;; a painted calicofrom India. (一种印花的棉布织物,尤其用于帏帐,是来自印度的一种印花布。) Code(代码) - The formatunder which pattern information is stored on paper tape. When apattern is transferred to memory from paper tape, you must indicatethe tape code.( 图案信息在纸带上存储的格式。当一个图案纸带上转到别的地方存储,你必须说明带的编号。)Coiling(卷绕) - An application which wraps colorful thread around acore thread which is simultaneously attached to a base material sothe stitches cannot beseen.(将彩色线头缠住一个中心的线头,并同时将其缚到基本材料上,这样就看不见这些针)。 Cording( -Theapplication of limited sizes of yarn or soft cord on base materialsusing a special device andpunching.(利用一种特殊设备和打法在基础材料上使用限定大小的纱线或者软楞条。 Color Change(转色) - See"Change Needle" (见“换针”) Column(圆柱针) - Typically used to formborders around fill areas and for rendering text, the column stitchconsists of closely spaced satin stitches.(典型的用于形成打密区域的包边和打字母的针,圆柱针由空隙很小的挨针组成。) Column Stitch(圆柱针) - Alsocalled a Steil Stitch or a Satin Stitch. Formed by closely arrangedstitches using a zigzag stitch or a Z shape. Often used forlettering or borders. See "Satin stitch".(也称为飞梭针或挨针,由挨得很近的几个针组成,呈之字型或者“Z”形。经常用来打字母或者包边。见“挨针”。) CombedCotton(精梳棉) - Combing is process to straighten fibers, extractnebs, foreign matter and short fibers in order to produce astronger, more even, finer, smoother yarn that will accept dyesbetter.(精梳是一个使纤维变直,去掉纤维中的尖头,其他杂质和短纤维,以生产出更坚固,更匀称,更纤细,更平滑,能更好地进行染色的纱线的过程。)Comerio - The Manufacturer of Schiffli Embroidery Machine.(一家飞梭绣花机生产厂家。) Compensation(补针) - Digitizing/Punching techniquesused to counteract the distortion caused by the interaction of theneedle, thread, backing and machine tensions. Also a programmablefeature in some software packages.(一种打带技术,用于减少因针,线,衬背的相互作用和机器张力所引起的扭曲。在有些软件包中它也是一个可编程参数。) ComplexFill(复杂打密)- Digitizing software capability to input stitch areaswith uneven outlines or voids without breaking the process intomultiple sections for digitizing. Areas to be filled and/or voidedare defined with perimeter points. Complex fill - Similar tostandard fill, technique that allows digitizer'knock out'area(s) within fill,creating openings or negative space (visualizeSwiss cheese).(不违反程序,打带软件能将有不规则包边和空白的缝合区输入到多个打带区域中。将要打密的部分和空白部分都是用其周边的点定义的。复杂打密与标准打密相似,它是一种允许打带者在打密区域内“敲碎”一部分,从而产生空白区间或(构图中)实体周围空间的技术。Condensed Format (压缩格式)- 1. File format for Melco. 2. Method ofdigitizing input, in which points are saved, allows for thechanging of density, length and size of the finished design. SeeFormat, Expanded Format and Outline. (1 美高机的文件格式 2数字化输入的方法,在这种方法下,所有的点都被保存,从而可调整完成图案的密度,长度和大小。) Contour Stitch:(轮廓针)Ceeding stitches following a defined shape. See picture.(按照一定形状打的Ceeding针。) Cording(楞条织物)- The attachment of any type ofround, decorative cord. Raised cording is achieved by sewing thegarment around the cord from the wrong side. The result is aself-fabric raised effect. See Taping.(任何类型的圆形装饰性绳结。在衣服的绳结上绣的时候,从错误的边进行绣花导致楞条。楞条是由织物自身引起的一种效果。 )Cord-in-Lay(底层楞条) - Aspecial apparatus to automatically lay on cord or ribbons on aSchiffli machine.(一种特殊设备,自动在飞梭机器上打楞条或者带) Corduroy(灯心绒) - A cottonfilling pile fabric with lengthwise cords or ridges.(一种棉纱线填充的织物,有纵向的楞条和皱摺。) Coupe - One full width of goods either 10,15, or 20 yards in length. (货物的长度为10,15或20等) Creeding Stitch(克顶针) -See fill stitch, Tatami stitch.(见密针,他他米针) Crepe(绉绸) - A thin lightfabric of cotton or silk or combination, with finely crinkled orridged surface. Also, a silk fabric, usually black, used formourning veils or bands.(绸一种用丝、棉、毛或其它纤维织成的轻软而薄的织物,表面成皱状。它也是一种丝绸织物,一般为黑色,多用于丧服或领饰。)Crest(顶饰) - An embroidered motif like an emblem, an insignia or aCoat of Arms. See Emblem. (一种类似徽章,勋章或武器的外套的绣花花边,见徽章)Cross-Stitch(十字针) - Needlework stitch forming an X. See picture.?Computerized Cross Stitch(组成X形的刺绣针。见图片。电脑化十字针。) Cut Line(切线): SeeGuide Stitch.(见导向针) Cut Work(雕绣) - Embroidery one or more layers offabric with one or more layers cutaway, exposing the underlayer(s) of fabric orleaving a void. See picture.? Cut Work on cuffs, hem and atneckline. (也称补花绣,是一种将其一层或多层布料剪贴绣缝在服饰上,显示织物底层或只留下空白的刺绣形式。其绣法是将贴花布按图案要求剪好,贴在绣面上,也可在贴花布与绣面之间衬垫 棉花等物,使图案隆起而有立体感。贴好后,再用各种针法锁边。) CutawayBacking(切除衬背) - CUTAWAYBACKING Woven or non-woven material placed under the fabric beingembroidered to add stability. Must be cut away after sewing.Cutaway is typically used on less stable, stretchy fabrics such asknits.(它是一种放在要绣花的织物下面的机织或者非机织材料,必须在纺织后切除。切除衬背是一种典型用于稳定性较差、可伸展的织物上的,如针织布。Cylinder Arm Machine(叶片机)- Refers to machines with cylinder bed.The hook assembly is housed in a cylinder shaped arm(叶片), allowinggoods to be embroidered to curve around the cylinder. See Flat Bedand Tubular.(指有圆柱形机床的机器。钩子组合被一个圆柱形的叶片覆盖,从而使要绣花的产品沿圆柱弯曲。见平板机和管状机。)Damask (缎子)- A reversible fabric of linen, silk, cotton, or wool,woven with patterns. (一种由人造丝,丝绸,棉或者羊毛织成的,有图案的双面式织物。) Denier(丹尼尔) -Unit or weight used to measure the fineness of thread. Equal to theweight in grams of 9,000 Crepe meters of thread. Deniers arerepresented by the weight of the strands of thread, a slash and thenumber of strands perthread--120/2Den.(用于度量线的优劣的单位或者重量。每9,000米线重1克称作为丹尼尔。丹尼尔用线束的重量,斜线和每根线的股数表示,如120/2Den。)Density(密度) - Refers to the number of stitches or rows of stitchesin a given area. Also called StitchSpacing.(指给定面积内针的数量或者针的排数。也叫针间隙。) Design(图样) - Stitches thatcompose a pattern or monogram. (组成花样或者字母组合的针) Design Origin(图样原点) -The starting point of the design- the position of the pantographwhen the Start button is first pressed.(图案的起始点——即第一次按下缩放仪的开始按钮时的位置) Designer(设计者) - The creator ofembroidered designs who originates the ideas. Also the enlarger.(首先发明绣花花样的创作者,也称详述者。) Digitize(打带) - , reflecting the computerizedmethod of converting art work into a series of commands to be readby an embroidery machine's computer. Seepunching. (反映图案转化成绣花机器的电脑可以读取的一系列命令的计算机化方法。) Digitize(Digitizing)(打带) - Thecomputerized method of converting art work into a series ofcommands to be read by an embroidery machine. Modern term forpunching.Input of digital points to a computer. Creation ofembroidery designs electronically by inputting points to a computerwith embroidery software programs capable of translating the inputto stitches for an embroidery machine to read and sew. Ofteninterchanged with Punching,(将图案转化成绣花机器的电脑可以读取的一系列命令的计算机化方法。是打版的现代词语。它实际上是通过电子方式创建绣花图案。方法是向有绣花软件程序的电脑输入一些点,这些软件能将输入点转化为相应的针信息,供绣花机读取和绣花。经常和打版互换。)Digitizer(打带机,打带员) - Equipment on which ondigitizes;; person punchingthe pattern. See Puncher.(打带的机器,打带的人,见打版师。) Digitizing tablet(打带板)- The platen or surface on which original art to be digitized isplaced;; holds the artworkflat, allowing digitizer to specify various design characteristics(see digitizing) by'tracing' and otherwisedesignating them with a digitizing'puck'(input device similar to a computermouse).(要打带的原始图案放置的工作台和界面,打带员可在打带板上通过“跟定”图案并另外用“puck”(一种类似鼠标的输入设备)设定各种图案属性。)Disc(碟) - Unit inserted into computer containing punched embroiderydesign;; 3.5 inch or 5.25inch floppy disk. (插入计算集中的含有绣花带的设备,有3。5英寸软盘和5。25英寸软盘。) DiskReader(磁碟读取器) - An external or internal device used to read machinemovements from either a 5.25 or 3.5 computer disk.(从3。5英寸或者5。25英寸磁盘读取机器运动信息的外部或内部设备。) DISPOSITION(排列) -Monogramparameter to select one of five letter arrangements.(字母组合参数,用于从5个字母里选择其中1个。) Dobby(多臂机) - Named after an attachment ona loom used in weaving small geometric or floralpatterns.(因该类织机上有用于制造小几何图案或花形图案的附加装置而得名。)Drill(卡其) - A strong,twilled cotton fabric with a diagonal weave similar to denim. Alsoknown as Khaki when dyed that color.(一种坚固的,斜纹棉布织物,用的是一种类似粗斜纹棉布的斜纹织法。) DRIVE KEY(传动键) -Used to completea mode operation, such as Delete or Chain. (用于完成一个模式操作,如“删除”或者“链接”)Duck(麻布,粗布) - A heavy plain weave cotton fabric for tents andclothing. (一种很重而平坦编织的棉布织物,用于帐篷或者衣服。) Edit or Editing(修改,编辑) -Software capability that allows the user to manipulate elements ofa design, combine designs and lettering, designs, move points andstitches, allows user to edit stitches or blocks of stitches,incorporate text, scale up or down, reposition design elements,add, delete and modify machine commands, etc.. Functions vary bymanufacturer.(软件能使用户操作图案上的元素,合并图案和字母或图案,移动点和针,使用户可以编辑针和针块,混合字母,放大或者缩小,重新配置图案元素,增加,删除或者修改机器命令,等等。制造商不同,这一功能也不同。)Emblem(徽章) - Embroidered design with a finished edge, commonly aninsignia. Also known as a crest or patch. The finished emblem isfrequently attached to goods by sewing or heat seal.(边很精巧的绣花图案,一般是勋章一类的东西。也叫顶饰和章。一般通过纺织方法或者热封口方法加到产品上。)Embroidery(绣花) - Decorative stitching on fabric. Generally involvesnon-lettering designs, but can also include lettering and/ormonograms. Evidence of embroidery exists during the reign onEgyptian pharaohs, in the writings of Homer and from the Crusadersof the 12th century. Evolved from hand work to manual sewingmachines and from hand-looms and schiffli machines with hundreds ofneedles to high-speed, computerized multiheadmachines.(是在已经加工好的织物上,以针引线,按照设计要求进行穿刺,通过运针将绣线组织成各种图案和色彩的一种技艺。织物上的装饰性针线。一般指非字母的图案,但也包括字母和/或字母组合。绣花存在的证明可追溯至埃及法老统治时期,在12世纪霍默的著作《十字军》中可以看到记载。绣花的发展,经历了从手绣到手动控制纺织机器,从手摇织布机到有数百个针头的飞梭绣花机,再到高速计算机化的多针头机器。)Embroidery Machine(绣花机器) - Eembroidery machines are sorted simplyinto Multihead embroidery machine, Schiffli embroidery machine andQuilting machine, their work elements are needle work like sewingmachine. (绣花机一般简单地分为多针头绣花机,飞梭绣花机和绗缝绣花机,它们的工作原理和缝纫机一样,都是利用针来工作。)Emergercy Stop Button(紧急停止按钮) - The large red button or buttonslocated on the front of the Barudan machine. When pressed, removesall power from the machineimmediately.(一个红色的大按钮或位于百灵达绣花机前方的几个按钮。当按下按钮时,将直接切断所有的电源。) EmeryRoller(金刚砂滚筒) - The Schiffli roller on which the threads aretwisted and part of the control oftensions(飞梭机的滚筒,是张力控制的一部分,在滚筒上绞线。). Enlargement(放大图) - Thetechnical drawing usually 6 times larger than the original design,indicating the stitches to be digitized. See Cartoon.(技术图纸,一般是原图7倍,说明要打的针。见草图) Enlarger(放大员) - 1. Person who creates theenlarged embroidery design cartoon. 2. A projector used to enlargethe original artwork for the cartoon. (1 创建放大绣花图案的人 2 用于放大愿草图的放映机。)Epaulet(肩章) - A badge of identification worn on the shoulder.Sometimes referred to as shoulder boards.(肩膀上徽章,有时指肩板)E-Stitch(E形针) - Stitch used for edging applique. Composed ofrunning stitches in an E shape. (用于边缘贴布针,由单针组成,呈“E”形。)Examiner(验带员) - The inspector of the finished embroidery.(完工绣花的检验员。) Execution() - The amount of stitches per inch.(每英寸上的针数。) Expanded Format(扩展格式) - Melco design file format whereeach stitch is recorded. Generally cannot be enlarged or reducedmore than 10% without the use of StitchProcessing. (see also condensedformat)(美高图案的一种文件格式,在该种格式下每一针都被记录。不使用针处理的话,一般放大或缩小均不能超过10%。)Expanded Tape(扩展带) - An expanded tape which has every stitch of thedesign punched. (一种扩展带,图案上的每个针都要打。) Eye(风眼) The circular opening ina needle that carries the top thread through the fabric and intothe bobbin assembly. (针里面的圆形开口,带着顶端针穿过织物,进入线轴组合里。) Eyelet (针眼)- Asmall hole edged with embroidery stitches. See Boring.(一个小孔,它的边打绣花针。) Facing(贴边,饰面) - Material hooped or placed on top offabrics that have definable nap or surface texture, such ascorduroy and terry cloth, prior to embroidery. The facing compactsthe wale or nap and holds the stitches above it. Includes a varietyof substances, such as plastic wrap, water-soluble plastic foil andopen-weave fabric that has been chemically treated to disintegratewith the application of heat. Also known astopping.(绣花前被绣箍箍来或者放在织物顶部,有可确定的绒毛和表面纹理的材料,如灯心绒和厚绒布。贴边压紧了条痕或绒毛,并支撑它上面的针。包括多种材料,如塑胶包装,水溶性塑胶箔和稀松组织织物,它们都经过相应的化学处理,并通过热作用进行分解。)Faden leiter() - Small and large cams of the Schiffli machines usedto control the feed and tension of yarns.(飞梭机的小凸轮和大凸轮,用于控制纱线的进料和张力)Faille(罗缎) - A soft transversely ribbed fabric of silk, rayon orlightweight taffeta. (一种由丝绸,人造丝或者轻质平纹皱丝织品等织成的,质软、横向棱纹的织物) FeatherStitch(羽毛针) - A type of stitch in which short stitches project atright angles from a main line of stitching formed similarly tocoiling. Also known as ray stitching.(一种针型,短针从一条主要针组成的线上凸出成直角,它的形成与卷绕相似) Felt(毡) - A nonwoven fabric ofwool, fur or hair, matted together by heat, moisture, and greatpressure. Melton is an example of felt.(一种非机织的羊毛,毛皮或者毛发,通过热,水气和高压等条件混合制成。麦尔登呢就是一种毡。) Festoon(花彩针) - A typeof stitch. An apparatus to make reinforced edges on scallops, etc.,for a strong cutting edge. (一种针型。在扇贝形纹布上生产增强边的一种设备,如,用于坚固的切除边。)Fill Stitch(密针) - Running stitches laid in rows from edge to edgeof the given area to fill. Usualy used to fill in larger areas.Consists of two densities (see Density andStitch Length), spacing between the rows ofstitching and the length of each stitch in the row and thepartition lines which are used to place the stitches of each row inrelationship to the stitches of the previous row. Also calledCeeding and Tatami stitches, geflect stitch . Seepicture.(在比较大的区域上,从一边到另一边打的整排的单针。由两种密度组成(见密度和挨针),在缝线和各派针中每个针的长度以及每行针与前一行针的分隔线之间有空隙。)Finishing(加工) - Part of the embroidery production process includingtrimming of threads and backings, facing removal, cleaning,steaming, pressing, folding and packaging. Varies by company.(绣花生产程序的一部分,包括切线和衬背,饰面祛除,清洁,汽蒸处理,挤压处理和折叠以及包装,各公司都不一样。) Fix PatternType(修改花样类型) - Thread Cut parameter that compensates for patternspunched for machines without automatic thread trimmers.(切线参数,用于补充没有自动切线功能的机器所绣的花样。) Flagging(下垂) - Bouncing of goods asthe needle moves up and down during the embroidering. Often causedby improper framing, incorrect backing or facing, maladjustedpresser foot height or using a hoop too large for the embroiderydesign. Can cause poor quality embroidery and running problems suchas skipping stitches, fraying of thread and breaking of thread.(在绣花时因为针赏析移动而造成的弹跳。一般是因为取景不当,衬背或饰面不适合,压榨机脚高度失调,或绣花所用的绣框太大等原因造成的。它会引起绣花质量下降和运转问题,如跳针,线磨损或着断线等。)Flannel(法兰绒) - A warm, soft napped fabric of rayon or cotton blendsor cotton warp which resembles wool.(一种用人造丝或人
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