专辑中文名: Turtle 17年发烧灵魂最精选
艺术家: Various Artists
古典类型: 全集作品
版本: [SACD-r]
发行时间: 2013年10月19日
地区: 荷兰
语言: 英语
欧洲发烧古典界传奇制作人Bert van der Wolf
25年磨一剑 蓝光&SACD双碟顶级规格 体验古典发烧界的新里程碑
dSC总经理David Steven : 「发烧高音质古典乐代表之作专辑」
Bert van der Wolf :「希望能在听眾以及表演者之间,架起一道能跨越时间、空间、情感、音场的桥梁。」
欧洲发烧音乐领导厂牌Turtle,创办人兼制作人Bert van der Wolf,将他25年来,在欧洲发烧录音界得奖无数的生涯精华集结,与英国数位录音音响先驱dSC合作,推出本张〈The Spirit of Turtle〉精选辑,包括一张蓝光Pure Audio Blu-Ray与一张SACD,14轨全部重新混音以24Bit/192KHz标準取样,5.1声道环绕音响后制,展现欧洲古典发烧音乐,充满深度、细节、保留所有表演者情感与呼吸,极致高解析度录音工艺。
自1996年开始,就投身於古典发烧录音领域的Bert van der Wolf,从一开始的24/96规格,到后来的DSD系统,是全世界第一个进行96Kmz/24Bit录音的工程师,同时也是飞利浦第一台八声道DSD录音器材的技术指导,可以说是全世界古典数位发烧录音以及SACD格式的先驱者。
dSC总经理David Steven表示,与Bert van der Wolf合作这么多年,他在数位录音领域的成就有目共睹,「也非常荣幸能参与这张,算是发烧高音质古典乐代表之作的专辑诞生」。
精选辑14轨中,包括了贝多芬〈第五号交响曲〉、布拉姆斯〈中提琴奏鸣曲Op. 120 No. 1〉、盖希文交响诗〈一个美国人在巴黎〉、舒曼艺术歌曲〈Mein Wagen rollet langsam〉、孟德尔颂第二号交响曲〈颂讚〉、布瑞顿〈战争安魂曲〉等古典音乐大师作品,演出者包括2012年美国年度指挥家大奖得主Jaap van Zweden,以及多位欧洲首屈一指的音乐家,几首质感超绝的小品欧陆爵士乐曲,也是由欧洲顶尖的爵士乐手演出;专辑曲目虽然都是不同时代,不同风格的大师之作,但是在Bert van der Wolf巧思安排下,每一首却都宛如有生命一样,如此完美的互相接合,让整张精选从第一轨听下来,就好像是一首完完整整的音乐史诗,如此无懈可击的发烧顶级天碟,足以征服世界世界上每一双耳朵,这张专辑,就是要挑战发烧古典的最高水準,发烧友们,你们準备好了吗?
Turtle 17年发烧灵魂最精选 (蓝光&SACD双碟精装版) The Spirit of Turtle (Pure Audio Blu-Ray + SACD)
进口专辑 / SACD / 2 片装 / 77分00秒
「The Spirit of Turtle」蓝光+SACD示范片
以我过去接触Trutle与Challenger唱片的经验而言,他们的作品应该是以多声道SACD格式为主,但这次所推出的两张一套精选示范片,其中却有一张是蓝光音乐片,并以DTS-HD Master Audio格式收录,而且採用最高取样率的24bit/192kHz。我想其最主要的目的,便是透过精选收录,让目前为数不少且快速增加中的蓝光播放机用家,也能体验到Trutle的精湛录音技艺,以及旗下爵士与古典音乐家的音乐造诣。
为何我会形容这「The Spirit of Turtle」是Hi-End多声道音响专用的示范片呢?因为你用越高档的多声道系统,可以从中获得越多的聆听乐趣,以及越深刻的聆听感受,你还可以从中得知目前多声道录音技术有多进步,并得到与两声道纯音乐纯然不同的乐趣。过去我测试多声道系统时,能拿到的多声道纯音乐片并不多,大概只有2L的测试片,而其餘的就是各种有画面的音乐会现场录音,不过,这类音乐会蓝光片的音效多半有修饰得过美的迹象,通常用什么系统播放都不容易难听。但「The Spirit of Turtle」的音乐都是严谨的录音室录音作品,有足够的条件做为多声道音响测试之用。
在我试听「The Spirit of Turtle」的过程中,刚好我正在测试Primare的SP33环绕前级,客户并送来自家的A30.7七声道后级,多声道喇叭则用CC的Admonitor Preference Plus加Submonitor MKIII做主声道,中置是一支KF LS50,环绕是AE的101书架喇叭,超低音是Elac的Sub 2030,至於蓝光机则是Sony的BDP-s370,「The Spirit of Turtle」的两张片子都可以读取。整套系统的等级不低,尤其CC与LS50的鑑别力可说是一等一,绝对可以辨认出系统中任何软硬体的特性与变数。
到底我从「The Spirit of Turtle」听到了什么?很多很多,其中感受最深的莫过於丰富音乐气氛,也就是「生动」二字。我不敢说那是真实,但绝对是非常有感染力的音乐。我感受到了极为清晰分明的音场层次与定位,精準的音像轮廓,丰富的现场堂音与残响,以及极为清楚的微动态变化。当然囉,你可以说这是在录音室后制过程中所营造的环场效果,但也确实是极为惊人的声音体验。「The Spirit of Turtle」中包含了爵士与古典乐,有多种编制、乐器、乐风、气氛与空间场景,是一张测试或聆听都相当适合的精选示范片。重点是,如果你的系统越高级,我认为你越需要拥有它。
Release Date November 19, 2013
Duration 01:16:31
Genre Classical
Styles Miscellaneous (Classical)
Conductor: Various
Composer: Various
Audio CD (November 19, 2013)
Number of Discs: 2
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD
Label: Turtle Records
The Spirit of Turtle (SACD/Blu-ray review)
A Collection of the Most Innovative High-End Audio Recordings by Northstar Recording. Various artists. Turtle Records TRSA75538.
It’s a standard Redbook CD. It’s an SACD. It’s a Blu-ray disc. It’s FLAC file in PCM surround and stereo. It’s in two-channel stereo. It’s in 5.1-channel DTS-HD Master Audio. It’s in 2.0-channel LPCM. Yes, it’s an audiophile release. Or, more precisely, it’s a two-disc box set from Northstar Recording Services and Turtle Records, a sampler of some of their best work, jazz and classical, from over a dozen of their previously released albums.
As the folks at Northstar explain it, “This High Definition Surround Recording was produced, engineered and edited by Bert van der Wolf of Northstar Recording Services, using the ‘High quality Musical Surround Mastering’ principle. The basis of this recording principle is a realistic and holographic 3 dimensional representation of the musical instruments, voices and recording venue.” You’ll find the music in multiple formats, including regular two-channel stereo playable on any CD player; two-channel and 5.1 SACD playable on a Super Audio Compact Disc player; and LPCM stereo and DTS-HD Master Audio multichannel from a Blu-ray player. There’s a little something here for everyone, but even though I have a Blu-ray player in my home-theater room, I listened mainly in two-channel SACD in my living system (going to the 5.1 DTS-HD MA format later for comparison purposes).

The idea behind these recordings is to capture, as the company says, “only the music.” Turtle Records, dCS, Northstar Recordings Services, and Kompas CD Multimedia have been doing this sort of thing for years, and the current discs include material from two decades of recording, all of them remastered and updated for a variety of today’s audio formats. I won’t try to cover everything, but I will mention a few of the tracks that stand out.
First up is what producer and engineer Bert van der Wolf says is the very first Turtle Records production, "Teardrops for Jimmy" with Tony Overwater and Maarten Ornstein. The pair play soft, quiet jazz, very pleasant, and the sound is most lifelike in its clarity and definition, yet warm and natural, too.
Next, we hear the Marc van Roon Trio doing "Noodling Effect," three guys just noodling around, improvising, on their instruments: piano, percussion, and bass. The music didn't particularly interest me, but the dimensionality of the sound is impressive, the clearly perceived distances between each player and their location within the recording environment.
The third selection is with a big ensemble, the Netherlands Philharmonic under Mario Venzago playing an excerpt from Gershwin's An American in Paris. The performance provides vigor and excitement, while the sound is remarkably transparent for a big group of players, the clarity and dynamics making one wish we had the whole thing to hear. Which, I suppose, is the point of any sampler--to persuade the listener to buy the complete album from which the music comes.
And so it goes, each track a delight to the ears. Among the things I liked best I would include Michael Gees improvising on a piano piece by Erik Satie; lovely and beautifully recorded. Then there's the opening movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony exhibiting enormous impact, probably as much power as I've ever heard in a recording of this work. Christoph Pregardien singing Schumann's "Mein Wagen rollet langsam" sounds sweet and nuanced, both artistically and sonically. I also couldn't help liking the concluding track, "Mars," performed by Dean Peer and Ty Burhoe; it's audiophile the whole way with its precisely defined percussion, quick transient response, and wide-ranging dynamics. All of it fun stuff.
Two concerns, though: First, Turtle Records have packaged the two discs in a 5” x 10” longbox, as pictured above, rather than in a regular double jewel case. The two discs fasten to the top of an inside cardboard platform, and a twelve-page booklet stretches the length of the box. When I used to review movies, some of the studios would send out special box sets, too, and the problem was that I never knew where to put them. The longbox doesn’t fit on an ordinary record shelf, so you can’t really put it in among your other discs. You have to find a special place for the box or maybe keep it in a closet. Of course, you could always jerry-rig a jewel case or Blu-ray case for the two discs, but that doesn’t solve the issue of the booklet notes being the length of the original box. I dunno. Maybe you like special gift boxes and stack them in a corner or proudly display them somewhere. I dunno. A minor concern. Second, Turtle Records have priced the set rather high. For some people, maybe not a minor concern.
The Spirit Of Turtle - Various Artists on SACD + Blu-Ray
dCS Only The Music presents The Spirit of Turtle, a collection of the most innovative high-end audio recordings by Northstar Recording. These recordings, all in 5.1 surround and stereo, are offered on a Hybrid SACD, Pure Audio Blu-ray disc and as an audio 192/24 WAV file supplement on the Blu-ray disc. Includes the DSD, 192kS/s-24bit and CD formats, so all segments of the high end audio and home theater market are included, and both consumers and manufacturers can enjoy and use these recordings at the highest level possible. All this comes packaged in a luxurious 2 disc "long box" with informative booklet inlay.
The Spirit of Turtle was set free on a summer's eve in 1997. Although they had never met before, Harry van Dalen of "Rhapsody Sound Masters" and Bert van der Wolf were aware of each others' work. In a sign of projects to follow, it was over the use of an analogue to digital converter that Bert visited Harry’s store in Hilversum, Holland. As Harry and Bert talked about music and recordings, it soon became clear that their ideas and visions about recording and reproducing music of all styles were so strikingly similar, that it felt like they were soul mates in sound and performance. By the end of this chance encounter they were both convinced that they had to start something together in the music business. Out of this positive energy, a new record label was born - Turtle Records - with only one objective: "to capture the musical message of a real live performance, translating it into the frozen bits of a recording, and then translate it back such that the essence of this performance is communicated to the listener without any loss of detail and emotion.”
Like the slogan: "only the music..." they wanted to create a gateway between the performer and the listener which, in the best case, appears not even to be there. Furthermore, they held a standard of approach with no compromises and unconditional effort to reach “the optimum" under all circumstances. This motto perfectly describes their shared vision for music recording and playback, and they both realized it could only be achieved by combining great musical performers with state of the art equipment and revolutionary recording techniques. They knew from their own experience that the essence of a magic musical moment in a real world event is often lost in translation by porting it into the virtual world of loudspeakers, only firing pockets of pressurized air, but they were determined to get it right all the way through the electronic chain and during the creative process of working with the artists.
Bert and his partners at Kompas CD Multimedia had great experience in professional recording tools and producing techniques and combined with the knowledge Harry and Martin Odijk from More Music had gained from many years in High End consumer audio, they were afforded a unique opportunity to join forces and benefit from each other's talents and connections. This synergy quickly led to a truly "High End" recording philosophy which still might be one of the best around and forms the basis for all recordings they do. These recordings are all shaped after this first "blueprint" and carry the signature of The Spirit of Turtle. It is due to the talent and combined effort of the people from the first hour that “The Spirit” became such a powerful guide for the path of the future.
The set of tracks they have chosen reflects their original motto and their taste for musical content and performance. Two of them, the first and the last, are as old as The Spirit itself, and they took great care to "translate" those into their current universe of high resolution stereo and 5.1 Surround Sound. Recent advances in mastering technology mean that the original "impulse responses" of halls and rooms can now be digitally sampled in high resolution and this along with the availability of digital techniques to shape the images and colors in a recording, have allowed them to breathe new life into Turtle tracks that originally were only available in stereo. Interestingly enough these tracks now evoke the same emotional response as the stereo version did 15 years back, whilst the latter is more of a great memory. As if one steps into a time machine, the remasters and surround version somehow turn the sweet Memory into the actual feel of the present they found!
This high definition surround recording was produced, engineered and edited by Bert van der Wolf of NorthStar Recording Services, using the ‘High Quality Musical Surround Mastering’ principle. The basis of this recording principle is a realistic and holographic 3 dimensional representation of the musical instruments, voices and recording venue, according to traditional concert practice. For most older music this means a frontal representation of the musical performance, but such that width and depth of the ensemble and acoustic characteristics of the hall do resemblance ‘real life’ as much as possible. Some older compositions, and many contemporary works do specifically ask for placement of musical instruments and voices over the full 360 degrees sound scape, and in these cases the recording is as realistic as possible, within the limits of the 5.1 Surround Sound standard. This requires a very innovative use of all 6 loudspeakers and the use of completely matched, full frequency range loudspeakers for all 5 discrete channels. A complementary sub-woofer, for the ultra low frequencies under 40Hz, is highly recommended to maximally benefit from the sound quality of this recording.
Tony Overwater
Maarten Ornstein
Marc van Roon Trio
The Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra Amsterdam
NedSym Lite
Arno Piters
The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Michael Gees
The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Jan Willem de Vriend
Jaap van Zweden
Christoph Pregradien & Ensemble Kontraste
The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Eric Vloeimans, Tuur Florizoone & Jorg Brinkmann
Wim Kegel
Dean Peer & Ty Burhoe
01. Teardrops for Jimmy (Dave Burrel) (Tony Overwater & Maarten Ornstein)
02. Noodle Effect (Marc van Roon) (Marc van Roon Trio)
03. An American in Paris (excerpt) (George Gershwin) (The Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra Amsterdam)
04. Ravel's Tomb (Rob van Bavel) (NedSym Lite)
05. Allegretto grazioso/Opus 120 (Johannes Brahms) (Arno Piters and members of The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra)
06. 5eme Gnossienne (Erik Satie) (Michael Gees)
07. Allegro con brio/Opus 67 (Ludwig van Beethoven) (The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra/Jan Willem de Vriend)
08. Dies irae (excerpt) (Benjamin Britten) (The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra/Jaap van Zweden)
09. Mein Wagen rollet langsam/Opus 142 (Robert Schumann) (Christoph Pregradien & Ensemble Kontraste)
10. Andante/Opus 52 Sopran I, II & Chor (Felix Mendelssohn) (The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra/Jan Willem de Vriend)
11. L'Amour des Moules (Tuur Florizoone) (Eric Vloeimans, Tuur Florizoone & Jorg Brinkmann)
12. Quicksie (Maarten Ornstein) (Tony Overwater, Maarten Ornstein & Wim Kegel)
13. Symphony No. 8: Finale (Anton Bruckner) (The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra/Jaap van Zweden)
14. Mars (Dean Peer) (Dean Peer & Ty Burhoe)