英文剧本:交换生阿曼达 Amanda Knox Murder on Trial in Italy amanda knox 豆瓣



American college

student Amanda knox

stands accused of

killing her roommate

in a bizarre sex

game gone wrong.

Is she the victim of a

justice system, a town,

and an Italian media that

was stacked against her?

Regardless of the verdict,

knox's life will

never be the same.

[ Bell tolls ]

[ Man singing in

African dialect ]

Buon giorno.

We are looking for

Meredith kercher.

Meredith lives here,

but she's, uh -- she's

not here right now.

I am raffaele sollecito.

And this is Amanda knox.

Una studentessa americana.

She lives here

with Meredith.

There are four of

us all together.

Bene. We found signora

kercher's cellphone

this morning outside a

house on via sperandio.

We thought maybe it

was stolen and dumped.

Well, I've called Meredith

a few times this morning.

She didn't answer.

I guess that's why.

This is starting to freak

me out a little bit.

What do you mean?

Well, when I came

home this morning,

I noticed that the

front door was open.

And then I went upstairs,

and there was a broken window

in one of the bedrooms

and several drops of blood on

the floor in the bathroom.

So, Amanda ran back

to my place and got me.

We were just up there,

and it looks like

someone broke in.

Did you call the police?

I thought you

were the police.

We're the polizia postale.

We investigate stolen computers,

credit cards, and cellphones.

Uh, we called

the emergency number,

the 112, a

few minutes ago,

and the carabinieri said

they would send someone.

While we're

waiting, though,

maybe can you come

inside and take a look.

I'm scared to

go in there again.


[ Door opens ]

The bathroom is this way.

When I went to take a

shower this morning,

I noticed there were

some drops of blood.

I thought maybe

somebody cut themselves.


Oh, that's filomena,

my other roommate.

What's going on?

Someone broke your window.

My God.

Man: Anything missing?

My laptop and my jewelry


Where's Meredith?

I don't know.

Her door is locked.

We knocked a few times,

but there was no answer.

Meredith never

locks her door.

[ Knock on door ]



Apra la porta!

Um, I would like to

report a break-in.

[ Speaking Italian ]

Apra la porta!

[ Telephone rings ]


Mom, someone broke

in to our house.

What? Are you all right?

They're breaking down

Meredith's door right now.


Try again.

Amanda? Amanda, talk to me.

[ Gasps ]

Un piede. Un piede.

Oh, my God, there's a foot.

They said something about a foot.

I don't understand the rest.

A foot?

What do you mean, a foot?

My God. I don't know if it's

a foot or it's a whole body.

Everybody out!

Via! Immediatamente! Via!

[ Telephone beeps ]

What was that all about?

My God! That was Amanda.

She said something about a


[ Camera shutters clicking ]

Reporter: [ British accent

] We're here in perugia,

where news is coming in

on the murder of a

young British student.

As you can see behind me,

the house is being investigated

by the police at the moment,

with forensics teams

still working.

Although the authorities have

yet to make a formal statement,

we're expecting them

to do so shortly.

More news as we have it.

This is unreal.

I can't believe this

is actually happening.

I know.

[ Mid-tempo rock music playing ]

Â? I see that I'm not... Â?

[ hissing ]

Buona giornata.

Buona giornata.

Buona giornata, signore.

That's Italian for

have a nice day, sir.

Yeah, whatever.

Â? Let's try to make it last Â?


Um, can I get a

decaf soy cappuccino

and an iced latte macchiato?

A decaf soy cappuccino

and an iced macchiato.

[ Speaking Italian ]

Dude, foxy, I can't believe that

you're ditching us this year.

What is that team

gonna do without you?

We need foxy knoxy!

I'm sure you'll survive.

You'll find a way.

But what about d.J.?

I mean, is he gonna

come and, you know,

hang out with

you in perugia?

Um, actually we're taking

a little bit of a break.

He's gonna be in

China for the year.

I'm gonna be in Italy.

I just doesn't make much

sense to be tied down.

I'm gonna be here forever,

serving cake.

I hate you.

You'll love me when I bring you

back some perugian chocolate.

Hey, make it some Italian men,

and we'll call it a deal.


Italian men coming right up.

Oh, my God!

What are you doing? Hello!

Aw, I love you!

Ooh, I love you, too, sweetheart.

Hi, dad.


How's my world traveler, hmm?

I'm good. How are you?

Already missing you.

I love you tons.

Tons and tons and tons.

[ Smooching ] [ Laughs ]

Okay, now, how do you feel

about leaving Seattle?

I love Seattle,

and I love the

university of Washington.

But it'll be really awesome

to be somewhere totally

new and different.

Okay, mom, your turn.

Aaah! No! No! Come on, baby.


We're all so proud of you

for all you had to accomplish

to make this trip possible.

[ Sighs ]

We're gonna miss you.

Aw, no! [ Chuckles ]

It won't be the same around

here without you.

It's only 10 months.

I'll be back. I know.

10 months is a long time.

[ Both laugh ]

You all set?

Got your passport? Euros?

Pepper spray?

Yes, I'm all set.

What is this, "the stepfather's

guide to Europe"?

[ Laughter ] You

should write a book.

Toast, everybody. Toast.

Grab a glass. Here we go.

Travel safe and come

back soon, honey.

[ Laughter ]

[ Glasses clinking,

all talking at once ]

[ Amanda speaking Italian ]

Amanda: It's great you could

get over here so soon.

[ Bicycle bell dings ]

How's your jet lag?

Tired? I'll survive.

This is the town square.

It's hook-up central.

And this is

palazzo dei priori.

It's got some beautiful

13th-century frescoes,

if you want to

check it out.

You can drink out

in the open here?

In Italy, they say

everything's illegal

and nothing's forbidden.

See these guys? Uh-huh.

They're dealing.

Mostly hash and weed.

This place is awesome!

I want to study here.

Well, we can go to some

bars after dinner,

but you cannot tell

mom anything.

There's a place down here

that posts classifieds.

Maybe I can find an apartment.

We should look.

Man: Hey. Ciao.

[ Laughs ] You slut!

Aw, come on.

It's Italy, dude.

Get with the times.

[ Laughs ] They're cute.

Hmm. Come on. I'll share.

[ Both laugh ]

Oh, scusi mi.

I'm Amanda.

I'm a student here.

Is this your flyer

of the l'appartamento?

Yes. We are three women.

We have an extra bedroom.

It's very near here.

And it's 300 Euros a month.

It's perfect.

When can I see it?

Eccoci qua.


This is your bedroom.

It's small. No, it's nice.

It's cute. I like it.

And you share the bathroom

with a girl named Meredith.

An English girl.

A British roommate, very cool.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, my God. It's perfect!

[ Exhales sharply ]

I love it.

I love it.

Would it be possible for you to

give us a one-month deposit?

Yes. No problem.

I'll get the lease.

You can sign it now. Good.

[ Both laugh ]

[ British accent ] I hear

you're American. I am.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Ciao.

[ Laughter ] I'm Amanda.

Are you studying here?

European politics

and Italian.

Very cool. I just, uh --

I'm starting at universitÃ

per stranieri in September.

Right down the street.



You know, "ace"?

Brilliant, fantastic.

Don't you use that word?

Well, not like that, but it's good.

I'll start.

[ Laughter ]

[ Classical music playing ]

[ Music ends ]

[ Applause ]

I have to go.


Yeah. My humanities

test is tomorrow.

Oh, but I thought we could grab

a drink after at Merlin's.

Another time, okay?

[ Music resumes ]

[ Chuckles ]


Amanda. Buona sera.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Raffaele: I come from bari.

It's down South.

On the coast of the adriatic.

Yes, I know.


You know European geography.

Not all Americans are

ignorant slugs. Come on.

I, uh -- I grew up in Seattle.

Let's see how you do.

Um, Seattle. It's a city.


In Washington state.


[ Both chuckle ]

And... it's home of Microsoft.

Most people say, uh...

Home of "grey's anatomy" and

birthplace of Kurt cobain.

And you say Microsoft.

I'm studying

computer engineering.

What do you expect?

I actually think

it's very charming.


For a big...


Chocolate strawberry?

Â? ...To make it do Â?

Â? maybe there's something

to make it true Â?

Â? a little more

goes such a long way Â?

Â? you know I want

a little more Â?

Â? love from you Â?

Â? love, you do me right Â?

Â? you know you got

to hear me say Â?

Â? your love for me Â?

Â? you've got to do

it right, yeah Â?

this Risotto recipe --

it's from my mother.

She used to make it every

Friday night before she died.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, that's okay. It was, um...

...A long time ago.

Blood: The last

of the vampires."

That's one of my mangas.

It's Japanese comics.

I collect them. Like art.

Very cool.

So, is your dad still around?


He lives in bari.

He's a doctor.

Molto importante.

[ Chuckles ]

My dad's a vice president

for Macy's stores... mm-hmm.

...And my mom teaches math.

They split when I was

really little, though, so...

My parents were divorced, too.

But, um, back then, it wasn't so...




Kids teased me a lot at school.

Here. Grazie.

Oh, this looks really good.

[ Both chuckle ]

I was made fun of

in school, too.



For what?

Well, I played

a lot of sports,

and I didn't have a

boyfriend till junior year,

so they thought that

I was a lesbian.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]


Don't kiss like a lesbian.


Maybe you should try again.

Â? ...To get you back in Â?

Â? my heart Â?

Â? I'm all to you Â?

Â? back to the start Â?

[ birds chirping ]

[ Thinking ] I really like

the Italian lifestyle.

Everything shuts down

in the middle of the day.

Life really isn't about going

to work and making money.

It's about who you are

and what you choose to do

and who you choose to

spend your time with.

[ Laughter ]

This is actually one of the

happiest times in my life.

You can't catch me!

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighing ] Oh.

Hey, magnifico!

[ Both breathing heavily ]

[ Both chuckle ]

You are uno spirito

libero, Amanda.

[ Both laugh ]

You live your life

like a dream.

But it is a dream.

And I don't ever

want to wake up.

The chocolate festival

was awesome.

Are you gonna go? Maybe.

Maybe? I thought you

were mad about chocolate.

There's something I want

to talk to you about.

I just don't want it

turning into a big thing.


I think you could be doing a more

around the flat, cleaning and things.

I do clean.

When? Every time I go

into the bathroom,

your stuff is all over the place.

It's a sty.

And you leave your dishes

piled in the sink.

Okay, stop.

I'm sorry.

Well, why didn't you tell

me it bothered you before?

I shouldn't have to tell you.

It should be obvious.

Hey! My two queens!

What's up? What's up?

The sky. The sky.

[ Both chuckle ]

Look, I'll try harder.


Okay? Okay.

Are we cool?

We're cool.


[ Both chuckle ]

Hey, I met a guy.

Oh, really? Yeah.

He looks exactly

like Harry Potter.

He's quiet

and he's supersmart.

Oh, my gosh.

His apartment?

I think his dad's

really wealthy.

Hmm. Does he work?

He's studying computer

engineering at the university,

but he, uh --
英文剧本:交换生阿曼达 Amanda Knox Murder on Trial in Italy amanda knox 豆瓣

he's not a geek.

He's not like that.

So, you've barely been

here two months,

and you've already got yourself

a posh Italian boyfriend?

Yeah. I think I do.

We're from totally

different cultures,

but we have so

much in common.


It's like...Destiny.

Destiny? Yeah.

Hmm, I like the sound of that.


[ Both laugh ]

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

Reporter: 21-year-old British

exchange student Meredith kercher

was found brutally

stabbed to death

in her apartment in

perugia earlier today.

By all accounts, Meredith --

or "mez," as she was called

by her family and friends --

was a good student,

a good person,

and a good friend.

Like thousands

of other students,

kercher set off on a year's

adventure studying abroad.

Sadly, she will not

be returning home.

This is Nigel fox, perugia.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Prosecutor mignini.

What do we have so far?

The glass in the back

window is broken.

It's the bedroom

of filomena romanelli,

a roommate of the victim.

That's how they got in?

We think the break-in

could've been staged.

Let's take a look.

Prosecutor, this way.

The glass is on top

of the clothes.

Which means the window

must've been broken

after the room

was ransacked.

Prosecutor mignini.

Poor child.

We found Ms.

kercher in a pool of blood.

She was covered by this quilt.

Dr. stefanoni: Her

throat was slashed.

Based on the

blood trajectory,

she was kneeling

in front of the wardrobe

when she was stabbed.

Whoever did this must've

been covered in blood.

How'd the killer leave

without tracking bloody

footprints everywhere?

Well, we did find a

couple of visible footprints.

And we also raised five or

six latents with luminol.

So, someone tried to

clean up afterwards.

Not the m.O.

Of your typical petty thief or rapist.

I think we could be looking at

something more sinister here.

In the meantime,

I want to talk to kercher's

roommates and everyone who knew her.

There is a place down here

that has great scamorza.

What's that?

It's, um, seasoned

and smoked cheese.

Sounds good. Let's go.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Wait. One sec. Sorry.

Hold on.

Hi, mom. Edda: Where are you?

I'm on a walk with raffaele.

I think you

should come home.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Mom, I've got

to finish school.

Well, listen, sweetie, I know how

important your studies are to you,

the year abroad,

but we'll deal with

all that later.

I-I just...

I just think it's

right to come home.

You've been through enough.

Mom, I'm fine.

Really, seriously.

I'm okay. You don't sound okay.

I'm staying with raffaele, and I can buy new clothes.

It's really not a big deal.

Damn it, Amanda!

I want you to come home now.

Mom! That's not gonna happen.

Okay? I'm a big girl.

I get to make these

decisions now.

Hold on.

The police

want to talk with us.


Mom, I have to go

down to the precinct.

All right?

We'll talk about this later.

I love you. Bye.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Everything's happening so fast.

[ Sighing ] I can't think.

It's like a nightmare.

You're in shock.

Amanda knox?

I guess it's my turn.

Man: Prego.

I woke up at my boyfriend,

raffaele sollecito's, apartment,

where I'd slept

the night before.

And around 10:30,

I went back to my house

to take a shower.

Was there not a shower

at sollecito's house?

Yeah, but it's -- it's small.

Plus, all my clothes

are at my house.

But when I got there,

I noticed that the front

door was -- was open.

But sometimes the lock

on the door doesn't catch,

so I just went in anyway.

And, uh...

Then when I went upstairs

to take a shower,

I noticed that there were some

drops of blood on the floor.

You know?

Um, a bloodstain on the bath mat

and another one on the sink.

You're very brave.

You found the door open,

blood in the bathroom.

Despite all this

you had a shower?


I mean, the truth is I

thought it was menstrual blood

or somebody cut themselves.

I mean, I definitely didn't

think somebody had been murdered.

And what happened

when you went back to

Amanda's place with her?

We looked around,

and I got concerned,

so I called my sister

who works for the police.

And she told me

to call the 112.

Um...After I did,

we went outside

and waited for them.

Thank you both.

I know this is a

very difficult time.

We just want you to catch

whoever did this to Meredith.

You have my promise.

Where do you want to go?

I don't know.

My house is

officially a crime scene,

so I guess that's out.

Well, you can stay at

my place if you want.

Thank you.

At least now I have

some clean underwear.

Wait. Does that mean you're

not wearing any right now?


Maybe not.

[ Both laugh ]

What's going on?

It's a memoria  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101011/50704.html



日文名称:同級生2中文名称:同级生2游戏类型:恋爱制作:elf发行:elf发行日期:1995年?平台:PC-98、DOS等版本:1 CD-ROM?怀旧体验

阿曼达·塞弗里德 阿曼达·塞弗里德深喉

求助编辑百科名片 阿曼达·塞弗里德阿曼达·塞弗里德(Amanda Seyfried,1985年12月3日—),美国知名女演员、歌手及词曲作者。好莱坞四小花旦之一,全球一百名最美丽的人之一(2009)。11岁便当上了儿童模特,在宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒前下工作的专业



原创剧本:爱情睡醒了2小说连载 --第四章


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