发布时间:2018年04月10日 19:09:07分享人:说好的来源:互联网4
Mr. He Zhenliang‘s Opening Speech
Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of my country and of the Chinese people nurturing fervent hopes about this session today, we have the honor, for a second time, of presenting Beijing‘s bid for the Olympic Games.
Eight years have already gone by since our first bid for the 2000 Games. During this period of time, my country has made tremendous strides on the road to modernisation and social progress. As the Evaluation Commission has indicated, Beijing has the capacity to organize an excellent Olympic Games which will hand down a unique heritage to China and to sport.
爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101011/52156.html

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这应该是2012美国之声的决赛结果夜的表演秀 记得不是很清楚了