Dear Ms. lu:
Hello! So many times I wanted to write to you, but I amalways involved into many things unbearable. I’ve just finished theCET-4 test day, and I want to be relaxed by writing toyou.
Several weeks ago, we have talked a little about Americandreams. In the break, I was asked about my American dream and thetopic skipped because of the interruption. Now I want to tell youthe details.
In 1687, Newton published the greatest book calledMathematical Principles ofNatural Philosophy(自然哲学的数学原理), which has been making a greatestcontribution to the relationship between the mathematic andphysics. In this masterpiece, Newton did a quantitative analysis to physical phenomenon, makingthe physics measurable and controllable. The Industrial Revolutionwas based on the theory utterly and created a great amount ofwealth. Thanks to the Newton, I can send the letter by the Internetlightly, although Newton didn’t make much direct contribution toit.
I admire the achievement of Newton, hoping to have afurther similar achievement. During the experience of liberal artsstudying, I find it ambiguous and hard to measure and control. Forexample, I’m now majoring in International Politics. The classesare filled with colorful theories and they go against each other.Every time when facing the theories, the teacher will say that allis right, there is no fixed right. I can hardly understand it.Suppose the prime minister should decide how to face theSino-Japanese relationship. One group of experts argues that weshould be a positive attitude to Japanese, while others suggest weshould be negative. As a prime minister, can he say both are Ok?Although he can, and can he take both of the proposal which iscompletely against each other? But in our class, all is right, onlyif you have your own reasonable illustration. But is there any usewhen we deal with diplomatic matters?
What’s more, the concepts and terms are all ambiguous. Allthe theories are given without proving or with unreasonableproving. The mass theories make up a mass world that we can’texplain with it. And when we go to work, we realize what we learnedhas little value, that it’s a great waste of time to study in auniversity.
Someone would say that, it’s impossible. Liberal artscalled itself means no relation to math(文科之所以称为文科,就是因为它跟数学没关系。不知道这样表达行不行). It’s also an unreasonable logicitself. Before Newton, people all believe that there is littlerelation between physics and math. And so is chemistry. But theyall have close relationship. The France mathematicianDescartes(笛卡尔)had adream that we can use math to explain all the experience of theworld. And I argue that subjects are sciences when using systematicmath as its theoretical base.
So I dream of discover the link between math andliberal arts including economy, psychology, history and politics.In order to achieve that, I work hard to learn math. To tell youthe truth, I want to change my major into math. I don’t know if themath college can receive a liberal art student, but I want to havea try, and today I have told one of the most important reasons.Thank you my dear teacher, who has the patient to read my stupidwords. I’m looking forward to your reply!
1. This essay has barely explained the “dream”,and hasn’t explained why it’s my “American dream”.
2. This essay has been finally finished in a longperiod. As soon as we just had finished the American dream, Iwanted to write to you. But it was put off because of my laziness.In order to maintain the 积极性 of writing, I want to tell you the following topic I wantto write next:
(1) Why America.
(2) The process of learning English
3. Thank you again!