意大利饺子配红酒酱,黑松露和苦菊 意大利松露公司
8 Jerusalem artichokes
black truffle
Radicchio ravioli
250g pasta dough
3 radicchios, cut into strips
100ml red port wine
100ml red wine
50g smoked bacon
30g butter
40g balsamic vinegar
1 ripe pear, grated
50 g shallots
some butter
Port wine butter
250ml red port wine
250ml red wine
cold butter
For the Radicchio ravioli
Caramelise sugar, deglaze with balsamic vinegar and add port wine and red wine. Add the radicchio and boil until the radicchio is cooked through. Then fry bacon and shallots in butter and add to the radicchio. Add the pear and optionally a pinch of xanthan to bind the mixture. Roll out the dough thinly cover it with the radicchio mixture, then shape into ravioli. Boil in salted water until al dente.Jerusalem artichokes
Bake the Jerusalem artichoke on salt for about 1/2 hour at 180°C in the oven. When finished, halve them and scrape them out. Mash with a fork and season with salt, pepper and black truffle.
Port wine butter
Reduce port wine and red wine by half and finish with cold butter
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