Denise 9月1日《重要的翻新和九个月周期的结束》① 商业建筑 翻新周期


翻译:Nick Chan

In January 2013 whenI first noticed that the end of the Nine Months period happens on9-22-13, those numbers really struck me and instantly triggered aseries of higher awareness understandings about past/present/futureevents and the upcoming Separation of Worlds &Timelines. I apologize for the length of this article, but Ibelieve it will be worth the time to read through it and connectsome more Ascension dots.


I’ve mentioned in past articles,and covered in A Lightworker’s Mission, that my Ascension Processstarted in January 1991 with the start of my Uranus Opposition (age39). Next, in February 1999 at age 47, I entered the brutal startof the physical level, biological body Ascension Process. If you’veread A Lightworker’s Mission you know what I went through from 1999and why. But, something happened in 2001 that I intentionally leftout of the book (and blog articles) because it wasn’t the time forme to say much of anything about it publicly — it is nowhowever.


In the book I detail theprofoundly horrible period I, my Mother, and even our pets wentthrough because of two brothers that rented a house next door to usin April 2000. Long story short, they were possessed by a singledemonic entity and were intentionally manipulated by It, Team Dark,to move in next door to us Elder Starseed Lightworkers in anattempt to stop/kill/drive mad/destroy/derail me and what we bothwere doing energetically in any way Team Dark (4D nonhuman and 3Dhuman) could. Did I know any of this at that time? Unfortunately nobecause I was so profoundly sick from the Ascension Process. Thesituation (both physical and etheric attacks) with those possessedneighbors only made my already miserable and profoundly difficultAscension Process vastly worse of course. When a Team LightStarseed/Wanderer/Lightworker is down and struggling withtransmuting density duality, Team Dark typically takes advantageand rushes in and tries to finish you off!


So here were thesetwo (slightly younger than myself) males that are some of thelowest of the low who are completely controlled by this 4D demonand I’m profoundly sick and weakened due to the intensity andamount of energetic transmuting I was doing then via the physicalbody Ascension Process. These neighbors hated us, and we them, andit was an impossibly difficult time that lasted foryears.


Early one morning (remember I livein southern California) these possessed neighbors deliberatelyopened their front door and turned their TV up really loud becausethey very much wanted us to hear it. They had never done anythinglike this with their TV before so I knew something else was up.After about fifteen minutes of listening to their damned TVintentionally blaring away early in the morning at us out theirfront door, I realized they desperately wanted me and Mom to knowthat something was unfolding on TV. I gave in and turned on my TVto see what it was that they so obviously wanted us to be aware of.There, live as it was happening, was what’s become known as the9-11 event.


Team Dark very muchwanted us of Team Light to see and feel this live event unfold inphysicality and our possessed neighbors were manipulated to let meand my Mom know about it. (Normally we wouldn’t have turned our TVson until early evening Pacific time.) I knew instantly that daythat the event I was watching unfold on TV was a multidimensionalTeam Dark creation and was so much more than was claimed andbelieved to be at the time it happened and for these 12 years. 12is a number frequency that has represented 3D physicality; 12 hoursin a day/night, 12 zodiac signs, 12 ancient Tribes etc. 13 is anumber frequency that represents everything beyond the 12 of 3Dphysicality of old. It represents Christ or 5D High HeartConsciousness and being etc. This is why Team Dark did its best toconvince humanity that 13 was/is evil, dangerous, suspect etc. andto be left alone; they don’t want you escaping the old lowerfrequency and systems and evolving/ascending to the higherfrequencies represented by 13.


Let me backtrack abit more. Many weeks before this date I had clairaudiently heardand felt the most hateful, evil, nonhuman voice talking about howit was ‘time for the white man to pay, time for justice to be had…’and other intensely hateful rants. What struck me when I heard thisweeks before the date mentioned above, was that the voice I heardwas a nonhuman voice and not only some vengeful human male(s) fromthe Middle East. There have long been unseen nonhuman Team Dark 4DAstral puppet masters orchestrating, manipulating and directingcertain 3D human puppets to get more humans to carry out whatever4D Astral Team Dark wants to happen in 3D earthphysicality.

【Denise】9月1日《重要的翻新和九个月周期的结束》① 商业建筑 翻新周期


I knew fromclairaudiently hearing this voice and the incomprehensible amountof hatred and darkness in it that it was a 4D Astral Team Darkbeing talking to other 4D Astral Team Dark beings who were workingfrom that dimension to intentionally create, affect, manipulate,direct and finally impact the physical 3D earth and humanityphysically in some big way for some big reasons. A few weeks afterI head this voice, Team Dark’s 4D Astral plans manifested in the 3Dphysical earth world on 9-11-01.







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