OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.4, Fourth Edition
OpenGL SuperBible (3rd Edition)
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C
不是好主意,会看的一头雾水,一本什么都讲的书的结果往往是什么都没讲清楚。当你把OpenGL的基本内容掌握之后,你对图形学就有了大概的了解了。那么下面你可以来学习一下计算机图形学的数据结构和算法,下面的书比较适合,Joseph O'Rourke 的
Computational Geometry in C
Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Practical Guide. Gerald Farin
这本书就有一点的难度了,呵呵,要努力看啊。 它是 CAGD (计算机辅助几何设计)的经典图书,CAGD 方面的全貌,还有两本很好的讲述曲面的书 Bezier 和 Nurbs 的书:
The Nurbs Book, Les A. Piegl, Wayne Tiller
书里面有 NURBS 曲线、曲面的程序伪代码,很容易改成C的,书讲的通俗、易懂,但是你要有耐心看的:)
这本书是法国人写的中文翻译版,里面还有Bezie本人写的序J,翻译的很不错的,看了你就掌握 Bezier 曲面技术了。
还有其他的一些造型技术,比如:隐式曲面(Implicit Surface)的造型:就是用函数形式为 F( x ,y ,z ) = 0 的曲面进行造型,这样的造型技术适合描述动物器官一样的肉乎乎的东西,有2 本书推荐大家:
Introduction to Implicit Surfaces. Jules Bloomenthal
是一本专著,讲述了 Implicit Surface 建模型(Modeling),面片化 (Polygonization),渲染(Rendering)的问题。
Implicit Objects Computer Graphics. Luiz Velho
细分曲面(Subdivision Surface)造型:当用 NURBS 做造型的时候,曲面拼接是复杂的问题,在动画的时候,可能产生撕裂或者褶皱,Subdivision Surface 用来解决这个问题。
Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach. Joe Warren
在你的几何模型做好之后,有一些问题需要对这个模型进一步处理,得到适合的模型,当面片很多的时候,或者模型很复杂的时候,需要对几何模型进行简化,才可以满足一些实时绘制的需要,这个技术叫做层次细节(LOD-Level of Detail)。下面的书就是讲这个的:
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics. David Luebke
如果你看了上面的 OpenGL 的书,那么你就知道一些渲染的知识了,但是别高兴的太早,OpenGL 使用的是局部光照模型(Local Illumination Model),不要被这个词吓住了。
Local illumination Model 指的是在做渲染的时候只考虑光源和物体之间的相互作用,不考虑物体和物体之间的影响,所以 OpenGL 不支持阴影,一个(半)透明物体的效果..,这些需要考虑物体之间的影响才可以实现。
虽然 OpenGL 本身不支持,但是通过一些方法可以实现的:),用 Google 搜索一下 Shadow Volume, OpenGL 就找到答案啦。
Global Illumination Model 这类模型考虑的就比较全啦。现在关于 Global Illumination 的技术有 3 大类,具体的技术就不在这里介绍了,如果想了解,可以联系我,大家一起讨论。
光线追踪(Ray Tracing)
关于Ray Tracing的好书有2本:
An Introduction to Ray tracing. Andrew Glassner
Glasser 是图形界的名人,这本书也是 Ray Tracing 的经典。
Realistic Ray Tracing, Second Edition. R. Keith Morley, Peter Shirley
Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis. Michael Cohen
Cohen获得 SIGGRAPH 1998 计算机图形学成就奖,他把 Radiosity 变成实际可用,现在 Cohen 在 MSR 图形组。
Radiosity and Global Illumination. Francois X. Sillion
Sillion 是法国人,他的主要研究方向是 Radiosity,这本书写的很不错的,非常清晰。
Philip Dutre 的新书
Advanced Global Illumination

Radiosity: A Programmer's Perspective. Ian Ashdown
有源代码的书啊!! 就凭这个,得给5*****。
Photon mapping(光子映射)
Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping. Henrik Wann Jensen
Henrik Wann Jensen是Photon mapping技术的发明者
非真实性图形学(Non-Photorealistic Graphics)
真实性不是计算机图形学的唯一要求,比如:你给我画一个卡通效果的图出来,或者我要用计算机画水彩画怎么办?或者:把图象用文字拼出来怎么做?,解决这些问题要用到非真实性图形学, 好书继续推荐!!!
Non-Photorealistic Rendering. Bruce Gooch, Amy Ashurst Gooch
体图形学(Volume Graphics)
用CT机做很多切片(比如头骨),那么能通过这些切片得到3D的头骨吗?Volume Graphics就是解决这样的问题的
Volume Graphics. Min Chen
关于实时渲染和 Shader 的书2
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, ISBN 1-55860-863-X
GPU Gems, edited by Randima Fernando.
Collision Detection, by Gino van den Bergen (table of contents)
Game Physics, by Dave Eberly (companion web site)
ShaderX2: Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel (table of contents)
ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, by Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, Sept. 2003
Graphics Programming Methods, edited by Jeff Lander, July 2003
Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++ and DirectX 9 , by Greg Snook, June 2003
3D Computer Graphics: A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL, by Samuel R. Buss, June 2003 (sample code, etc.)
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0, by Peter Walsh and Adrian Perez, April 2003.
The Cg Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics,
by Randima Fernando and Mark J. Kilgard, February 2003
(Sample chapters and more, Gamasutra excerpt)
Game Programming Tricks of the Trade, by Lorenzo Phillips, Sept. 2002
Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks, by Wolfgang F. Engel
(Table of Contents and more; Introduction; Samples 1 & 2),2002
The OpenGL Extensions Guide, by Eric Lengyel (table of contents and sample, in-depth table of contents)
3D Games, Volume 2: Animation and Advanced Real-Time Rendering, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo
(their Fly3D SDK is online), 2003
Game Programming Gems 3, edited by Dante Treglia and Mark DeLoura,
2002 (see the series web site for upcoming volumes)
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics, by Philip Schneider and David Eberly, Sept. 2002 (companion web site)
Focus On 3D Terrain Programming, by Trent Polack, Dec. 2002 (comes with CD; Publisher's description)
Vector Game Math Processors, by James C. Leiterman, Dec. 2002.
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry, Dec. 2002.
(more information at their site)
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, by Peter Shirley, July 2002
Real-Time Shading, by Marc Olano et al., July 2002
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics, by David Luebke et al., July 2002 (companion web site)
Advanced 3D Game Development with OpenGL, by David Byttow and Ryan Parker, 2002
Real-Time Shader Programming, by Ron Fosner, Dec. 2002
Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, by Jim Blinn, July 2002
Software Optimization Cookbook, by Richard Gerber, March 2002
Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX, by Kelly Dempski, 2002
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, 3rd Edition, by David Ebert et al., 2002 (companion web site)
Special Effects Game Programming with DirectX 8.0, by Mason McCuskey, 2002
Non-Photorealisting Computer Graphics, by Thomas Strothotte and Stefan Schlechtweg, June 2002 (companion web site)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics, by Eric Lengyel, 2001
Game Programming Gems 2, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and introduction), 2001
OpenGL Game Programming, by Kevin Hawkins and Dave Astle (source code), 2001
Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach, by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer, 2001
(companion web site and publisher's web site)
Non-Photorealistic Rendering, by Gooch and Gooch, 2001
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques, by Richard Parent, 2001
Practical Algorithms for 3d Computer Graphics, by R. Stuart Ferguson, 2001
Game Programming Gems, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and code updates), 2000
Game Engine Design: A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics, by Dave Eberly (his code is online), 2000
3D Games, Volume 1: Real-time Rendering and Software Technology, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo
(their Fly3D SDK is online), 2000
3D Graphics Programming: Games and Beyond, by Sergei Savchenko, 2000
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, by deBerg, Van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf, 2000
Computer Graphics Using OpenGL by F.S. Hill, Jr., 2000 (Table of Contents and sample chapter)
3D Game Engine Design, by David Eberly, Jan. 2001 (companion web site)
Essential Mathematics for Computer Graphics Fast, by John Vince,
Oct. 2001
Computer Graphics Through Key Mathematics, by Huw Jones, May 2001
Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications, by Michael Mortenson, 1999
SIGGRAPH: 图形学研究人员的圣地
SIGGRAPH(the ACM—Association for Computer Machinery—Special InterestGroup on ComputerGraphics),国内学术界一般都简称为国际图形学年会,至今已有三十多年的历史了。它被公认为是全球计算机图形学研究领域最负盛名的会议,每年参加会议的人数超过4万人,入选的40-50篇论文是从300-400篇优秀论文中精选出来的。
在 Siggraph 上发表自己的论文,是每一个从事图形图像学研究的人所梦寐以求的荣誉,因为只有在图形图像研究方面做出最尖端、最新锐、最令人激动的新发明、新创造的人,才有机会在 Siggraph 大会上作报告。
浙江大学彭群生教授在 1988 年,与研究生邵敏之合作撰写的有关光能辐射度新方法的论文被美国 SIGGRAPH'88 录用,从而实现了中国学者在这一国际最权威的图形学学术会议上"零"的突破。
SIGGRAPH 历年论文情况如下所示:
* SIGGRAPH 2009 papers on the web
* Graphics paper indexes (Tim Rowley)
* Graphics paper indexes (Kesen.Huang)
* SIGGRAPH2003 回顾
* SIGGRAPH2002 回顾
* SIGGRAPH2001 回顾
* SIGGRAPH2000 回顾
Michael F. Cohen 及其论文
Michael F. Cohen 是微软研究院的高级研究员,他在 Siggraph 1998 上赢得了计算机图形成就奖,他的主要贡献是把辐射度(Radiosity)变成实际可用。
Hugues Hoppe 及其论文
Hugues Hoppe 是微软研究院的高级研究员,他在 Siggraph 2004上赢得了计算机图形成就奖,他赢得该成就奖是因为其在表面重建(surface reconstruction)、渐进网格(progressivemeshes)、几何纹理和几何图像方面进行了先驱性的工作。他就渐进网格所发表的研讨论文在计算机图形领域最广泛被引用,影响也最为深远。网格参数化对于映射纹理图像到表面上至关重要,极大地增强了可视细节和质量。
他的绝大多数论文都可在其个人网站上下载,另外很有很多 demo, talks 等。
一个讲学习 3D 的理念性教程:To Those Learning 3D,内容包括 First Things First, Be an Artist 等。
Graphics Gems I ~ V
Tomas Akenine-Moller 等人编著的
Real-Time Rendering (2nd Edition)
David Ebert 等人的
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Third Edition
讲述如何通过程序实现纹理、山、地形等图形学要素 。
F. Kenton Musgrave 号称分形狂(Fractal Mania),Ken Perlin 就是 Perlin 噪声的发明者,用过 3d 软件的人对 Perlin Noise 不会陌生的。
Evan Pipho Focus On 3D Models
Trent Polack的 Focus On 3D Terrain Programming 讲地形的;
Donald H. House 的 Cloth Modeling and Animation 讲布料的;
Nik Lever 的 Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++ ,讲角色动画的。
Richard Parent的 Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques,当然是讲动画的啦,呵呵;
David H. Eberly 的 3D Game Engine Design : A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics ,有代码的啊!呵呵:)
Alan H. Watt, 3D Computer Graphics (3rd Edition)
James D. Foley等人的 Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C (2nd Edition) ,这本圣经没事的时候再看吧,呵呵
我保证,上面的书在 www.amazon.com 都可以买到:) 别打我。
那好,大部分的书在国家图书馆可以复印到,北京的兄弟有福啦,3年前的书借出来复印,1角/页,但是新书要早图书馆里复印,5~6角/页,还是比 Amazon 便宜啊,呵呵。
我对 DirectX 不了解,所以没有涉及关于 DirectX 的内容:)