命题:康杰中学 长治二中 忻州一中 临汾一中
第I卷(阅读题 共70分)
甲 必考题
1. 下列关于“西来说”的表述,不符合文章观点的一项是( )[来源:Z§xx§k.Com]
A. “西来说”兴起于十九世纪资料匮乏的条件下,而且至今存在很多疑点,随着现在考古资料的极大丰富,它愈难自圆其说。
B. “西来说”起初认为中国大陆史前时代是一片空白,中原地区人口和文化都是自西方输入的,而不是在本土产生的。
2. 下列理解和分析,不符合原文意思的一项是( )
3. 根据原文内容,下列理解和分析不正确的一项是( )
A. 大量的考古资料说明我国铜文化在开始就呈现出以中原地带为中心的多元发展形式,而且一直延续了较长时期。
B. 事实证明,我国中原地区的青铜文化不仅不是zxxk西来的,而且从本土产生以后还向
C .各种不同的古代文化有各自不同的文化面貌,这些面貌是后世研究者识别他们并区别不同文化的重要依据,
4.对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是( )(3分)
A.将讽朝廷 讽:劝说。
B.方觉吾徒之不德也 德:道德高尚。
C.士谦罄竭家资 罄:尽
D.会葬者万余人 会:恰好
5.以下各组句子中,全都表明李士谦乐善好施的一组是( )(3分)
①盛馔盈前,而先为设黍 ②士谦家富于财,躬处节俭
③士谦辄奔走赴之,随乏供济 ④士谦闻而出财,补其少者
⑤吾家余粟,本图振赡 ⑥债家争来偿谦,谦拒之
6.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是( )(3分)
8. 上阕前四句写了作者怎样的经历和感受?在整首词中有什么作用?(5分)
9. 下阕借月抒情,作者抒发了哪些复杂的情感?(6分)
10. 补写出下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。
(1) , 。 今日听君歌一曲,暂凭杯酒长精神。(刘禹锡
(2)桑之落矣,其黄而陨。自我徂尔,三岁食贫。 , 。
(3)惟江上之清风,与山间之明月。耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色, ,用之不竭 , ,而吾与子之所共适。(苏轼《赤壁赋》)
乙 选考题
三、文学类文本阅读(25分) zxxk
11.阅读下面的文字,完成(1)~(4)题。 (25分)
(1)下列对小说有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是( )( )(5分)
D. 春春妈比林大婶心胸开阔、通情达理,对于邻里矛盾毫不计较,在小说中体现了一种社会正能量。
(4)春春“偷锁”学习开锁的行为,有人认为可以理解,有人认为不可取,请结合全文联系实际谈谈你的看法。(8分) zxxk
(1)下列对传记有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是( )( )(5分)
A. 齐白石作为一流的大画家,特点鲜明,他心灵手巧,绘画天赋高,勤奋多产,尤其在57岁的年纪上,勇于改变画风。
C. 对北京艺专的曾一橹教授给自己画的头像,齐白石不乏自嘲,但内心还是颇为满意。
第Ⅱ卷(表达题 共80分)
13.下列各句中,加点词语使用恰当的一项是( )(3分)
14.下列各项中,没有语病的一项是( )(3分)

15. 依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )(3分)
天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,旦夕祸福是无所不包的人生课题中的应有之义,任何人不可心存侥幸。 。 。 , 。 。 。
A.②⑤③⑥④① B.④②⑤③①⑥
C.②⑤③①⑥④ D.④⑤②③①⑥
16. 根据信息要点给下面这则消息拟一个标题。(不超过20字)(5分)
17. 仿照下面的示例,写一个与之修辞手法相同、句式基本一致的句子(6分)
18. 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字文章。(60分)
1.C 文中为“多数未亲见第一手的考古资料”。
2.B 黄铜片为我国目前已知最早的铜制品。
3.D 因果关系于文无据。
⑴他的家僮曾经抓住偷他家粮食的人,士谦宽慰那人说:“穷困致使你这样,从道理上讲不应该责备你。”马上(就)叫家僮放了小偷。(给分点:“执”“慰谕”“ 义”“ 相”“ 遽”5分)
⑵同乡人整理了他的事迹,到尚书省请求先生的谥号,事情被搁置不予理会,于是大家共同在他的墓前树立了石碑。(给分点:“条”“行状”“ 诣”“ 寝”“ 于”5分)
10.(1)沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(2)淇水汤汤,渐车帷裳。(3)取之无禁 是造物者之无尽藏也zxxk
并用设问的形式引发读者注意,有先声夺人之效,给读者留下深刻的印象,增强传记的生动性。 (2分)。(答3点即可得6分)
英 语 试 题
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共115分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man mean?
A. He doesn't know why the coffee tastes bad.
B. He thinks they ought to go to the coffee shop.
C. He only wants coffee because he isn't hungry.
2. Why did the man want to go to the library?
A. To return a book. B. To borrow a book. C. To readsomething.
3. What does the man mean?
A. Margie has gone home.
B. He's known Margie for a long time.
C. He just met Margie.
4. Why was Carl at the hospital?
A. He was sick. B. His wife was sick. C. He was visiting hisdaughter.
5. What is the woman riding in?
A. In a train. B. In a plane. C. In a taxi.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-7 题。
6. What's the man?
A. A film star. B. A bus driver. C. A famous racing-driver.
7. What's the man's name?
A. Grand Prix. B. Joe. C. Studio.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8-10 题。
8. What are they talking about?
A. About the plan for tonight.
B. About a terrible old film.
C. About whether they will go to the film.
9. How often do they go to the film?
A. Very often. B. Seldom. C. Once a week.
10. What does the man think of the film Spy Story?
A. It is interesting. B. It is old. C. It is frightening.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 11-14 题。
11. Which day do most Americans like least?
A. Saturday. B. Monday. C. Sunday.
12. What day do most Americans like best?
A. Saturday. B. Monday. C. Sunday.
13. What do most Americans do on the weekend?
A. Take care of their children.
B. Eating at home with families.
C. Get the time to move slowly.
14. What are some Americans likely to do on Saturday night?
A. Go to a film. B. Have outdoor sports. C. Drive in thecountry.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。
15. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A. At a cinema. B. At a bookstore. C. At a video rentalshop.
16. How much do newly released movies cost to rent?
A. $2.00. B. $20.00. C. $5.00.
17. On what day does this conversation take place?
A. On Sunday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。
18. Where does the speaker come from?
A. America. B. France. C. China.
19. What party is talked about?
A. A birthday party of an American woman.
B. A special party held for her teachers.
C. A young woman's birthday.
20. If an American woman is celebrating her 29thbirthday, how old may she really be?
A. 29. B. 39. C. 70.
21. --- Will you please spare me a few minutes now?
--- ___, but I’ll be free in half an hour.
A. No, I can’t B. Yes, with pleasure C. No problem D. I’m afraidnot
22. That is ___ most moving play so that ___ most people like tosee it.
A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /
23. The unemployment figures this year are close to ___ of theyear before last.
A. that B. ones C. one D. those
24. It is well known ___ a person eats causes changes in thebody.
A. what B. that what C. what that D. that
25. You should try to get a good night sleep____ much work youhave to do.
A. however B. whatever C. no matter D. although
26. I was not bothered by his poor English ___ by his lack ofmanners.
A. as much as B. as C. than D. rather than
27. ---Did you notice Tom was busy all day in his office?
---Oh, yes, he has just finished his business tour of Chicago.He has a lot of work to ___.
A. take up B. make up C. come up D. carry out
28. I’m very happy ___ a chance ___ your school.
A. to give… to visit B. giving… visiting
C. to be given…to visit D. to be given…visiting
29. The flower is dead. I ___ it more water.
A. will give B. ought to give
C. could have given D. ought to have given
30. I have been studying computer for years and I still ___.
A. have B. do C. have been D. am
31. ____, I had to buy a new one.
A. My dictionary losing B. My dictionary having been lost
C. Because my dictionary lost D. My dictionary had been lost
32. Sorry to have kept you waiting. You must have thought___.
A. we are not coming B. we were not coming
C. we did not come D. we were not come
33. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes,___ Mrs. Stone picked up her bag and ran all the way home.
A. after that B. after what C. after which D. after when
34. The teacher frowned ___ annoyance when a student fell asleepduring his lesson.
A. at B. to C. with D. for
35. Nowhere else in such a small town, I think, ___ a book asgood as this one.
A. can you get B. does you get C. was you get D. you willget
Basically, people are afraid of giving talks in front of others.Some may have negative __36__ in the past, such as beinglaughed at by others. Now the best way is to practice, practice,and practice.
Most people don’t want to hear this, but the best way to__37__ a fear of public speaking is really practice, practice, and practice.__38__ any fear ahead allows us to control it, rather thanlet it control us. Our overreactions to our fears are really ourbrains trying to __39__ us from seeing it as a threateningsituation. __40__ faint (眩晕) is a good way to keep us off astage, saving us from the threat of __41__. But, the more weexperience the “threatening” situation without the harm, the morewe’re able to __42__ that fear.
A good way to begin feeling comfortable while __43__publicly is to start small. Start __44__ stories withfriends and co-workers __45__. This could be something youread about in the news, or something you did __46__ theweekend. This point is to practice speaking in front of others, andfeeling __47__ at it.
If you have no problem speaking __48__ in front of theother friends, __49__ shake at the thought of getting behinda podium (讲台) and speaking in front of __50__, thenpracticing behind a podium is what you must do. __51__ thereexist speaking clubs for you such as Toastmaster’s International,in which people meet __52__. You can join a club in yourarea and practice speaking in public every week, as well as__53__ speeches on a better basis. You will also receiveadvice on your __54__ as well as your strengths. You’llprobably be __55__ to find out that you’re better than youthought you were.
36. | A. opinion | B. judgments | C. arguments | D. experiences |
37. | A. promote | B. organize | C. conquer | D. strengthen |
38 | A. Reading | B. Facing | C. Ignoring | D. Raising |
39. | A. protect | B. separate | C. ban | D. warn |
40. | A. Controlling | B. Reducing | C. Feeling | D. Limiting |
41. | A. bravery | B. gratitude | C. sickness | D. shame |
42. | A. dig out | B. cut off | C. get over | D. take off |
43. | A. introducing | B. speaking | C. explaining | D. producing |
44. | A. sharing | B. making | C. writing | D. correcting |
45. | A. secretly | B. happily | C. shyly | D. bravely |
46. | A. from | B. with | C. over | D. for |
47. | A. proud | B. successful | C. unique | D. nervous |
48. | A. socially | B. personally | C. privately | D. honorably |
49. | A. and | B. or | C. for | D. but |
50 | A. parents | B. teachers | C. strangers | D. relatives |
51. | A. Unfortunately | B. Luckily | C. Doubtfully | D. Mentally |
52. | A. instantly | B. frequently | C. occasionally | D. rarely |
53. | A. listening to | B. talking about | C. recording | D. copying |
54. | A. advantages | B. weaknesses | C. features | D. excuses |
55. | A. interested | B. frightened | C. surprised | D. disturbed |
My husband and I had just opened up a pet sitting businessearlier that year. Our customers had slowly risen from three tothirty a month. We were busy through those hot summer months,driving between visits. Our services were strictly held at the petowner’s home. It was almost too busy for the two of us, but we weremaking good money!
We asked pet owners new to our services to phone two weeks aheadso we had enough time to meet the owners and pets at their homesand make any following meetings before the owner leaves.
One day, we decided to take on a new customer just two daysbefore they would leave. We met the family, filled in a form, andspent some time with their dog, Hercules. He playfully jumped on usand touched our hands and arms using his tongue. The family laughedas he did this, showing us that he was very loving.
Two days later I appeared at the house, alone. I came up toHercules and said hello happily. I filled up his water bowl andcleaned any messes he made. Meanwhile, he was so lovely sittingbeside. I thought this would be the good picture to send to theowners, a usual service. After the light and “click” sound wentoff, Hercules rushed at me. I didn’t know what had just happeneduntil I noticed the drops of blood. I ran out and did the onlything — calling my husband.
Then I went to neighbors for help. My husband arrived after tenminutes. The helpful neighbor and my husband led Hercules back intohis pen (圈). Then my husband and I took off to the hospital.
I must have looked like I was shot when I walked into thehospital. The nurses quickly moved me to a room. I asked the doctorin a weak but playful manner, “ Am I going to die?” He replied,“Finally.”
56. According to the text, the author’s work was .
A. tiring and dangerous B. easy and free
C. well paid D. done outdoors
57. What did the author often do during her work?
A. Cleaning the clients’ house.
B. Walking the pets outside.
C. Bringing the pets to her own house.
D. Taking a photo of pets to the owners.
58. It can be inferred from the text that the author wasattacked because .
A. Hercules feared the sound and the flash
B. the author attacked Hercules first
C. Hercules was very hungry then
D. the author treated Hercules badly
59. The doctor’s answer gave us a sense of .
A. anger B. humor C. carelessness D. patience
A new study suggests that sad music might actually arousepositive emotions. The finding helps to explain why people enjoylistening to sad music, say Ai Kawakami and her colleagues fromTokyo University of the Arts and the RIKEN Brain ScienceInstitute, Japan. Ai Kawakami and her colleagues asked 44volunteers, including both musicians and nonspecialists, to listento two pieces of sad music and one piece of happy music. Eachparticipant was required to use a set of keywords to rate boththeir perception(观念) of the music and their own emotionalstate.
The sad pieces of music included Glinka’s La Separationin F minor and Blumenfeld’s Etude Sur Mer in G minor.The happy music piece was Granados’s Allegro de Concierto inG major. To control the “happy” effect of major key, they alsoplayed the minor key(小调) pieces in major key, and vise versa.
The researchers explained that sad music aroused contradictoryemotions because the participants of the study tended to feel sadto be more tragic and less romantic than they felt themselves whilelistening to it.
“ In general, sad music causes sadness in listeners, andsadness is regarded as an unpleasant emotion. If sad music actuallyarouses only unpleasant emotion, we would not listen to it,” theresearchers wrote in the study.
“Music that is believed as sad actually causes romanticemotion as well as sad emotion.And people, regardless of theirmusical training, experience this ambivalent(矛盾的) emotion to listento the sad music,” added the researchers.
Also, unlike sadness in daily life, sadness experienced throughart actually feels pleasant, possibly because the latter does notcause an actual threat to our safety. This could help people todeal with their negative emotions in daily life, concluded theauthors.
“Emotion experienced by music has no direct danger or harmunlike the emotion experienced in everyday life. Therefore, we caneven enjoy unpleasant emotion such as sadness. If we suffer fromunpleasant emotion aroused through daily life, sad music might behelpful to alleviate negative emotion,” they added.
60. People enjoy listening to sad music because _______.
A. sad music may help arouse positive emotions
B. sad music can make people relax
C. Sad music has a positive effect on people’s health
D. many experts recommend people to listen to sad music
61. We can learn from the passage that _______.
A. sad music only causes sadness in listeners
B. Only musicians were invited to take part in the survey
C. The volunteers were asked to listen to three pieces of musicin all
D. Granados’s Allegro de Concierto in G major can causepositive emotions
62. The underlined word “alleviate” in the last paragraph means“ ”.
A. add B. strengthen C. cause D. reduce
63. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. People should listen to sad music.
B. Happy music can make people sad.
C. Sad music may actually cause positive emotions.
D. Sad music is really bad to people.
Recently the busiest person on the Internet is absolutelyYuanfang, a fictional figure from the Chinese TV series “DetectiveDi Renjie”. In the TV series, Li was often asked by Di, “How do yousee it, Yuanfang?” Then, the dialogues between them help advancethe plot. Now, the casual pet phrase is used as many as 2.5 milliontimes by netizens in a single day, according to statistics.
In fact, it is not the first popular sentence pattern on theInternet. Many other types of popular network words include thoseevolved from “the slogans of Vancl(凡客网)” and actor’s lines of “TheLegend of Concubine Zhen Huan”.
The explosive spread of the sentence “How do you see it,Yuanfang?” again proved the vast power of the network spread. Theappearance of a buzzword(流行词) on the Internet may be coincidental,but the spread of numerous buzzwords has started a social andcultural phenomenon. It is more noticeable that the spread is nota deliberate choice but by chance. Usually, everyone hasknown about it, except the one concerned.
The appearance of buzzwords is resulting from the agreement ofnetizens. If something is new and interesting enough, it will causepublic attention.
The rise of these buzzwords also benefits from their strong“adhesive(粘着的) force”. After analyzing these buzzwords, we findthat they have a common character, namely “novel in structure butempty in content”. Therefore, any concrete contents can be added inthese buzzwords, creating fantastic results.
Taking the “Yuanfang-style” as an example, its popularitydisplayed a social mentality of questioning. Although it seems alittle funny to ask “Yuanfang”, a fictional character, and somepeople even find it boring. This way of asking a question reveals avaluable quality-listening. The Internet provides a space foreveryone to express their views, but it also causes controversies.What’s your opinion, Yuanfang?
64. We can learn from the passage that Yuanfang .
A. is the busiest person in modern industrial societies
B. plays an important role in a Chinese TV series
C. is a fictional figure currently popular with netizens
D. starts a social and cultural phenomenon by himself
65. What does the underlined words “a deliberate choice” inParagraph3 mean?
A. a choice made on purpose B. a choice made by accident
C. a choice done in person D. a choice done at ease
66. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The dialogues between Di Renjie and Yuanfang help understandthe network buzzwords. B. The “Yuanfang-style” suggests once againthat the power of the network spread is quite
C. The spread of numerous buzzwords has started a socialdevelopment of structure and content.
D. The result of the netizens’ agreement directly leads to therise of some socially strong problems.
67. What can we infer from the last passage?
A. People benefited from the Internet on which they can learn alot about real society.
B. People learned about some controversies from the Internet anddecided to deal with them.
C. People provided a space through which they can display theirown criminal mentality.
D. People found out a place where they can question and expresstheir different views.
Still seeking a destination for your long summer holidays? Thereis a good place which may be your favorite option.
Arts of Hope is an overnight performing arts summer camp inSaint Paul, Minnesota, the USA for kids aged 10 and older fromaround the world. More than just a performing arts camp, Arts ofHope offers participants a unique opportunity to live with kidsfrom other cultures while learning and performing music from manycountries.
Each summer, up to 75 children venture to Minnesota from Europe,Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and the US. Theyarrive as strangers but soon become friends as they learn popularsongs and dances from each other’s cultures. The lessons learnedduring these six weeks are profound. The friendships are enduring.And the stories are inspirational. Taking part in the Arts of Hopecamp is a life-changing experience.
The Arts of Hope 2013 session will run from June 17 to July 30.Because Arts of Hope is a global camp, it is impossible for us toschedule the program to fit all the school schedules of all theschools in the world. Therefore, we understand that someparticipants may need to arrive late or leave early. Don’t let thatstop you from applying! We are happy to make special arrangementsas needed. Just send us an email to explain your schedulingchallenges. We are happy to arrange a special study room for latearrivals to make up for the missed lessons.
For the 2013 summer, the fee for new, first-time participants is$2,950, subject to the special discounts offered below.
If you apply before February 28, you can get a special feereduction of $100. Also, there is a 20% fee discount for additionalparticipants from your family if you have a brother or sister whois a Arts of Hope participant. The discount applies to the second,third, and any other additional siblings attending in the same yearfrom the same family.
Apply early to assure your place! Please sign up now!
68. Which of the following statement is not true?
A. The camp will last more than one month.
B. The discount applies to the third sibling from the samefamily.
C. Kids can learn more about different cultures.
D. You’d better sign up for the camp early.
69. If you leave early or arrive late, what will happen ?
A. They will make up for the missed lessons.
B. You will have to attend the next year’s camp.
C. They will give you a special discount.
D. You will have to miss some lessons.
70. If you and your sister apply for the first time on May 16,how much will both of you pay in total?
A. $4,720 B. $5,310 C. $5,900 D. $5,700
第二节: (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
Raising Confident Kids
Self-esteem(自尊) is a collection of beliefs or feelings we haveabout ourselves. Having a healthy self-esteem can protect usthrough difficult times and help us remain focused on what isimportant to us. Research shows that children with high self-esteemgrow up to be more confident adults. Self-esteem building shouldstart from young. 71
Praise actions
Young children need feedback. It’s how they measure theiractions and it plays a role in learning from experience. Providespecific praise about actual actions performed and efforts made inthe process. 72 .
Identify strengths
Preschoolers are always watching each other. On the bright side,they learn new things from each other. On the other side, they canbecome self-critical when they see a peer accomplishing somethingthey still struggle to do. 73 Tell your children to focus ontheir strengths when they start to draw comparisons.
Foster(培养) a sense of belonging
Young children may not understand how peer pressure (同龄人的压力)works, but they feel it when they’re being excluded(排除). Show yourchildren that they are important by listening to and responding totheir needs and ideas. As much as possible, save grown-upconversations for later so that you can have family conversations.74
As much as they need us, they also need to work on taking smallsteps towards independence. When they know they can do things, theyfeel more confident. Teach problem-solving skills. Step aside andlet them work on challenges before jumping in to help. Help byasking, “ How can we do this in a different way? Let’s come up withsome ideas together.” Getting kids involved in problem-solvingteaches them how to deal with challenges in the future.
Building and maintaining healthy self-esteem can be a lifelongprocess, but the sooner you start, the more confident your childrenwill become.
A. Encourage Independence
B. Spend quality time with children
C. Try to address their concerns as they arise, no matter howminor.
D. If praise is only attached to success, kids will focus on “ winning”.
E. Be sure to point out your children’s strengths regularly andbe specific.
F. Below are some tips to help you promote your children’sself-esteem.
G. Each parent has the responsibility to help children to becomeconfident.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
Nowadays, lots of students plan to study abroad and study abroadhas been popular in our country. More and more middle schoolstudents would like to go to abroad. Is it good to study abroad? Inmy opinion, on the one hand, it had some advantages. Studyingabroad can provide better studying condition. People can make rapidprogress on their foreign language study and it can also help widentheir field of view. Beside, young students can learn advancingscience and technology from foreign countries and spread culturesof different nations. On the other hand, it has disadvantages. Forexample, because of lack of living experience and poor capabilityto take care of themselves, they may feel alone and homesick. Inaddition, highly living expenses and tuition fees will become heavyburden upon their parents.
过去: 老师满堂灌 ,学生忙于做笔记;晚上加班做作业。
现在: 小组讨论,自主学习;活动形式多样。
Dear Peter,
I’m glad to hear from you again.______
Li Hua
单项选择:21-25 DDDBA 26-30 ABCDD 31-35 BBCCA
阅读答案: 56-59 C D A B 60-63 A C D C
64-67 C A B D 68-70 B A B 71-75 F D E C A
Nowadays, lots of students plan to study abroad andstudy abroad has been popular in our country.
More and more middle school students wouldlike to go to abroad. Is it good to study a broad? In
my opinion, on the one hand, it had some advantages.Studying abroad can provide better studying
condition. People can make rapid progress on theirforeign language study and it can also help
conditions in
widen their field of view. Beside, young students canlearn advancing science and technology
Besides advanced
from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations.On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because oflack of living experience and poor capability to take care
of themselves, they may feel alone and homesick. Inaddition, highly living expenses and tuition
lonely high
fees will become ∧heavy burden upon their parents.
Dear Peter,
I’m glad to hear from you again. There are many things going onin our school. To our delight, things have got much better since westarted a different way of learning.
In the past, our teachers stood in front of the class talkingall the time while we students listened, busily taking notes. Aftera tiring day at school, we always had a lot of homework to do.Sometimes we even worked late into the night. Now we are active inclass. We often have discussions in pairs or in groups. Afterclass, we enjoy all kinds of activities, such asgoing in for sports, doing experiments, or surfing theInternet.
We are extremely happy about the changes in our studies.
All the best
Li Hua
(Text 1)
W: Where do you want to eat?
M: Is there anything wrong with the coffee shop?
(Text 2)
W: This topic is very interesting, isn't it?
M: It is. I'd like to read something more about it.
W: How about going to the library?
M: Let's go there. I've got to return a book anyway.
(Text 3)
W: Have you met Margie yet?
M: We are from the same hometown.
(Text 4)
W: I saw Carl at the hospital today. I wonder if his wife isill.
M: No, she is fine. His daughter just had a baby and he wasvisiting her.
(Text 5)
W: Hurry up please, or I'll be late.
M: Sorry, Madame, but the traffic this time of the day isheavy.
(Text 6)
W: You've had a very dangerous life, haven't you, Joe?
M: Yes. That's right.
W: When was your worst accident?
M: Last year. It was during the British Grand Prix. I knockedinto a wall. The car was completely destroyed and my left leg wasbroken. Luckily nobody was killed.
W: Is that the only time you've been... ,er... close todeath?
M: No, I had a very frightening experience quite recently. I wasfrightened to death! I thought I was going to be killed at anymoment.
W: Really? When was that?
M: It was on my way to this studio. I had to drive throughLondon during the lunch hour.[来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]
(Text 7)
W: What shall we do tonight?
M: How about the cinema?
W: That's a good idea. We haven't been for ages.
M: What would you like to see?
W: Oh, I don't know. Spy Story ?
M: Spy Story? That terrible, old film?
W: But it's got the prize in 2000.
M: But I've seen it before.
W: Well, we can first go to the cinema and then see what film weenjoy.
M: OK.
(Text 8)
In the United States Monday is the beginning of the workweek; itis the day most Americans like least. The day they like most isSaturday. Saturday is the end of the workweek; it is the beginningof the weekend. Life is different on the weekend; most Americanstake care of their houses, cars or gardens. They sleep later in themorning. They enjoy the feeling that the time seems to move moreslowly