西方经济学:Microeconomics ¯oeconomics
大学英语:College English
形势与政策教育:Situation and Policy
英语听说:English listening & speakin
大学生心理健康教育:Psychology Health Education forUniversity Students
政治经济学:Political economics
思想道德修养民法律基础:Thought morals tutelage andlegal foundation
体育:Physical education
经济数学:Mathematics for Economics
国际贸易实务:International trade practice
计算机基础:Fundamentals of Computer Application
毛、邓、三个代表概论:An Summary of Mao's Thought,Deng's Theory and the Important Thought of Three Represents
报关实务:Customs Declaration Practice
中国对外贸易概论: Introduction toChineseForeign Trade
物流基础:Logistics management
国际商务文化:English reading of international businessculture
国际结算:International settlement
国际商法:International commercial law
国际商务函电:English correspondence for foreign trade
国际货物运输与保险:International cargo transportantionand insurance
