NCISNCIS(Naval Criminal InvestigativeService)全称是海军罪案调查处,是美国海军的主要执法和反间谍机构,它与联邦及其他各地方执法机构、外国特工组织一起调查最严重的罪行:如恐怖主义、间谍活动、黑客攻击、杀人、强奸、虐待儿童、放火罪、诈骗等等。NCIS是一个由专业的小组领导下在全世界范围内履行使命的组织。一半的NCIS特工,约2300人,是普通公民。经过专业训练,机动性强,他们世界各地超过140个分部。NCIS特工属于有武装的联邦执法调查员。NCIS主要是为了保护海军的人员、舰船飞机等设备以及美国的在大洋里航行的远征部队。
海军罪案调查处:洛杉矶 是哥伦比亚广播公司剧集《海军罪案调查处》的第一部衍生剧,而后者则是CBS另外一部电视剧《执法悍将》(JAG)的衍生剧。该剧将于2009年9月22日首播,被排在周四《海军罪案调查组》播出之后晚上九点档。 克里斯·奥唐纳(Chris O'Donnell)将领衔主演,他所饰演的角色卡伦(Callen)是一个颇为神秘的头号调查员,天生擅长从事卧底工作。LL Cool J将饰演特别调查员山姆·汉纳(Sam Hanna),前美国海军海豹突击队成员的他在海军罪案调查处洛杉矶分部秘密工作组工作。他能说很流利的阿拉伯语,对中东文化也十分了解。皮特·坎博(Peter Cambor)和达尼埃·劳(DanielaRuah)也被说动出演该剧主角,分别饰演心理学家内特(Nate)和法医学调查员肯西(Kensi),他们在《海军罪案调查处》2009年4月播出的一集中首次亮相。路易丝·隆巴德(LouiseLombard)曾被确认要饰演头号调查员克拉拉(Clara),但是她将不会作为常规演员出演该剧,而可能以客串身份回归。 在《海军罪案调查处》中饰演主管莱昂·凡斯(Leon Vance)的洛奇·卡罗尔(RockyCarroll)也将亮相该剧前13集中的至少6集。此外,饰演鉴识科学家艾碧·舒托(Abby Sciuto)之宝蕾·佩雷特(PauleyPerrette)也将在第九集中客串出演。NCIS: LosAngeles is a drama about the high stakes world of undercoversurveillance at the Office of Special Projects (OSP), a division ofNCIS that is charged with apprehending dangerous and elusivecriminals that pose a threat to the nation's security. By assumingfalse identities and utilizing the most advanced technology, thisteam of highly trained agents goes deep undercover, putting theirlives on the line in the field to bring down their targets. SpecialAgent "G" Callen (Chris O'Donnell) is a chameleon who transformshimself into whomever he needs to be to infiltrate the criminalunderworld. His partner is Special Agent Sam Hanna (LL Cool J), aformer U.S. Navy SEAL who has seen action in both Afghanistan andIraq, and a surveillance expert who uses state of the artmonitoring equipment to look out for those in the field and feedthem crucial information. Both Callen and Hanna report to Henrietta"Hetty" Lange (Linda Hunt) she is the new OSP team leader insteadof Special Agent Lara Macy (Louise Lombard) how quit after thebackdoor pilot. The OSP team leader responsible for directing theoperations and making life-or-death decisions.Assisting the team is Special Agent Kensi Lo (Daniela Ruah), theexceptionally bright daughter of a slain Marine who lives for theadrenalin rush that comes with undercover work, and OperationalPsychologist Nate Getz (Peter Cambor), adept at getting intoanybody's head, profiling the target and monitoring agents' statesof mind before, during and after missions. Dominic Vail (Adam JamalCraig) is a young agent how just started by OSP. He has yet toproven himself use full.
Armed with the latest in high tech gear and sent regularly intolife-threatening situations, this tight-knit team relies on eachother to do what is necessary to protect nationalinterests.