Unit 6 The Contractor 第6 单元 承 包 商
The Contractor’s GeneralObligations 承包商的一般义务
The Contractor shall design, execute andcomplete the Works in accordance with the Contract, and shallremedy any defects in the Works. 承包商应按照合同设计、实施和完成工程,并修补工程中的任何缺陷。When completed, the Works shallbe fit for the purposes for which the Works are intended as definedin the Contract. 完成后,工程应能满足合同规定的工程预期目的。
The Contractor shall provide the Plant andContractor’s Documents specified in the Contract, and allcontractor’s Personnel, Goods, consumables and other things andservices, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required inand for this design, execution, completion and remedying ofdefects.承包商应提供合同规定的生产设备和承包商文件,以及设计、施工、竣工和修补缺陷所需的所有临时性或永久性的承包商人员、货物、消耗品及其他物品和服务。
The Works shall include any work which isnecessary to satisfy the Employer’s Requirements, or is implied bythe Contract, and all works which (although not mentioned in theContract) are necessary for stability or for the completion, orsafe and proper operation, of the Works.工程应包括为满足雇主要求或合同隐含要求的任何工作,以及(合同虽未提及但)为工程的稳定或完整、安全和有效运行所需的所有工作。
The Contractor shall beresponsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Siteoperations, of all methods of construction and of all the Works.承包商应对所有现场作业、所有施工方法和全部工程的完备性、稳定性和安全性承担责任。The Contractor shall, wheneverrequired by the Employer, submit details of the arrangements andmethods which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the execution ofthe Works.No significant alteration to these arrangements andmethods shall be made without this having previously been notifiedto the Employer.当雇主提出要求时,承包商应提交其建议采用的工程施工安排和方法的细节。若事先未通知雇主,对这些安排和方法不得做重要改变。
Performance security履约担保
The Contractor shall obtain (at his cost) aPerformance Security for proper performance, in the amount andcurrencies stated in the Particular Conditions if an amount is notstated in the Particular Conditions, this Sub-Clause shall notapply.承包商应对严格履约(自费)取得履约担保,保证金额与币种应符合专用条件中的规定。专用条件中没有提出保证金额的,本款应不适用。
The Contractor shall deliver the PerformanceSecurity to the Employer within 28 days after both Parties havesigned the Contract Agreement. 承包商应在双方签署合同协议书后 28 天内,将履约担保交给雇主。The Performance Security shallbe issued by an entity and from within a country (or otherjurisdiction) approved by the Employer, and shall be in the formannexed to the Particular Conditions or in another form approved bythe Employer.履约担保应由雇主批准的国家(或其他司法管辖区)内的实体提供,并采用专用条件所附格式或采用雇主批准的其他格式。
The Contractor shall ensure that thePerformance Security is valid and enforceable until the Contractorhas executed and completed the Works and remedied any defects.承包商应确保履约担保直到其完成工程的施工、竣工和修补完任何缺陷前持续有效和可执行。If the terms of the PerformanceSecurity specify its expiry date, and the Contractor has not becomeentitled to receive the Performance Certificate by the date 28 daysprior to the expiry date, the Contractor shall extend the validityof the Performance Security until the Works have been completed andany defects have been remedied. 如果在履约担保的条款中规定了其期满日期,而承包商在该期满日期28天前尚无权拿到履约证书,承包商应将履约担保的有效期延至工程竣工和修补完任何缺陷时为止。除出现以下情况雇主根据合同有权获得赔偿金额外,雇主不应根据履约担保提出索赔:
The Employer shall not make a claim under thePerformance Security, except for amounts to which the Employer isentitled under the Contract in the event of:除出现以下情况雇主根据合同有权获得赔偿金额外,雇主不应根据履约担保提出索赔:
(1) failure by the Contractor to extend thevalidity of the Performance Security as described in the precedingparagraph, in which event the Employer may claim the full amount ofthe Performance Security. (1)承包商未能按前一段所述延长履约担保的有效期,这时雇主可以索赔履约担保的全部金额。
(2) failure by the Contractor to pay theEmployer an amount due, as either agreed by the Contractor ordetermined under Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] or Clause 20[Claims, Disputes and Arbitration], within 42 days after thisagreement or determination. (2) 承包商未能在商定或决定后42 天内,将承包商同意的,或根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]或第20 条[索赔、争端和仲裁]的规定确定的承包商应付金额付给雇主。
(3) failure by the Contractor to remedy adefault within 42 days after receiving the Employer’s noticerequiring the default to be remedied. (3) 承包商未能在收到雇主要求纠正违约的通知后42天内进行纠正。
(4) circumstances which entitlethe Employer to termination under Sub-Clause 15.2 [Termination byEmployer], irrespective of whether notice of termination has beengiven. (4) 根据第15.2 款[由雇主终止]的规定,雇主有权终止的情况,不管是否已发出终止通知。
The Employer shall indemnify and hold theContractor harmless against and from all damages, losses andexpenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from a claimunder the Performance Security to the extent to which the Employerwas not entitled to make the claim.雇主应保障并保持承包商免受因雇主根据履约担保提出的超出雇主有权索赔范围的索赔引起的所有损害赔偿费、损失和开支(包括法律费用和开支)的伤害。
The Employer shall return the PerformanceSecurity to the Contractor within 21 days after the Contractor hasbecome entitled to receive the Performance Certificate.雇主应在承包商有权获得履约证书后 21 天内,将履约担保退还承包商。
Contractor’sRepresentative 承包商代表
The Contractor shall appoint the Contractor’sRepresentative and shall give him all authority necessary to act onthe Contractor’s behalf under the Contract.承包商应任命承包商代表,并授予他代表承包商根据合同采取行动所需要的全部权力。
Unless the Contractor’s Representative isnamed in the Contract, the Contractor shall, prior to theCommencement Date, submit to the Employer for consent the name andparticulars of the person the Contractor proposes to appoint asContractor’s Representative.除非合同中已写明承包商代表的姓名,承包商应在开工日期前,将其拟任命为承包商代表的人员姓名和详细资料提交给雇主,以取得同意。If consent is withheld orsubsequently revoked, or if the appointed person fails to act asContractor’s Representative, the Contractor shall similarly submitthe name and particulars of another suitable person for suchappointment.如果未获同意,或随后撤销了同意,或任命的人不能担任承包商代表,承包商应同样地提交另外适合人选的姓名、详细资料,以取得该项任命。
The Contractor shall not, withoutthe prior consent of the Employer, revoke the appointment of theContractor’s Representative or appoint a replacement.未经雇主事先同意,承包商不应撤销承包商代表的任命,或任命替代人员。
The Contractor’s Representative shall, onbehalf of the Contractor, receive instructions under Sub-Clause 3.4[Instructions]. 承包商代表应代表承包商受理根据第 3.4 款[指示]规定的指示。
The Contractor’s Representative may delegateany powers, functions and authority to any competent person, andmay at any time revoke the delegation.承包商代表可向任何胜任的人员托付任何职权、任务和权力,并可随时撤销托付。Any delegation or revocationshall not take effect until the Employer has received prior noticesigned by the Contractor’s Representative, naming the person andspecifying the powers, functions and authority being delegated orrevoked. 任何托付或撤销,应在雇主收到承包商代表签发的指明人员姓名并说明托付或撤销的职权、任务和权力的事先通知后生效。
The Contractor’s Representative and all thesepersons shall be fluent in the language for communications definedin Sub-Clause 1.4 [Law and Language]. 承包商代表和所有这些人员应能流利地使用第 1.4款[法律和语言]规定的交流语言。
Subcontractors 分包商
The Contractor shall notsubcontract the whole of the Works. 承包商不得将整个工程分包出去。
The Contractor shall be responsible for theacts or defaults of any Subcontractor, his agents or employees, asif they were the acts or defaults of the Contractor.承包商应对任何分包商、其代理人或雇员的行为或违约,如同承包商自己的行为或违约一样地负责。Where specified in theParticular Conditions, the Contractor shall give the Employer notless than 28 days’ notice of: 对专用条件中有规定的,承包商应在不少于28 天前向雇主通知以下事项。
(1) the intended appointment of theSubcontractor, with detailed particulars which shall include hisrelevant experience. (1) 拟雇用的分包商,并附包括其相关经验的详细资料。
(2) the intended commencement ofthe Subcontractor’s work. (2) 分包商承担工作的拟定开工日期。
(3) the intended commencement ofthe Subcontractor’s work on theSite.<}81{>(3) 分包商承担现场工作的拟定开工日期。
Nominated Subcontractors指定的分包商
In this Sub-Clause, “nominated Subcontractor”means a Subcontractor whom the Employer, under Clause 13[Variations and Adjustments], instructs the Contractor to employ asa Subcontractor. 在本款中,“指定的分包商”系指雇主根据第13 条[变更和调整]的规定,指示承包商雇用的分包商。The Contractor shall not beunder any obligation to employ a nominated Subcontractor againstwhom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by notice to theEmployer as soon as practicable, with supporting particulars.如果承包商对指定的分包商尽快向雇主发出通知,提出合理的反对意见,并附有详细的依据资料,承包商不应有任何雇用义务。
Co-operation 合作
The Contractor shall, asspecified in the Contract or as instructed by the Employer, allowappropriate opportunities for carrying out work to:承包商应依据合同的规定或雇主的指示,为可能被雇用在现场或其附近从事本合同未包括的任何工作的下列人员进行工作提供适当的机会:
the Employer’s personnel雇主人员
any other contractors employedby the Employer 雇主雇用的任何其他承包商
the personnel of any legallyconstituted public authorities 任何合法建立的公共当局的人员
who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of anywork not included in the Contract.
Any such instruction shall constitute avariation if and to the extent that it causes the Contractor toincur Cost in an amount which was not reasonably foreseeable by anexperienced contractor by the date for submission of the Tender.如果任何此类指示导致承包商增加费用,达到一个有经验的承包商在提交投标书时不能合理预见的数额时,该指示应构成一项变更。为这些人员和其他承包商的服务可包括使用承包商设备以及由承包商负责的临时工程或进入的安排。Services for these personneland other contractors may include the use of Contractor’sEquipment, Temporary Works or access arrangements which are theresponsibility of the Contractor.承包商应对其在现场的施工活动负责,并应按照雇主要求中规定的范围(如果有)协调其自己与其他承包商的活动。
The Contractor shall beresponsible for his construction activities on the Site, and shallco-ordinate his own activities with those of other contractors tothe extent (if any) specified in the Employer’s Requirements.如果根据合同,要求雇主按照承包商文件向承包商提供任何基础、结构、生产设备或进入手段的占用权,承包商应按雇主要求中提出的时间和方式,向雇主提交此类文件。
If, under the Contract, the Employer isrequired to give to the Contractor possession of any foundation,structure, plant or means of access in accordance with ContractorsDocuments, the Contractor shall submit such documents to theEmployer in the time and manner stated in the Employer’sRequirements.如果根据合同,要求雇主按照承包商文件向承包商提供任何基础、结构、生产设备或进入手段的占用权,承包商应按雇主要求中提出的时间和方式,向雇主提交此类文件。
Setting Out 放线
The Contractor shall set out the Works inrelation to original points, lines and levels of referencespecified in the Contract. 承包商应根据合同中规定的原始基准点、基准线和基准标高,给工程放线。The Contractor shall beresponsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the works,and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, dimensions oralignment of the Works.承包商应负责对工程的所有部分正确定位,并纠正在工程的位置、标高、尺寸或定线中出现的任何差错。
Safety Procedures 安全程序
The Contractor shall: 承包商应:
(1) comply with all applicablesafety regulations. (1) 遵守所有适用的安全规则。
(2) take care for the safety ofall persons entitled to be on the Site. (2) 照料有权在现场的所有人员的安全。
(3) use reasonable efforts to keep the Siteand Works clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger tothese persons. (3) 尽合理的努力保持现场和工程没有不需要的障碍物,以避免对这些人员造成危险。
(4) providing fencing, lighting, guarding andwatching of the Works until completion and taking over under Clause10 [Employer’s Taking Over]. (4) 在工程竣工和按照第10条[雇主的接收]的规定移交前,提供围栏、照明、保卫和看守。
(5) provide any Temporary Works (includingroadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary,because of the execution of the Works, for the use and protectionof the public and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land. (5)因实施工程为公众和临近土地的所有人、占用人使用和提供保护,提供可能需要的任何临时工程(包括道路、人行路、防护物和围栏等)。
Quality Assurance质量保证
The Contractor shall institute a qualityassurance system to demonstrate compliance with the requirements ofthe Contract. 承包商应建立质量保证体系,以证实符合合同要求。The system shall be inaccordance with the details stated in the Contract. 该体系应符合合同的详细规定。The Employer shall be entitledto audit any aspect of the system. 雇主有权对体系的任何方面进行审查。
Details of all procedures and compliancedocuments shall be submitted to the Employer for information beforeeach design and execution stage is commenced.承包商应在每一设计和实施阶段开始前,向雇主提交所有程序和如何贯彻要求的文件的细节,供其参考。When any document of atechnical nature is issued to the Employer, evidence of the priorapproval by the Contractor himself shall be apparent on thedocument itself. 向雇主发送任何技术性文件时,文件本身应有经承包商本人事先批准的明显证据。
Compliance with the quality assurance systemshall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties, obligationsor responsibilities under the Contract.遵守质量保证体系,不应解除合同规定的承包商的任何任务、义务和职责。
Site Data 现场数据
The Employer shall have made available to theContractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, allrelevant data in the Employer’s possession on subsurface andhydrological conditions at the Site, including environmentalaspects. 雇主应在基准日期前,将其取得的现场地下和水文条件及环境方面的所有有关资料提交给承包商。The Employer shall similarlymake available to the Contractor all such data which come into theEmployer’s possession after the Base Date.同样地,雇主在基准日期后得到的所有此类资料也应提交给承包商。
The contractor shall be responsible forverifying and interpreting all such data. 承包商应负责核实和解释所有此类资料。The Employer shall have noresponsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such data,except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.1 [General DesignResponsibilities]. 除第5.1款[设计义务一般要求]提出的情况以外,雇主对这些资料的准确性、充分性和完整性不承担责任。
Sufficiency of the ContractPrice 合同价格
The Contractor shall be deemed to havesatisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of theContract Price. 承包商应被认为已确信合同价格的正确性和充分性。
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, theContract price covers all the Contractor’s obligations under theContract (including those under Provisional Sums, if any) and allthings necessary for the proper design, execution and completion ofthe Works and the remedying of any defects.除非合同另有规定,合同价格包括承包商根据合同所承担的全部义务(包括根据暂列金额所承担的义务,如果有),以及为正确设计、实施和完成工程并修补任何缺陷所需的全部有关事项。
Unforeseeable Difficulties不可预见的困难
Except as otherwise stated in theContract: 除合同另有说明外:
(1) the Contractor shall be deemed to haveobtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies andother circumstances which may influence or affect the Works. (1)承包商应被认为已取得了对工程可能产生影响和作用的有关风险、意外事件和其他情况的全部必要资料。
(2) by signing the Contract, the Contractoraccepts total responsibility for having foreseen all difficultiesand costs of successfully completing the Works. (2)通过签署合同,承包商接受对预见到的所有困难和成功完成工程所需的费用所负的全部责任。
(3) the Contract Price shall notbe adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties orcosts. (3) 对于任何未预见到的困难和费用不应考虑调整合同价格。
Rights of Way andFacilities 道路通行权与设施
The Contractor shall bear all costs andcharges for special and/or temporary rights-of-way which he mayrequire, including those for access to the Site.承包商应为其所需要的专用和(或)临时道路包括进场道路的通行权承担全部费用和开支。The Contractor shall alsoobtain, at his risk and cost, any additional facilities outside theSite which he may require for purposes of the Works.承包商还应自担风险和费用,取得为工程目的可能需要的现场以外的任何附加设施。
Avoidance of Interference避免干扰
The Contractor shall notinterfere unnecessarily or improperly with:承包商应避免对以下事项产生不必要或不当的干扰。
(1) the convenience of thepublic. (1) 公众的方便。
(2) the access to and use and occupation ofall roads and footpaths, irrespective of whether they are public orin the possession of the Employer or of others. (2)所有道路和人行道的进入、使用和占用,不论他们是公共的,还是雇主或是其他人所有的。
The Contractor shall indemnify and hold theEmployer harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses(including legal fees and expenses) resulting from any suchunnecessary or improper interference.承包商应保障并保持雇主免受因任何此类不必要或不当的干扰造成任何损害赔偿费、损失和开支(包括法律费用和开支)的伤害。
Access Route 进场通路
The Contractor shall be deemed to have beensatisfied as to the suitability and availability of access routesto the Site. 承包商应被认为已对现场的进入道路的适宜性和可用性感到满意。The Contractor shall usereasonable efforts to prevent any road or bridge from being damagedby the Contractor’s traffic or by the Contractor’s Personnel.承包商应尽合理的努力,防止任何道路或桥梁因承包商的通行或承包商人员受到损坏。These efforts shall include theproper use of appropriate vehicles and routes.这些努力应包括正确使用适宜的车辆和道路。
Except as otherwise stated inthese Conditions:<}82{>除合同另有说明外:
(1) the Contractor shall (asbetween the Parties) be responsible for any maintenance which maybe required for his use of access routes. (1)承包商应(就双方而言)对因他使用现场通路而需要的任何维护负责。
(2) the Contractor shall provide all necessarysigns or directions along access routes, and shall obtain anypermission which may be required from the relevant authorities forhis use of routes, signs and directions. (2)承包商应提供进场道路的所有必需的标志或方向指示,还应为他使用这些道路、标志和方向指示取得必要的有关当局的许可。
(3) the Employer shall not be responsible forany claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any accessroute. (3) 雇主不应对由于任何进场通路的使用或其他原因引起的索赔负责。
(4) the Employer does not guarantee thesuitability or availability of particular access routes. (4)雇主不保证特定进场通路的适宜性和可用性。
(5) Costs due to non-suitability ornon-availability, for the use required by the Contractor, of accessroutes shall be borne by the Contractor. (5)因进场通路对承包商的使用要求不适宜、不能用而发生的费用应由承包商负担。
Transport of Goods货物运输
Unless otherwise stated in theParticular Conditions. 除非专用条件中另有规定:
(1) the Contractor shall give theEmployer not less than 21 days’ notice of the date on which anyPlant or a major item of other Goods will be delivered to the Site.(1) 承包商应在不少于21 天前,将任何工程设备或每项其他主要货物将运到现场的日期通知给雇主。
(2) the Contractor shall beresponsible for packing, loading, transporting, receiving,unloading, storing and protecting all Goods and other thingsrequired for the Works. (2)承包商应负责工程需要的所有货物和其他物品的包装、装货、运输、接收、卸货、存储和保护。
(3) the Contractor shall indemnify and holdthe Employer harmless against and from all damages, losses andexpenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from thetransport of Goods, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arisingfrom their transport. (3)承包商应保障并保持雇主免受因货物运输引起的所有损害赔偿费、损失和开支(包括法律费用和开支)的伤害,并应协商和支付由于货物运输引起的所有索赔。
The Contractor shall be responsible for allContractor’s Equipment. 承包商应负责所有承包商设备。 Whenbrought on to the Site, Contractor’s Equipment shall be deemed tobe exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.承包商设备运到现场后,应视作准备为工程施工专用。
Protection of theEnvironment 环境保护
The Contractor shall take allreasonable steps to protect the environment (both on and off theSite) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and propertyresulting from pollution, noise and other results of hisoperations.承包商应采取一切适当措施,保护(现场内外)环境,限制由其施工作业引起的污染、噪音和其他后果对公众和财产造成的损害和妨害。

The Contractor shall ensure that emissions,surface discharges and effluent from the Contractor’s activitiesshall not exceed the values indicated in the Employer’sRequirements, and shall not exceed the values prescribed byapplicable Laws.承包商应确保因其活动产生的气体排放、地面排水及排污等不超过雇主要求中规定的数值,也不超过适用法律规定的数值。
Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气
The Contractor shall, except asstated below, be responsible for the provision of all power, waterand other services he may require. 除下述情况外,承包商应负责供应其所需的所有电、水和其他服务。
The Contractor shall be entitled to use forthe purposes of the Works such supplies of electricity, water, gasand other services as may be available on the Site and of whichdetails and prices are given in the Employer’s Requirements.承包商应有权因工程的需要使用现场可供的电力、水、燃气和其他服务,其详细规定和价格见雇主要求。The Contractor shall, at hisrisk and cost, provide any apparatus necessary for his use of theseservices and for measuring the quantities consumed.承包商应自担风险和费用,提供他使用这些服务和计量所需要的任何仪器。
The quantities consumed and the amounts due(at these prices) for such services shall be agreed or determinedin accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] andSub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]. 这些服务的耗用数量和应付金额(按其价格)应根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]和第3.5 款[确定]的要求商定或确定。The Contractor shall pay theseamounts to the Employer. 承包商应向雇主支付此金额。
Employer’s Equipment andFree-Issue Material 雇主设备和免费供应的材料
The Employer shall make the Employer’sEquipment (if any) available for the use of the Contractor in theexecution of the Works in accordance with the details, arrangementsand prices stated in the Employer’s Requirements.雇主应准备雇主设备(如果有),供承包商按照雇主要求中提出的细节、安排和价格,在工程实施中使用。Unless otherwise stated in theEmployer’s Requirements: 除非在雇主要求中另有说明:
(1) the Employer shall beresponsible for the Employer’s Equipment, except that stated in(2). (1) 除(2)所列情况外,雇主应对雇主设备负责。
(2) the Contractor shall beresponsible for each item of Employer’s Equipment whilst any of theContractor’s Personnel is operating it, driving it, directing it orin possession or control of it. (2)当任何承包商人员操作、驾驶、指挥或占用或控制某项雇主设备时,承包商应对该项设备负责。
The appropriate quantities and the amounts due(at such stated price) for the use of Employer’s Equipment shall beagreed or determined in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’sClaims] and Sub-Clause 3.5[Determinations].<}70{>使用雇主设备的适当数量和应付费用金额(按规定价格)应按第2.5款[雇主的索赔]和第3.5 款[确定]的要求商定或确定。承包商应按此金额付给雇主。The Contractor shall pay theseamounts to theEmployer.<}100{>承包商应向雇主支付此金额。
The Employer shall supply, free of charge, the“free-issue material” (if any) in accordance with the detailsstated in the Employer’s Requirement.雇主应按照雇主要求中规定的细节免费提供“免费供应的材料”(如果有)。The Employer shall, at his riskand cost, provide these materials at the time and place specifiedin the contractor. 雇主应自行承担风险和费用,按照合同规定的时间和地点供应这些材料。The Contractor shall thenvisually inspect them, and shall promptly give notice to theEmployer of any shortage, defect or default in these materials.随后,承包商应对其进行目视检查,并将这些材料的短少、缺陷或缺项迅速通知给雇主。Unless otherwise agreed by bothParties, the Employer shall immediately rectify the notifiedshortage, defect or default. 除非双方另有协议,雇主应立即改正通知指出的短少、缺陷或缺项。
After this visual inspection, the free-issuematerials shall come under the care, custody and control of theContractor. 目视检查后,这些免费供应的材料应由承包商照管、监护和控制。The Contractor’s obligations ofinspection, care, custody and control shall not relieve theEmployer of liability for any shortage, defect or default notapparent from a visual inspection.承包商的检查、照管、监护和控制的义务,不应解除雇主对目视检查难发现的任何短少、缺陷或缺项所负的责任。
Progress Reports 进度报告
Unless otherwise stated in the ParticularConditions, monthly progress reports shall be prepared by theContractor and submitted to the Employer in six copies.除非专用条件中另有规定,承包商应编制月进度报告,一式六份,提交给雇主。The first report shall coverthe period up to the end of the first calendar month following theCommencement Date. 第一次报告所包括的期间,应自开工日期起至当月的月底止。
Reports shall be submittedmonthly thereafter, each within 7 days after the last day of theperiod to which it relates. 以后应每月报告一次,在每次报告期最后一天后7 日内报出。
Reporting shall continue until the Contractorhas completed all work which is known to be outstanding at thecompletion date stated in the Taking-Over Certificate for theWorks. 报告应持续到承包商完成在工程移交证书上注明的竣工日期时所有未完扫尾工作为止。
Each report shall include:每份报告应包括:
(1) charts and detailed descriptions ofprogress, including each stage of design, Contractor’s Documents,procurement, manufacture, delivery to Site, construction, erection,testing, commissioning and trial operation. (1)设计、承包商文件、采购、制造、货物运达现场、施工、安装、试验、投产准备和试运行等每一阶段进展情况的图表和详细说明。
(2) photographs showing thestatus of manufacture and of progress on the Site. (2)反映制造情况和现场进展情况的照片。
(3) for the manufacture of each main item ofPlant and Materials, the name of the manufacturer, manufacturelocation, percentage progress, and the actual or expected dated of:(3) 关于每项主要工程设备和材料的生产,制造商名称、制造地点、进度百分比,以及下列事项的实际或预计日期。
commencement of manufacture.开始制造。
Contractor’s inspections.承包商检验。
test. 试验。
shipment and arrival at theSite. 发货和运抵现场。
(4) the details described inSub-Clause 6.10 [Records of Contractor’s personnel and Equipment].第6.10 款[承包商的人员和设备的记录]中所述的细节。
(5) copies of quality assurancedocument documents, test results and certificates of Materials.材料的质量保证文件、试验结果及合格证的副本。
(6) list of Variations, notices given underSub-Clause 2.5 [Employer’s Claims] and notices given underSub-Clause 20.1 [Contractor’s Claims]. 变更、根据第2.5款[雇主的索赔]的规定发出的通知和根据第20.1 款[承包商的索赔]的规定发出的通知的清单。
(7) safety statistic, including details of anyhazardous incidents and activities relating to environmental aspectand public relations. 安全统计,包括对环境和公共关系有危害的任何事件与活动的详细情况。
(8) comparisons of actual and plannedprogress, with details of any events or circumstances which mayjeopardize the completion in accordance with the Contract, and themeasures being (or to be) adopted to overcome delays.实际进度与计划进度的对比,包括可能影响按合同竣工的任何事件或情况的详情,以及为消除延误正在(或准备)采取的措施。
Security of the Site现场保安
Unless otherwise stated in theParticularConditions:<}96{>除非专用条件中另有规定:
(1) the Contractor shall beresponsible for keeping unauthorized persons off the Site. (1)承包商应负责阻止未经授权的人员进入现场。
(2) authorized persons shall be limited to theContractor’s Personnel and the Employer’s Personnel; and to anyother personnel notified to the Contractor, by (or on behalf of)the Employer, as authorized personnel of the Employer’s othercontractors on the Site. (2)授权人员应仅限于承包商人员和雇主人员,以及由(或代表)雇主通知承包商,作为雇主在现场的其他承包商的授权人员的任何其他人员。
Contractor’s Operations onSite 承包商的现场作业
The Contractor shall confine his operations tothe Site, and to any additional areas which may be obtained by theContractor and agreed by the Employer as working areas.承包商应将其作业限制在现场,以及承包商可得到并经雇主同意作为工作场地的任何附加区域内。The Contractor shall take allnecessary precautions to keep Contractor’s Equipment andContractor’s Personnel within the Site and these additional areas,and to keep them off adjacent land.承包商应采取一切必要的预防措施,以保持承包商设备和承包商人员处在现场和此类附加区域内,避免他们进入邻近地区。
During the execution of the Works, theContractor shall keep the Site free from all unnecessaryobstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor’sEquipment or surplus materials.在工程施工期间,承包商应保持现场没有一切不必要的障碍物,并应妥善存放和处置承包商设备或多余的材料。The Contractor shall clear awayand remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish and Temporary Workswhich are no longer required. 承包商应从现场清除并运走任何残物、垃圾和不再需要的临时工程。
Upon the issue of the Taking-Over Certificatefor the Works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove allContractor’s Equipment, surplus material, wreckage, rubbish andTemporary Works.在颁发工程接收证书后,承包商应清除并运走所有承包商设备、剩余材料、残物、垃圾和临时工程。承包商应使现场和工程处于清洁和安全的状况。The Contractor shall leave theSite and the Works in a clean and safe condition.但在缺陷通知期限内,承包商可在现场保留其根据合同完成规定义务所需要的此类货物。However, the Contractor mayretain on Site, during the Defects Notification Period, such goodsas are required for the Contractor to fulfill obligations under theContract. 但在缺陷通知期限内,承包商可在现场保留其根据合同完成规定义务所需要的此类货物。
Fossils 化石
All fossils, coins, articles of value orantiquity, and structures and other remains or items of geologicalor archaeological interest found on the Site shall be placed underthe care and authority of the Employer.在现场发现的所有化石、硬币、有价值的物品或文物,以及具有地质或考古意义的结构物和其他遗迹或物品,应置于雇主的照管和权限下。The Contractor shall takereasonable precautions to prevent Contractor’s Personnel or otherpersons from removing or damaging any of these findings.承包商应采取合理的预防措施,防止承包商人员或其他人员移动或损坏任何这类发现物。
The Contractor shall, upondiscovery of any such finding, promptly give notice to theEmployer, who shall issue instructions for dealing with it.一旦发现任何上述物品,承包商应立即通知雇主。雇主应就处理上述物品发出指示。If the Contractor suffers delayand/or incurs cost from complying with the instructions, theContractor shall give a further notice to the Employer and shall beentitled subject to Sub-Clause 20.1[Contractor’s Claims] to:如果承包商因执行这些指示遭受延误和(或)招致费用,承包商应向雇主再次发出通知,有权根据第20.1款[承包商的索赔]的规定提出:
(1) an extension of time for any such delay,if completion is or will be delayed, under Sub-Clause 8.4[Extension of Time for Completion]. (1) 根据第8.4款[竣工时间的延长]的规定,如果竣工已或将受到延误,对任何此类延误给予延长期。
(2) payment of any such cost,which shall be added to the Contract Price. (2)任何上述费用应加入合同价格,给予支付。
After receiving this further notice, theEmployer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause3.5[Determinations] to agree or determine these matters.雇主收到进一步的通知后,应按照第 3.5 款[确定]的要求商定或确定这些事项。