给力英语 翻译:佳中

No. 1: Harvard University
Second in the world rankings behind Oxford, Harvard is the oldest and most prestigious university in the US. The private Ivy League university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has educated eight US presidents, including Barack Obama, and more than sixty living billionaires. Unsurprisingly, Harvard receives the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world, standing at more than £17 billion in 2010. Students pay yearly tuition fees of approximately £25,000.
No.2: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Situated in the same city as Harvard, MIT is ranked as the third best university in the world and has recently been responsible for leading a NASA planetary spacecraft mission to map the moon's gravitational field. Fees at the private research university are in line with Harvard, and like Harvard it boasts a thriving entrepreneurial culture. According to reports, if aggregated revenues of companies founded by MIT alumni were combined, it would become the eleventh largest economy in the world.
麻省理工学院坐落于哈佛同一城市、世界最佳大学排名第三。麻省理工学院最近负责美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的一项星际太空宇航任务,测定月球重力场。这所私立研究型大学的经费与哈佛相同,与哈佛一样拥有欣欣向荣的企业文化。据报道, 如果将麻省理工学院校友创办的公司收入相加,它将成为世界上第十一位最大经济体。
No.3: Yale University
Yale is the third oldest university in the US and once penalised students for cardplaying and tavern-going. Much has changed, and Yale is now regarded as a liberal, forward-thinking university with a student body deriving from a variety of ethnic, national and socio-economic backgrounds, and promotes an open campus for the community. The university's motto is 'Light and Truth', while its mascot is called Handsome Dan, a bulldog bought by English student Andrew Graves from a New Haven blacksmith in 1989.
耶鲁大学是美国第三所大历史最悠久的大学,曾对学生玩牌和下酒馆进行惩罚。现在许多方面已经改变。耶鲁现在被视为是一所自由、有远见的大学。学生会由多种民族、国籍和社会经济背景的学生组成,倡导向社会开放校园。大学的座右铭是:光明与真理,吉祥物是“帅哥丹”,是由英格兰学生Andrew Graves于1989年从纽黑文市的一位铁匠那里买来的牛头犬。
No.4: University of Chicago
The University of Chicago was ranked eighth in this year's world rankings, directly below UK universities,UCL, Imperial and Oxford. It was established in 1890 with a donation from oil magnate John D. Rockfeller and is considered one of the most intellectual US universities. A fairly small institution with approximately 5,000 undergraduates, it charges some of the highest fees at approximately £27,500 a year.
第四位:University of Chicago
No.5: University of Pennsylvania
Commonly referred to as Penn or UPenn, the University of Pennsylvania is America's fourth oldest and ranked 9th in the world. Founded by Benjamin Franklin, its notable alumni include one US president, nine heads of state and approximately 20 billionaires. For nearly 150 years Penn's motto read Sine Moribus Vanae, which when pointed out that it could be interpreted as "loose women without morals" was changed to Leges Sine Moribus Vanae or "laws without morals are useless". The picture shows early Penn veterinary students watching their teacher perform a difficult operation. The hunting horse was suffering from a chronic cough caused by a dysfunction of the larynx.
宾夕法尼亚州大学,通常简称为Penn 或 Upenn,是美国第四所历史悠久的大学,世界排名第九,由本杰明·富兰克林创建。著名校友有一位美国总统,九位州长和大约20为亿万富翁。将近150年,宾夕法尼亚州大学的座右铭一直是 Sine Moribus Vanae,当有人指出座右铭可能被解释为“没有道德的宽松妇女”, 座右铭改为 Leges Sine Moribus Vanae,即“没有道德的法律是无用的”。 这张照片显示宾夕法尼亚州大学早期兽医学学生观看老师在进行一次困难手术。这匹猎马患由喉咙功能失调引起的慢性咳嗽。
No.6: Columbia University
The fifth oldest university in the US, Columbia University closes out the world's top ten universities and is famed for educating three US presidents and 27 heads of state. It is linked to more Nobel Prize winners than any other academic institution, has a renowned journalism course and is responsible each year for handing out the Pulitzer Prize. It shares the same high costs as Chicago, charging students approximately £27,500 each year. In 2007, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was controversially invited to speak on campus, an opportunity he seized to defend Iran's nuclear programme, deny the presence of homosexuality in Iran, attack US foreign policy, question the historical accuracy of the Holocaust and fuel 9/11 conspiracy theories by raising questions as to the identity of the real perpetrators. The speech was televised worldwide, protestors descended on the campus en masse and an estimated 2,500 graduates turned out for the lecture.
哥伦比亚大学是美国第五所历史悠久的大学,没有进入世界十大著名大学排名。哥伦比亚大学培养了三位美国总统和27位州长。与哥伦比亚大学有关的诺贝尔奖获得者人数多于其他任何一个著名的学术机构的奖获者。哥伦比亚大学新闻学院负有盛名,负责颁发每年的普利策奖。办学成本比同芝加哥大学,学生收费每年约27500英镑。 2007年, 伊朗总统艾哈迈迪·内贾德曾受邀到校园发表讲话,引发争议。艾哈迈迪·内贾德抓住这次机会为伊朗核计划辩护,否定伊朗存在同性恋,攻击美国外交政策,质疑大屠杀的历史真实性,通过怀疑犯罪者真实身份提出9·11是阴谋的理论。这次讲话是全世界转播,抗议者挤满意整个校园,估计有2500名毕业生听了这次演讲。
No.7: Stanford University
Stanford is a major research university that focuses on computer science, maths and natural and social sciences. Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (pictured) studied there, as did Hewlett-Packard bods William Hewlett and David Packard. It came 11th in world rankings. Unexpectedly for such a tech-minded institute, Stanford athletes won eight golds and 17 other medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing - more than any other US university.
第七位: 斯坦福大学
斯坦福大学是一所美国重要的研究性大学,科目集中在计算机科学、数学、自然科学和社会科学。谷歌创始人谢尔盖· 布林和拉里·佩奇,与惠普公司的威廉·惠利特和戴维·帕卡德一样,都曾在该大学就读。斯坦福大学世界排名第十一位。出乎意料的是,这样一所技术性大学,斯坦福的运动员在2008年北京夏季奥运会上获得了八金牌和17块其他奖牌,比任何一所别的美国大学都多。
No.8: California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Located in Pasadena, California, CalTech is a small university by US standards with approximately 1,000 students who each pay in the region of £24,000 a year. The university specialises in science and engineering and trusts its students to the point where departments allow students to sit their exams at home. CalTech came 12th in global university rankings.
第八位: 加州理工学院
No.9: Princeton University
Students at Princeton University traditionally gather at midnight at the end of each term, one day before the deadline for all written work is due and let out a collective scream to relieve the stress of their hard work. Students at the New Jersey-based university pay £22,000 each year in fees.
No.10: University of Michigan
Michigan is a large, four-year research university with more than 25,000 undergraduates, 15,000 postgraduates and 20,965 acres in total campus space in the university town of Ann Arbor. Ranked 14th in the world, Michigan is cheap by American standards, with fees capped at £7,500 for US students and £11,000 for overseas.