uncover: to removesth that is covering sth;to discover sth that was previously hiddenor secret.
eg: Please uncoverthe saucepan.
The police have uncovered a plot.警察当局侦破了一起阴谋。
expose: to tell thetrue facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to beimmoral,illegal;to show sth that isusually hidden.
eg: He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazinglywhite teeth.

I will expose hisall lawless action.
disclose: to give sbinformation about sth,especially sth that was previouslysecret.
eg: Science candisclose the mysteries of nature.
Itwas suggested that all government ministers should discloseinformation on their financial interests.
reveal: to make sthknown to sb. 多指揭露一直隐藏或隐秘的东西。
eg: These fewwords fully revealed her noble quality.