Class 4(A) Green Jerry No.5
The most annoying thing in the world is to do things that Idon’t want to do. I have so many things that I don’t want to do,for example, swimming, doing H/W (i.e. homework) making some stupidmistakes from Math, and my little brother will get all things firstand sometimes he will hit or kick me… I couldn’t tell you all ofthem because it is going to take ages.
I do not like swimming at all, and it annoys me because it isjust not fun at all. Of course, it will spend you a lot of energyand it will make you feel like a dog in a hot summer hanging outthe tongue after swimming only 1 lap (25 meters). But, I preferstaying in the swimming pool with my best friends and have anexciting water gun fight. It will be fun to throw darts (watertoys) around to shoot people.
I hate doing my homework because no one in the world likes to dotheir work, and it is just human nature. If you like to do work,homework, or school work, something is wrong with you. Doing workin your spare time makes you lose the spare time because you willdo your work all day and night except going to the restroom, eatingand sleeping. If you do that, you will die. I had other reasonsthat I don’t want to do homework: it will waste a lot of my playtime and of course every kid or even adults like to play (andtravel). Some difficult questions, exercises and grammar will makeme do them wrong. The most difficult is to write creative writingsbecause I need to think hard. But if people don’t learn or do theirwork, they will become the silliest guys in the world that do notknow how to speak, write and do other things.
My little brother will get all things first and sometimes hewill hit or kick me. That annoys me because, you know, he willpunch me in the face so hard that it will bruise. Sometimes he willkick my leg so forcefully that my leg almost lost consciousness.(con shous ness)
“Oh my god!” There are so many things in the worldthat annoys me.