Director,Potash and Phosphate Institute, Latin American Office, P.O. Box 17-17-980,Quito, Ecuador, South America

1. 引言 Introduction
Agriculturallime, either finely ground dolomitic or calcitic limestone, applied directly toacid soils is an inexpensive way to increase crop yields and reduce fertilizerinput costs. This soil amendment is widely used around the world. Maintainingan adequate soil pH is indispensable in a sound soil fertility and nutrientmanagement program. Several factors contribute to soil acidity including parentmaterial, precipitation, native vegetation, crops grown and nitrogen (N)fertilization.
Soils developedfrom parent materials of basic rocks generally have higher pHs than thoseformed from acid rocks. Soils formed under high rainfall conditions are moreacidic than those formed under dry conditions. Soil organic matter iscontinually being decomposed by microorganisms into organic acids and carbondioxide (CO2) which addto soil acidity. Soils formed under forest vegetation tend to be more acid thanthose developed under grasslands, and conifers create more acidity thandeciduous forest. Soils become more acid due to base (plant nutrient) removalin harvested parts of the crop. Nitrogen fertilization speeds up the rate at whichacidity develops in soil due to excess H+ produced in thenitrification process. Nitrification, a natural process mediated bymicroorganisms, changes ammonium forms of N to nitrate forms. Nitrogen comingeither from inorganic fertilizers, organic matter, manure and legume N fixationundergo this process contributing to soil acidity.
Soil pHmeasures soil acidity as the logarithm of the activity of the hydrogen ion (H+).Soil acidity increases according to the increment in H+ held in theexchange complex and present in the soil solution. Most productive soils rangefrom 4.0 to 9.0 in pH. Aluminum (Al) in the soil also acts as an acidic elementand in fact is the principal source of H+ in most soils with pHbelow 5.5. Aluminum hydrolysis (reacts with water) to form monomeric andpolymeric hydroxyaluminum complexes. These reactions also produce H+adding to soil acidity. Hydrolysis of the monomeric forms are shown in thefollowing equations:
Al3+ + H2O —→ Al(OH) + H+
Al(OH) + H2O —→ Al(OH)2 + H+
Al(OH)2 + H2O —→ Al(OH)3+ + H+
These reactionsrelease H+ which in turn increases the amount of Al3+ readyto react again. It has been demonstrated that even low amounts of Al3+in soil solution are toxic to most crops. The Al3+ concentration isthe main limiting factor in these acid soils.
Lime reducesacidity (increases pH) by converting some of the H+ into water.Above pH 5.5 Al3+ precipitates as Al(OH)3 and the toxicaction the main source of H+- is eliminated. When needed, liming isa management practice that allows higher and sustainable yields.
2. 施石灰是一项良好的管理措施