1. 用于“as…as”结构的as well as前面这道题的意思是:“她讲的不如她的朋友好,但她写的特好。”,应选的答案是A. as well as。在这个答案中,第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。出乎一部分考生意料的是,这是个否定句,却没有用老师常讲的so…as,而是仍用as…as。1994年全国高考NMET中又出现了同一结构:
John plays football _________, if not better than, David. (NMET’94)

A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as
She doesn’t play the piano as well as you do. 她弹钢琴不如你弹得好。
I love her as much as you do. 我和你一样爱她。
2. 用作固定短语的as well as作为固定短语,as well as有时是连词,有时是介词。对于中学生来说,还是记住它的具体用法为好。
1) 连接名词或代词
In examining a problem, we ought to see the whole as well as the parts. 探讨问题时我们不仅要看到局部,也要看到全局。
In many instances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work done.
A as well as B 用作句子的主语时,谓语动词须同A保持数的一致。例如:
The girl, as well as the boys, has learned to ride. 除了这些男孩子外,这个女孩也学会了骑马。
Aluminium as well as most metals is a good conductor. 吕和大多数金属都是良导体。
2) 连接动词
as well as 后跟动词时,该动词通常用动名词的形式。例如:
She sings as well as playing the piano. 她不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。
He sits late at night as well as working hard during the day.
Heavy smoking runs away with your money, as well as being bad for
your health. 抽烟抽得多,即浪费钱,又对健康不利。
He has his licence taken away, as well as being fined five pounds.
如果as well as连接的是两个简单动词形式,它和第二个动词实际上起着插入语的作用,那么,第二个动词则是限定动词,即与主语保持人称和数的一致。例如:
He works, as well as sleeps, in the room. 他既在这间房里睡觉,又在这里工作。
He makes, as well as sells, shoes. 他既卖鞋,也做鞋。
如果第一个动词用于复合谓语(是分词或不定式),那么as well as后的动词应取相应形式,但不定式一般不带to。例如:
We are repairing the roof, as well as painting the walls.
You ought to play games, as well as study books. 你应该读书,也应该参加运动。
as well as位于句首时,后面的动词则须用动名词形式:
As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 他不但摔断了腿,而且也伤了胳膊。
As well as printing the book, he publishes them.
3) 连接形容词
She’s clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮,而且聪明。
The child is lively as well as healthy. 孩子既健康又活泼。
4) 连接介词短语或从句
His name is known all over the world as well as in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />
We shall travel by night as well as by day. 我们将日夜兼程。
We need air when we are asleep as well as when we are awake.
5) 在表达“不但……而且……”的意义时,“A as well as B”结构的侧重点在A;“not only A … but (also) B”和“A and B as well”结构的侧重点在B。试比较:
The house has a back door as well as a front door. = The house has not only a front door but also a back door.
You as well as I are wrong. = Not only I but also you are wrong.
不过,as well as语气不如not only…but also强,其语意也不及后者明朗清楚,有时甚至毫无“侧重”可言。例如:
There still remain a lot of problems for us to investigate as well as solve. 仍有许多问题有待我们去调查、解决。