Once therewere two sisters named Mary ang Liza who adored the handsomeprince. Mary had golden blond hair and was always kind to everyone.Liza had red hair and was always very rude to everyone.
On their wayhome from buying bread one day, a handsome boy asked them,“Do youknow where the shoe store is?”
“No,Idon't.Find it yourself!” Liza said rudely.
Mary saidvery nicely,“It's that store across street with theredroof.”“Thank you.” The boy said to Mary. Theybecame friends after that day.
One day,Lizanoticed a poster on the wall announcing a party at the royalpalace.
“A partytomorrow afternaoon in the palace? Mary, Let'sgo!”she shouted with excitement. “Okay.” Maryreplied.
The nextday, people dressed their best and gathered in the palace. A boydressed up in the most beautiful clothesapproached the sisters.
It was thesame boy looking for the shoe store."Hello,Mary," hesaid."Hello!"Mary said.
“What do youwant? Where's the prince?” asked Liza.She didn't pay any attentionto him and kept looking for the prince.
“Mary,we'refriends right?” asked the boy.“Of course we are. Why?” Maryasked.“I am the prince!”

“What?” Lizascreamed. “I cant't believe Mary has become best friends with theprince. I should have been nicer to him that day!” Liza cried withregret.