来自i-D Magazine 2015 夏季刊/35周年庆祝号,由FMAgency 英国男模Tyler Littlejohns 演绎,摄影师 AlasdairMcLellan 担任执镜
TylerLittlejohns——i-DMagazineSummer2015Covers under the covers
WhatatypicallyChinesebigfamily bigfamily吧
As usual,we get reunited andhave dinner together on theSpring Festival. It was nice. Maybe I am not the "under thespotlight" this year, which means they don't show so much concernson my career and relationship iss
IWantedToChangeTheWorld献给有缘的朋友 change the world v6
I Wanted ToChange The World关注我的新浪微博:http://weibo.com/iabcd传统文化教育资源下载:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ce1d8130100gg21.html欢迎加入新浪微群交流:http://q.weibo.com/461996I Wanted To Change TheWorld
美剧《穹顶之下》第三季更新第8集 高清下载中文字幕中英字幕 美剧重获新生中英字幕
欢迎加入$科幻剧$美剧字幕QQ群60569420美剧《穹顶之下》第三季[更新第7集]高清下载+中文字幕+中英字幕英文:Under the Dome别名
刺客联盟中的一个插曲很喜欢《Everyday is exactly the same》Everyday is exactly the same七寸钉(Nine Inch Nails )I believe I can see the futureBecause I repeat the same routineI think I used to have a purposeThen a
泰戈尔爱情诗《世界上最远的距离》 泰戈尔爱情诗
英文原版:The most distant way in the worldThe most distant way in the worldis not the way from birth to the end.it is when i sit near youthat you don't understand i love u.The most distan