Newspeak of Americanisms
各国语言中俚语俗语一般都比较生动鲜活,英文也不例外。但当初在阅读各种英 文报刊杂志及小说时搜集整理各种英文习语仅是出于个人喜好, 并未有出版发行 与他人共享之奢望;所以词条也都是英文解释而且例句也都未翻译为相应的中 文。然而,随着词条的积累,慢慢产生了一些想法。因为所接触的英文报刊杂志 (诸如《新闻周刊》和《纽约时报》等)都是紧跟时代变迁的出版物而且所阅读 的小说也都是现代英美畅销作家的作品, 所以其中出现的俚语俗语都比较新颖或 者赋予了更新的用法。 而我遍寻国内词典手册都很难找到对这些鲜活生动词句的 恰当解释, 也发现国内的多数词典所收录的词条或给出的解释大部分都较陈旧或 者该俚语仍为人使用但意思已大相径庭了。鉴于此,逐渐有想法编辑一本不同于 其它词典的新工具书。 长久以来,国内对英美俚语的各种词典工具书都是仅给出中规中矩的释意,而令 英语学习者无法领会多数俚语的幽默或禁忌所在, 也从而无法流利地运用这些俚 语。
例如,nigger 一词,多数词典通常是如此解释:“nigger 指黑人,禁忌语”; 但读者对于该词到底在何处犯忌还是一无所知, 也从而在头脑里不会把它真正地 作为一个侮蔑语来对待; 而这又会进一步阻碍学习者对该词的正确使用。 实际上, 用中文的禁忌或诬蔑语来解释翻译英文的对等词汇大可帮助读者更清楚地了解 词汇的意思和用法。其实上述 nigger 一词完全可以这样解释:“nigger 黑鬼、黑 种;白人对黑人的篾称,禁忌语”。这样学习者立即就可以感受到该词的侮蔑所 在,也从而在使用上会小心谨慎。当然,nigger 在黑人圈内被黑人自己使用时多 是作为称呼语,近似“伙计、哥们”,并不具特别的侮蔑意味,但也不是礼貌用 语(就如同中文的“哥们”也不是很礼貌的用语,但也并无特别的侮蔑意味)。
除了类似的禁忌语以外,英文俚语一般都非常形象生动、有时简直就是在描述一 副可笑的卡通画面, 而目前多数词典干巴巴的释意远远无法使读者领会到词语所 包含的幽默乃至双关之处。这也是为什么有时读者虽然明白某短语的意思,但在 观看电影电视时(尤其是喜剧,因为喜剧更能反映一个文化的底蕴)一遇演员在 上下文语境中对该词语进行活用就立马不知所云了。 而本书即力图用中文的世俗俚语来解释英文的俚语行话。当然,由于中英语言的 本身差异,并不是每个英文俚语或俗语短语都能找到恰如其分的中文对等俚语。 所以,有些短语的翻译是模仿了中文俗语的形式尽可能地诠释英文的神之所在, 但中文可能并没有这样的说法。另外,本书尽可能地把多数俚语的出处和词源也 加以了标注,这样不仅有助于读者的记忆,也有利于读者更深一步领略某些词语 的话外之意。 本书中的所有例句皆出于英美国家的报刊、 杂志, 《时代周刊》 例如 、 《纽约时报》、《纽约客》以及原文小说等,所以有时可能会令读者产生字句支 离的感觉,请读者谅解。 在本书的编辑过程中, 因为它的不同而且也因为多数词条或其新意根本无法在国 内任何此类工具书中找到,所以无法像一般工具书一样有类似的参考书目。我主 要是参考了美国着名工具书出版公司Merriam-Webster公司(该公司即为着名的韦 氏字典的出版商)的词典网站()以及剑桥 大学出版社的字典网站以及其它一些有关词
源、俚语及黑话的美国网站。另外,因为有些词条过于新颖,所以我不得不写信 给各大网站的编辑就各种例句征求他们的意见,反复求证以力求准确。再顺便说 一句,因为英文俚语的灵活及不确定性,所以某词条使用的上下语境是非常关键 的,这也是一个英文表达方法有时可以翻译为若干中文对应意思。而且也正是因 为这种灵活,所以在编纂过程中不得不舍弃了很多生动的说法,因为实在是无法 用中文来恰如其分地表达其中的神韵,而仅仅解释其含义则有背于本书的初衷, 所以只好忍痛割爱了。 鉴于本书的独特性, 它可能更适合有一定英文基础的读者, 例如英文专业的学生、 老师或基础较好的英文爱好者;本书不太适合初学者,例如初、高中的学生,一 是因为必须具有相当的英文基础才能更好地领会书中所含词条的神韵, 二是因为 书中不少词条都是侮辱性的语言(也即“骂人的话”),所以要谨慎对待。 谈及侮辱性语言,再多说一句我的态度:我们不必要使用这些语言,但一定要了 解它们,因为它们都是生活的一部分,而且有时是了解一门语言的重要部分(不 管承认与否,“骂人的话”往往是对一门语言最为灵活的运用)。但不知为何, 国内的工具书作者乃至电影电视的翻译们却往往用非常委婉的中文来翻译英文 的市井俚语,以至于产生英美人士都是谦谦君子不讲脏字的假象。其实,除了迪 斯尼公司出品的老少咸宜的动画片,英美电影(电视要好一些)一般都充斥着粗 口脏话, 尤其是动作片。 这种 “粉饰” 的翻译方法可能与中国电影没有分级有关, 所以只能让坏蛋们都变成谦谦君子,但也同时大大削弱了影片的真实性。基于我 个人的认识以及让读者更清楚地了解英文原意,本书对禁忌语并不避讳,请读者 谨慎使用。 由于我对中文俚语俗语的粗浅认识,在解释词条中错误难免时时有之,也请读者 不吝交流指正。 另外, 由于美式英语的盛行, 本书所收录的大部分是美式的俚语、 俗语以及成语。 张学锴 2003 年 9 月 4 日 于北京
Above-board without deceit or trickery; straightforward. 直接了当、不欺瞒或不搞阴谋诡计等。非常接近中文的“(有什么都) 摆明面上”。
◆ 这个“摆”字也非常符合它的词源,因为它源于打牌时把双手放在桌面或台面(board)上,以避免靠换牌或偷牌等手段耍诈。
It is fair and above-board.
这(么做) 即公平又把一切都摆明面上了。
According to Hoyle in accordance with prescribed rules or regulations.
◆ 这个习语源于英国人 Hoyle ,该君是英国纸牌游戏及室内游戏的着者,为各种游戏订立规则;久而久之,他的名字就被用于指代各种预先定好了的规则、规定和章法等。
You are not playing the game according to Hoyle.
ace in the hole an effective and decisive argument or resource held in reserve.
保留起来轻易不起用,但一旦起用就会发挥决定作用的后备资源、办法或策略等。相当于俗 语的“留一手”(但“留一手”是动词,acein the hole 是名词,指留的那一手)。
◆ 这个习语源于打扑克牌: 发牌时正面朝下的牌叫in the hole ,即到最后才亮出来的底牌; ace in the hole 即底牌为 A,亮出来的时候往往能决定牌局的胜负。底牌又叫 hole card。
The vast coal deposit underground could still be America’ salvation, its last and s important natural wealth, its ultimate ace in the hole.
(指等石油用完的时候) 美国仍然有巨大的地下煤炭矿藏拯救自己,这是她最后也是最重要的 自然资源,也是她留下来的最后一手了。
after a fashion (in a fashion) in some way or other; not very well.
Assistant Secretary of State was sent off shuttling the Balkans, in search of common ground. He found it, after a fashion - the three sides may not want peace.
(美国)助理国务卿奉命在巴尔干三方之间穿梭忙碌,寻求各方(在解决巴尔干冲突方 面)的共同 点。他也算找到了:三方都不愿谈和。
after one’ own heart s having similar ideas or opinions.
Cornelius and I are getting married. He is the man after my own heart.
1against the grain (against one’ grain) s in opposition to one’ temper, inclination, or character. s与某人的脾性、性格或意愿相对的、不一致的等意思。相当于俗语中的“不对脾气”。
◆ grain 在这里不是指粮食谷物等,而是指树木、布料等具有的纹路或纤维走向;转而又喻指人或团体固有的习性、信念和品味。
It went against the grain to let $20K fly away.
白白飞掉两个可不是我的脾气。(北京俗话称一万为“一个”) [又:K 指单位千,源于词根 kilo,也可写为 key;指钱时,相当于北京话的“一本”]。
all’ well that ends well s a successful outcome is worth the effort.
只要结局好,不管什么努力也是值的;常用来安慰付出很多努力最后终于做成某件事情的 人。相当于中文俗语的“(只要) 成了就行”。
that ends well is well 的倒装。 -“I was finally hired. Between all that paperwork and all those interviews.” -“Great! All’ well that ends well. I’ happy to hear it.” s m◆ 其实该习语是 all-整天又写又抄,赶着去面试。我终于找到工作了。 -太棒了!只要成了就行。我也替你高兴。
alpha male top dog, the top rank in the hierarchy.
◆ 该习语源于 alpha,它是希腊字母表中的第一个字母。
Also-ran a contestant that does not win, or is of little importance especially competitively.
指一场比赛中没可能取得胜利的参赛者,或毫无竞争实力和魄力的人。相当于中文俗语里指 称某人“蒙事”。
◆ 该习语原用于指赛马中失败、或没可能赢、或根本没出场比赛的马;字面意思即指一匹马在一场比赛中什么也没得,只是充了数,“也算是跑了一趟”。
Some Hollywood insiders began to view Eisner as an emerging also-ran, too cheap or too timid to do a big deal.
好莱坞的有些圈内人开始拿 Eisner(迪斯尼公司的总裁)当一个蒙事的人看待,认为他没魄力 做大买卖。
ante up to pay, produce.
◆ 该习语原意是指玩纸牌时“下底”,即在玩每一局之前每人需预先出一定的钱;ante 做名词时指下底时的底钱;但底钱及每次的注钱一并合称为 pot。
Once you’ anted up (the service costs about $20 a month), the built-in modem ve connects you to a local Internet service provider.
你得先下点底(一月大概 20 块服务费),内置的猫才会将你和当地的网络服务商连接起来。
2as large (big) as lifebehaving in a way which makes one's presence obvious.
◆ 该习语同时还有一层意思:比如你在等某人,一抬头这人已活生生地站在你面前,这种“活生生”的意思就可以使用该短语。另外它还用于形容真人大小的模型等。
Rachel had told me she wasn't going to the party, but when I arrived she was there, as large as life and the center of attention.
Rachel 告我她不来参加聚会,但我到的时候,她早已到场,活灵活现的还是全场的焦点。
as the crow flies in a straight line, in or by the shortest way.
◆ 据说源于过去人们相信乌鸦是直线飞行。 用来指两地之间的假想距离,即如果没有任何阻碍的直线距离,但实际往往不是如此。
Their house is about ten miles from ours, as the crow flies; but of course the road is much longer.
他们家离我们家有 10 哩,两点一线的话;当然,真正的路程走起来要远很多。
at the eleventh hour to raise a problem, issue, or solution right before an important deadline.
指在期限马上就要结束之前提出问题或解决方案。相当于我们所说的“最后关头”。 ◆ 该习语源于日常生活中的 12 小时制(科学研究或军事方面常使用 24 小时制)。在 12 小时 制下,中午 12 点和晚上 12 点常被用来做某一工作或任务的限期;而在第 11 个小时的时间将 工作或任务完成意味着 离限期结束只有 1 小时,也即在限期马上就要结束前完成任务。第一 次世界大战的结束时间即被定为“11 月 11 日的 11 时 11 分”。
I had given up after trying for days to get tickets to a sold out show, then at the eleventh hour a friend calls to tell me he has tickets.
我花了几天想搞到一场特火的演出的票,最后终于放弃了,但在最后关头一个朋友打电话说 他有票。
at someone’ beck and call s always ready to serve somebody.
◆ beck 指头部的轻微动作,如颔首,即轻微的一摆头或一招呼,就立即赶来听命。
His eldest daughter is always at his beck and call when he is at home.
at home with very familiar with.
American kids are at home with ‘ for ‘ . go’ say’
对于用 go 来表示 say 这种用法,美国孩子们是熟到了家。
at loose ends without an occupation, unsettled; without definite plans, confused, uncertain.
指没有职业或工作、居无定所的;指没有确定的计划、茫然无措的无法确定的 。两个意项似 都可译为“没着落”。
He spent two years wandering about the country at loose ends.
他没着没落地绕着全国到处闲逛了 2 年。
After their arrival in the strange port, they were at loose ends as to what to do with their time.
at (in)low water in financial distress.
指在钱财方面比较紧张或困难等。为保留英文的幽默,试译为 “周转不灵”。
◆ 既然水浅,显然流动性(liquidity)差 - 也即没钱;当然也转动不灵啦。
Your brother was often at low water.
at the drop of a hat as soon as the slightest provocation is given.
一旦有最轻微的刺激、机会或信号 (就立即着手做某事 )。 近似俗语的“稍有风吹草动 … ”或 可再拓展一下译为“有点机会...”。
◆ 源于过去裁判员向下甩动 (drop) 帽子来表示比赛或竞技开始。
I always have slangs at the tip of my tongue and ready to use at the drop of a hat.
at the end of one’ rope s at the limit of one's patience, endurance, or resources.
到达某人的耐心、忍受程度或资源之极限。也即我们俗语中的“(忍或撑等) 到头了”。
◆ 该习语源于狗或马挣拖到拴住其的绳子的尽头,无法再进一步前进或活动。
Poor Mrs Jones felt she was at the end of her rope when she walked into and saw the children crying and unfed, dirty dishes in the sink, clothes all over the place.
可怜的琼斯夫人回到家,发现孩子在大哭也没饭吃,脏盘脏碟堆满了水池,衣服扔的到处都 是,她觉得她是忍到头了。
attaboy used as an expression of enthusiastic approval or admiration.
◆ 该习语是 that’ sthe boy的变体;指女性时则用 attagirl,即 that's the girl。
Bback burner the condition of being at low priority - usually used in put on the back burner. 优先称度比较低、或次要的地位;常用于 put on the back burner。相当于俗语的“(把某事)放放再说”。
◆ 源于把稍后需进一步烹制的菜肴暂时放至炉台上靠后的灶火(backburner)上煨着而先烹调其它的。
When the ten-day search yielded nary a scrap of debris from the stricken submarine, the case had been moved to a back burner.
当过了 10 天还没有找到沉没潜艇的一丁点残骸,这案子就被先放了起来。
back to the drawing board (or back to square one ) back to the beginning or starting point.
◆ drawingboard 原意指设计人员工作时所用的设计板;喻指任何工作的出发点;sqaureone 源自一种游戏:走错的玩家必须退回到开始的方格。 The boss doesn’ like our idea so I guess we must go back to the drawing board. t老板不喜欢咱们的主意,所以我琢磨咱们得回炉重来。
ball and chain burdensome restraint; a man’ wife. s累赘的制约或限制;又戏指妻子。两个意项似都可译为“拖累”,恰合该短语的原意。
◆ 该习语原指过去用铁链给重刑囚犯的腿上拴系一个沉重的铁球以防止他们逃走。
Martha and I couldn’ celebrate in a big way, for her bar-exam cram course was a t ball and chain.
ball up to make or become hopelessly confused; muddle.
把某件事情办理得无法收拾、一片混乱,或打乱了某项计划、工作或步骤等。相当于中文俗 语的“搞砸”。
up 和 screw up,试译为“瞎鸡巴搞”。 “You tell her what you do,” Melanie said to Kevin. “I would get it all balled up.”
◆ 该习语更为粗俗一点的同意词有 fuck“ 还是你来告诉她你做了什么吧,”梅兰尼对凯文说。“我要说的话肯定全搞砸。”
balls to the wall to the fullest extent; at full speed。
◆ 该习语原意指空军飞行员全速飞行时将操纵杆(顶端为球形) 向前推向机舱壁的方向以完全打开节流阀加快引擎的速度(应慎用,因为人们有时会错误地将 balls 与睾丸联系起来)。
He (the tanker) will top us off up there, and we go balls to the wall.
ballpark Slang. a range or approximation.
◆ 原意指进行球赛的公园或体育场等;也许源自球赛的比分一般都有一个习惯的范围 (比如足球比赛很少有 30-20 的比分,而篮球很少有 4-5 的比分)。它的组合短语有 是“有谱”。
out of the ballpark (超出估计的范围或数值) :似可译为“离谱”;还有 in the ballpark:顾名思意 -“We’ discuss the salary and other benefits when you come to Memphis.” ll -“I want a ballpark figure or I may not come to Memphis.”
-“我们会在你来孟菲斯的时候再谈你的薪水和其它福利问题。” -“我想要个大概齐的数,否则我也许不会去孟菲斯呢。”
bang for the buck also bang for one's buck value received from outlay or effort.
◆ 该习语一说源于冷战时开发新武器的策略:例如美国空军认为在同样成本的情况下洲际导弹比航空母舰更能有效打击敌人,因此空军称花建造军舰同样的钱可以制造更多的导弹 (响声更多更大);另一说源于嫖娼招妓:与妓女商量价钱,如果以较低的价格 成交,则表 明单位 buck(俚语指钱)所获得的 bang (俚语指性交,或“干”)多了。
Investment is yielding less bang for the buck.
banzai a Jap patriotic shout or cheer addressed to the emperor and wishing him long life; and a shout used, esp. among Jap combat troops, when attacking or pushing forward, often desperate.
感叹词,指日本人用以恭注天皇长生的尊称;也经常被日本军队在进行绝望的攻击或冲锋时 用作鼓励的口号,所以用作形容词即为不顾后果的或自杀式的。其实就是“万岁”
◆ banzai 是日语,ban 即“万”,而 zai 即“年”或“岁”。
bare bones the barest essentials, facts or elements.
某事物之所以成为该事物应具有的最基本要素、事实或关键特性,而没有任何其它附加或修 饰;常用于修饰其它名词。即我们所说的“最起码的”,又可引申为“最不起眼的”。
◆ 该习语中bones 原指人或动物的骨架,转而喻指事物的基本框架或设计;而 bare 起进一步的强调作用。
Net users pay at least $20 a month for bare-bones access.
(即使)最起码的上网服务,网络用户也得每月至少付 20 块。
In 1961, when Hee seized power in a military coup, yearly per capita income hovered at a bare-bones $100.
在金 1961 年通过军事政变掌权时,(韩国)的人均年收入还徘徊在不起眼的 100 美圆(左右)。
bark up the wrong tree to proceed under a misapprehension; also, to misdirect one's efforts.
按照错误的理解、或朝着错误的目标而开展某项工作或做某事;也指错误地引导某人做事的 方向。相当于我们所说的“咬错人、上错船”等。
◆ 该习语源于狩猎,猎狗把树林中的动物围赶到了树上后却认错了树,而对着并没有动物的树狂吠不止。
Chris suspects Mark of stealing her watch, but I reckon she's barking up the wrong tree.
bean counter a person involved in corporate financial decisions and especially one reluctant to spend money.
指企业或政府机构中负责财务方面的人员,尤其是不愿花钱的;但现在已渐趋中性。相当于 中文俗语的“数钱的,管账的”等。
◆ 该习语的原意即为数钱的人,bean 在俚语中可指“一美元”但更多情况下泛指钱。
Some government bean counters regard even that proposed $13.5 billion price tag (for 20 B-2s) as too low an estimate.
政府的若干账房先生认为即使是 135 亿美圆的价格(20 架 B-2 轰炸机)也还估计得过低。
beat someone to the punch deliver the first blow or the decisive action compared with a competitor。
◆ punch 此处没有具体含义,而是虚指某事的开端或具有决定意义的行动或措施等;to 为介词,而beat 意为战胜或击败;即在朝着(to)这个 punch 目标的赛跑中,你战胜了某人,你先到了。
Hundreds of cybersurfers beat him to the punch.
成百上千在网上冲浪的人都比他抢先一步(他对如何登录一个黑客网站提出了建议,还没等 他实施,其它人已经都去了)。
beat the band to an extreme degree.
◆ 据信源于吵闹的声音或程度比一个乐队的动静还要大。
Then you can go in there and go around converting souls to beat the band.
bed of roses a place or situation of agreeable ease.
Christopher Marlowe 的诗 The Passionate Shepherd To His Love;其中有两句为 And I will make thee beds of roses / And a thousand fragrant posie s。
◆ 源于It is no bed of roses to have no job and a large family to support.
beefcake a photographic display of muscular male physiques; also, men of the type featured in such a display.
肌肉发达、体形强壮的男性照片或图片;也指 该种体型的男性。我们所说的“猛男”似足以 传达英文的幽默之处。
◆ 习语中beef 的意思不是牛肉,而指肌肉或肌肉力量;而 cake 此处指紧密聚集在一起的 cheese 指具有奶酪特事物或物质,两词合并的字面意思即为紧密聚集在一起的肌肉群。[ 又: cheesecake 指身材 美好而又穿很少衣服的女性照片或图片。试译为“靓女”。该词中 性,如柔软、光滑等,的事物;其字面意思为聚集在一起的柔软的事物]
bejeebers an interjection that is used as a mild oath and as a noun for emphasis. 又作 bejesus 或 bejeezus,表示中等程度惊讶、恼怒或害怕等的感叹词;也可用做名词表示强调。用作感叹词时,相当于我们通常说的“老天”;用作名词的时候,需要根据上下文 具体分析。
◆ 该词是By Jesus (以上帝的名义或看上帝份上)的变体。[又: jeepers creepers 是 JesusChrist 的委婉代称]
We’ supposed to scare the bejeebers out of people the moment the first private re steps off the airplane.
( 美国大兵的自嘲之词) 我们应该是在第一个大兵踏出飞机的一刹那就把人 吓得六神无主 (scare the bejeebers out of people 指把上帝从人们心中吓出来,用无主似乎比较贴切)。 bell and whistle an item or feature that is useful or decorative but not essential. 起辅助作用或装饰作用的事物或特点,但对主体而言并不是关键的或不可或缺的;偏向于指 中看不中用的那些配件或特性;复数为 bells 哨”。
◆ 该习语的字面意思即一 件东西上面缀满了各种铃铛和小哨,但实际不起什么作用。
and whistles。非常近似中文俗语的“花里胡Few people use every bell and whistle on a $3,000 PC while more and more use the Internet.
很少人会用到一台 3000 美圆的计算机上每一个花里胡哨的功能,但很多人却越来越多的使 用因特网 (该文章是在讨论建造基于网络的功能实用又便宜的电脑)。
belt out to sing in a forceful manner or style.
◆ belt 原意为腰带,就是自腰腹处,即丹田,往外迸发。
Every evening, carol singers in floor-length velvet belt out "Deck the Halls" and "O Come All Ye Faithful". 每天晚上,唱诗班的歌手们都身穿拖地的天鹅绒长袍引吭高歌 Deck the Halls 和 O Come All Ye Faithful。 bend over backwards to do something try very hard to do it.
◆ 该习语的字面意思是为做某事而努力到把身体都向反方向折过去了。
Everyone bends over backwards to help her.
bet the farm (or, ranch) to put everything that one has on one bet, or to be very certain of something.
指将全部所有都赌在一注上; 或喻指对某事非常有信心。相当于中文俗语的“豁出去”,或 “打保票”。
◆ 打赌把整个农场都押上了,那么不是豁出去死撑就是绝对自信能赢。[又:但要注意与buy the farm 区别,buy the farm/ranch 的意思是被害、死亡;相当于我们所说的 “挂了”。该习语源于一战时:每个战死的美国士兵的家属会得到一笔死亡抚恤金,足够其在西 部买一片农场]
bite off more than one can chew try to do more than one is able to do.
◆ 该习语的字面意思是一口咬得太大而无法咀嚼。
bite the dust to fall dead especially in battle ; or, to suffer humiliation or defeat.
在战斗中倒地战死;或比赛、竞技中承受耻辱或失败。绝似俗语的“(搞了个) 灰头土脸”。
◆ 源于战斗中失败或战死时,扑面而倒,吃了满嘴的尘土。
Andy does well in all the track events, but he bites the dust in the high jump competition.
bite the bullet to force oneself to perform an unpleasant or difficult action or to face a painful situation bravely and stoically.
强迫自己从事不愉快或有难度的行为,或勇敢及毫不以为然地面对痛苦或艰难的处境。 非常 接近 “咬紧牙关”。
◆ 源于南北战争时期为伤员做手术,由于缺少麻药,于是要求伤员咬一颗子弹以忍痛;只所以用子弹是因为: 1)如果伤员疼痛时狠咬,由于当时子弹多是铅制的,容易变形而不至 于崩坏牙齿;2)打仗时显然子弹是最容易找到的。
I don't want to go to the dentist, but I will just have to bite the bullet.
bleeding heart a person who shows extravagant sympathy especially for an object of alleged persecution.
对任何人都表示同情的人,尤其是对传言被迫害的人更是大肆关爱的人;贬性词。相当于我 们所说的“老好人”。
◆ 该习语的字面意思为流血的心,转而喻指动不动就心中大恸的人。
Senator Walker ought to know when to keep his mouth shut. Christ, it is a topsecret project and he’ got to be a bleeding heart. s参议员沃克得知道什么时候闭上嘴。老天,这是高级机密的计划, 可他连这都做老好人(指 记者一问,沃克就忍不住说出一切以免记者难做)。
blow hot and cold to be interested in something at one moment and not interested in it at another moment.
对某事物一会非常感兴趣,但过段时间后又完全不感兴趣了;也即摇摆不定、犹犹豫豫等。 绝似中文的“忽冷忽热”。
He's been blowing hot and cold about the trip to Holland ever since I suggested it.
blow smoke to speak idly, misleadingly, or boastfully.
He’ full of crap, and you never know when he is blowing smoke. s他是瞎话连篇,你永远都搞不清楚他什么时候是在吹大气。
blow the gaff (on…) to let something that is secret be known.
◆ 此处 gaff 指诡计或狡猾的把戏,blow 指使之暴露(炸开当然就暴露无疑了)。
Don't blow the gaff on us about putting the rat in his desk.
blow a gasket/fuse also blow one's top/lid/stack. to becomes extremely angry.
◆ gasket 指活塞或接口处防水用的橡胶或金属垫, fuse 即保险丝,blowa gasket/fuse 即将人比喻为管道或电闸箱 - 把防水垫都给崩飞了或把保险丝都烧了,可以想见该人的内部压 力或能量有多大;而top/lid/stack 则是假设人头顶有个盖子或烟囱,把盖子或烟囱都顶飞了,可以想见这人的情绪激动到何程度。
You really don’ care if the boss blows a gasket. t老板都气炸了,你也真的一点不甩。
blow the whistle (on…) to call public or official attention to something (as a wrongdoing) kept secret.
将隐密的事情(例如不端行为等)通知其他人或有关部门。相当于中文俗语的“打小报 告”。
bluespeak the seemingly- good diplomatic speech used by the UN, such as ‘ peacekeeping, peacemaking’ .
对联合国所使用的意义 似乎很美好的外交辞令的统称,例如“维和”等(因为拿着枪炮去维 持和平本身就说明去的地方不和平,既然没有和平,又谈何维持)。似可调侃地译为“蓝 调”。
blue+speak 组成,源于联合国的维和部队皆身着蓝衣蓝盔;组成形式与之相似的 另一词为 newspeak,即对新创的词或新的表达方式的统称。 bluestocking a woman who is regarded as having superior literary tastes and intellectual interests who spends most of her time studying and is therefore not approved of by some men.
◆ 该词为具有很高的文学艺术修养及知识层次很高的女人;通常被男人们用来指整天钻研学习而不知 生活情趣的女性。相当于我们俗语的“才女”,或“女秀才”。
◆ 该词的原意是蓝色长筒袜;源于 18 世纪英国伦敦女性举行的与知名文学人士(通常为男性)演讲对话的聚会,经常参加这些聚会的有一名总是穿蓝色长筒袜的Stillingfleet 先生,他的演讲非常出众,所以每当他缺席,大家都会感到很失落,于是“没有蓝袜子先生,我们 什么也干不了”这句话逐渐流传开来;由此,这些聚会被人戏称为蓝袜俱乐部,而参加聚会 的女性被称为蓝袜子。
bod body : 即 body 的简略写法。相当于我们俗语的“条儿”。 She was pretty and she had a great bod.
boffo conspicuously or extremely successful.
office 两词组合而成,即票房很好,换言之,演得好、很受人欢迎。 President Clinton was wildly cheered by the Washington press corps last week for his boffo speech.
◆ 该习语是由 box克林顿总统上周的演讲特有彩儿,华盛顿报界是一片欢呼。
boilerplate standardized text; formulaic or hackneyed language.
A week later, when U.S. United Nations ambassador Bill Richardson arrives in India to lay the groundwork for president Clinton’ visit later this year, he delivers s the usual boilerplate warnings that India should exercise ‘ restraint’in its nuclear program.
一周以后,美国驻联合国大使比尔理查森前往印度为克林顿总统的访问打前哨,他在印度又 发表了一通老套的警告,告戒印度应该在其核试项目中有所克制。
bombshell a very attractive woman.
A blonde bombshell.
一位金发肉弹。 另外,该词还意指非常突然的消息,通常是坏消息。试译为“晴天霹雳”。
He dropped his bombshell last week when he said he was leaving.
bonk British Taboo Slang: to have sex (with).
英国俚语,属于禁忌类,指与人发生性关系。即中文俗语的 - “干”。 该词的原意是轻微地击打。
Him and her end up bonking, and when she’ done, she won’ take his money. s t(偶遇妓女)他和她最后还是干了一次,完事后,她不愿要他的钱。
boob 1. a stupid awkward person : 指愚蠢笨拙的人。相当于中文俗语的 - “傻帽”。 You are right that these boobs use their computer to break into another, then use that one to break into another.
你说的没错,这帮傻帽用自己的计算机侵入其它的机器,然后再用那个机器侵入另外一 个机 器。
sometimes vulgar: breast : 指乳房,常为粗俗语。即我们俗语的 - “奶子”。 booby hatch Offensive. an institution for the mentally ill.
2. 接纳精神不健全病人的医院或机构,是冒犯性很强的用语。可近似翻译为“傻子窝”。
◆ booby 指愚蠢的人,即“傻子”;hatch 是地板或房顶上的小门,通常指船上或飞机上的门;两词组合在一起即关傻子的小房间。
bookie one who determines odds and receives and pays off bets, esp. on horse races.
决定赔率并接受和支付赌注的人,尤其是赌马时;通常是私下的或非法的行为。即我们所说 的“黑庄”。
He’ been to trial twice for gambling, for being a bookie. s他因为赌博和做黑庄而曾两次受审。
bootstrap unaided efforts.
不借助外界帮助的自我努力,通常以复数形式出现在短语 by “靠自个儿”,或“自个儿干”。
◆ 该词的原意是有些鞋子后跟处露出一截方便提鞋的带子;通常都是自己给自己提鞋而无one's own bootstraps 中。即需别人帮助,由此衍生出自立更生的意项。 [又:bootstrapper 指靠自我奋斗而成功的人; 即“单练”的主儿]
What am I supposed to say to this? Some trite bootstrap speech, go to night school, you can do it if you really want.
bootstrapped herself to the top.
bottom out to have reached the lowest point in a continuously changing situation and to be about to improve.
a ◆ 试用图形诠释一下 out 的这种用法:
"bottom"所指即 ab 段的下降;而 out 所指即 bc 段,即向外延展开来、不再持续下跌。在短语 level out (渐趋平稳)中,out 也是b c这种用法。
The government claims that the recession is bottoming out.
box 1. to hit (as the ears) with the hand : 指用手击打耳朵。即我们所言之“双雷灌耳”。 I’ march right into Pyongyang and box their ears myself for Recon Officer d Margolin.
我会直冲平壤,为侦察官 Margolin 给他们朝鲜兵来个双雷灌耳。
2. to enclose in or as if in a box : 指用盒子或好象是用盒子把某人、某物包围起来。试译为“圈死”。
I admit the thought (his sacrificing me) is not too attractive, but he was pretty well boxed in then.
bozo a foolish, incompetent person : 指愚蠢且没什么能力的人。试译为“废物”。 They’ the Unix wizards, and they think of us as bozos. re他们都是 Unix 高手,拿我们(使 Windows 的)全当废物看。
brat 1. child; specifically: an ill- mannered annoying child.
Hollywood brats had whatever money can buy.
2. an ill- mannered immature person.
bread upon the waters resources risked or charitable deeds performed without expectation of return. 明知没有回报而冒险使用的资源,或实施的慈善之举;常用于短语 throw (cast) one’ s bread upon the waters。绝似中文俗语的 "打水漂"。
◆ 该习语的原意即往水里面洒面包,即付出的努力或财物无声无息地就消失了。
Last summer Congress earmarked $40 million as a kind of bread-upon-the-waters way of collecting more taxes.
去年夏天,国会拨了 4000 万用于收税工作支出,都打水漂了(即实际没有什么效果)。
break ground (on or for something) start digging the base for a new construction.
John Wing says he hopes to break ground on at least one project by next year. John Wing 说他希望明年至少能有一个项目破土动工。
break up with someone to bring to an end a relationship, especially that between lovers.
和某人断绝关系,特别是恋情。 即我们所说的“断了”。
Varich had moved away after breaking up with Nancy. Varich 在与 Nancy 断了以后就搬走了。 breathe down someone’ neck s threaten, monitor or loom impending in or as if in pursuit or attack.
◆ 该习语的原意是紧随在别人身后,呼出的气都喷到人脖子上了,可以想见跟随之紧。
With everyone from the Baby Bells to Bill Gates breathing down their necks, cable operators have little choice but...
从 Baby Bells 到 Bill Gates 都紧着往上贴,所以有线运营商们没得选择只能… …bring someone to heel subdue, bring under control.
◆ 该习语的原意即把某人置于脚下。
The war had begun at Canton two years before, when Chinese emperor determined to bring the Europeans to heel.
broad a woman : 指女性。试译为“娘们”。
◆ 该词原意指扑克牌的一张牌。后演变成指门票、车票或饭票,也许因为形状相似。到了1914 年,该词开始用于指妓女(可能源于妓女就好象是皮条客的饭票),后又用于指道德 观念松懈的女性,最后又演变为可用于指任何普通女性。
What the fuck is this broad doing?
brown-nose to curry favor, to behave obsequiously; or to seek favors in an obsequious manner; fawn over(a person).
指行为猥琐;或为了得到优惠、优待或好处而对某人阿谀奉承或奴颜卑膝。 试译为“添”。
◆ 该习语源于 kissingass 或 butt kissing ,因为 kiss ass,那么可能会在鼻子上沾染上粪便而使鼻子呈黄褐色;虽然它所暗含的场面更为使人反感,但该习语被认为是更为幽默和礼 貌的一种表达法,可在多数场合使用。
brownie point a credit regarded as earned especially by favorably impressing a superio r.
通过给上司留下积极正面的印象而取得的业绩或好处;通常用作复数。近似 过去我们小学生 常得到的“小红花”。
◆ 因为brownie 原意指由 6 岁到 8 岁女孩组成的女童子军的一员,每当这些女童子军有显着成绩时都会获得一定的分(point )。
Ann felt there were some PR brownie points to be gained by letting the world know that they had been looking out for the well-being of Japan.
安觉得如果让全世界都知道美国一直在卫护着日本的利益,那么美国会在公关方面赢得不少 小红花。
buck naked bare ass : 指全身赤裸的(地)。即我们俗语的“光屁股”。 He (who has some war injuries) could walk through one of the metal detectors buck naked and the thing would go off.
bug off to leave someone alone; go away.
out : 指匆忙地离去或走开;或延伸指回避某种责 任或职责,通常与 on 或 of 连用。相当于我们所说的“闪”:bugged out on his partners at the first sign of trouble. 麻烦一来就闪了,也不管同伴。 bull session an informal, spontaneous group discussio n.
◆ 注:还有一个短语与其意思相近 - bug非正式的、随机的讨论或聊天等。相当于中文的“闲侃”。
◆ bull 是bullshit 的缩略语,也即没有意义的言辞;开会时大家都在 talk bullshit,显而易见是瞎扯闲侃了。
bum steer a bad suggestion, an invalid or poor hint.
◆ bum 的意思为无用的、不好的、糟糕的等;steer 在俚语里指建议、主意等。
I’ beginning to think Athens gave Langley a bum steer. m我开始觉得希腊的情报部门给中情局出了个馊点子(雅典是希腊情报局所在地,此处为其代 指;佛吉尼亚的 Langley 是中情局总部所在地,此处代指中情局)。 [注:英语通常用地点名称来指代政府、机构等;例如用北京指代中国政府,用华盛顿指代 美国政府]
burn a hole in one’ pocket s to be very eager to get rid of something or to do something with it.
◆ 非常形象,如果有东西在你口袋里烧了洞,那你肯定赶紧把它拿出来扔掉或处理。
I just got paid today and this money is burning a hole in my pocket.
bust one’ butt to do something s to work very hard to do something, or to try every possible effort to do it.
(A teenage mother) I am going to have to bust my butt to stay in school.
button man a low-ranking member of a criminal underworld organization.
◆ 该习语的 原意是按钮,即这些低级成员就象上司或老板手中的按钮一样,被老板按来按去,而一旦按下,就要执行某项行动;而按钮显然是位于手下面才方便随时按,所以从这一 点来看,该习语的字面意思和含义都非常接近中文的“手下”。
buy it to get killed, to die. the farm 意思一样。 I don’ know where I am, but I bought it south of Muong May. t 我也不知道我在哪儿,我(的飞机)是在 Muong May 南面挂了的。 by the numbers: in a strict, step-by-step or mechanical way.
按规定、 机械地。也即“按步就班”。
◆ 原为军队用语, 军事训练中将复杂动作分解为一系列编号的简单动作, 并按号喊操。
被杀死、或死亡。近似俗语的“挂了”;与上文提到的 buyCcakewalk. something easily accomplished.
◆ 该词的原意是美国黑人的一种舞蹈或舞蹈比赛,舞步最优美动人的会获得一块蛋糕以资奖励;也用于指这种舞蹈的音乐;换言之,即挥挥胳膊动动腿就做完的事情。
Chevron is a pro at knowledge management, no cakewalk for a $32 billion enterprise that operates in more than 100 countries.
雪佛莱公司是知识管理理念的高手,这对于一个经营遍布 100 多个国家营业额达 320 亿美元 的企业可不是一件划拉划拉就能做到的事儿。
call it quits to stop what one ha s been doing.
停止一直在做的事情、暂缓工作或尝试等;同意短语还有 call “打住吧”。
it a day。相当于我们常说的I paid for last week's shopping and you paid for this week's, so let's call it quits.
call someone’ bluff s to challenge in order to expose an empty pretense or threat.
指面对某人的虚张声势或恐吓不退缩,而且通常会反击一着逼其暴露虚假的真相。近似我们 所说的“不甩某人的话”。
When she called his bluff, he had to admit he was lying.
call the shots or call the tune to be in charge or control; determine the policy or procedure.
掌管、指挥或控制;有权决定政策 或制度等。根据不同的情形,可译为较通俗的“管事、发 号使令”等;也可译为文雅点的 - “执牛耳”。
Sony also calls the shots for professional broadcast video equipment.
can to put a stop or end to.
◆ can 做动词时的原意是把某物放入罐子或容器内,引申为把某事物或事情收起来。
-“ Nick, are you still afraid of girls?” -“Shut up. Just can it. Delilah.”
-“尼克,你现在还害怕和女孩打交道吗?” -“闭嘴。歇了吧。德丽拉。”
capo the head of a branch of a crime syndicate.
◆ 该词为意大利语,意为首领。源于拉丁语的 caput。
They’ wired, videoed, and bugged the capos. d他们(指警察)对这帮(黑手党)堂主们录音、录像、窃听全用上了。
capper a lure or decoy especially in an illicit or questionable activity.
在非法或动机不纯的活动或买卖中发挥蒙蔽诱惑作用的人,尤其指在骗局中。即我们所言之 “托儿”。
card to ask for identification (as in a bar) : 指查问身份证明,如在酒吧中。中文似乎没有固定的说法来对应这种用法,有点近似“查证”。
It was even easier for kids to get drugs than it was to get a drink: for starters, no drug dealer was going to card them.
对孩子们而言,买毒品比买酒喝更容易:最简单说,没毒品贩子会去查他们 的证。
card-carrying being a full- fledged member especially of a political party; or being strongly identified with a group as of people with a common interest.
一个政党的资深成员;或对某一集团有特别强烈的归属感或认同其观点,例如由有着共同利 益的人所组成的团体。相当于我们戏称的“金卡会员”。
◆ 源自某些团体或会所的会员通常都随身携带该团体或会所签发的昂贵会员卡;而习语的延伸含义中把所指的任何群体或党团都假想为必须具有某种会员卡才能混迹其中。
card-carrying members of the ecology movement.
Those people are card-carrying nuts.
carry the day win, prevail : 指取胜,赢。有点类似粤语中的“打出生天”等。 The self-confidence may yet carry the day.
cartwheel a lateral handspring with arms and legs extended. 翻筋斗, 打车轮,常用于短语 do/make cartwheels with。绝似中文俗语的“折腾”。 He can only deal with pre-existing data. He takes what he is given, and does cartwheels with it in n-space.
他只会处理现在已有的数据。他只会把别人给他的数据 n 次方地可劲折腾。
case to examine or survey(a house, bank, etc.) in planning a crime.
在计划一项犯罪之前进行事前检查或查看(比如银行或计划要对之行窃的房屋)。即黑话的 “踩盘子”、或“踩点”。
These scumbags were seen casing this place earlier tonight.
cash cow a consistently profitable business, property, or product whose profits are used to finance a company's investments in other areas.
一家企业一项持续赢利的业务、财产或产品,其利润常被公司用来进行其他领域的投资等; 也泛指任何稳定可靠的财源。近于中文俗语的“聚宝盆”。
cat’ whiskers s a thing or person that is very wonderful, special, important or good.
cream、meow、balls、eyebrows、nuts 或 pajamas 代替 whiskers,意思不 变;也可简略为 the cat’ s。一说源于猫在放松满意时的神态最让人觉得欢愉。 The 4th and 105th Airborne Divisions are the cat’ cream of the Soviet fighting s machine, the best paid and the best equipped and the best trained.
◆ 可用第 4 和第 105 空降师是苏联战争机器的顶尖部队,是薪酬最高、装备最好和训练最完善的部 队。
catch-as-catch-can using any available means or method, unplanned.
A catch-as-catch-can existence begging and running errands.
catchall something that holds or includes odds and ends or a wide variety of things.
存放零碎杂物的箱罐或区域,也指包含或涵盖很多种类事物的东西。接近我们所说的“百宝 箱”,或“万金油”。
a word that serves as a catchall for a bewildering array of computer accessories.
catch somebody on the hop take someone by surprise, esp. in some prank.
◆ 该习语字面意思为在某人刚跳起来的时候抓住他,显然是使人措手不及。
Demand for their recently released double album of early radio recordings of the Beatles proved intense that their record company was caught on the hop.
收录甲克虫乐队早年广播歌曲的一套两张的新唱片销路非常紧俏,这给了他们唱片公司一个 措手不及。
cattle call a mass audition (as of actors).
招募演员的面试,通常规模较大。 即“选秀”。
chalk and/from cheese (or as different as chalk from cheese) completely different from each other, as chalk is not to be compared to cheese.
We must've seemed like chalk and cheese to people at first, but we have grown together.
chalk talk a talk or lecture illustrated at a blackboard.
I gave a chalk talk about what we’ seen and where we were heading. d我连说带画地把我们已看过的地儿和要去的地儿讲了一遍。
change of life the period in the life of a woman when menstruation and the capacity for conception cease, usually occurring between forty- five and fifty years of age .
女性逐渐停止月经并失去生育能力的一段时期,通常在 45 岁和 50 岁之间。即我们所说的 “更年期”。
changover a pause in a tennis match during which the players change sides of the court.
网球或其它体育项目中运动员交换场地;但它更普遍的含义是指从一个系统或体系变更到另 一种系统或体系。其体育用语的含义即我们所谓之“换场”。
Gunter Parche, a lunatic Graf fan, stabbed Seles in the back during a changover at a tournament in Hamburg. 在赛莱思汉堡一场大奖赛中,一名格拉芙的疯狂球迷 Gunter Parche 趁换场时刺伤了赛莱思的后背(注:赛莱思是格拉芙球场上的死对头)。
Chapter 11 the part of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code describing how a company or creditor can file for court protection.
美国破产法中的第 11 章,规定了公司或债权人如何申请破产保护;如是公司申请,一般会 对该公司的管理层进行重组。中文似乎没有相应的习惯说法,可翻译为“申请破产保护”。
Two of today’ major airlines, TWA and Continental were recently in Chapter 11. s两家主要的航空公司,TWA 和 Continental 最近都申请了破产保护。
charley horse (or charlie horse) a muscular pain, cramping, or stiffness especially of the quadriceps that results from a strain or bruise.
◆一说源于一匹名叫 Charley 的瞥脚赛马;一说源于美国的同名着名棒球运动员,他在一个重要赛事中肌肉抽筋。
chatterbox one who engages in much idle talk.
I noticed that one little girl, normally a chatterbox, had remained silence.
cheongsam an oriental dress with a slit skirt and a mandarin collar 旗袍 。源于粤语 “ 长衫” 。
chew the fat/rag to make friendly familiar conversation .
进行轻松友好的聊天,或长时间的谈话。相当于中文俗语的“神侃猛聊”。 该习语据信源于因纽特人过去常咀嚼鲸鱼的鱼鳔碎片(近似我们咀嚼口香糖 )以消磨时光,因 为鱼鳔要嚼很长时间才会消融。
The two men were chewing the fat on the porch of the house.
chicken-and-egg of, relating to, or being a cause-and-effect dilemma.
◆ 源于一个寓言问题:是鸡先下 的蛋,还是蛋先孵的鸡。
There remains a fundamental chicken-and-egg problem.
Chicken Little a confirmed pessimist, particularly one who warns of impending disaster.
◆ 源于故事人物的姓名:一个名叫Chicken Little 人的被一颗橡树子击中头部,于是他深信天就要塌陷了。
chintzy (of things) cheap and poorly made, or (of people) not willing to spend money.
用于物品时,指廉价而且质量低劣的;用于人,指吝啬、不愿花钱的。相当于“次”;及 “小气、肉疼”。
◆ 源于印花棉布(chintz),因为棉布一般都很便宜。
It's a chintzy hat, you can't expect it to last for long.
Don't be so chintzy, the whole evening will only cost you 10 bucks.
别那么肉疼,整个晚上才会花你 10 大元。
chip in contribute or pay jointly.
We all chipped in and bought our father a present.
chipper Informal. lively; cheerful欢快的、活泼的等,非正式用语。试译为“活蹦乱跳的”。
Chavez did his best not to stumble off the aircraft (after a long flight), somewhat amazed that the cabin crew looked like so chipper.
(长途飞行后下飞机) Chavez 一边惊叹机组人员看起来还是那么活蹦乱跳,一边竭力稳住才没 从舷梯上折下去。
chock-a-block brought close together; very full, full to the limit.
The Commission on Global Governance is chock-a-block with ex-ministers.
chutzpah supreme self-confidence: nerve, gall.
超强的自信心、勇气等,特别是指毫无理智或很愚蠢固执地轻视危险或阻力。相当于我们俗 语的“够胆、有种”等。
◆ 源于犹太人的依地语。 [注:第一个 C 不发音]
Now you’ got the chutzpah to say you’ very sorry. ve re(刚极大地冒犯了某人)你现在还有胆说对不起。
ciao (used as a word of greeting or parting) hi; so long; see you later. Now dominantly used when parting.
语气词,见面打招呼或分手时道别的非正式用语;但现在主要用于分手时道别。相当于我们 俗语的“回见”。
◆ 源于意大利语。[注:C 发 chance 中 ch 的音]
class act an example of outstanding quality or prestige.
◆ class 作名词有一个意项为:高素质,品位;而act 作名词的其中一个意项为:对某人非 常突出或堪为典范的行为之总称。[注意与 class action 相区分,class action 意为集体诉讼,即众多原告诉一个或若干被告 (例如美国数州的原告集体诉几大烟草公司)]
Bill always had been a class act.
clean one’ clock s to beat one badly in a fight or competition.
If you don't get out of my favorite chair I will have to clean your clock.
clean someone out to take or steal all of (someone's) money or goods.
The cost of his previous marriage’ breakup had cleaned him out. s他上次婚姻破裂的开销早把他给卷光了。
Richard came home for the weekend and completely cleaned us out of food.
clean up to win (a lot of money).
Porn film producers probably clean up, but the actors get a flat rate.
I hear he cleaned up a small fortune in the lottery.
clear the air/atmosphere to remove elements of hostility, tension, confusion, or uncertainty.
We had a big argument so I think it is time to clear the air.
climb the walls have emotional difficulties with a particular situation.
◆ 激动或气得都上了墙,显然程度很厉害。喜剧或卡通片中常可见到类似的场面。
After a week with my mother I was climbing the walls with boredom/frustration.
close call something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin.
Even in cases of cross-border aggression, the outcome can be a close-call.
close ranks (on...) to unite in a concerted stand especially to meet a challenge.
指协调一致、紧密团结地应对挑战等。相当于我们所说的“抱起团来(针对 … )”。
◆ 该习语的本意是过去打仗时,一列列 (ranks) 士兵排队对某事物进行合围。
The PM is thought to have urged his colleagues to close ranks on the issue.
Why should they close ranks on her just because she was aging?
close the books (on something) stop taking orders; end a bookkeeping period.
books 在商业中指账册、财务记录。 Obviously not the entire United States intelligence community had closed the books on Bright shark.
◆ 该短语的字面意思是把账册合上,即停止业务; the很显然并不是整个美国的情报部门都对亮鲨一案完事了。
C note a hundred-dollar bill.
◆ 该习语中的 C 为罗马数字的"100"。
If it was more than a C note, you got took. 如果(价钱)超过一张儿,那你挨宰了 (get took 即挨宰,被黑)。 coast to slide, run, or glide downhill by the force of gravity; to move along without or as if without further application of propulsive power; to proceed easily without special application of effort or concern.
指靠重力作用向下滑动、跑等;又指不借助推动力或好象不用借助动力而能来回运动;或进 一步引申为无须努力或考虑而轻松的开展工作等。相当于俗语的“飘”。
People who are successful and really famous are obviously talented and creative too, but they don’ coast on it. t真正有名和成功的人士显然都是有才华和创造力的,但他们并不因此而飘飘然。
Coasted through school with top grades in all subjects.
cockamamy or cockamamie ridiculous, incredible : 指荒谬的, 难以相信的等。 试译为“不着调”。 I can dummy up some cockamamy excuse.
cockeyed askew, awry; slightly crazy, topsy-turvy.
◆ 该词的原意是指眼睛斜视的。
But this is more than just a little cockeyed.
cock-and-bull story an absurd, impossible story presented as the truth.
◆ 该习语是 concoctedand bully story的变体,concoct 是编造,bully 源于丹麦语的夸张一词,所以合起来就是编造的夸张故事。
You sure this isn’ a cock-and-bull story? t你肯定这事不是瞎编的?
cold snap or cold spell. a sudden short period of cold icy weather (usually in winter).
The cold snap lasted for five days.
寒流持续了 5 天。
cold turkey abrupt complete cessation of the use of an addictive drug; also, the symptoms experienced by a person undergoing withdrawal from a drug.
猛然地完全停止使用某种上瘾的药物,也指突然停用该药物时的症状;因此,也引申指没有 任何修饰的语言或没有缓冲过程的程序等;作形容词或副词时,指没有任何缓冲或渐进过程 的(地)。相当于我们俗语的“垮嚓”、或“猛一下”等。
◆ 该习语源于突然戒除毒品时的症状:鸡皮疙瘩及面色苍白;皮肤看起来象拔除了毛的冰冷的火鸡。
quit smoking cold turkey.
collywobbles pain in stomach or bowels.
◆ 该词也许源于对 choleramorbus (即霍乱) 的变化。
come a cropper to fail completely.
◆ cropper 源于英语方言的脖子,意为 (如骑马奔驰时 )以头抢地式的摔落,所以又引申为完全的失败或灾难等。
Having reached the final, the British have come a cropper against the more experienced German team.
come clean to tell the whole story: confess.
The president of the company was forced to come clean and tell what really happened to the business.
come home to become clear; to touch the feelings, interest, or reason.
Two Emmys now prove that her talent at last has come home.
come off to happen as planned or to succeed.
事情按既定计划一步步发生或取得成功。由于该词的意义非常宽泛,中文似乎没有与其近似 的俗语,而只能按具体情况来翻译。
◆ 注意与 comeoff it (或 get off it )进行区分;come off it 是感叹语,相当于俗语的“歇菜吧”、或“消停会吧”,用于表达不耐烦或嗤之一鼻的心情等,尤其是当某人的意见明显 不真实或你非常不同意时。如-"Mydad's a millionaire." -"Come off it! We all know that's not true."-“我老爸是百万富翁。" -“歇吧?我们都知道那是瞎话。" I thought the funeral came off really well.
The property deal was going to make a fortune but it didn't come off.
I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off.
come-on something (as an advertising promotion) intended to entice or allure.
指用于吸引或诱惑旁人的事物,诸如广告等;在俚语中,一般具有性含义。近似俗语的 “勾引”。
The question now is: was the illustration a come-on aimed at pedophiles?
come out (of the closet) to openly declare one's homosexuality.
◆ 当然 comeout 还有众多其它的用法,一般与其字面意义相差不大,这里不再赘述。
come to blows (with …) combat, fight.
◆ 该词的字面意思即诉诸于击打。
Grishuk admits she came to blows with America’ glamour skater, Nicole Bobek. s Grishuk 承认她和有名的美国溜冰选手 Nicole Bobek 曾经拳脚相见。 common denominator something that is shared by all the members of a group and might bring them together.
◆ 该短语的原意为"公分母"。
Dedication to the cause of freedom was the common denominator of the American revolutionaries.
Contra a member of a guerrilla group opposed to the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. 尼加拉瓜反政府军的一员;复数为 Contras。即“孔塔拉” ,这是其政府对他们的称呼, 因为 他们是 contrarrevolucionario (西班牙语,即 counterrevolutionary) ;而美国里根政府则称其 为自由战士,并因此有了“ 伊朗门” 丑闻 (Iran-gate, 或 Contras- gate)。查莫罗夫人在尼大 选获胜后,在美国的压力下 Contras 解除了武装 (有一种电子游戏叫 Contras,中国称其为“ 魂斗罗” )。
cool one’ heels s to wait or be kept waiting for a long time especially from or as if from disdain or discourtesy.
◆ 字面意思即(等得)脚跟都凉了。
They had been cooling their heels since five a.m.
他们从上午 5 点就被晾在那儿了。
cook with gas to perform something smoothly, or easily.
◆ 该习语源于 19 世纪煤气炉的发明和使用,当时普遍使用的还是燃用木头的炉子;该习语是一句宣传煤气炉的广告词,即暗示燃用煤气比燃用木头更快捷、轻松、方便和洁净。
cop a plea to plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid being tried for a more serious one.
承认一个较轻的罪名以避免审讯时可能会判得更严重;在美国,有时控方会与被告达成共 识:即,被告承认有罪,而控方也诉之以较轻的罪名以节省时间及无休止的辩论等。中国没 有相对应的习语,不过有点近似我们的“坦白从宽”。下例中使用的是该习语的变体:
Either they fry or they cop to the murders and cooperate by giving us all the information.
cop out to avoid or neglect problems, responsibilities, or commitments : 指因难度大或害怕等而回避问题、责任或承诺等。相当于“退出、缩头”。
She copped out of the parachute jump at the last minute with a foot injury or some feeble excuse.
copycat one who imitates or adopts the behavior or practices of another.
◆ cat 在俚语中指人,尤其是男人;也指爵士乐手,所以有" 猫王" 一说。[又: copycatcrime 指模仿以往有名的罪案而实施的犯罪 ] corker one that is excellent or remarkable.
◆ 该词的原意是给瓶子打木塞的机器,如葡萄酒厂所用者。既然打上了塞子,那肯定是“盖”住了,瓶子里面的饮料或酒水也无法倾倒出来。引申的含义即某人或某物一出现,其 他的人或物就被盖住了,不要再显现了。
She told an absolute corker of a story about a priest she'd mistaken for an ex -lover.
cottage industry an industry whose labor force consists of family units or individuals working at home with their own equipment.
家庭成员或个人在家里用自由设备进行生产的行业;也指小型的没有正式组织形式的行业。 即我们俗语的“小作坊”。
cough up give (money or information) unwillingly.
It's your turn to buy the drinks - come on, cough up.
轮到你买喝的了 - 快点,挤点钱出来吧。
crackpot a person who is eccentric, unrealistic, or insane.
◆ 该词语是 cracked+ pot (指头部、脑袋)的合并。头部既裂开,显然缺的就不止一根筋。 Brings out every crackpot demonstrator from fundamentalist zealots to Elvis worshipers.
crank out to produce especially in a mechanical manner.
迅速地生产或制造,尤指机械地按着固定的格式。即我们所说的“ (粗制滥造地)赶工”。
American TV can crank out a news-based movie within a couple of months of the event.
cross one’ fingers s指将食指和中指相互交叉, 迷信者以为如此会带来好运或祝福。而我们习惯的动作则是 “作揖拜佛”。
cry uncle (or say uncle) surrender; admit a defeat; give up.
投降、承认失败、放弃等。而我们在逼人承认失败是通常会让他们“叫爷爷”,显然比英美 人士更高了数辈。
cuckoo or coo-coo deficient in sense or intelligence.
◆ 原意是指布谷鸟或其叫声;可能源自布谷鸟常常是不停地叫,显得很愚蠢。
We can’ even get enough sheet metal to make our boxes. Our business is cuckoo. t咱们造箱子都找不着足够的铁皮。咱们这生意没什么搞头。
cut corners to perform some action in the quickest, easiest, or cheapest way.
采取最快、最简便或最经济的方法来完成某项工作,尤其指回避或不严格遵守一些规章制度 的方式。相当于我们俗语的“抄截径”。
We will have to cut corners in order to save some money for our holiday.
cut ice to be effective, or of relevance.
起作用, 有效,一般用于否定句。近似俗语的“管用”。
to pretend that he shot the other guy in self-defense; it won sympathy from his family, even if it didn’ cut much ice at his trial. t(杀了人之后)他装出一副是因为自卫开的枪,这在他家人那儿赚了点同情,但在审讯的时候 却没管多大用。
cut one’ coat to fit one’ cloth/cut one’ coat according to one’ cloth s s s s suit one’ expenditure to one’ income, adapt oneself to circumstances. s s根据自己的收入来决定自己的开销,或根据具体情况制定具体计划。所谓“量体裁衣”。
◆ 该习语的原意即为根据自己布料的大小来裁剪多大的衣服。
Precisely why we haven’ got them, because they’ inside and we’ outside t re re (Afganistan). And we cut our bloody cloth to the circumstances.
这就是为什么我们没打败他们,因为他们在里我们在外( 指阿富汗战争时)。我们得他妈量体 裁衣才行。
cut one’ teeth on s to get experience from.
New employees could cut their teeth on video animation, learning to work together as a cohesive team before moving on to a feature film.
cut someone some slack to make an allowance for (someone), as in allowing more time to finish something指给予某人一定的宽松度或不那么严格地要求他,诸如给予他更多的时间来完成工作等。近 似我们所说的“放某人一马”。
-"Where is Jim? He's late again!" -"Cut him some slack, his wife's just had a baby."-"吉姆在哪儿?他又迟到了!" - "您就放他一马吧,他老婆刚生了孩子。"cut up to behave in a comic, boisterous, or unruly manner.
cutup,即耍弄嬉戏以引人发笑的人;近似我们常说的“活宝”。 After the mission, some of the soldiers were cutting up.
◆ 该习语的名词形式是任务完成后,这些兵们就开始耍起来了。
It's hard to believe Sally was a cutup in school - she's so quiet now.
很难相信莎利在学校是个活宝 - 她现在那么安静。
D daredevil a recklessly bold person.
dead-cat bounce a temporary increase in the value of the shares of a company after there has been a large decrease in their value.
Is this a dead-cat bounce or the beginning of a real turnaround?
这 (指医药股票的回升)是回光返照还是真正转机的开始呢?
deadpan marked by an impassive matter-of-fact manner, style, or .
没有什么感情色彩的而只实事求是的风格、方式或表情;可以做形容词及动词。相当于我们 俗语的“板着脸”。
“I just asked her if she had any friends.” Couric deadpans.
dead to rights in the very act of making an error or committing a crime.
The police caught the thief dead-to-rights with my silverware.
diddle-daddle nonsense.
指没有意义的言语或行为等;可做动词及名词。试译为“胡扯”。 该词由 diddlysquat 和 fiddle- faddle 组合而成。[diddly squat 的原意指孩童的排泄物; 现指最微小的数量或不值得一提的事物。如: didn't know diddly-squat about sports (对 体育一窍不通)。由于其起源,所以应谨慎使用 diddly squat;但 diddle-daddle 在各个场 合均可使用。fiddle- faddle 指胡言乱语] Limited air strike around Sarajevo would mark an end to the endless diddle-daddle.
You go diddle-daddling all day and do nothing.
different strokes for different folks everyone has different interests and tastes.
◆ 可能源于划船,每人各有其不同的划桨(stroke)方式。
- "It’ hard to understand how Millie and Ron ever got together." s很难理解米丽亚和荣能上一块儿去。
- "You know. Different strokes for different folks."所谓萝卜青菜各有所爱。
dig in one's heels to take or persist in an uncompromising position or attitude despite opposition.
尽管有反对,仍采取或坚持毫不妥协的立场、态度。即我们俗语的“认死理”;它也有字面 意思,即俗语的“稳住势”。
They hoisted me off the ground so that my feet barely touched as they hurried me along. I tried to dig my heels in, but I had no purchase.
Some I.O.C. members dig in their heels that granting the Olympics to Beijing would bring about “a more open China".
dig into 1. work hard at.
to dig into one’ work s一头钻进了自己的工作。
the jury foreman suggested they just dig into the evidence.
2. take a substantial part from (a supply).
they were forced to dig into savings to pay current debts.
dildo an artificial erect penis.
指状似勃起阴茎的塑料或胶制性具。即中文的 “义茎”。
dim sum traditional Chinese food consisting of a variety of items served in small portions.
◆ 源于粤语。
ding a ling a scatterbrained or stupid person. one whose ideas or actions are eccentric, fantastic, or insane.
脑筋迟钝或愚蠢的人,经常有一些古怪疯狂的想法等。试译为 “半调子”。
◆ 现在也有人将其用做阴茎的委婉语,特别在指代儿童时,近似中文的“小鸡鸡”。
dipshit (or dipstick) a stupid person, idiot.
dirty pool underhanded or unsportsmanlike conduct.
dish the dirt (on someone/something) to say publicly what they are really like, esp. when it is unpleasant and kept hidden.
ditz an eccentrically silly or insane person.
dive a dingy and disreputable entertainment establishment as a bar or nightclub.
divvy shorten from divide, usually used with up. 即 divide 的缩写,通常于 up 连用。试译为“二一添作五”。 Afterwards, stuffed on chocolate chips, we’ divvy up the phone bill. d过后,吃饱了巧克力片,我们把电话账单来了个二一添作五。
Dixie cup a disposable paper cup for holding drinks : 即盛装饮料的简易纸杯。 do someone over to attack violently.
They said they would do me over if I refused to drive the getaway car.
do the trick work well, achieve a desired result.
I think the new piece of equipment should do the trick to solve the problem.
doctor to adapt or modify for a desired end by alteration or special treatment, or to alter deceptively.
Doctored the play to suit the audience.
The Mossad technicians would soon be busy doctoring the tapes and the logs.
dog one inferior of its kind: as a: an investment not worth its price; b: an undesirable piece of merchandise.
低劣的东西,如物不及值的投资、或人见人弃的商品。近似中文的“破烂货、烂摊子”等; 但具体翻译中有时需要稍做变化。
◆ 在俚语中,特别在黑人用语中,dog 常用来指人,相当于中文俗语的“伙计、家伙”
Disney’ toddler backpack is no dog in sales. s迪斯尼的儿童背包卖得可不赖。
dog-and-pony show an often elaborate public relations or sales presentation.
This was to be a routine dog-and-pony, where we would give him a demo and pitch him on building a pen computer that could run Penpoint. 一场例行公事式的做秀,我们到时候给他来个示范,鼓动他生产可以运行 Penpoint 软件的笔式计算机。
dogface soldier, especially infantryman.
◆ 其起源可能与 dogtag有些关系。dog tag 指士兵脖子上戴的记有其编号、姓名及其它信息的小金属牌;其实原意就是指狗主人为防止狗走失而给悬戴的“狗牌”。 既然士兵们戴 的都是“狗牌”,那么用 dogface 指代其本身可说是顺理成章。
I was just a dogface, but I’ like to be in on this operation. d虽然我就是个小兵,但我想参加这次行动。
dogfight a fight between two or more fighter planes usually at close quarters.
◆ 该词即源于狗打架。
dog’ breakfast s something or someone that looks extremely untidy, or something that is very badly done.
◆ 众所周知,狗常会吃呕吐物等不洁净的东西;另外,人们给狗准备的食物也往往是各种剩饭剩菜的大杂烩。该习语即指狗所吃食物乱七八糟的样子。
The whole continent of Africa is dog’ breakfast. s非洲大陆整个一锅粥(指各部族不断纠纷杀戮)。
doggone dang, darn.
诅咒、抱怨时的用语,语义上较轻微也较文雅一点;有时也用 语的“妈的”;但比中文的语义要弱。
◆ 美国黑人歌星迈克尔?杰克逊有一首歌的歌词中有doggone it。相当于中文俗This doggone girl is mine (即,这女孩他妈的是属于我)。
doll pretty but often empty-headed young woman.
漂亮美丽但头脑空空的女人,但也泛指女人;有时也泛指有魅力的人 (男女皆可)。近似我们 俗语的“(光有)脸蛋、花瓶”;或泛称好人。
◆ 有些人,尤其是女人视其为冒犯语,所以应谨慎使用。
Thanks, Cheney. You are a doll.
doll up to dress elegantly or extravagantly, or to make more attractive.
A number of Hong Kong establishments are dolled up in old Shanghai style.
done for doomed to death or destruction.
We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.
dong a penis.
dork a stupid, inept or foolish person, especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits.
◆ 在学生用语中,常用来指学习好的尖子生们(因为他们普遍不通时事,只顾学习);用于此意义时,比较中性(但仍然稍具贬义)。
I was such a dork.
double action (of a firearm) requiring only one pull of the trigger to cock and fire it.
枪支,特别是手枪,只需扣动扳机即可完成扳起击铁 (机头)和发射子弹两个动作;而singleaction 则指需要先手动扳起击铁,然后才可扣动扳机发射子弹。
double dip to get two amounts of pay at the same time, for example pay from an employer as well as money from the government; or to get two tax benefits on the same item in two different way.
同时得到两份报酬,例如既自雇主处拿薪金又自政府处拿补助;或指以两种不同的方式获得 对一件物品的两次税收优惠。我们似乎没有一个相应的名词或动词,试译为“双薪”。
Keegna was an Academy graduate who had put in his thirty and retired to become a double-dipper.
肯格纳毕业于西点军校,当了 30 年的兵;现在退了休,既拿着政府抚恤又做咨询顾问赚双 薪。
double Dutch unintelligible language, gibberish.
◆ 该习语另一个意思指一种跳绳的方式,即用两条绳子按相反方向交互摇动;显然,这种跳绳的方式容易让人觉得眼花撩乱,不知所措。
double-park to park alongside another automobile that is already parked parallel to the curb.
指和一辆已经停靠路边的汽车并排泊车;交通法规一般是不允许该种泊车方式。中文似乎没 有一个专门的词来对应。
double-take a delayed reaction to a surprising or significant situation after an initial failure to notice anything unusual. 指对令人惊异或非常重要的情况开始时没留意到有特别之处,稍后才反应过来;常用做 do a double take。似乎只有“行注目礼”还算比较接近;但行注目礼时,人们往往是持续地盯住看,与英文稍有不同;也许可译为“行回头礼”。
◆ take 此处是观看或注意的意思 ;即看过一次没留意,猛然反应过来后再转头看一次。经常会在喜剧电影中看到这种情形。
After an initial double-take, Alex’ peers didn’ pay much heed to their crosss t dressing classmate.
(down) in the dumps to be in a gloomy, melancholy state of mind, depression.
she has been really down in the dumps since her boyfriend moved away.
down the pike to come to prominence.
指发生、出现或彰现;一般是 comedown the pike。近似我们所说的“(闪亮) 登场”。
◆ pike 此处意为道路,即将某一职业或事件或任何事物比成一条道路,而你所描绘的人或东西现正沿着这条路走来。而中文更习惯将人生或事件比做舞台,所以可译为“登场”。
The greatest boxer to come down the pike in years.
draft beer beer that is ready to be drawn from a container。
◆ draft 此处是“随时可倒出的,或所倒出的液体”的意思。
drag one’ feet (on something) s to act slowly or reluctantly.
The children wanted to watch TV, and dragged their feet when Mother told them to go to bed.
drag race a short race between two or more automobiles starting from a standstill, the winner being the car that can accelerate the fastest.
◆ drag 在 18 世纪晚期意为马车(因为马要“拉”着),到 19 世纪中叶,它转而意指街drag race 最初的含义为在城市街道上进行的比赛。[注:这种飙车的赛道称为 drag strip,它可能是公路的某一段或飞机的跑道等] dragon lady a powerful or tyrannical woman; or a dangerous and seductive woman.
有权威或胜气凛人的女性;又指具有危险性和诱惑力的女性。前者相当于中文俗语的“铁娘 子”;而后者则近似俗语的“妖女”、或“小妖精”。
◆ 该习语源于漫画系列《 Terry道;而and the Pirates》中的一个人物。
draw the line (at …) define a threshold that can't be crossed without action or retaliation.
限定一个不可逾越的分界(可以是真实的点或线,但更多时候指想象的或抽象的分界),一 旦达到该分界则不可再前行或做进一步的动作。中文似乎没有固定俗语说法与其相匹配,但 它近似于我们常说的“底限、有分寸”等◆ 该习语源于圣经中的唱诗,其中一首有一句为"drawinga line in the sand",即 "停止、不再前进" 之意;后逐渐简化为 "draw 我的底限就是不吃动物内脏。
the line"。 I draw the line at eating internals of an animal. I can relax with my boss and share a joke or two but I do know where to draw the line.
dreamboat a person considered exceptionally good- looking and sexually attractive.
指相貌非常英俊、漂亮而且非常性感的人。 近似我们说的“梦中情人”。
◆ 该词的原意指设计精良、奢华的汽车或其它车辆等,换而言之,人人 梦想拥有一辆。
dressed to kill intentionally wearing clothes that attract sexual attention and admiration.
dressed (up) to the nines wearing very stylish and fashionable clothes, dressed well.
◆ 该习语据说源于制作一套高质量的西服需要用去 9 码的布料,因为所有的布料都须沿着织物的走向进行裁剪,所以会造成很多浪费,也所以会需要 9 码之多的布料。
Gabriella was dressed to the nines this passed holiday season, a $250 red velvet dress, $15 white stockings, $55 patent leather flats.
(8 岁的)格布丽拉这个假期可是衣着光鲜,250 美元一条的红天鹅绒裙子,15 美元一双的白 色长袜和 55 美元一双的专门设计的平底皮鞋。
dressed to a tea well dressed with attention to detail.
指穿着很好,且非常留心细节。 可近似翻译为“穿得规规矩矩”。
◆ 该习语源于"dressedfor a tea" 或 "dressed to go to a tea";在维多利亚时代的英国,下午茶是很正式的场合,所有的人都要穿戴得正规和合乎适宜。
Beware of any salesman that is dressed to a tea, smiles too much, and talks fast.
drift general meaning without detail, often used in if you catch my drift, which suggests that there is more information than can be given openly. 指不给出详细信息的概括或大意等;常用于 if you catch my drift,该习语的言外之意是有些资料或信息不便公开透露,如果你能领会就领会,不能领会说话人也不会再明言。相当 于我们在谈话时遇到不便透露的内容则说“你知道的了”。
let's just say we had 'problems', if you catch my drift.
drive someone up the wall make someone extremely angry.
◆ 假设你与某人同居一室,而他的举动言行令你气愤添膺,但又无所遁形,只好上墙了。
My flat-mate is driving me up the wall at the moment.
(a) drop in the bucket a part so small as to be negligible.
◆ 该习语的原意为水桶里的一滴水。
The money he paid back was only a drop in the bucket compared to what he owes.
drop kick a kick made by dropping a ball to the ground and kicking it at the moment it starts to rebound.
将皮球丢下并在其刚着地即将反弹起来的时候将球踢出去,也即言其快也。相当于我们所说 的“踢飞”。
You’ drop-kick the bad guy good-bye. ll你会把那坏小子一脚踢飞。
drown one’ sorrows (in drinks) s drink alcohol to forget one’ problems. s借助饮酒来忘记或消减某人的问题或忧虑等。绝似中文“借酒浇愁”。
◆ 不同的是,我们是用酒来“浇灭”忧愁,而英美人更狠一步,干脆将忧愁“淹死”。
He’ in the bar drowning his sorrows with a beer. s他在酒吧正喝着啤酒借酒浇愁呢。
drumbeat vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause.
◆ 该词的原意即为击鼓或击鼓发出的声音。
The drumbeat of criticism of the news media from the right.
dry hole an unsuccessful venture.
◆ 该习语的原意是没有石油的油井。
dry run a trial exercise; a rehearsal.
指试验, 排练。即“练习”。
◆ 该习语源于军队用语,指不加装炮弹而只是练习如何发射大炮的过程和各个动作。dry 在此处具有性含意,指"无性交能力、阳痿的",即我们通常所谓的“没子弹”(另有一习语为dry fuck,类似俗语的“过干瘾”)。 “The Last Boy Scout” in which Willis, in a sort of dry run for “ Die Hard With a Vengeance”, traded quips with Damon Waynes.
威利斯(演员的名字)在电影《最后的童子军》里与戴蒙(扮演的坏人)相互进行斗智问答,似 乎就象在为《纽约大劫案》做练习(因为后者也有相仿的情节)。
duck soup any activity that's easy to do.
That’ duck soup for me. s那对我也就是小事一桩。
duke it out to engage in a fight and especially a fistfight.
◆ duke 此处意指 "手";源于 dukesof York, 该短语是 forks (fingers) 的压韵黑话 (压韵黑话是英美俚语形成的一种方式,尤见于英国伦敦东区土语,即用一个意思上毫无关联但 结尾与实际要表达的词压韵的单词或单词组合来代替要表达的那个词)。
Digital movie making will have little to do with the machines, and everything to do with the people at the controls: the artists, craftsmen, exects and moneymen who will, rest assured, still be duking it out well into the 21st century.
数字电影的制作靠的不是机器设备,靠的是操控机器设备的人:艺术家、技工、行政人员以 及出钱的人,这些人肯定会一直撕拼到 21 世纪 (即他们不会因为数字技术而放弃操控或制作 电影的权力)。
dumb down to lower the level of difficulty and the intellectual content of (as a textbook).
◆ 该习语的字面意思有过分简化而伤害事物的本质之含义;这点从dumb 一词即可看出,即弄得简单的都接近于傻了。
These books dumb down the issue so much that I don’ think they respect the t situation as it really is.
dupe 1. a person who is easily deceived or fooled.
2.a person who unquestioningly or unwittingly serves a cause or another person.
Our people will be convincing them you were innocent dupes.
dust off to restore to use.
指重新恢复使用。近似“(把某事物又) 搬出来”。
◆ 该习语的原意指掸去久置不用的东西上的灰尘。
Small wonder that administration officials are dusting off old proposals from Clinton’ campaign book, “Putting People First”. s怪不得政府的官员们把克林顿竞选手册里“人民第一”的老调子又搬了出来。
dust-up a physical fight or noisy argument.
◆ 该词的字面意思即搅得爆土扬尘;其意不言自明。
dweeb a person who is physically or socially awkward and lacks confidence.
E eighty six (or, 86) to kill a plan or action.
◆ 源于餐饮业;指取消已经点的菜。该习语原为餐厅服务员之间的暗语,指某个菜已经卖光了或指不要再为某个客人服务了。有关该词的起源很多:1. 原先英国商船的船员的标准人 数是 85,第 86 为显然是没机会出海的;2. 加利福尼亚(或福罗里达)禁止酒吧向明显醉酒 的客人销售酒的法律编号为 86;3. 位于纽约的名为 21 餐厅非常着名,该餐厅只有 85 张桌 子,而不收欢迎的客人只能得到第 86 号桌(即没位),但流传最广的起源是纽约市的Chumley's Bar and Restaurant, 该餐厅位于格里尼治村贝特拂德大街第 86 号。
elbow grease vigorously applied physical labor : 指艰苦的体力劳动。也即“力气活”。
◆ 一说是累得胳膊肘都出油了,当然是力气活了;另一说是因为力气活需要胳膊来回运动,所以要像对待机器设备一样事先给关节涂抹上油。
we’ have to use a lot of elbow grease to get the kitchen cleaned. ll要把这厨房整干净,我们可得费点力气活。
emcee (or MC) master of ceremonies : 即大型仪式或庆典的主持人。即“司仪”。 end run an evasive trick or maneuver :
◆ 源于美式橄榄球,带球队员沿对方防线的一端跑,希望饶过防守。
she wasn’ going to be bullied into silence and she wasn’ going to do an end run. t t她不会因威胁就闭口不言,而且她也不会绕着(这帮人)走。
eyes are bigger than one’ stomach s take more food than one can eat.
-“Chris. Why don’ you finish eating that 3rd helping of dessert ?” t -“I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach when I said I wanted more.”
-“科瑞思,你怎么不把你要的第 3 客甜点吃光?” -“我琢磨我点菜的时候有点眼大肚小”
F face-off confrontation.
◆ 源于曲棍球,开球时两名球员面对面站立准备抢夺裁判丢落在他们之间的球。着名导演吴宇森在美国拍过一部电影就叫Face Off,港台译为“变脸”;其实片名一语双关:即有字面意思(主角两人互换了脸皮,脸被拿掉了)又有对峙的意思(及主角两人正与邪的较量)。
fall for 1. to fall in love with : 指爱上某人;后跟人。绝似我们说的“坠入(情网)”。 2. to be deceived or swindled by : 指被欺骗、蒙骗等;与第 1 个意项不同,此时它后接(受其欺骗的)计策、诡计或事物等,不能与人连用。绝似我们俗语中 “(人家)挖个 坑,(你就)掉下去了”。
fall through to fail to happen.
My plan to go abroad fell through when my father refused to lend me some money.
far and away by a considerable margin.
指程度很大、或非常可观。绝似北方俗语的 - “远了去了,大发去了”。
“This is far and away the dream deal.” boasts Levin.
That was far and away the better team.
far cry (from …) a great distance, long way.
◆ 可能源于离得很远,非大声呼喊不能听见。
My research was a far cry from his (he is a Nobel laureate).
far out marked by a considerable departure from the conventional or traditional; strange, unusual.
Drake liked “Suzie Q”, which to us was really far out. 德瑞克喜欢 Suzie Q这出戏,我们觉得很怪异。 farm out to give (work or children) to other people to do or take care of.
They also have a string of subcontractors, smaller firms, to whom they farm out work.
fat very little or none.
指很少或没有;仅用于若干规定说法中,如 fatchance, a fat lot 等。可依具体情况而翻译为不同的说法,但一般处理为反语的方式似乎更传神。
-"Perhaps they'll invite you."-"没准他们会邀请你。"- "Fat chance of that!"-"那有这好事。"A fat lot of use you are (=You are not useful in any way)!
feed someone a line give someone a false explanation or story which allows one to obtain some advantage.
The journalist got her story by feeding the manager a line about being on government business.
feel like a million dollars or look a million dollars feel or look extremely good.
◆ 感觉像一百万美元似的,当然是没治了。
You look a million dollars in that dress, honey.
fence a person who buys and sells stolen goods.
fender-bender a minor automobile accident.
◆ fender 指车轮边的挡泥板;即只碰弯了挡泥板。
field to give an unrehearsed response to.
The chairperson skillfully fielded several awkward questions.
fifth wheel one that is superfluous, unnecessary, or burdensome.
◆ 通常车辆都有四个轮子,第五个轮子显然是多余的或累赘的。
In fact, I kind of feel like a fifth wheel.
figurehead a nominal, but not real, head or chief.
The LDP needed a coalition partner and a government figurehead untouched by scandal if they were to reconsolidate strength.
fill somebody in (on something) to give someone extra or missing information.
Want me to fill you in on what that beautiful girl’ face looks like? s想让我把那个靓女的模样给你交交底吗?
finger on the pulse to know everything about something.
You ought to hear what she has to say, because she's someone with her finger on the pulse of the city.
The situation changes daily, so it's really important to keep your finger on the pulse.
fire away to speak without hesitation.
CBS late-night star David Letterman fired away on August 1, the day the merger was announced.
CBS 的晚间明星主持人大卫莱特曼在两家公司宣布合并的 8 月 1 日当天就连珠炮似地发表自 己了意见。
fire in one’ belly s strength or driving power.
She is very competitive, she has fire in her belly.
fire sale a sale at very low prices.
◆ 该习语原意指在火灾后将损害的物品低价出售。
fish out to pull or take (something) out, especially after searching.
The detective digs in a large folder and fishes out a stack of snapshots.
fishy strange and suspicious : 指奇怪和令人怀疑的。近乎俗语的“不对劲”。 fit as a fiddle in very good health.
◆ 可能源自小提琴制作精细, 非常完美,如果身体如小提琴一般完美,当然是很健康。
fit to be tied roused to great anger or indignation; outraged. 指非常愤怒、气愤;与下文的 flip one's lid 有异曲同工之妙。有些接近我们所说的“(气得)拉不住”。
◆ 字面意思是适于捆绑,即愤怒得非得绑起来 ,才不致失态或才不会采取过激的行动。
Gabrielle was still fit to be tied.
five-by-five loud and clear.
◆ 原为军事用语。军队话务员使用 1-5 个级别从声音大小和吐字清晰两个方面衡量信息的传送;两个 5 分 , 即 指loud and clear,而两个 1 分(one by one)就意味着 weak andintelligible 。
flip one’ lid s become very angry.
指非常愤怒;其实凡情绪特别激动、剧烈之行为或因刺激而不正常皆可用其形容, 仅用 喷”。
◆ 该习语是比喻用法;它设想每人都有一个盖子来抑制或压抑着自我感情的表达,而一旦flip一词也可。在生气的意味上,近似我们的“火冒三丈 ”;而在其它意味上,似乎可译为“井某种刺激翻开了这个盖子,那感情或情绪就会勃然喷发而出。
My father really flipped his lid when I told him I'd been in trouble with the police.
flip side the reversed and sometimes less important (or less good) side of a matter.
指事物的另一面,或较不重要的那一面。就其词源而言,译为“B 面”似乎更为传神。
◆ 该习语原指唱片或磁带不含主打歌的那一面,即我们所说的B 面;因为通常是先听主打歌的一面,要听另一面,你必须 flip,所以就形成了这一短语。
floozy or floozie a usually young woman of loose morals.
◆ 与 streetwalker,hooker, hustler 等为近 义词。
flunk out to be dismissed/to dismiss from a school or college for failure.
fly-by-night one without established reputation or standing; especially, a shaky business enterprise.
指没有巩固的名声或地位,尤指不牢靠的公司或企业。近似我们的“皮包公司”。该词也可 指不牢靠的人。
◆ 该习语的字面意思即(白天还活动正常,但)一到晚上就溜走了。所以,它也含有转瞬即逝或非常短暂的意思。
follow suit (on … ) to follow an example set.
◆ 源于扑克牌,跟着上家出牌的花色出牌;suit 意指扑克牌的花色。
fool’ paradise s a state of delusive contentment or false hope.
the Football the black briefcase carried with the president of US which contains the launch codes for America's nuclear weaponry.
指美总统携带之包含核弹发射密码的黑提箱。不知我国政府是否也有一个类似的提箱,所以 无法找到相应的翻译。
foot in the door the initial step toward a goal.
◆ 该习语源于推销员挨家推销商品,一旦敲开门,他们会把一只脚放在门里,这样住户就无法关门打发他们走,而他们就借此展开推销宣传。
I finally got a foot in the door when they accepted my application.
footwork a group of cleverly planned and performed actions that are intended to result in an advantage or deal with a difficult situation - often used with fancy. 指精心策划和实施的一系列举措以争取到有利的位置或为了应对艰难的处境;常与 fancy 连用。接近我们常说的“花活儿”。
◆ 该词的原意指舞蹈或体育项目中对脚的灵活运用,例如足球运动员的“脚法”。
Why the fancy footwork on my last question?
With a bit of fancy footwork she managed to negotiate a good deal.
for a song very cheap, for very little money.
◆ 一说源于使用自动点歌机,投入一枚硬币即可点一首歌。
I got the perfect chair for a song at a little furniture store.
for the birds worthless, ridiculous.
◆ 注意 birds 这里是复数;thebird 指的是竖起中指的下流手势。 Doing the cleaning all day is really for the birds.
four-square marked by firm, unwavering conviction or expression; forthright.
◆ 当然,该短语也具有它的字面意思,即“四四方方”。
The military ploy was so heavy-handed that Yeltsin had to come out four-square in favor of holding the election on schedule.
the Fourth of July the beginning, start : 指开端、开头。
◆ 源于美国独立战争;相信毋庸再多说了。
four and five deep "deep" herein means having a specified extension in an implied direction usually downward or backward. 此处的“deep"指纵深方向上的距离;" four and five" 指四、五英尺/ 层/英里等,此处的数字是虚指,也可用其它数字替代,而计量单位省略,也是为了虚指不确定的概念。非常近似 中文的“里三层,外三层”。
Cars parked three-deep.
Police cars and ambulances were crowded four and five deep across Mississippi and Arkansas avenue.
four-point-oh or four-pointer perfect, excellent achievement or thing.
指完美的, 极好的业绩或事物等。从其词源看,似乎可翻译为“满分”。
◆ 源自美国海军以分数评定效率, 最高分为 4.0 分;也可写做 four-O.French coarse or vulgar language.
泛指任何无礼, 粗鲁等的言语。有点类似“粗口”。
Well, pardon my French, but they’ a bunch of sonsofbitches. re请原谅我讲粗口,但他们就是一帮狗娘养的。
front to provide before payment.
◆ 该词还有一个名词意项指为隐藏真实身份或性质而呈现在人前的掩护身份或组织;例如一个饭店表面是饭店实为黑帮洗钱之工具 (似可译为“打掩护”)。
He asked his commanding officer if the army could front him 300,000 rubles-about $50-to cover expenses.
他问指挥官军队能否先给他垫 30 万卢布-大约 50 美元-以支付日常开销。
fucking A or fucking Aye expletive to express strong consent, righteousness, joy and happiness.
表示肯定, 正确的感叹语;也表示愉快, 喜悦, 欢乐等;属于比较粗俗的俚语。近似我们俗语 的“真他妈的绝”等。
◆ 该习语可能源于 yourfucking ass。
funny money counterfeit money.
◆ funny 此处指“奇怪的”,而不是“有趣的”。不过,能把假钱顺利花出去,也算是有趣的经验。
G game willing or ready to proceed with risky things.
-“If you are game, Candace, I guess I am game,” he said.
-“Let’ do it.” Candace said. s“那咱们动手吧。”肯特思说。
geek a person often of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of sometimes because of their stupid appearance or behavior.
指心智能力超群但行为举止蠢笨或怪异而不被人喜欢的人;常用于指学生或计算机天才。相 当于“怪才”。
◆ 该词的原意指过去马戏团中表演生吃鸡头以招徕观众的人。
get bupkis get nuts, get crazy.
◆ bupkis 源于欧洲犹太人的依地语,意指“豆子”;延伸为“微不足道、或不值一提的事物。后被用于演艺圈,作感叹语表示情绪激动等意思,即你给予我的某事物是如此地微不足 道,以致于这简直是一项侮辱。
get around/round to to do something (that you have intended to do for a long time).
指对你一直计划要做但未做的事情付诸实施。该习语的言下之意相当于“终于想起来要做某 事了”。
The apartment manager finally got around to fixing the bath.
get in on the ground floor start at the beginning (in hope of future gain).
get in on the act to take advantage of something that someone else started.
We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act.
get into the swing of it/things to start to understand, enjoy and be active in something.
◆ 该习语的字面意思即顺着事物摇摆的态势(即其发展的进程等)而摇动,就像只有顺着秋千的力道摇荡你才能乐在其中。
I hadn't worked in an office for several years, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of it.
get/put/stick one’ oar in s to say or do something which annoys other people because they have not asked you to join their conversation or activity.
指在别人并没有邀请你加入其活动或没有征求你的意见时,唐突地说或做某事情而使别人感 到厌烦。绝似中文俗语的“横插一杠子”,与其字面意思非常吻合。
No one asked him for help, he's always sticking his oar in.
get off the dime to stop fighting over small or insignificant details。
指停止对细小或微不足道的小事或细节争论或争夺。接近我们所说的“别斤斤计较”、或 “别只顾蝇头小利”。
◆ 字面意思即把眼光或思维从 10 美分的钢蹦儿上拿开,看远点、想大点。
They were never getting off the dime: he had to offer her something and count on her giving something in return.
他们俩一直都是斤斤计较:他要给她点东西,她就得反过 来给他点东西。
get out from under to escape a situation that one doesn’ like. t指脱离或避开不喜欢的情形或处境等。绝似我们俗语的“抽身出来”。
I would like to get out from under my boss always watching my work.
get one's leg over to have sex.
轻微的禁忌用语,指发生性关系,只就男人而言。从其字面意思而言,近似中文俗语的“提 枪上马”。
◆ 注意:havea leg up (on) 是指占有优势地位。源于骑马时,先跨上一条腿。相当于中文的“占先机”。两个短语的词源有些相似,但要注意区分。
get a life used to suggest that someone has succumbed to terminal eccentricity.
用于告诫沉迷于奇怪或病态生活方式的人;表达一种" 找点正事, 过正常的生活吧" 之类的意 味。近似俗语的“过点正经日子吧”。
◆ 该短语的字面意思即暗示某人现 在的生活根本不能算一种生活,所以需要去再寻求一种新的真正的生活方式。
“These people should get a life.” FBI investigator James Kallstrom, responding to charges by journalist that TWA Flight 800 was downed by a US Navy missile.
听到有记者说 TWA800 航班是美国海军的导弹击落的,联邦调查局的调查员詹姆斯回应道: “这帮人应该回家过点正经日子去(言下之意别有事没事病态地瞎猜疑)”。
get a load of give attention to something because it is interesting.
Hey, get a load of that car.
get by to manage to pay for the necessary things in life but nothing extra, or to continue to manage a situation in a way that is satisfactory but not perfect.
指勉强能维持必要的生活但无任何其他富裕,或勉强能以令人满意地方式应对某情形,但并 未达到完美或理想的境地。我们的俗语很简练“凑和”。
We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.
get down (with ...) step down from your high position and be ordinary.
It’ really great that you can come here and just get down with regular people. s你能来这儿和普通大众打成一片简直是太好了。
get in someone’ hair s to annoy someone, by being present all the time when you wish they were not.
指烦扰某人,通常是在你希望他不要和你呆一块时他却就是不愿走。它的字面意思很接近我 们俗语的“让某人很挠头”。
I know the children get in your hair, but you should try not to let it upset you so much.
get it in for or have it in for to intend to do harm, especially because of a grudge.
The Senator’ after our budget because she has it in for Mike Rogers. s参议员就盯着咱们的预算呢,因为她想算计迈克? 罗杰斯。
get off on to find (something) exciting and pleasant.
off 其中一个俚语意项指经历性高潮。近似台湾俗语的“出了”或“丢了”。 get off on the right foot to make a successful start in doing something.
◆ get指做某事时有一个成功的开端。试译为“开门红”。
◆ 据称源于体育径赛项目。运动员起跑时出左脚还是右脚通常都有自己的习惯,起跑时出脚正确显然更有助于胜利。同理,该习语的反意短语为get off on the wrong foot。
get on someone’ nerves s to annoy someone a lot.
◆ 如果有人老戳你神经,你当然会发毛、愤怒。
Sometimes Ceelo’ attentiveness gets on her nerves, she beats him. s有时候赛罗的关心把她惹毛了,她就扁他。
get on the stick on something to do some work or to hurry.
◆ stick 指汽车的档把。手握档把,也即要开车了或换挡加速。
get one’ goat s to make one angry or annoyed.
◆ 该短语起源的传说很多。一说是源于为安抚赛马的情绪而在马厩里同时放置另外一只动物,常为山羊,而要对赛事做手脚的人会把山羊偷走以干扰赛马的情绪从而达到扰乱赛事的 目的;另一说源于揪别人的胡子而让人生气或气恼(山羊胡即 goatee)。
The problem is, my mother got my goat tonight.
get one’ nuts (or rocks) off s to have sex.
◆ nuts 或 rocks 指睾丸。
I’ finally get my nuts off with her. d我最后会和她爽一把。
get real to behave according to the situation as it is, not as one would like it to be.
指行为方式符合真实的情形,而不是按你的假想或你希望情形会怎么 样而去反应或行为;常 用于祈使语气。近似我们所说的“醒醒吧(别做梦了)”。
If Gingrich and Clinton want to prove to us that they can make a difference in what really ails America, they should get real about how drugs have recast three of the nation’ biggest challenges. s如果金格里齐(众议院议长)和克林顿想证明给我们 看他们在什么是真正地困扰美国的问题 方面能干出点不同的事情,那他们就应该在毒品给美国带来的三大新问题上清醒清醒了。
get short shrift from to be treated without sympathy or be given little attention by someone.
指被待以冷遇、或不被人理会。近似我们俗语的“不待见”;当然,中文表述的是主动语态 而英文原意是被动语态,中文表述与该习语的反面形式 give◆ shortshort shrift to 是相同的。
shrift 原意指在临死前给予死囚的简短、仓促的忏悔以使其在行刑前灵魂能得到救赎。
The fans get short shrift from the sports media in other way as well. 体育媒体在其他方面也不怎么待见体育迷们 (即体育媒体 give short shrift to 体育迷们)。 get the ball rolling initiate action.
指开始一项行动或工作。绝似“开练”(中文“开练”还含有打架的意思,但在特定情形 下,该英文短语也可具有此意思)。
◆ 源于体育运动。即让球滚动起来,换言之,开始比赛。
You’ been talking about repairing the roof for weeks now. Don’ you think it’ ve t s about time to get the ball rolling.
get the goods on to obtain the incriminating information or evidence about. 指获取罪证。这里 goods 用粤语里的“料”来翻译,非常传神。 She pretended to be a sexually repressed patient to get the goods on Dr. Caspian’ s unprofessional conduct.
get a jump on to do something before other people or before something happens.
I was about to invite Elena to go to a party, but Benito got the jump on me by telling Elena if she went with him, he’ take her out to dinner. d我正准备约艾莉娜去参加聚会,但宾尼托却抢先了我一步,他告诉艾莉娜如果她和他一块儿 去,就带她上外面吃晚饭,get under one’ skin s annoy someone.
◆ 如果有东西扎到你皮肤下面,你当然是不自在了。
I’ admit Nancy got under my skin yesterday. ll我得承认南茜昨儿是真够让我腻歪的。
get under the wire endure till the last moment。
◆ 源于体育。wire 即赛跑终点让冠军冲线的丝带或布带;也即比赛的最后一刻。
I didn’ get under the wire. t我没有撑到最后。
get wind of to hear about a piece of information, often a secret one.
听到、了解某一消息,通常是秘密或隐秘的事情。无论字面意思和实际用法都绝似中文的 “收到风声”。
A mafia group had got wind of the deal.
giveaway an unintentional revelation or betrayal.
◆ 但中文是动词,而该习语是名词,即导致被发现的东西或迹象等。一般与dead 连用。该词的原意是将东西免费赠送给他人。用于上述含义,即某些迹象将你送给了别人。
Peter Disney (after a wrong-doing), blushing furiously, was a dead giveaway.
彼特? 迪示尼(做了错事后)小脸涨得怒红,一下就把他 俩给卖了。
give ground to withdraw before superior force, retreat.
◆ 该习语的字面意思可以用以下的例子形象地说明:两人对峙,一方向后退出几步,将先前站立的 ground 给了对方。也即“让步”。
Canter and Siegal refused to give ground.
give it one’ best shot s try one's best effort.
◆ 源于射击,即打出最好的一枪 。
I’ not much of an electrician (repairing TV), but I’ give it my best shot. m ll我不算什么电子专家(指修电视),但我会拿出看家本领来修它的。
give someone the slip to escape the pursuit of someone.
◆ 源于船只急于离岸时抽掉缆绳,迅速开航。
The police were chasing the thief, but he managed to give them the slip.
give someone enough rope to hang himself to allow a person complete freedom to continue his misdeeds in hope that retribution will follow.
允许某人自由地继续自己的错误不加约束并希望其最终会自己受到惩罚。似可译为“让他 玩,看他最后怎么死”。
◆ 这里 rope 有一语双关的意味:既有活动或行动空间的喻意,又有绳子的本意。
gizmo or gismo a mechanical device with a particular use, a thing.
用于指有特定用途的电子或机械装置,通常比较小,而且不知道或忘记了其名称是什么。类 似中文的“小玩意儿”。
Because her six grandchildren spend a lot of time at her home, Alberta volunteered for a trial run of a gizmo that blocks out programs she doesn’ want them to watch. t因为爱尔伯特的 6 个孙子整天在她家里看电视,她就自愿试用了一个小玩意,它会锁住她不 想让孩子们看的节目。
glad hand a warm and hearty, but often insincere welcome or greeting.
热情洋溢的欢迎或寒暄,但实际并不真诚或者只是为了谋求一己之利而伪装出来的姿态。为 保留英文的幽默之处,试译为“拉着手问寒问暖”。
◆ 源于政客们在竞选时,总是亲热、高兴地与每个选民握手。以前港台歌星演唱时频频下台与观众握手也属此列。也可用作动词。
glassy having an expressionless and dull stare; lifeless, dull.
指神情或目光呆滞、没有表情;无生气的、呆滞的。英文用形似玻璃 (只是在反射他物 并无 自己的生命) 来表达这种概念,而中文则是用形似木头来表达“木木的,发木的”。
You’ got that glassy look in your eyes. ve你的眼神有点发木。
G-man a government official, esp. one who works for the FBI.
指政府人员,尤其指联邦调查局的探员。试译为“吃皇粮的”。 即government man的缩略形式。 Deck was eyeing every car in the parking lot as if they’ all loaded with G-men. re戴克在查看停车场里的每一辆车,好象所有的车都塞满了吃皇粮的。
go ape-shit (or go ape) become extremely excited.
◆ 即行为举止像原始的猿人。类人猿或猩猩情绪激动时常会大拍胸脯,所以试译之。
The Israelis are going ape shit. Zeman’ trying to arrange us a naval escort, and s CIA and State are being pulled in.
以色列正忙活得捶胸顿足呢。赛曼正想法给我们安排海军护航,中情局和国务院也 介入了。
go/turn belly up hopelessly ruined or defeated; especially, bankrupt.
◆ 源于鱼死腹部翻向水面。
The business went belly up after only six months in operation.
这生意就干了 6 个月就翻肚皮了。
go down on someone to have oral sex with.
go down the chute (tube, tubes) to get into a state of collapse, deterioration, or ruin.
◆ 源于伐木工人通过滑道从山上往山下运送木材。
The business is going down the tubes.
go for the long ball to take a chance or risk, especially when there are no alternatives.
◆ 源自球赛中迫于情势而远距离投球。
go gaga over something to be extremely enthusiastic about it.
指对某事极度兴奋或热情。也即“对某事 (着迷至) 犯傻”。
◆ gaga 源自法语,像声词,意指傻子 (因有发育障碍的人往往会无意识地发出该种声音)。
McDonald's has built its business on happy faces and not just among kids going gaga over Big Macs and fries.
麦当劳是靠笑脸 (即提供欢笑的形象) 建立起来的,而且这些笑脸并不仅限于那些看见巨无霸 和薯条就乐傻了的孩子。
go off half-cocked to do or say something without due thought or care.
指没有思考或考虑清楚的情况下、或在没有充分准备的情况下做事或说话。 试译为“贸然开 火”。
◆ cock 的动词含义指打开手枪的机头,准备发射子弹;而half cock 即手枪的机头 在半开的状态下被保险锁定,这时扳机是扣不动的。整个短语的字面意思即在机头半开、不准备开 枪的情况下却开了火,即走火。
We aren't going to go off half-cocked and file a lawsuit without looking at the matter very seriously.
go out of one’ way s to make especial hard effort to do something.
指特别努力地做某事,尤其是这种努力已经超越了所要求的范围而且可能已对自身造成不 便。试译为“能做的不能做的全做了”。
◆ 该短语是 比喻用法。试举例说明:某人不仅在自己行走的路线上帮助他人,还不辞劳苦到其它并不顺路的路线上去帮助他人。"way"的含义可具体,也可抽象,视情况而定。
They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome.
go overboard to go to extremes, especially as a result of enthusiasm.
In the past ten years, Japanese people have gone overboard for squid, consuming half a million tones annually.
在过去的 10 年里,日本人吃尤鱼是吃大发了,每年吃掉 50 万吨。
go south to get into a state of decline or ruin.
◆ 在这点上,中英文有异曲同工之处。中文说“南下、北上”,而英文中的南北也具有类似的含义,即“南”表示下降、减少等,“北”表示上升、增加、大于等。如:northof$3000,即大于 3000 美元。 go to bat for to give active support or assistance to, defend, champion.
◆ 源于棒球用语。
go to pot to deteriorate恶化。 试译为“进地沟”
◆ pot 此处指马桶,非正式用语。
The business has really gone to pot since he became president.
go to the wall to lose a conflict or be defeated; to be forced into bankruptcy; fail指输掉竞赛或被击败;被迫破产,结束等。试译为“就剩等死的份了”。
◆ 源于执行枪决时命令死囚靠墙站立。马上要被枪毙了,当然是等死了。该短语还有一个意项是“竭尽全力,特别是在 保护或保卫他人时”;从其词源看,似乎有点“在所不昔”的 意味,即使被枪毙也要努力去做。
goatee a small chin beard trimmed into a point.
◆ 该词是美国人的发明,词源与中文一样,都源于其形状与山羊胡须形状的相似。
gofer(gopher) an employee whose duties include running errand s.
指其工作、或其工作的一部分就是负责各种琐事,例如送茶倒水、替人跑腿等。相当于“打 杂的”。
for 的异写形式,即这种人必须不时地 go for things。 Hello, Jack! I didn’ know they were using you as a gofer? t◆ 该词是 go哈罗,杰克!我没想到他们把你当打杂的使?
go to the dogs to go to ruin, degenerate.
◆ dogs 在俚语中指脚。
Their house’ really gone to the dogs. s他们的房子现在真变成一塌糊涂了。
goody two-shoes a person who is affectedly good or proper.
指表现得过度善良或举止过度拘谨得当的人;同时也指善良得不同寻常的人。有些近似我们 所说的“某人特样儿”。
◆ 源于童话故事Goody Two-Shoes 的女主人公 Goody。她是一位好主妇,在只有一只鞋的情况下艰难度日,最终她被奖励了一双鞋;于是,她像小孩一样拿着这双鞋逢人边讲: twoshoes, two shoes。按该短语现在的用法,Goody 女士有点 “扮嫩”。 Always a straight arrow but never a goody two-shoes, she was everybody’ fantasy s date.
她一惯矜持端庄但绝不是事事都特来样儿,她简直是每个人的梦中情人。 [straightarrow指品德行为正直的人,也指思想非常传统的人;即“像射出的箭一样直”]
goose step a straight- legged stiff-kneed step used by troops of some armies when passing in review.
◆ 据称源于鹅走路的姿势。至于为何用鹅而不用其它类似走路的动物则不得而知了。
Gotham City New York City.
◆ 源于漫画,常用于《蝙蝠侠》系列电影中。
grab bag a receptacle (as a bag) containing small articles which are to be drawn (as at a party or fair) without being seen指聚会或其它场合所用的从中摸取奖品或纪念品的口袋或箱盒等;也延伸合指很多杂七杂八 东西的聚合体。有些类似我们所说的“百宝囊”。
grand a thousand dollars.
◆ 其原意指 10 和 100 的乘积。其他同义词有:M (罗马数字的 1000),K (即前缀 kilo),G (即 gram,1 kilogram的千分之一),thou (即 thousand)等.
grease someone’ palm s to secretly give someone money, bribe.
groupie a person who likes a particular popular singer or other famous people and follows them all the time.
◆ 原用于指摇滚乐团(group)的歌迷。
G spot a small area that is believed to be inside the vagina and to increase sexual pleasure when rubbed指女性阴道中某一区域,据称抚摩其可增加快感。即所谓的“G 点”。
◆ 德国妇科专家Ernet Grafenberg 首先对其进行描述,后以其姓氏缩写指代。[与该短语形式相似的还有一个短语G-string:指前部仅足以覆盖私处而臀部呈细条状的窄小女性内52裤,即所谓的“丁字裤”]
gun for to pursue relentlessly so as to overcome or destroy; to go after in earnest; set out to obtain.
指坚毅或不择手段地从事某事以克服或加以摧毁;或指真切地追求、获取某物某事。其字面 意思绝似我们俗语的“瞄着”。
It’ much tougher to run a company when you have had a string of successes and s the world is gunning for you.
He is gunning for a promotion.
gung-ho extremely enthusiastic, eager about doing something.
◆ 源于中文的“工合”。抗日时期,由斯诺夫人等国际友人发起,中国工业合作社 1938 年8 月在汉口成 立以壮大中国的工业实力,“工合”为其简称。后工业合作社运动发展到全 国。由陈纳德将军率领的驻扎在中国的美国志愿航空兵借用了该简称,用于指开会共同讨论 解决问题;后逐渐被用于指代急切做事的人。
The Prime Minister is heavily criticized for his gung-ho enthusiasm for the war.
H half-baked stupid or not having been considered carefully enough.
指愚蠢的、或考虑不周全的。类似常说的 “半调子”;而北方俗语中的“半熟”与该短语堪 称绝配。
I didn’ really like his half-baked idea about the new delivery system. t我可不怎么喜欢他对于新输送系统的半调子主意。
ham-and-egg ordinary, without anything special指普普通通的,没有特别之处的。近似我们俗语的“不起眼的”。
◆ 普通的西式早餐一般由火腿片和煎蛋构成。
When any ham-and-egg lawyer like Aubrey Long has a case in federal court, he damned sure wants everyone to know.
任何像 Aubrey Long 这样不起眼的律师如果有案子在联邦法院打,那他铁定要让人人都知 道。
hand to mouth . having or providing nothing to spare beyond basic necessities.
◆ 该短语的字面意思即手里拿到什么食物就赶紧入口吃掉。
He was living a hand to mouth existence until he was finally able to find a job.
the handwriting on the wall an omen of one's unpleasant fate.
◆ 源于圣经旧约。以色列的国王Belshazzar 在耶路塞冷的圣殿有过盗窃行为,在他聚会欢庆的时候,一只人手显现并在墙上写下了文字示意国王的日子不多了;当晚,Belshazzar 即告毙命。
hanger-on a person who flatters and spends time with rich and important people, esp. to get advantage.
指巴结并经常与有钱有势的人呆一起的人,通常是为了获取某种利益或优势。绝似我们俗语 所说的“跟班儿的”。
Kelly makes his first kills as a teenager; becomes known; acquires hangers-on, women, a car.
hang-up a permanent and unreasonable feeling of anxiety or interest about something.
指对某事物所抱有的固执的不合常理的兴趣、关注或焦虑。试译为我们所说的“变态”;既 可指普通意义上的戏谑称呼,也可指对某物真正的变态观念。
◆ 也许源自对其字面意思的延伸。如果一个人将其思绪整天“挂”在某物上,那显然对其非常关注或感兴趣。
He's went bald very young and has a terrible hang-up about it.
Most women have some sort of hang-up about their body.
hanky-panky dishonest or illicit behavior, esp. involving sexual activity or money.
The senator's career was brought to an abrupt end after revelations of hankypanky with a model.
Allegations of financial hanky-panky have been hotly denied by both chairman and club manager.
hard put undergoing great difficulty or perplexity.
Mexican officials working on the same troubles are hard put to cite anything significant that the U.N. agencies have done to help (Referring to UN’ s inefficiency).
处理同样问题的墨西哥官员们一说起联合国在这些问题上都做了那些重要的帮助可就犯了难 (即无话可说,指联合国在处理墨西哥饥荒问题时效率低下)。
have a ball have a good time.
◆ ball 源于法语的 bal,即跳舞的意思。
Where young transvestites can meet up with other young transvestites and have themselves a ball.
have a crush on someone to have a strong but temporary attraction for someone.
指强烈地、但短暂地被某人吸引。近似我们说的“对某人神魂颠倒” ;但如此翻译似乎没有 表达出英文之“短暂的”含义。
She has a crush on one of her teachers at school.
have a head on one’ shoulders s be smart or sensible.
◆ 字面意思即肩膀上顶的是个脑袋,言下之意,不是别的物件,即会思考、聪明等。
That new salesman really has a head on his shoulders.
have it coming deserve a punishment.
He really has it coming to him after causing the problems in the company.
have it made be certain to be successful and rich.
◆ 原为美国黑帮用语。正式加入黑手党成为家族的一员,称为made (详解见下文 M 条)。 for a ride (用汽车拉至偏换言之,如果一个普通街头混混正式成为黑帮一员,即意味着从此就有后盾 了,不用再四处 讨生活了,也即注定要吃喝无忧了;当然,犯了事,被家族 take 用该词。 僻之所处死) 就另当别论了。现在,该词的意义已不仅限于此,凡注定要发达之类意项皆可have a leg to stand on to have a good reason or defense to support one’ opinions or act s指有一个很好的理由、辩驳、或逻辑基础来支持自己的想法或行动。绝似“站得住脚”。
have a thing about to have a strong feeling about (like or dislike) something.
对某事怀有强烈的感情 (喜爱或厌恶)。有些近似我们的模糊语言“对什么什么特那个” ;至 于到底是喜爱还是厌恶则看上下语境。
He had a thing about Napoleon.
have a way with be able to lead, persuade, understand or influence.
The Egyptians, they have no way with machinery.
have no truck with something to refuse to have any involvement or connection with指不与某事有牵连或联系。近似“不搀和某事”。
◆ truck 有 dealing,business 的意项,非正式用语。 I tell you now that if it is anything against the safety of the fort I will have no truck with it.
have one’ head in the sand (about something) s to refuse to think about unpleasant facts, although they will have an influence on your situation.
◆ 据说源于鸵鸟遇到险情会将头埋进沙子里,以为如此即可避过灾难或困境。
For too long, reformers have had their heads in the sand about this unpleasant reality.
have someone’ number s to determine or know someone's real character or motives.
指确定或了解某人真正的性格或动机。近似 “看穿某人的小九九”。
She had his number the minute he climbed off the plane last week.
have sticky fingers likely to steal.
◆ 该短语的字面意思是手指很粘;即沾上东西就掉不了。
He was fired because of his sticky fingers at the cash register.
have the heels of to follow very closely.
◆ 该短语的字面意思即跟地如此近,以至于都快踩到前者的脚后跟了。
have the hots for to have a strong sexual attraction or desire for someone.
He's had the hots for Susan ever since he met her.
have the world by the tail be successful and happy.
◆ 整个世界的小尾巴都在手中,那显然是独步天下。
heads-up a warning.
◆ 这里指“出什么事或有什么情况时打个招呼”;而不是见面问候的“招呼”。如果你埋头从事其他的工作或思考问题,这时有人过来 提醒说某事发生了,那你很可能会抬起头来; 所以叫做 heads-up,很形象。
hearsay unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.
high five a gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person.
◆ 源于黑人运动员。five 代表五指,即手掌。该短语也可用作及物动词。
high on(off) the hog at great comfort with a lot of money, extravagantly.
◆ 猪肉好的部分是位于猪 背部的里脊肉。以前,只有富人们买得起这些好肉,而下人、奴隶和穷人们则只吃得起位于下半部的猪蹄、猪内脏等,即 low 菜” )。
on the hog (试译为“萝卜咸If you choose to live high on the hog, you will be low in the wallet.
high-street the road with the most important shops and businesses.
◆ 这是英国用法。美国和澳大利亚英语中用main street。
hinky strange, weird, incomprehensible.
In a few more days we’ going back to Maclean to interview him again. Like I re said, he looked a little bit hinky.
再过几天我们要回去重新采访 Maclean。就象我说过的,他看起来有点怪胎。
hit the spot to give complete or special satisfaction, used especially of food or drink.
使完全或格外满意,通常用于指食物或饮料。有点类似我们所说的“ 有滋有味”;当然在具 体语境时可适当变化。
◆ spot 此处指舌头上的味蕾。
hit below the belt attack or criticize unfairly.
◆ 源于拳击用语。按规则,拳手不能击打对方腰带以下的身体部位。
hit home to get to the ultimate core, to make/become fully understood.
The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living-rooms.
hit it off to get along well : 指相处得很好。近似“合得来”。 hit on to pay unsolicited and usually unwanted sexual attention to.
I hated the parties where the men are hitting on you the whole time.
hit the bottle start to drink too much alcohol.
She started to hit the bottle soon after her divorce.
hit the nail on the head to be exactly and clearly right.
◆ 该短语的原意是钉钉子 时,锤子正砸在钉子头上,即不偏不斜。
He really hit the nail on the head when he wrote the report about the bank’ s problem.
hit the road leave, travel.
When the FBI arrived to ask whether Mitnick might know who was eavesdropping on Pac Bell security official’ voice mail, Mitnick hit the road. s联邦调查局一来问他知不知道谁在偷听 Pac Bell 公司网络安全员的音频邮件,Mitnick(美国 着名的黑客)立马就上路(跑了)。
hit someone where he lives to attach or criticize one's weakest characteristics .
The news hit him where he lived.
hit the ceiling/roof become extremely angry指极度气愤、生气。试译为“气得乱跳”。
◆ 该短语的原意是(气得跳起来)撞到屋顶。
hit the fan to have a major usually undesirable impact.
◆ 该短语的完整形式是shit hits the fan;如果 shit 撞到运转的风扇,那场面肯定是糟糕至极而处于此情形中的人显然是麻烦大了。
It’ going to hit the fan when Bart gets back this afternoon. s等今儿下午巴特回来,(这事)肯定得乱了套。
hit the jackpot to become notably and unexpectedly successful or rich.
◆ 源于赌博用语。jackpot 即指一场赌局累计到最后的赌注。
hog heaven an extremely satisfying state or situation.
ho-hum routine, dull; bored, indifferent.
◆ 源于打哈欠的声音。
A ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture the attention of the conventioneers.
hold one’ fire/hold fire s to prevent from some action.
◆ 该短语的原意是停止开枪。
Democrats like Jay Rockfeller urged Clinton to hold his fire until the Senate debate.
诸如杰? 洛克斐乐的民主党人们敦促克林顿在参议院展开辩论之前不要着急上火发表意见。
hold someone’ feet to the fire s to pressure (someone) to consent to or undertake something.
◆ 源于十字军东征时期。宗教审判者用火烤烧被绑异教徒的双脚以迫使其忏悔。
You made a fair bet with me on the Superbowl and I am going to hold your feet to the fire for payment.
你在 Superbowl 上可是跟我打了赌,到该付钱的时候我就拿你是问。
hold the bag to bear alone a responsibility that should have been shared by others.
◆ 该短语还有一个意项是指“落个两手空空”。据称源于偷窃,同伙拿着赃物逃脱,只剩拿着空口袋的小偷被警察抓住。
hold the line to maintain the current position or situation.
◆ 原意即指战斗中“保持战线”或“坚守阵地”。
Clinton’ political advisers want the White House to propose budget cuts and s watch their republican successors choose between alienating their constituents and holding the line on government spending.
克林顿的政治顾问们想让白宫建议削减预算,然后坐观继任的共和党在得罪自己选民和在政 府开支政策上坚守阵地两者之间左右为难。
hole up to stay in a safe place, often as a way of escape.
◆ 字面意思即躲进某个洞里。
After the robbery the gang holed up for a few days in a warehouse.
homebody one whose life centers on home.
honcho one who is in charge.
◆ 源于日语,han 指squad + cho 指领导,原意即队长。 A month passed and head honcho paid me a visit.
honor guard a group of people serving as an escort or performing drill exhibitions on ceremonial occasions : 指在庆典或礼仪场所操练或护卫的队伍。即“仪仗队”。 hook up to become associated especially in a working or social relationship.
He had hooked up with a Hong Kong businessman.
horny desiring sexual gratification; excited sexually.
◆ 即 horn(勃起的阴茎)的形容词形式。该词原用于形容男性,但现在也用于形容女性。
horse-and-buggy old- fashioned, outdated.
指思想、态度等老套的、老式的或过时的。中文俗语似乎没有合适对应短语,可近似翻译为 “老马拉破车”。
◆ 该词的原意即指以前的马车。
A large Amish community steadfastly perpetuates a 19th century horse-and-buggy lifestyle.
一个很大的 Amish 社区现在还坚定不移地沿袭着 19 世纪老马拉破车的生活方式。[Amish 是 一个宗教团体,强调原始的生活方式,反对现代科技及机器]
horse around to indulge in horseplay or frivolous activity.
After the coach left the gym he decided to stay and horse around on the parallel bars.
a horse of a different color quite a different matter.
◆ 通常马匹在出生的时候会进行登记,登记的内容包括其颜色;但有时,在马匹被转手卖出的时候,登记证上的颜色和马的实际颜色不同,所以人们会怀疑卖的马与登记证上的马不 是同一匹马。
A joke is one thing, but a prank that hurts somebody is a horse of a different color.
开玩笑是一回事,但会伤到人的恶作剧就是另一码 事了。
horse-gone-lock-the-door to be so late in taking action to prevent something bad from happening that the bad event has already happened.
◆ 该习语的完整说法是: closethe stable door after the horse has gone,字面意思即为“在马跑了以后才关马厩的门”。
It was the horse-gone-lock-the-door mentality, but Chavez didn’ mind that people t were around to protect his wife and child.
虽然这有点亡羊补牢的意味 (指在恐怖分子袭击他家之后,警察才派人守护),但查维斯并不 介意有人来保护他妻子和女儿。
horse trade negotiation accompanied by shrewd bargaining and reciprocal concessions.
◆ 源于马匹交易时,马主们互相讨价还价。
There was no horse trading between voting round.
hot under the collar extremely exasperated or angry or embarrassed.
◆ 该习语的字面意思即为衣领下感觉很热;生动地描绘了人们在情绪激动时的情形。
He got all hot under the collar when they accused of him taking it without paying.
hot shit to express that something is very good.
赞赏、形容某事物非常好。有点类似北方俚语的“没治了、有玩意” 等。
◆ 英美俚语中shit 常被用来表示 stuff 或 thing,并不具有特别的褒贬含义,但当然也不是礼貌用语,应避免在文明场合使用。
The guitarist's real hot shit.
house of cards a structure, situation, or institution that is insubstantial, shaky, or in constant danger of collapse.
指动荡的、有随时崩溃危险的结构或组织。绝似我们说的“纸糊的 (房子)”。
◆ 用扑克牌或纸卡片搭建的东西当然会很不稳定。
The regime collapsed like a house of cards.
house-sit stay in a dwelling to provide security and maintenance while the tenant is away.
指房主不在时,住在其家中为其看护房子。也即我们所说的“(替人) 看房子”。
An old buddy of Alice’ had jumped at the chance to house-sit while David was in s China and Alice was off on location.
爱丽斯的一个老朋友一把就抓住了替他们看房子的机会,因为戴维在中国出差而爱丽斯又在 外面考察。
hype promotional publicity of an extravagant or contrived kind.
大肆铺张的推广或宣传,诸如广告等;含有故意误导或欺骗性的意味。近于 “炒作”。
hyperbole (夸张的修辞手法) 的缩写。 There isn't any energy crisis at all, it's all a hype, to maintain outrageous profits for the oil companies.
◆ 也许源自对根本没有什么能源危机,全是炒作,是石油公司想维持暴利而已。
I icky offensive to the senses or sensibilities; distasteful.
◆ 也许源自孩童语言中对sticky 的异读;而 sticky 意指“粘的”,一般而言,凡表示“粘糊糊”的词均可表示“令人厌恶、恶心、恐惧、令人不适”的意思。
I don’ like to think about her sister’ murder. Too icky for my taste. t s我可不想去琢磨她姐姐被害的事。太糁的慌。
iffy abounding in contingencies or unknown qualities or conditions; uncertain.
+ fy,美国总统罗斯福的发明。 in a pinch if it is really necessary, although it is not perfect or what one would really like.
指某事物虽然不完美或不是你最想要的,但如果必要的话,该事物还是能满足你的需要的。 近似我们俗语的“将就”。
◆ 即 ifI need $2000 to set up my shop, but I suppose $1500 would do in a pinch.
我开店需要 2000 美元,但我想 1500 美元也将就。
in for a nickel, in for a dime (or in for a penny, in for a pound) this phrase is used when the same loss or danger is incurred whether the previous responsibility has been great or small.
用于以下情形:无论先前的责任或错误是重大或微小,最后所可能遭受的损失、后果或危险 是同样的;换言之,既然做了就做到底,因为后果是一样的。有点类似“既来之则安之”。
◆ 该习语的字面意思为你既然已就某项活动投入了 5 美分或 1 便士,那你不如再投入 10 美分或 1 英镑以坚持到最后的结局。据称源于乞丐讨钱,既然已伸手乞讨 5 美分或 1 便士,不 如再讨 10 美分或 1 英镑,反正手已经伸出去了。
You never know when he’ done with you, and if you are in for a penny, you’ in s re for a pound.
in one’ element s be happy by doing what one likes or can do best.
指因做喜欢或擅长的事情或工作而感到快乐、满意;也暗指该项工作会完成得很好。非常近 于我们俗语的“如鱼得水”。
◆ element 此处为名词,指很自然地适宜于某人的环境或情形。
He was in his element when traveling.
in a class by oneself of very high quality and nothing is comparable.
◆ 该习语的字面意思为自己单独成为一派、组、等级(class);即独成一家、自成一派,无人可以与之并列。
In using cliches, Gabrielle and I are in a class by ourselves.
in a nutshell in very brief form; in a few words指简而言之,长话短说。近似我们所说的“大概齐”。
Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
in a pig’ eye s absolutely not, never .
◆ 该习语是压韵黑话,pig'seye 与 lie 压韵。
ins and outs the intricate details of a situation, decision, or process.
He know the ins and outs of detecting enemy spies.
in/by fits and starts in an impulsive and irregular manner, intermittently.
◆ fit 和 start 此处用作名词,指突然而至的短暂时间内的忙乱或活动。
In fits and starts, the industry (computer gaming) is finally waking up to the potential power of the female market.
虽然有一出儿没一出儿的,但电子游戏业现在终于逐渐醒过来认识到了女性市场的潜力 (即 过去对电子游戏的女性市场不重视,不定什么时候想起来了就发行一款适宜女性的游戏,想 不起来就不发行了)。
in nothing flat in shortest possible time, very quickly.
This place is going to be crawling with security dudes and soldiers in nothing flat.
in seventh heaven extremely happy.
◆ 该习语源自伊斯兰教,天有七重,第七重天是最高的一重天。而中国似乎倾向于第九重天才是最高的。
I have been in seventh heaven since I started my new job.
in the bag certain to be obtained.
The new contract will be in the bag if we put in a good proposal.
in the doghouse in a state of disfavor where someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval.
指处于失宠、或惹人厌烦的境地,即某人对你感到很厌烦而且态度也比较明显和外露。有些 接近北方俗语的“不被人待见”。
◆ 被人赶到狗舍,显然是不被人喜爱。
He is in the doghouse with his wife after staying out drinking last night.
in the market for something interested in buying something.
◆ 该习语的字面意思即为了某事物而到市场里逡巡、查看。
I am in the market for a new computer as my old one is too slow.
in one’ cups s intoxicated, drunk.
He started the car and moved in the wrong direction, though she was a little too much in her cups to appreciate that.
into the bargain or in the bargain besides, in addition to all things previously said.
There’ a chance she might have a concussion, and she is high as a kite, into the s bargain.
out of pocket low on money or funds; having suffered a loss.
指(在交易或某项活动之后 )资金或钱短缺,或遭受损失。接近俗语的“没落下东西”。
◆ (钱 或 其 它) 只 从 口 袋 里 出 去 , 而 没 有 进 项 , 显 然 是 亏 损 ; 而 该 习 语 的 反 义 词 为inpocket,即“落下了东西”。 "You look somewhat out of pocket, old chap," he said, " I should’ thought these ve prints would merely confirm what you Yanks had already guessed."“你看起来也没落下什么,老伙计,”他说,“我本来就该想到这些图纸也就印证了一下你 们美国佬们早猜到的东西。”(即对方看了一通图纸,却一无所获)By the time we paid all the expenses, we should still be several hundred dollars in pocket.
in one’ pocket s in one's power, influence, or possession.
◆ 既然已被装入了别人的口袋,当然是随人摆 布或玩弄了。
I’ be surprised if at least one of the crew isn’ in someone’ pocket. d t s(潜艇受到破坏)如果发现有船员是受别人摆布,我一点都不会吃惊。
in spades to an unusually great degree.
◆ 可能源于扑克牌戏,黑桃一般都具有最高的分值,所以拿一手黑桃显然是比较厉害。
I don't get colds very often, but when I do I get them in spades.
in stitches (to make one) laugh uncontrollably. 指不可控制地欢笑;常用于 have someone in stitches。绝似我们俗语的“笑破肚皮”。
◆ 既然需要缝针 (stitches),那显然是笑破肚皮了。
Danny was such a comedian at the party. He had us all in stitches!
in (lock) step in harmony or agreement指协调或一致。也即“合拍儿”。
out of step: “不合拍儿” - Nevertheless, most of the French are certain it’ the no-nukes crowd that’ out of step, not France (不管如何,多数法国人 s s 认定(与时代)不合拍儿的是那些宣扬不要核弹的人们,而不是法国 )。 (every trick) in the book every possible way there is.
◆ 其反义词即指所有可能的方法、途径或措施等。有些近似我们说的“什么招都使上了”。
◆ 该习语的 潜台词 是假设在每个领域都有那么一本包罗万象的书,如果出现什么问题,只要照本行事即可。
The candidate tried every trick in the book to win the election.
in the hole in debt : 指欠债;也可用于指处于不利的局面。绝似“债台高筑”。
◆ 债台高筑得都看起来像住在洞里了。
He was going in the hole every month.
in the nick of time at the last possible moment.
She lashed out at the boy who ducked back just in the nick of time.
in the pink in very good health.
指非常健康;同时又指因身体状况良好而可以随时参加某活动。单指身体健康时,绝似我们 俗语 - “红光满面”;而指后者时,似乎接近“在状态”。
◆ 一说该习语源于身体健康时脸颊红润;一说源于传统的英国猎狐活动,猎人身穿猩红色的上衣 (称为 pink ) ,所以如果你一旦穿上 pink ,即意味着你准备好去狩猎了。
I've been training for the marathon and I am feeling in the pink.
in the sack having sex.
◆ sack 即意指“床”。
The lady may have been a slob, but she was energetic in the sack, with an imagination that could almost satisfy Cole’ needs. s那女人可能是个贱货,但她在床上干劲十足而且想象力丰富,几乎可以满足科尔的需要。
in the soup in trouble, in an unpleasant and difficult situation.
Jeeves, I am in the soup, you got to help me.
in the works in process of preparation, development, or completion.
A one-trillion-yen personal income tax cut is in the works, but it won’have much t effect.
in touch with if you are in touch with a subject, activity or situation your knowledge about it is recent/not recent or you are well aware of it.
该短语似乎有一种只可意会不可言传的意味。如果某人 in touch with 一个课题、活动或情 形,即指其了解或 非常清楚该课题、活动等最新的知识或变化等;特别含有在精神方面与之 贯通等意味。近似我们说的“对什么什么有感觉”,但很难译为固定的中文,只有根据不同 的语境加以变化。
The Contour(a car) offers a kind of driving feel - a sense of being in touch with the car and of being in control.
Contour(轿车的名称)赋予驾驶者一种驾驶感觉 –一种与汽车心神交会和操控自如的感觉If a woman is genuinely in touch with her sexuality, she is thought of as a loose woman.
如果女人真地去使自己感觉特女人 (即非常了解哪些举止、服饰或谈吐最能表现或发挥女性 的魅力并着手对其加以实施),那她往往被认为是德行松懈的女人。
She is in touch with ancient wisdom-natural force that the rest of us know nothing of.
她对古代智慧 – 即我们一无所知的那些自然力量特心领神会。
I haven't read a newspaper for months, I am really out of touch with what's happening now.
in-your-face marked by or done in a bold, defiant, or aggressive manner.
指无畏、不惧权威、或非常具有挑衅性的,也指行为做事具有如此的态度。该词本身接近中 性,但常用于贬义的场合。有点类似我们俗语的“不甩”。
◆ 该习语是一种比喻用法,即将别人提供的意见、建议、威胁、恐吓、甚至表情或眼神等比做有形的事物,你不接受而且将这些事物直接摔回到提供者的脸上。也许用影视作品中的 俗套镜头举例更能使读者印象深刻:小痞子身子连慌带眼、瞥着嘴、一脸不屑地看着问话的 警官,最好是两脸相距仅数寸。
Shouts one rapper, full of in-your-face attitude.
ink public attention or acclaim, publicity. 公众或媒体的关注、报道等。常用于 get the ink,即“见报”、或 “(被)写”。
◆ 起源似乎是不言自明:在某事物上花费墨水,当然是关注、宣传等。
The Croats tend to get the ink, but they are every bit as awful as the Serbs.
into (or, inta) enthus iastic about or interested in.
I’ very into men, just can’ resist them. m t我就特好男人,看见男人没法抗拒。
Irish bull a statement containing an incongruity or a logical absurdity.
指句意相互不协调或逻辑荒谬的言语;诸如“双手各执一把手枪,另一手还拿了把刀”。类 似我们所说的“前言不搭后语”,或“不沾边儿”。
None of us is immune to the Irish bull. The one-track language can’ keep up with t our double-think brains.
it takes two to tango an activity that needs two people willing to take part for it to happen.
◆ 原意即跳探戈需要两个人才能跳起来。
I’ certain it wasn’ always her fault. Anyway, it takes two to tango. m t我肯定这不都是她的错儿。不管如何,一个巴掌总是拍不响的。
Ivy League an association of eight universities and colleges in the northeast United States, comprising Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.
指美国东北部八所着名大学的联合会:包括布郎大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特蒙 斯大学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、宾西法尼亚大学和耶鲁大学。近似我们所说的“一类大 学”;但不同的是我们的一类大学之间并没有组成任何正式或非正式的联合体。 也有直译为 “常青藤大学”。
◆ 该习语的原意是“常春藤联合会”,据称源于这些学校因历史悠久,所以校园墙壁上都布满了常春藤。
J jack-in-office an insolent fellow in authority.
jackshit a small or worthless amount.
◆ 通常与否定句连用,表示什麽都没有The murder case is still open, but we ain’ had jackshit for months. t这谋杀案还调查着呢,但我们几个月来什么狗屁都没查着。
Jee Kwon Doa style and theory of martial arts first advocated by Brue Lee.
jet set a social group of rich fashionable people who travel around the world enjoying themselves.
Since she got married to a Greek millionnaire, she's become part of the jet-set.
john a prostitue's client.
I had no idea whether she brought johns back to her place or not.
John Doe a man to legal proceedings whose true name is unknown.
指法律程序或其它事宜中隐去真实姓名的男性,或不明身份的男性;也可指任何普通的男 性。即我们所说的“无名氏”。
Jane Doe;源于这些都是英文中最普通的名和姓。 You had instructed the Coast Guard to call Tactical if a John Doe floater showed up.
◆ 指女性时,用你告诉过海岸警卫队如果发现无名浮尸,就打电话给执行部。 [floater 指漂浮在水中的尸体]
John Q Citizen or John Q Public used as a name to designate a typical member of the general public.
The governmet's decision to tax gas has not been popular with John Q Public.
Johnny-come -lately a late or recent arrival : new-comer.
He’ a Johnny-come-lately and doesn’ know what he is talking about. s t他是新来的,说起话来不知所谓。
Johnny Law a police officer.
指警官, 警察。也许粤语的“差佬”更传神。
Johny-on-the-spot a person being at the scene of certain events.
指在事件现场的人 ;特别是本来没份参与,突然碰巧加入而精神过分抖擞、紧张或嚣张之 人。中文好像没有一个固定的与之匹配的名词,试以“当事一 份子”译之。
◆ 在以上带有 Johnny 的短语中,Johnny 并不指人名,而是泛指“人”。
McDougall was amused at the stoic expression of the young constable, a dead giveaway for his evident pride at being Johny-on-the-spot.
麦克道格尔对那个年轻巡警一脸漠然的表情感到很有趣,那故做漠然的表情早把他(内心的得 意等)给卖了,很明显他对自己能成为当事一份子(即碰到这种大案)正骄傲万分呢,。
jump down someone’ throat s speak suddenly and angrily to someone.
◆ 字面意思即生气时贴着脸对别人说话,恨不得跳到别人的喉咙里。
He really jumped down my throat when I suggeted he might have made a mistake.
jump somebody’ bones s to have sexual intercourse with someone.
◆ bones 原意指骨架,这里代指身体。
So she sends her secretary home and jumps his bones.
jump the gun to act, move, or begin something before the proper time.
◆ 源于体育竞赛;在枪响之前起跑。即“抢跑”。
They’ only just met, isn’ it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage ve t already?
jump through hoops (or the hoop) to undergo a rigorous trial or examination指进行严格的聆讯或审查等;用于一般含义,也可指花费很大的精力等。类似我们所说的 “翻过来倒过去地审”。
◆ 据 称源于马戏团的动物跳圈,一是很困难,二是反复跳来跳去。[又:putsomeonethrough hoops/the hoop - 使某人做困难的事情。有点近似“难为”] You Americans cannot even kill your criminals, murderers and such, without jumping through hoops.
junkie a narcotics, especially heroin, peddler or addict指贩卖毒品,特别是海洛因,或对其上瘾的人。中文有“道友”一说。
◆ 该词也可泛指对任何事物有着强烈或不太正常的偏爱的人。可翻译为“什么什么狂”。
Bill Henriksen was a news junkie of the first order. On waking up, early as always, he immediately flipped his TV to CNN. Bill Henriksen 是个第一流的新闻狂。一大早醒来,他就立马儿把电视调到 CNN 上。 just what the doctor ordered exactly what is needed or wanted指正是所需要或想要的。似可译为“再合适不过”。
◆ 医生嘱咐的,那肯定是你需要的;当然,庸医除外。
Having the extra day off from work was just what the doctor ordered and he was able to get his many errands finished.
K keep one’ head over water s just able to continue doing what one does.
◆ 只有头在水面以上,显然是勉力支撑。
He is having trouble keeping his head above water since his salary has decreased.
keep one’ nose clean s to avoid getting into trouble.
◆ 其反意短语为poke/stick one’ nose into something:即对不干自己的事瞎搀和。 sHe has been managing to keep his nose clean since he moved to the new town.

keep one’ powder dry s take precautions, be in readiness。
◆ 以前的枪炮都必须现场填充火药才能发射,该短语的字面意思即将火药一直保持干燥。显而易见,火药保持干燥才能更快地投入战斗。
Well, if you go ask her for a favor, all I can say is, keep your powder dry.
keep mum keep silent.
◆ mum 即闭嘴时发出的象声词。
Whether or not you hire me to get into this case, you really need to keep mum.
keep tabs on to have close surve illance on.
to keep tabs on drug runners, terrorists and spies.
keep up with the Jonses to maintain an appearance of affluence and wealth for the benefit of others.
up with the neighbors;因为 Jones 是美国非常普便的姓,所 以这里用其代替了 neighbors。 helping their parents to get the better of , let alone keep up with, the Jonses.
◆ 更为常用的是写为 keep帮其父母在比富斗财中站上风,而不是光跟上趟(指好莱坞明星的孩子们比父母) 。
key up to make nervous, tense, or excited.
指使紧张、兴奋或焦急等。也许可译为“弦绷得太紧”,因为此处 key 即指乐器的调子等。
He was too keyed up to sleep.
kick over an anthill anthill means “ mound of debris thrown up by ants or termites in digging their a nest” . anthill 指蚂蚁或白蚁筑巢时丢弃在洞口的泥土堆,即蚁冢。本短语的字面意思指“踢翻了蚁冢”,绝似中文的“捅了马蜂窝”;但中文的后果似乎更严重。
I’ kicked over an anthill, for the next few days, the spooks kept calling back, d asking questions.
kick oneself to heap reproaches upon oneself指责怪自己。“怨”也。
I kicked myself that I did not apply for the job sooner.
kick the bucket to die指死亡。有些类似中文的“蹬腿儿”。
◆ 一说源于上吊自杀的人常站在倒置的桶上,然后将桶踢开。
When did old Albert kick the bucket?
Albert 老头什么时候蹬腿儿的?
kick up one’ heels s to show sudden delight; to have a lively time.
◆ 据称源于舞蹈表演。舞蹈中表达兴奋或喜悦时,演员通常会跳起来然后脚跟 快速互碰。
Those students who are admitted into the Theater Art School have reason to kick up their heels.
kitchen cabinet an informal and unofficial group of advisers to one in a position of power.
指当权者(尤指政府首脑)所使用的非正式的及非官方的咨询顾问组,通常由起私人朋友等 组成。有些类似我们所说的“狗头军师”、“师爷”等。
◆ 也许源于人们习惯在厨房吃饭时,谈论各种事情。
kitsch something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality, silly or worthless.
◆ 源于德语。
Her house is full of awful kitsch,but kitsch is coming back into fashion now.
kludge/kluge a system and especially a computer system made up of poorly matched components; a clumsy or inelegant solution to a problem。
胡乱拼凑的系统,特别是计算机系统;也指笨拙或糟糕的解决方案。 试译为“烂东西”。
◆ 源于德语。
klutz /clutz a clumsy, awkward person.
◆ 源于依地语,本意指木头柱子。
knee-jerk easily predictable, automatic; reacting spontaneously in the expected manner.
不 出 意 料 的 、 机 械 的 ; 或 按 预 期 方 式 不 加 思 索 的 反 应 。 一 般 用 于 keen-jerk reaction/response 等,即不经仔细考虑的立即反应或回应;试译为“惯有或惯性反应”。
◆ 短语的本意指“膝跳反射”,也即一刺激,就反应;且反应的方式也是固定的没有新意的,所以该短语的寓意是指“不出所料的”。
knockoff a cheap copy of a product that has a trademark.
◆ 该短语的意项很多,这只是其中之一。
Knockoffs caused sales of authentic CDs in HK to tumble more than 20%.
翻版货造成香港原版 C D 的销售下跌了 20%多。
knock one’ head against the wall s try to do something very difficult指试图完成非常困难的事情。中文的“绞尽脑汁”与之很神似。
◆ 也许源于在从事非常困难的工作时,常以头撞墙聊以解脱挫折感。
They have been knocking their head against the wall for years trying to find a solution to the problem.
knock one’ socks off s enthuse and excite someone.
◆ 卡通片中常有这种场景:激动地跳起来,而且跳得太快了,直接从自己袜子里就跳了出来。
You ought to see Al’ new car. It’ knock your socks off. s ll你应该看看艾尔的新车,你能激动得乱蹦。
knock someone up to make one pregnant指使某人怀孕。即“搞大肚子”。
I’ enough sperms to knock you up. ve我的精虫充足绝对搞大你肚子。
not know if one is coming or going not know what to do指不知道该做什么。试译为“不知所谓”。
◆ 正如一个人站在半开的门口,拿不定是该关门走人还是开门进来。
The new sales manager doesn’ seem to know if he is coming or going. t新的销售经理看起来是一点都不知所谓。
not kno w the first thing about something not have any information about something.
◆ firstthing about somethng 即指要了解某事首先第一步要学习或了解的东西;比如,要想会写英语单词,你首先得知道每个字母怎么写。
I am afraid I don't know the first thing about computers.
knucle-dragger a stupid, awkward or intimidating person.
愚蠢, 笨拙, 粗野的人。香港演员成奎安塑造的电影人物形象“大傻”似乎非常符合此短语的 意境。
◆ 源于大猩猩走路时手在地上拖行。
kook one whose ideas or actions are eccentric, fantastic, or insane : screwball.
◆ 该词是 cuckoo(疯狂的,怪异的)的异写形式。
kraut/k raut-head a German指德国人,诬蔑性称呼;常见于二战时期。即我们所说的“德国鬼子, 德国佬”。
◆ 原为德语,指卷心菜。究竟是因为德国人爱吃卷心菜还是因为德国人长的像卷心菜就不得而知了。顺便提一句,“小日本”或“日本鬼子”的英文是“Jap”。
L land on one’ feet s return to a good situation after experiencing difficulties, esp. because of good luck rather than skill or hard work指在经历困难后回复至好的境地,常用于指由于好运气而不是因为付出努力等原因。也许可 译为“平安落地”。
◆ 据称源于猫自高处坠下时,无论怎么翻转,总是能四肢着地。
Douglas knew that Falling Down had landed on its feet when the controversy (about the movie) moved from the arts sections to the editorials.
当对电影《崩溃》的争议评论从艺术版转到专论版时,道格拉斯就明白片子 是平安落地了。
lash out (at ...) to make a verbal attack or retort.
Surgeon General has lashed out at cigarette marketing aimed at youth.
laugh up one’ sleeve s to be secretly amused暗中引以为乐。中文“捂着嘴乐”绝对译其神也。
◆ 本意即以袖子遮面而笑。
lay for to wait for in order to attack or surprise; lie in wait for.
Judge Noose is laying for him. He hates out-of-state lawyers.
lay/put something on the line 1. to risk harm to something : 冒险损害、失去某物。鉴于其词源,可译为“赌”。 If you try this, remember you are laying your ass on the line.
2. to express very clearly that something is the case : 明白无误地陈述某事已敲钉转角不可更改。这里译为“摊牌”、“摆明”。
◆ 源于赌博,把筹码押上赌台; line 指各下注号码区的分界线。
she laid it on the line - either we came in proper time or we would no longer be allowed to attend.
她全都摆明了 – 要么我们按时来,要么我们就别再参加了。
lay someone out (cold) to knock unconscious.
The falling brick lay him out.
lay it on thick or lay it on with a trowel to make a praise or a complaint seem more important or serious than it really is.
◆ 该短语的字面意思是砌墙 (或其他泥瓦匠的活儿 )抹泥时厚厚得抹一层 。[trowl 即泥瓦匠抹泥用的象小铲子一样的工具]
He hurt his hand in the accident but he was laying it on a bit thick about how painful it was.
"It's very good indeed, really excellent," he said, laying on the praise with a trowel.
“ 确实太好了,真得出色的了不得” 他添油加醋的赞道。
lay up to force to stay in bed(often in passive form)即因有病等“卧床”;用于被动语态。
While Yeltsin is laid up, the Kremlin runs a fever.
leave somebody high and dry to do something which is very inconvenient for someone and puts him in a very difficult situation.
I thought Jon was gonna help me tonight, but he left me high and dry.
我本以为琼今晚会来帮我, 但他却晾了我一道。
leg it to walk绝似北京话的“腿着”。
I missed the bus so I had to leg it home.
lemon one (as an automobile) that is unsatisfactory or defective.
let something ride to let it continue without taking action to stop it.
We should forget about his recent problems at work and just let the whole matter ride.
let in allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of.
He wouldn’ have stopped his training and let in his skipper if it were not for some t cause that was too strong for him.
It could still let us in for trouble.
let one’ hair down s to behave more freely than usual and enjoy oneself.
比平常举止更轻松、自由。似可译为“不再 板着”。
◆ 源于白领女士们总是盘着头发面相端庄地进出办公室;什么时候散了头发、松了衣扣,才是真正放松享受生活的时候。
level with someone to tell someone the truth about something.
◆ 字面意思即与某人保持水平,也就是我知道多少你也会知道多少。
I will level with you - the salary's not particularly good, and there's little chance of promotion.
我跟你实话实说 –这儿薪水没那么高,升迁的机会也寥寥无几。
lie through one’ teeth s to tell something that is completely false扯弥天大谎、讲完全虚假的谎言。我们说某人“撒谎撒得摸不着边儿”似乎勉强与之相配。
You are lying through your teeth.
like a ton of bricks strongly or forcefully。
◆ 字面意思指就像倒了一吨砖头一样,这不仅是“有声”而且是大声。
The news of his retirement hit me like a ton of bricks.
line one’ pocket (or purse) s to earn money using dishonest or illegal methods.
◆ 字面意思即(用钱)做自己钱包的衬里。
live it up have an exciting and very enjoyable time.
He likes to live it up every weekend when he get paid.
long-in-the-tooth past one's best days, old.
◆ 源于马因年老而齿龈萎缩,也即牙变长了;这也是为什么都是以看牙齿来判断马的年龄。
Ford and Chrysler are not only replacing their long-in-the-tooth Tempo and Acclaims.
福特和克莱斯勒不仅是光替换他们牙老赤黄的 Tempo 和 Acclaims 两款车型。
a long shot something you try to do but unlikely to succeed不太可能成功的人或事。也即“很悬(的人或事)”。
◆ 源于篮球,指离篮筐很远地投球,即远投球,这当然比“近投球”更不容易进。
He was considered a long shot to win.
look down one’ nose (at someone or something) s to view with arrogance, disdain, or disapprova l.
傲慢、轻蔑或厌恶地看待某人或某物。 与我们的“鼻孔朝天 ”神似(因为显然只有仰头朝天 才可能顺着鼻子向下看东西)。
look-see a general survey : evaluation, inspection.
I know a thing or two about those stoves. You want me to take a look -see?
lose one’ marbles s (humorous) behave strangely or foolishly or have become mentally ill.
(比较幽默的说法)举止奇异或愚蠢,也指精神不正常。为保持英文的幽默风格,试译为“脑 子缺零件”。
low-ball to underestimate or understate (a cost) deliberately故意低估或少报(成本等)。试译为“压低”。
◆ 源于同名的扑克牌戏:谁的牌小谁赢;即“比小”。
lowdown the most important facts and information of something.
What’ your suggestion about getting the lowdown on the organization? s要把该组织的情况挖个底掉你建议怎么办?
low/bottom man on the totem pole a person with the lowest ranking, importance or seniority.
◆ totempole 指图腾柱, 表示等级;位于最下面的是最低等的神或崇拜之物。
lulu one that is remarkable or wonderful俚语,非常出色或精彩的事物或人。中文更倾向于用形容词,所以试译为“没治了”。
◆ 原意指女孩的名字。
He said the aquarium was a lulu.
M mad as a wet hen angry, or very emotional.
◆ 据说鸡被泼了水会疯狂乱舞。 但许多动物沾了水都会惊慌失措,至于为何非得“母鸡”不可就不得而知了。
Her mother became as mad as a wet hen.
made to join a criminal organization officially and formally, especially Mafia 正式加入犯罪组织,尤指黑手党;通常用于被动语态 someone is made。接近老北京的黑话“入了门坎儿”。
make a beeline (for ...) to go directly and quickly towards.
◆ beeline 指直线;据说蜜蜂采了蜜后是直线飞回蜂巢,所以有此一词。
make a beeline for the vending machine.
make a clean breast of confess something completely全部彻底地招认或交代某事。试译为“抖落地一清二楚”。
◆ 此处的 breast 喻指胸中所隐瞒之事。
Prosecutors soon found $60 million more stashed away in another financial firm, and Roh had little choice left but to make a clean breast of the matter.
检察官们很快又在另一家财务公司发现了藏匿的 6000 多万美元,Roh 没得选择只好把这事抖 落清楚。
make a go of something be successful at something.
◆ 这里 go 喻指可以延续或进行下去的人或事。
Although he tried hard he was never able to make a go of his business.
make a guest appearance (in ...) to appear in a movie or show as a small character, often for fun or friendship指名演员作为小角色出现在电影电视中,常出于玩乐或朋友之请。也即“客串”也。
make a mountain out of a molehill to treat a trifling matter as of great importance把微不足道的事当做极其重要的事。也即“小题大做”,但似乎译为“ 见个土堆就当泰山” 更为有趣。
◆ molehill 即鼹鼠钻地打洞时堆积的土包。
make a pass at make advances toward someone with the goal of seducing him sexually.
◆ 这里的 pass 指出于性目的而试图攀谈或触摸的企图或心意。
Maverick does not make a pass at her on this occasion either.
Maverick 在这个场合下也没跟她黏黏糊糊。
make a splash become successful and attract attention取得成功及成为关注焦点。试译为“火一把”。
That novel made a quite splash both domestically and abroad.
make an example of to inflict punishment on someone as a warning to others.
The judge made an example of him and gave him the maximum possible sentence in order to discourage similar offences.
make/keep book to have confidence有信心、有把握。
◆ 源于赌博,指在赛马或其他比赛中接受对各参赛者的赌注,也即相信自己会赢。
But a 72-year-old White House aspirant (Bob Dole) could make book on ten more years.
但 72 岁的白宫候选人(指 Bob Dole)还有把握再蹦达 10 年。
make (sheep’ eyes at s) to glance with amorous invitation or challenge.
带有性暗示或性挑逗意味地看、瞟某人。 似可译为“暗送秋波”;但中文的“秋波”多指由 女性所送出者,该英文短语则男女通用(用于男性,似可译为“挤眉弄眼”;唉,中国的男 人们真惨)。
Jonathan had been making sheep’ eyes at Christie. s约翰逊一直在对克丽斯蒂挤眉弄眼。
make fast work of deal with or dispose of quickly快速地处理或解决。似乎可译为“(三下五除二地)料理”。
By the time she’ make fast work of her opponents in Toronto. d到时候她早已在多伦多把对手们都给料理了。
make do with to get along or manage with the means available at hand.
In the meantime, we’ have to make do with the packaging system we already have. ll与此同时,我们不得不凑合使现在已有的包装系统。
make one's day make one happy, make one's life in a day worthwhile.
◆ 原为街头混混们的用语,即一天正无所事事、无聊呢,和你干一架打得你落花流水,这样我这一天才算没虚度。
Seeing her after such a long time really made my day.
make something of something/someone to find meaning in, understand or have an opion about something or someone理解、领会某人或某事,或发现某人或某事的深层含义或形成对其的观点等。似乎没有固定 的对应中文来翻译它,只能根据具体的句子来具体处理。
What do you make of the new manager in accounting?
Can you make anything of this information?
make off with to steal (something).
off 即迅速地逃离、逃跑。 China’ inroads (into HK) are motivated by fears that the British intend to make off s with family silver.
◆ make中国(对香港的)渗透的动机是怕英国人憋着要怀揣家传的银器开溜(即掏空香港的财 库)。
make something stick to make it work or succeed使某物(常为观点或理论)可行或成功。中文“使… 站得住脚”似乎与之颇为神似。
Amazingly, she makes her grand conception stick.
make waves to intentionally cause trouble.
If a member of cabinet started making waves, the PM simply got rid of them.
milk run a short, routine, or uneventful flight短暂的、例行公事或无惊无险的飞行。不知中国的飞行员有无类似的习语,这里暂将其直译 为“跑腿送奶”。
◆ 源于早上送牛奶;每天早上挨家挨户送牛奶当然是平淡无奇、路线固定。
Most of his flying time had been over Bosnia on routine ‘ milk run’ patrols.
他大部分的飞行时间都是在波塞尼亚上空执行 “跑腿送奶”式的例行巡逻。
miss the boat to fail to take advantage of an opportunity by being slow to act.
◆ 也许源自水手间的用语。
You had better hurry and get your application in or you will miss the boat on entering that new company.
missionary-position the conventional position of sex with the man on the top即传统的男上女下的性爱姿势。试译为“正统体位”。
◆ 据说以往的基督教传教士们提倡人们用该体位,而不要用其它的所谓“不适宜”的体位,所以有此一说。
Molotov cocktail a crude incendiary grenade consisting of a bottle filled with a flammable liquid and a saturated wick which is ignited before throwing.
Molotov是过去苏联的外交部长;至于为何以他的名字命名则不得而知了。 monkey wrench something that disrupts. 起扰乱作用的事物等。通常用于短语 throw a monkey wrench in,即“打乱阵脚”。
◆ V.M. ◆ 原意指可调的活动扳手。
Your subpoena is going to put a complete monkey wrench in what we are doing.
moon to expose one's naked buttocks to.
俚语,向某人暴露自己的臀部;常用于侮辱或表示对某人不屑。不知中国的混混们有无相应 的举止,所以暂译为“向某人脱裤致敬”。
◆ 也许源自赤裸臀部的形状和肤色使人联想到月亮。
He tells of getting arrested for mooning stewardesses.
moonlight to hold a second job in addition to a regular one.
◆ 也许源自兼职一般都是在晚上。但不知在乌云密布的晚上出去兼职该如何称呼。
Every Tuesday night, Ritu moonlights as a deejay at the Wag Club. 每周二晚上,瑞图在 Wag 俱乐部兼职做 DJ。
[deejay 即 DJ(disk jocky 的略写)指夜总会或俱乐部里负责播放音乐的人,也指音乐节目的 主持人]
moot deprived of practical significance : made abstract or purely academic.
Since I wouldn’ dare try to enter the office without his assistance, the issue quickly t became moot.
因为我在没他协助的情况下根本不敢进办公室,所以这规定很快就没什么意义了(规定是我必 须在他的陪同下进办公室)。
morning-after pill a pill which prevents preganancy if taken less than 72 hours after sex. 指性交后 72 小时内服食可防止怀孕的一种避孕药。而 morning-after 通常引申为“只图一时痛快, 不计随之而来的负面效应”。可根据语境而有不同译法。
morning-after 即 the morning after the sex or the craziness。 Then there is what someone calls ‘ morning-after problem’ Once the bombing the . ends, Saddam would probably stop all U.N. arms inspections.
而接下来就有所谓的“完事后怎么办”的问题。因为一旦轰炸停止,萨达姆很可能会停止联 合国的所有武器核查工作。
my ass a strong dislamation of denial, disbelief or disagreement表示强烈否定, 不信, 反抗的感叹语。绝似我们所谓的“我呸”。
You are getting this job? My ass!
N neck of the woods a part of a particular area地区、地域、社区等。相当于中文常说的“… 那一片儿”。
He drove all the way up here to testify that everyone in his neck of the woods has already prejudged the case.
nest egg a sum of money that has been saved or kept for a special purpose.
为某一目的而事先储存的一笔钱财。 有些近似我们所说的“养老钱”,但比中文的意思更宽 泛一些;也许译为“应急的钱”。
◆ 原意指为吸引鸟到某个巢里产蛋,而在该巢里放置一个人工的或真正的鸟蛋以做诱惑。
He has a nice nest egg in the bank so he will have no financial problems if he leaves his company.
netizen an active participant in the on- line community of the Internet痴迷于因特网的人。即“网民”也。
◆ 是 net+citizen 组成的新词。
never-never land an ideal or imaginary place.
◆ 源于童话故事 Peter Pan(即“小飞侠”)中的国度。
nip in the bud to stop or prevent before something has an opportunity to become established在其有机会发展或建立之前阻止或制止某物。也许可译为“不等它冒头就打死”。
◆ 字面意思是捏、掐除花蕾。
Many illnesses can be nipped in the bud if they are detected early enough.
nit-picking minute and usually unjustified criticism琐碎而且通常是不正当的批评。相当于“挑刺”。
◆ nit 即指很细微的东西, nothing。
nitwit a foolish person傻瓜, 笨蛋。译为“弱智”更合其字面意思。
◆ 由德语的nit(意为 little, not) + 英语的 wit(意为智慧)组合而成。
no-brainer something that requires a minimum of thought.
Some shareholders see the choice as a no-brainer.
no-hitter a no-hit game in baseball棒球用语,指一场比赛中击球的一方没打中对方投手掷出的任何球。似乎并无合适的中文对 应词组;可根据语境做不同处理,该词的基本喻意指“顺利、胜利”等。
Who am I to second-guess someone who’ working on a no-hitter? s他正一路狂灭呢,我是谁啊,去怀疑人家。
no shit usded to express surprise or lack of surprise about information you have just heard.
用于表示对听到的话感到惊异,或用以回应别人的惊异表示肯定。基本可译为“ 没胡扯” 。
"Richard's got the job in New York!" "No shit?" "No shit!"“ 理查德得到了那份在纽约的工作!” “ 没瞎扯?” “ 没扯!”
nobody’ fool s not easily deceived轻易不受欺骗的、不容易上当的。译为“精着呢”似乎更能传其神。
◆ 字面意思即没人能欺骗 。
He is nobody’ fool. You will never convince him to let you take an extra week’ s s vacation.
nosy parker a person who meddles in the affairs of others.
nuts and bolts The basic working components or practical aspects俚语,基本的组成部分或方面。试译为“基本零件”。
◆ 该短语的字面意思即螺栓与螺母,也即机器设备的基本零件。
Men who are dealing with the nuts and bolts of negotiations.
他们都是研究谈判技巧的基本零件的人O off one’ rocker s out of one’ mind, crazy. s俚语,精神不正常的、疯狂的。试译为“失心疯”。
went off her rocker, and had to be put away.
off limits not to be entered or patronized by a designated class.
◆ 源于军事术语。
In many cases, crucial documents may have been weeded out and destroyed or held off limits in the archives of the former KGB.
off the bat without delay, immeadiatly.
◆ 字面意思即就如同球打在球棒上立即弹出一样。
Let’ not rush in there and give him a good grist to place us in that category right s off the bat.
off-the-cuff without preparation, ad lib.
◆ cuff 即衣袖;据说演讲者会将要点记在衣袖上以在演说中用作参考。现在不用衣袖,显然是即兴了。
off the hook free of responsibility or accountability.
◆ 字面意思既从钩子上放下来,钩子即喻指困扰、羁绊人的责任等。
(He was late) and the others let him off the hook.
off the map no longer existed, destroyed, disappeared.
◆ 字面意思即在地图或图纸上不再标明;其反义词当然是on the map (指显着的、重要的。
What are you complaining about?That rumor put you on the map, nobody would know who you are otherwise.
off the top of one’ head s in an impromptu manner.
◆ 字面意思即(不经大脑)直接从头顶就涌现出来。
It doesn’ pay to give usage lessons off the top of your head. t你可不能一拍脑门子就教人该怎么使用(这东西)。
off the wall unusual or unconventional, bizarre.
◆ 始于 1953 年;似乎与某些球类运动有关,如壁球等,球从墙上弹回一片忙乱。
It was an off-the-wall plan, but it seemed to have worked.
old hat old- fashioned; lacking in freshness.
on regarded as acceptable, desirable, feasible - usually used in negative constructions :
My boss expects me to stay late at the office and take work home with me as well, it is just not on.
on a par with equal to or similar to.
与… (在水平或能力等方面)平等或相似。近似中文常说的“有一比”。
In my opinion none of the new jazz trumpeters are on a par with the great figures of the 1960s.
在我看来,现在新的爵士号手们与 60 年代的伟大乐手们根本没得比。
on a roll in the midst of a series of successes.
◆ 原为赌博用语。
on easy street having enough money to live comfortably without having to work too hard.
on one’ ear s in or into a state of irritation, shock, or discord陷入激怒、震惊或不协调的状态、混乱的等。绝似中文的“掉了个个儿”。
◆ 字面意思即头向下摔倒在地。 卡通片中摔得头下脚上的场面是对该短语最好的诠释。
In just two years, a rabble of computer and software companies, led by Netscape and Sun Microsystems, has turned the cable industry on its ear.
在仅仅两年里,一堆计算机和软件公司在网景公司和太阳公司的带领下把有线服务行业给掉 了个个儿。
on pins and needles in a nervous or jumpy state of anticipation由于期待而非常紧张或不安的。也许可译为“麻痒难耐”。
◆ 字面意思即“好像坐在了针和钉子上”。
I was on pins and needles to find out who had won.
on the blink not working correctly.
◆ 因为机器或设备失灵的时候,一般其仪表或指示灯会闪个不停,所以有此一说。
My stereo has been on the blink for the last few months.
on the edge of one’ seat s nervously and excitedly waiting.
◆ 字面意思即“蹭在椅子边坐”,也即随时要跳起来。
on the fly in the process of在… 的过程中。也即“捎带着”。
If we figure a way to do Ryan, taking Kealty out will be much easier to do on the fly.
on the heels of immediately following跟随地很紧的。绝似“接踵而至的”(如果要译得文一点),或“踩在脚后跟的”(如要译 得俗一点)。
The technical glitches came on the heels of a disappointing and downbeat financial report from Eurotunnel.
on the house provided free by a business-especially a bar or restaurant.
◆ house 代指酒吧、饭店、赌场等。
The room at the hotel was not ready when we arrived so they provided us with free drinks on the house.
on the make in search of sexual adventure.
As usual in skid-row neighborhoods, he didn’ have to look too far for women on t the make.
on the rag bizarre, abnormal不正常的、反常的等。试译为“叽叽歪歪”。
◆ rag 指月经纸,也许源自月经时女性情绪反常、捉摸不定。
“What’ the matter with you? You are acting like you are on the rag.” s“你怎么了,你怎么像来了月经似的叽叽歪歪的。”
on the rocks in or into a state of destruction or wreckage处于毁坏的状态。根据其字面意思,似乎可译为“触礁的”。
I think their marriage is on the rocks.
on the ropes in a desperate or hopeless position; close to defeat or failure.
◆ 源于拳击,拳手被打得只能靠倚着拳台周围的护绳才不倒下;也即马上就要失败。
on one’ last legs s at or near the end of one's resources; on the verge of failure, exhaustion, or ruin.
Mike was one of the greatest musicians. But now he is on his last legs.
on one’ toes s be alert and directing all attention and energy to what one is doing.
◆ 字面意思即踮着脚尖。
With you around, I gotta stay on my toes.
on the block for sale待售的。根据字面意思,也许可译为“找买主”。
◆ block 指拍卖时唱价敲锤的拍卖人所站立的台子。
The studio was on the block.
on the bum with no settled residence or means of support没有固定居所或收入的;也即流浪的。也许可译为“叫花子”。
◆ bum 原意指“屁股”;流浪者随遇而安,当然是屁股坐哪儿就是哪儿。
With your beard and all, you can go straight from here to life on the bum.
on/in the cards inevitable, likely.
◆ 据说源于扑克牌戏,一手牌的变化显然是有限的,是什么牌就是什么牌。 美国一般用inthe cards。 It is quite on the cards that we may be afoot tonight again.
on the cheap at minimum expense, cheaply.
最少花费地,便宜地。有些场合也许可译为“贱买或贱卖”;但多数情况下,译为“便宜” 足矣。
General Dynamics is getting BIW on the cheap.
General Dynamics 公司准备便宜买下 BIW 公司。
on/at the double very quickly and without any delay.
◆ 原军队用语, 意为比平常行军速度快一倍,即近似我们所谓之“跑步前进”。
Let’ move this scumbag out of here, on the double. s把这混蛋给弄走,赶紧着点。
on the level honest; sincere诚实的、真诚的。据其字面意思,似可译为“坦荡的”。
◆ 字面意思为平平坦坦的,也即没藏着掖着什么。
She realised the guy might have been on the level.
on the run in retreat; in flight (as from the law).
His partner was dead and he was on the run.
on the side in addition to a principal occupation, interest or relationship etc.
He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.
on the warpath very angry and likely to argue or punish.
非常气愤并可能与人争吵或惩戒他人等。绝似北方俗语的“吃了枪药的”或“四处找岔”, 也可以把两种译文合并。
◆ warpath 原指印地安人投身战斗时的行军路线。既然去打仗,那肯定是人人激愤、荷枪实弹;又因为是去打仗,肯定是看见什么都不对,见人就找岔。
If there was one thing she couldn't face in the morning, it was her mother on the warpath.
on the take taking or seeking to take bribes or illegal income.
◆ 一般后跟 for-(表示为了什么事物而收),或 from- (表示从谁之手收)。
The previous chief of police had been on the take for the local numbers racket.
once in a blue moon very rarely.
◆ 月亮都是白色的,出现蓝月亮的机会显然是少而又少。
He takes a bath once in a blue moon.
once-over a swift examination or survey; especially, a swift comprehensive appraising glance.
Jesse gave David a quick once-over.
one-liner a very succinct joke or witticism usually in one sentence非常简洁的玩笑或智慧之语,通常就一句话。有些类似“打机锋”。
one for the book an act or occurrence worth noting值得注意的一件事等。近似我们说的“有点意思”。
◆ 该短语基于下述假设:既假设生活的每一方面都有那么一本包罗万有的书;有什么事,就记载入册。很多英文的短语都假定有类似的前提。
That’ one for the book, I never though he could get the job. s那倒有点意思,我从来没想到他会拿到那份工作。
one-two a combination of two quick blows in rapid succession in boxing; especially : a left jab followed at once by a hard blow with the right hand.
◆ 也作 one-twopunch。 Already bruised, US-Japan relations took a one-two punch last week.
open sesame something that unfailingly brings about a desired result.
◆ 源于“阿里巴巴和四十大盗”。相信无须我赘言。
A science degree can be an open sesame to almost any job in almost any field.
the opera’ never over till the fat lady sings s it is never too late before the last minute or the actual ending只有事成定局才算了结,即只要不到最后关头就还有余地。绝似我们说的“戏还有得唱”。
◆ 源于歌剧。因为许多歌剧故事往往会以女高音演唱为结尾,而演唱歌剧的演员无论男女都一般体形巨大,所以有 fatlady 一说,而她一旦出现,即表示要结束了。
out/down for the count sleeping heavily, or unconscious.
沉睡、昏迷的。表示睡觉之意时,可译为“睡得人事不醒“;而其它意项似可译为“玩儿 完”。
◆ 源于拳击。 拳手被击倒后,裁判对其记数。
out of it 1. in a dreamy state as a result of taking alcohol or drugs处于酒后或吸食毒品后迷乱的状态。试译为“晕菜”。
The two dazed, out-of-it teens awkwardly submit to the media’ prying eyes, eager s to acquire their 15 minutes of fame.
这两个急于扬名立万儿的昏头晕菜的 10 来岁小青年不知所措地臣服在了媒体撬门别锁式的 (探询)目光诱惑之下。 [注:15 minutes 指一瞬即逝的非常短暂的名声;尤其指由于某突发事件而在各种媒体猛露 一小脸,然后迅速被人遗忘的情形。例如莱温斯基因克林顿丑闻而崛起的短暂声望 ]
2. unhappy because of being excluded from what is happening.
I didn't know anyone at the party and I felt really out of it.
out of one’ depth s not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation.
对某特定问题或情况缺乏应对的经验、知识或技巧;也即该问题不是自己所熟悉的。绝似 “没那么深的水儿”。
◆ 据说源于游泳;泳池都标有深度,初学者一般在浅水区而善泳者喜欢到深水区,如果一个初学者离开了浅水区(即离开了适合自己的深度)跑到了深水区,那结果显然可想而知。
I was out of my depth in the advanced class, so I moved to the intermediate class.
out of one’ hands s no longer one's responsibility or concern.
The problem's out of my hands now that Colin's taken over responsibility for the department.
out of one’ tree s crazy, drunk or stoned发狂的、喝醉的或被毒品麻醉的;一般指行为 不正常的。英文对于“疯狂的”有着似乎无穷 无尽的说法,而中文却有点乏善其词;对于这类短语,只能根据具体语境具体分析。
out of the box creative, unconventional创造性的,不同常规的。即“跳出框框的”。 也做 outside the box;源于 70、80 年代的一种管理培训方式:画 4 条不简短的直线把 9 个排 成三列呈四方形的点连起来 。很多人会习惯性地让自己画的线保持在这个四方形之内,但这 样画永远也没可能达到要求;必须把线画到虚拟四方形的框外才能完成题目要求,所以有此 一说。
out on a limb in an exposed or dangerous position with little chance of retreat.
◆ 据说源于马戏中的高空钢丝表演,一条腿站到钢丝中间,进退不得,当然危险万分。
over one’ head s beyond one's comprehension or competence.
I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over my head.
over the hill past one's prime; advanced in age, old.
◆ 人生就像一座上,已翻越山巅开始往下走了。
over the top beyond the bounds of what is expected, usual, normal, or appropriate.
They thought something heavy might be going down, but this is like over the top.
P pack rat one who collects, saves, or hoards useless small items癖好收集、存放或储藏无用或不急需之物的人。中文似乎没有对应的一个名词来译之,姑且 译为“拾捣狂”。
◆ 其原意是一种鼠类动物,喜爱储藏食物等。
Sara was a pack rat and seemed to keep one of everything at the office no matter the season.
沙丽整一个拾捣狂,不管什么季节她在办公室里都存放着一整套她所有的东西(如雨伞 等)。
paddy offensive : Irishman冒犯语,指爱尔兰人。近似译为“爱尔兰农民”。 爱尔兰人普通爱用 为“农民”。
Patrick 做名字,paddy 是其昵称。而 paddy 同时又指“稻田”,所以译That’ why there are so many paddies in the FBI. s那就是为什么联邦调查局里有那么多爱尔兰农民。
pansy disparaging: an effeminate man or boy.
◆ 原意指花的一种 - 三色紫罗兰。
paparazzo a freelance photographer who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.
◆ 源于一部意大利电影的主角的名字, SignorPaparazzo(即 Paparazzo 先生)。
paper over to hide the unpleasant facts and try to make people believe that there is no problem.
Ultimately he didn’ think anyone would be served if he papered over the case’ t s problems.
pass the hat to ask for mone y.
◆ 源于乞丐讨钱时常用帽子盛装;而一些非正式的募捐活动也常传递帽子来装钱。
I still have to visit one of those damned pass-the-hat barbecues.
pat someone on the back to praise.
◆ 因为常以轻拍他人背部以资鼓励,所以有是说;但不一定真得就拍了别人的背。
My teacher patted me on the back for getting top mark in my English essay.
pay through the nose to pay a lot of money, usually too much.
◆ 没人情愿支付高价,一旦非得支付,当然是不情不愿的乱哼哼,都咬着牙拿鼻音说话,所以有如此一说。
He has to pay through the nose to have this rare stamp.
pay dirt a useful or remunerative discovery or object.
◆ 原用以指探矿时所发现的可开采获利的矿石或岩层;pay 在此处是名词用作形容词,整个词组即“赚钱的泥土”;所以一般用 hitthe paydirt。 If a salesperson does not quickly hit pay dirt with a customer they will usually move straight on to someone else.
pea soup a thick slightely yellow fog.
◆ 原意指用晾干后的黄豆做的浓汤。
It’ getting kind of pea-soupy out there, hard to see through the mist. s外面这雾开始要浓得流汤了,根本看不透。
pecking order a social hierarchy社会等级。也即通常说的“上下级”。
◆ 原意指家禽中地位高的可以毫无顾忌地叨啄地位低的,而不必担心会受到报复。
He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.
peel off depart, leave离开、出发;尤其指从某一组人中脱离出去。似乎没有合适的对应俗语,依其原意姑且译为 “冲出,冲向”。
◆ 原指飞机编队飞行时,某架飞机或各机逐一飞离编队准备俯冲攻击或降落;因为一架架飞机飞离编队就如同一层层地剥皮,所以有是说。
Rashad peeled off at the next pay telephone.
罗舍德朝着下个电话厅冲了过去(表达了离开现在的被占的电话厅“转而” 奔下一个的含 义)。
peel rubber drive at high speed高速驾驶,特别指车刚发动即强行加速。似可译为“四轮生烟地开车”。
◆ 字面意思即指因为是强行加速,所以车轮急剧与地面摩擦,似乎是在剥除轮胎的橡胶。
I totally freaked. I ran outside, got in my car, and peeled rubber.
pencil-pusher a person who has an uninteresting office job, usually paperwork坐办公室里做无聊的形式化工作的人。似可直接译为“坐办公室的”。
◆ 字面意思即整天拿着铅笔涂抹的人。
This (under-the-table bonuses) can raise a pencil-pusher’ $50,000-a-year salary s to more than $200,000.
这(指私下的奖金)能把一个普通坐办公室的一年 5 万美元的工资一下提到 20 万美元(这 里指替人掩盖假帐的会计师)。
pencil in to record something in writing but it might need to be changed later.
书面记载某事但可能以后随时会对其加以改变。类似“ 暂定” 。
◆ 也许源自铅笔纪录很容易擦掉。
I’ pencil you in for a meeting with the Secretary, but we’ see. ll ll我暂时定下你跟部长见面的事,但还得再看。
We'll pencil in the dates for the two meetings and confirm them later.
people who live in glass houses shouldn’ throw stones t that is, one should not criticize others when one is equally at fault指一个人不应该就自身所犯的同样错误而指责他人。如果住玻璃屋里却扔石头的话,那就害 人害己,所以似可从反面着手译为“不要搬石头砸自个儿的脚”。
personal ad an ad in a newspaper or magazine by an individual, usually in order to find a sexual partner个人在报纸或杂志上发布的广告,通常是为寻求性伴侣。类似我们说的“征友广告”。
peter out to be reduced gradually so that nothing is left .
◆ 源于 19 世纪美国的采矿业,peter 即saltpeter(源于拉丁语,即“岩石中的盐”之意),短语的意思为把矿石中的盐分除去。
The track petered out after a mile or so, and we were left wondering which way to go.
走了 1-2 哩路慢慢没了,我们都不知该往哪去了。
pick on to single out for criticism, teasing, or bullying.
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, this time, are picking on the little guys non-cola makers.
可口可乐和白事可乐这次开始找不是做可乐饮料的小公司们的岔(指与其在非可乐饮品的领 域竞争)。
pickup utilizing or comprising local or available personnel especially without formal organization.
做修饰语用,指利用、使用现成可得的人员,而并无正式的组织形式。 相当于我们说的“拼 凑”之意。
Jack’ had a good evening playing pickup basketball at his neighborhood d playground.
piece of work a remarkable person, achievement, or product.
非凡的人、成就或产品;同时也指难对付、怪癖或令人不悦的人。 褒义时,似可译为“了不 起”;而贬义时,似可译为“硬茬儿”。 其褒贬含义依据不同上下文而定,起初多用于贬义,但现在褒贬的用法参半(但用于褒义时 常含有不同常规或常理的意味)。通常用于贬义时常在前加 nasty。
pin someone down force someone to make a commitment.
I couldn’ pin him down as to when exactly he would pay me back the money. t我连摁带拽也没法让他说死要几时才还我钱。
pinch pennies to practice strict economy节俭、尽量不花钱。近于“一分钱掰两瓣儿”。
◆ 字面意思即紧紧捏着钱(也即舍不得花出去)。
When we were first married we had to pinch pennies just to get by。
pipsqueak one that is small or insignificant.
piss and vine gar often in “ of piss and vinegar” rowdy and boisterous full : 常用于短语 full of piss and vinegar : 吵吵闹闹的、沸反盈天的。常转而喻指精力充沛、活力四射等意思。近似译为俗语的“闹腾”。
◆ 源于水手们的语言,水手们给人的形象就是喝醉了大吵大闹; vinegar 一说指喝醉了后呕吐的酸液,另一说指水手喝醋(补充维生素 C)借以预防坏血症。
He was no longer the young piss-and-vinegar guy he’ been when he’ married d d Sandy.
pitfall a hidden or not easily recognized danger or difficulty.
◆ 它的原意即捕捉野兽用的陷阱。
pits the worst, used with ‘ . the’
◆ thepit 在俚语中指地狱;而一般都传说地狱烈火熊熊。俚语或口语中,名词后加‘ 可变 -S’
This town is nothing compared to L.A., but it’ still the pits. s这小镇和洛杉矶没法比(指犯罪率),但也是火坑一个。
play something close to the vest/chest to be reserved, cautious or secretive about one's intended actions.
◆ 源于扑克牌戏:拿着牌的时候紧贴着自己胸膛,唯恐别人偷看。
Like any good driver Halevy hated surprises, but the boys in Jerusalem were truly playing this one close to the vest.
play doctor to examine another’ body, especially the sex organs s察看他人的身体,尤其是性器官;原多指孩子因好奇而互相察看,但现在较侧重于其性含 义。中文似乎没有合适的对应俗语,暂译为“扮夫妻”。
◆ 短语的字面意思即“扮大夫”;因为检查身体显然是医生的事,所以如此说。
Dreaming about how I’ capture the neighborhood girls one by one, and make d them play doctor with me.
play footsie to cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.
◆ 原意指在桌下以碰脚蹭腿的方式偷偷地调情;footsie 是foot 的变体。
He was playing footsie with the other side (Russia).
play hard to get to pretend to be inaccessible or uninterested, as when flirting.
◆ 字面意思即“扮作很难得到”。
She seems to think that by playing hard to get, she'll make him more interested in her.
play hooky stay away from school or work without permission.
play by ear improvise as one goes along随事态发展而随机处理。即我们常说的“到时候再说”、“别走别看”等。
◆ 源于演奏音乐时不看乐谱。
-“What’ we do after the movie?” ll -“I don’ know. Let’ play it by ear.” t s“看完电影咱们干嘛?” “不知道。到时候再看吧。”
play the field to maintain an interest in a number of people or things, esp. to become romantically or sexually involved with a number of partners.
同时与多人进行约会或保持性关系;但有时也用于指同时对多种事物或人感兴趣或保持联系 等。不知港澳赌马对此有无专门的中文对应术语,如有倒可借鉴一用;但我不知,所以暂时 译为“广种多收”。
◆ 源自赌马, 同时在几匹马上下赌注。
In order to remain competitive, the firm continues to play the field and do business with at least six other companies.
为了保持竞争力,公司继续广种多收和至少 6 个公司同时做生意。
I guessed that you were overlapping, playing the field, with two or more girls at once.
我看你是一次和 2 个甚至更多女孩来往,广种多收地都种重了(指该男人在作爱时叫错了 名)。
play up to someone to flatter or please someone in order to gain some advantages for oneself.
Julie knows how to play up to the supervisors - she can always get time off work whenever she wants.
朱丽知道怎么顺着主管的调儿走 –所以她什么时候想请假都能请。
plum appointment an especially desirable position, assignment.
◆ 这里中英文有着惊人的相似:中文有“投桃报李”,而英文也是以李子(plum)为报。
Such plum appointments came only if the package was varied and impressive.
Podunk a small, unimportant, and isolated town or place.
◆ 原来是新英格兰的两个小镇的名字。
point man one who is in the forefront (as on a political issue).
◆ 原为军事术语,指巡逻或侦察时在前面开路的士兵。
pony up pay.
He is reluctant to walk away from his investment in an existing brand to pony up for something new.
poohbah a pompous ostentatious official, especially one who, holding many offices, fulfills none of them.
◆ 源于 1885 年的歌剧The Mikada 的一个人物;他的名字即为 Pooh-Bah,其头衔是 LordHigh-Everything-Else。
He (Oliver Stone) does pock the film with right-wing poohbahs who anticipate the deaths of JFK and his brother Robert.
他确实往影片里塞满了预料肯尼迪和他弟弟罗伯特会死的一帮右翼的官僚废物们(指奥立 佛?斯通及其影片“刺杀肯尼迪”)。
pop the question ask someone to marry you.
pork-barrel a government project or appropriation that yields jobs or other benefits to a specific locale and patronage opportunities to its political representative.
俚语,只会给某一特定地区带来工作机会或其它利益以及使得当地的政治代表借以向其中安 排人员的政府工程或征用项目等(地方的政治人物常会建议进行这样的项目以取得当地选民 的支持和选票)。类似我们所说的“肥水不流外人田”的意味。 ◆ 源于 barrel for storing pork (储存猪肉的桶),指“钱之来源”。
The new president's trying to discourage high-cost pork-barrel projects such as the extra lanes planned for the interstate into Washington.
新总统试图阻止进行那些所谓“肥水不流外人田”的高成本项目,诸如在通往华盛顿的州际 公路上再多修几条车道的计划等。
pork out to eat greedily.
◆ 也做 pigout,相信大家对其字面意思都心知肚明了。 She looked like an imitation Lorna, same face, but all porked out.
We pigged out on the delicious cakes and pastries.
post time the designated starting time of a horse race一场赛马正式的开赛时间。即“开闸”。
◆ 赛马时,在起点或终点常竖立有标志性的杆子(post),所以有此一说。
“Grab your balls, sir. It is now post time.” the pilot said and the Eagle taxied to the end of the runway.
“护住蛋子坐稳了,长官。现在要开闸放马了。”飞行员一边说着一边把“鹞”式战机滑到 了跑道尽头(即准备起飞)。
potboiler an artistic work, usually of low quality, that has been created quickly just to earn money.
仅出于赚钱的目的而制造或创造 的文学艺术作品,通常质量低劣。近似我们所说的“应景之 作”;但中文的“应景之作”多指质量低劣,不一定含有该英文前半段赚钱的意思,所以前 面应该还应加上“搂钱的”等修饰语。
◆ 源于短语boil the pot(维持生计,即能“揭开锅”),即发表这些作品仅为使饭锅里有食物可煮。
Her most recent potboiler was one of last year's bestselling paperbacks.
potshot a critical remark at an easy target made in a random or sporadic manner and without careful consideration随意地且未经仔细斟酌地就手对随便一个目标作出的评判或批评;即看谁顺手就批评谁。似 乎可译为“冷枪”。
◆ 原意指猎人随便挑一个容易的目标射击;之所以称potshot 是因为猎人这样开枪的目的仅是为了找下锅的食物。
pour on the coal to move at the maximum speed.
◆ 原为铁路用语:旧时的火车是烧煤的,要加速就得紧着上煤。
pratfall a fall in which a person lands on their bottom, or fig. an embarrassing defeat or failure.
臀部着地摔跤;也可喻指尴尬的失败或挫折等。 照直译为“ 屁股墩”也。
◆ prat 在俚语里即指屁股。
press the flesh/skin to greet and shake hands with people especially while campaigning for political office.
与人握手,尤其指政客竞选时笑容满面为拉票所为者。中文似乎没有对应的表述,所以暂译 为“贴巴掌”。
Ollie North was pressing the flesh in Virginia last week.
prime the pump to encourage the growth or functioning of something鼓励某物的增长、运行或发展等 ;尤其指先进行一些小投资或其它措施。似可译为“引出” 或“做引子”等。
◆ 源于压水井的使用:压水之前,需先倒入少量的水,然后才能汲出更多的水。
Motorola announced partnerships designed to prime the pump for Java applications on mobile phones. 作为号召在移动电话上广泛应用 java 程序的引子,摩托罗拉宣布了几例合作事项。 pull a fast one to perpetrate a trick or fraud耍诡计或欺诈。近于“摆谁一道”。
What she enjoyed most in the world was pulling a fast one on her father.
pull strings to use people that you know to help you to do something that you could not do without their special help.
利用认识的人以帮助自己做事,特别是没有他们的帮助自己很难做到的时。 也即中文的“ 拉 拉关系” 。
◆ 注意与 pullthe strings 进行区别,后者指秘密控制某物或人,源于木偶戏:靠拉动木偶身上的连线而操控木偶。例:I 知道你们这儿谁管事啊。
want to know who's pulling the strings around here.我想He pulled some strings with the manager of the team and got excellent seats.
pull the plug (on something) to stop supporting or bring to an end.
◆ 字面意思即拔掉电线插头。
They are willing to continue production long after other companies would hav e pulled the plug.
pull the carpet/rug from under to weaken or unsettle especially by suddenly removing support or assistance from.
突然撤消支持或协助而削弱或扰乱等。近似中文之 “ 拆台” 。
◆ 字面意思即把地毯突然抽出去;这样做的结果当然是地毯上站的人或物会被摔倒。
Pollock’ boss pulled the rug from under him when he admitted that the film had s been given the go-ahead at $100 million, the very figure Pollock had called “outrageous”.
珀罗克的老板承认电影的开拍预算是 1 亿美元,一下就拆了珀罗克的台,因为他一直宣称 1 亿美元是“骇人听闻”。
pull up stakes or pull stakes move out : leave.
◆ 字面意思即把支帐篷的桩子拔出(也即要走人)。
This is the fourth time in five years that we've had to pull up stakes.
这是 5 年里第 4 次我们不得不收拾走人。
punch in/out to record the time of one's arrival or beginning work or one's stopping work or departure.
◆ 源于敲击计时钟以记录时间。
punchline the sentence, statement, or phrase (as in a joke) that makes the point.
指出或显露关键意图的句子、说明或短语(如笑话中点明幽默所在之语)。 有些类似相声中 的“包袱”;或可译为“点睛之语”。
push the envelope to approach or exceed known performance boundaries.
◆ 源于美国空军。飞机的速度、爬高能力等的极限指标被综合称为一个envelope ,该短语即指飞行员把战机往极限水平飞。
Your performance at work is not exactly pushing the envelope.
put someone on the spot to cause someone embarrassment or difficulty by forcing him at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision.
强迫某人当场当时回答或处理难题而使某人尴尬或为难。从反面着手而言,绝似中文的“使 谁下不了台”。
◆ 字面意思即把某人放在现场或当场;既然把 人放那儿了,理所当然是下不了台了。
Mira rather put him on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a payrise.
put a damper on cause an occasion to stop from being as enjoyable as it was intended to be.
使某事或场合不再像原计划地那么美好或愉快。绝似“泼冷水 ”。
Both the kids were ill while we were on holiday and that rather put a damper on things.
put one’ foot in one’ mouth s s to say or do something that one should not have.
说或做不应该做的事情。试译为粤语的“ 。 糗”
I really put my foot in my mouth by asking her when the baby was due and she wasn't even pregnant.
put one’ money where one’ mouth is s s follow through with a stated intention.
◆ 字面意思即说过的话有价值,如同能用金钱衡量一般;有些类似中文的“金口玉言”。
You’ been promising to take us to Disneyland for the past 2 years. Since the kids ve are free, how about putting your money where your mouth is ?
这 2 年你一直都许诺要带我们去迪斯尼乐园,现在孩子都有空,该说话算话( 实现诺言了) 吧。
put one’ nose to the grindstone s to work very hard for a long time. 长时间地辛勤工作;也作 keep one’ nose to the grindstone(似乎更为卖力一些)。绝 s似中文的“埋头苦干”。
◆ 源于维多利亚时代英国的磨刀工:他们几乎把鼻子贴在磨石上出力地磨刀。
She kept her nose to the grindstone all year and got the exam results she wanted.
put out (esp. of a woman) to have sex willingly( (尤其指女性)自愿进行性爱。也许可译为“投怀送抱”。 You put out for a man, and what happens - he has no respect for you any more.
你对一个男人投怀送抱,接下来呢 – 他却再也不尊重你了。
(not) put it past someone if you say you wouldn't put it past someone to do esp. something bad, it means that you would not be surprised if they did it.
常用以否定句,后跟做某事(尤其是坏事);如你用此语描述某人,则指你对该人做某事一 点都不惊奇。绝似我们所说的“ 某某事跑不过谁谁” 。
◆ 字面意思即要寻找是谁会做某事时,找到该人就不用再找下去。
I wouldn’ put it past him to try and sell the main part of the company and leave the t rest.
put someone in their place to remind someone of their real position or importance which, often, less significant than what they think.
当某人自我感觉太好时,提醒他回到自己真正的位置或重要性。有些类似我们通常说的 “(让某人)干好自己的本分”;但也许译为“使之原神归位”更接近英文的趣味。
When he tried to take charge, she soon put him in his place.
put someone through the wringer to subject to a severe trial or ordeal.
◆ wringer 指给洗涤后的衣物脱水的绞干设备。
The committee really put our department through the wringer - investigating our procedures and questioning students and staff.
委员会是真地把我们系给过了一次堂 –调查我们的各种程序及向师生提问。
put someone through the mill to cause someone to have a difficult and often educational experience to bring one to a certain degree of knowledge or skill, or to a certain mental state.
为使某人达到特定的技能水平或特定的精神状态而使其经历困难及富有教导意味的 磨练。也 许可译为“狂练谁”。
◆ 它与上面的 putthrough the wringer 稍有不同。这从 mill 一词即可分辨:放进 mill 的是麦粒,而磨出来是面粉;显然面粉比麦粒要精细高级。 所以该短语的使用场合一定要暗含 “往精了研磨”的意味。
I had the interview this morning - they really put me through the mill.
我今儿早上去面试了 – 他们是直狂练我啊。
put the wind up someone to frighten someone or causes them severe anxiety.
Tell them your father's a policeman - that'll put the wind up them!
告诉他们你老爸是警察 –肯定会让他们倒抽一口气。
put one's two cents in to state one's opinion.
◆ 源于扑克牌戏的“下底”;因为只有下了底,你才有权参与玩牌。
If I can put my two cents in, maintenance on that Ferrari will kill you.
putt-putt/put-put a small internal-combustion engine, or something, as a boat, model plane, etc., equipped with one.
◆ 原意为小发动机的声音。
The plane was a little putt-putt with fifteen seats, ten of which were occupied.
那飞机是个 15 座的小突突,坐了 10 个人。
putty in one's hands easily manipulated, influenced or controlled by one. 轻易受某人操控、影响或指挥的人;前常加 like。绝似中文常说的“揉泥人”。
◆ putty即泥瓦工用的腻子,用于固定窗户玻璃等。
putz a stupid person粗俗俚语,蠢人、笨蛋。试译为北方有些地区所说的“傻 B”。 源于依地语,意为阴茎。
Q queer Offensive Slang, homosexual.
冒犯性的俚语,指(男或女)同性恋;也统指 双性恋、变性人或嗜恋异性举止服饰的人。近 似中文的“同志”;但“同志”似乎没有表达出英文的贬义意味,所以试译为“舔 友”。
◆ 圈外人如此称呼同性恋被视为是极端冒犯的;但同性恋圈内却常以此自称,此时不具冒犯意味。这与nigger(对黑人的蔑称;即“黑鬼”)的使用情形一样:白人以此称呼黑人是极 端具有冒犯性的,但黑人之间却常相互自称 nigger;当然,即使你并非黑人,但如果你的黑人朋友认为你算圈内人,你大可以此称呼之。
R R and R rest and recreation, rest and recuperation休息娱乐。可译为“寻欢做乐”。
◆ 原为军事术语,指军队之休整 ,即 restand recreation。
I know those guys come up here for R and R.
rainmaker a person whose influence can initiate progress or ensure succe.
◆ 原用以指一个律师事务所里能经常带来新业务的律师(通常是合伙人级别)。
raise a stink to make a strong public complaint.
up 来替换 raise。 When it was announced that the plane had been delayed yet again, he went to the airport authorities and kicked up an almighty stink.
◆ 也可用 create/kick当飞机又一次被宣布推迟起飞时,他去找了机场管理部门闹了个沸反盈天。
raise/up the stakes to increase one's commitment or involvement.
加大投入的程度(喻指表示坚持到底的决心或使有关方更加关注等)。也即“加码”。 源于赌博。stake 即指筹码,也即提高赌局的筹码。该原意也常常使用。
As soon as I looked at my cards, I thought I'd better up the stakes.
The UN deadline for the withdrawal of troops has raised the stakes in the conflict.
rake/haul/drag someone over the coals to tell someone off about something they have done of which you strongly disapprove.
◆ 把人拽进煤堆里,那当然会灰头土脸了。
He was hauled over the coals for coming in late for work three times in a week.
the rank and file (also the ranks) members of an organization who are not part of the leadership, or humorous less important people generally.
◆ 原为军事术语。rank 指士兵排队时之“行”,file 指“列”。
The party leadership seems to be losing the support of the rank and file.
rap sheet an police arrest record.
rap 其中一个意项指“罪名”。 Six of the seven men and one of the two women living in the building had rap sheets, many involving violent crimes.
住在那楼里的 7 个男的中有 6 个,2 个女的有 1 个都有案底,而且大都是暴力犯罪。
rat out to betray, desert, or inform on one's associates.
I’ probably rat her out, but she didn’ have to know that. d t我没准把她锨出来,但她不需要了解这一点。
rat race a difficult, tiring, often competitive activity or routine.
困难、疲惫和竞争激烈的活动或工作等;多喻指现代社会你争我抢的生存方式。 近似所谓的 “弱肉强食”。
◆ 源于在实验室里为试验目的而让老鼠相互竞赛争抢等。
the real McCoy (or the McCoy ) the authe ntic thing or quality, something that is neither imitation nor substitute.
◆ 词源众说纷云。其中一个故事是:美国昔日着名的拳击手 Kid McCoy 一次被醉汉骚扰,该醉汉非让他证明他就是 McCoy 而非假冒,所以他就醉汉揍趴下了;醉汉起来说“Yes,that'sthe real McCoy alright”。 The caviar was the real McCoy too - not the stuff we buy in the supermarket at home.
鱼子酱也是真玩儿意 – 而不是咱们在家里超市买的那种货色。
real time the actual time during which something takes place.
The computer may analyze the data in real time.
red-eye also red-eye flight : a late night or overnight flight. 深夜的航班;也作 red-eye flight。没有合适的中文俗语与之对应, “红眼航班”的直译现在逐渐可见于报刊杂志。
◆ 源自搭乘深夜航班的人下飞机时大多睡眠不足,熬得眼红。
red flag something that demands attention or provokes an irritated reaction. 需要关注或激起强烈反应的事情;一般用于 raise a red flag。类似我们说的“警钟”。
◆ 源于人们常摇动红旗示警;例如铁路工人在出事时摇动红旗要列车停车。
I gotta tell ya, these embezzlement convictions raise a red flag.
red herring something that distracts attention from the real issue.
◆ 源于在道路上留下一条腌制的青鱼以干扰猎狗的追踪。
So the last Democratic holdouts talked themselves blue about saving Social Security from the Republican budget ax - a red herring that allowed them to get credit for defending a popular idea.
民主党的最后一个阵营大谈要把社会保险计划从共和党削砍预算的利斧下挽救出来直说得脸 都绿了 – 这只不过是掩盖他们假着维护一个流行议题而获取资本的烟雾弹而已。
redneck disparaging. a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
贬义词,农村劳动阶层的一员,指白人;尤指美国南方农民。即我们所说之“乡巴佬”也 。
◆ 农民整天在日光下背天朝地劳作,皮肤当然晒得很红(尤其是白人的皮肤),所以有此一说。
Lews beats the living hell out of some poor redneck.
rickshaw/richsha a small, two-wheeled passenger vehicle with a folding top, pulled by one man.
◆ 源于日语。
right-o/righto used to express cheerful concurrence, assent, or understanding.
ringer a person who is almost identical to another. 与另一个人几乎完全相像的人,常用于 dead ringer。类似我们说的“一个模子刻的”。 roadkill an animal that has been killed on a road by a motor vehicle.
道路上被汽车碾死的动物。中文似乎没有对应的说法,试译为“轮魂 儿”。
robber baron an American capitalist of the latter part of the 19th century who became wealthy through exploitation (as of natural resources, governmental influence, or low wage scales).
指美国 19 世纪后期通过剥削压榨(如滥采自然资源、串通政府高官或给工人很低的工资等手 段)而致富的资本家。相当于我们说的“地主老财”、或“恶霸”。
◆ 其字面意思即“名为 baron,实为robber”。
rookie (rooky or rookey) a person who is new to an organization or activity.
◆ 是对 recruit 的异化。
rope someone into something/rope someone in to persuade someone to do something, usually that they do not really want to do.
I didn’ want to help with the dinner but I was roped into doing it by my best friend. t我没想帮忙弄晚饭,但我最好的朋友把我给绕了进去。
roughneck a rough or rude person, usually a man.
◆ 字面意思即“硬脖子”,粗人一般皆具有该特性。
rubdown a brisk rubbing of the body用力擦洗身体。也即“搓”。
He received rubdowns with hot towels.
rub in to emphasize or reiterate something unpleasant in order to tease or annoy.
◆ 该词的字面意思是“(把某事)给揉 搓进去”,即反复的强调重申就如同有人拿手按你头上硬要把某观念揉搓进你的头里一般。
OK, I made a mistak, you don't have to rub it in.
好了,我是犯了错, 那你也不必老念叨着。
rub someone up the wrong way to arouse the antagonism or displeasure without intending to. 无心如此,但却引起反感或不快;美语常省略 up。似可译为“逆着毛摸”。
◆ 据说源于不小心逆着毛抚摸宠物从而引起其不满。
As soon as they met, they started to rub each other the wrong way.
rub off on to become transferred.
转让、遗传等;后有时跟 to。相当于中文的“沾”。
◆ 原意即把某物蹭到另一物之上。
His parents are lovely, but it's a shame none of their honesty and kindness has rubbed off on (to) him.
rubber stamp 1. a body or person that approves or endorses a program or policy with little or no dissent or discussion : 不经考虑或辩论而批准项目或政策的机构或个人。 2. a routine endorsement or approval : 例行公式的许可或批准。
◆ 原意即指橡皮印章。
The boss makes the decisions and the committee just rubber stamps them.
rule of thumb a method of procedure based on experience and common sense.
◆ 一说源于过去英国 的度量衡都是基于国王身体某些部位的长短来制定的,如国王脚的长度即为一英尺、国王拇指尖至拇指第一关节处的长度即为一英寸等等。另一说源于早期的英国 法律规定丈夫可以殴打其妻,但使用的棍子的粗细不得超过他拇指的直径。
The astronomer’ rule of thumb: if you don’ write it down, it didn’ happen. s t t天文学家的经验之谈就是:如果你没记录下来,那么事情就没发生过。
rule the roost to be in charge; dominate.
◆ roost 指鸟类栖息之所;短语的字面意思即统治鸟群。
In this house my parents rule the roost.
run around in circles to keep doing or talking about some thing actively but without achieving anything.
Peter's been running around in circles since half his department resigned.
run-of-the-mill not outstanding in quality or rarity, average, ordinary.
Connolly is no run-of-the-mill bureaucrat.
康纳利可不是个一般般的官僚S salad days time of youthful inexperience or indiscretion.
年轻时莽撞缺乏经验的时光。似乎可译为“少不经事”。 源于莎士比亚;salad 一般皆以青菜调制,“青色”或“绿色”一般都表示不成熟。
salt-and-pepper or pepper-and-salt having a fine mixture of black-and-white.
◆ salt 当然是白色的了,而pepper(此处指胡椒)一般颜色较深。
a salt-and-pepper beard.
If Eddie sought a change of pace, there was always the salt-and-pepper hooker hangout one block south.
如果艾迪想变变活法儿,往南一个街区就有个妓女出没的地儿,有黑又有白(指妓女中有白 人也有黑人)。
schlemiel or schlemihl/shlemiel an awkward and unlucky person fo r whom things never turn out right.
◆ 源于一个德国作家创造的人物 PeterSchlemiel,他总是撞到不走运的事。
He’ always been such a schlemiel. s他一贯是个倒霉蛋。
scratch the surface to make a superficial effort or modest start.
◆ 字面意思指只在表面抓挠而已并未深入本质等。
The amount of aid which has been offered is hardly going to scratch the surface of the suffering.
scrap (the bottom of) the barrel to use or take whatever is left after the best has been taken使用或采用任何可获得的方法、手段等(因为最佳的已被他人采用或已不可得)。 相当于我 们所谓之“病急乱投医”。
◆ 该短语的字面意思即(桶里的水果或其他事物大部份已被人拿走,所以只有)抄底摸着什么算什么。
-“What do you expect to find (by checking the financial files)?”
“你(查这些财务档案)希望查到什么呢?“-“Any unusual expenses, incurred by the doctor or Laura. I don’ really know-I’ t m scrapping the barrel.”
“(希望发现)大夫或劳拉发生的任何异常花费。我也不知道 - 我是在病急乱投医。”
scratch someone’ back s to accommodate with a favor especially in expectation of like return帮某人的忙,尤其是希望别人会同样有所回报的情形。也许可直译为“搓背”。
If you scratch my back, I’ scratch yours. ll如果你帮我搓背,那我也帮你搓背。
screw the pooch mess up, make a serious mistake俚语,犯非常严重的错误;另一个说法是 也许可译为“弄得狗屎一堆”。
fuck the dog。中文俗语似没有合适的对应说法,-“You don’ remember Munich Olympics in 1972, do you?” t“你不记得 1972 年的慕尼黑奥运会了拉?”
-“The German cops really screwed the pooch on that mission.”
see eye to eye to have a common viewpoint, agree.
Seoul and the IMF haven’ seen eye to eye on everything. t汉城和国际货币基金组织还没有在所有的问题上都能对上眼。
see red to be extremely angry.
◆ 源于斗牛。斗牛看见红色就会猛扑进攻。其实,据科学说法,斗牛并非是被红色所激怒,而是被斗牛士的动作所激怒。
sell someone short underestimate someone.
低估某人。绝似中文俗语的“看扁某人”。 源自股票交易。sella stock short 即卖空,指预计股价将来会跌而卖出现在自己并不拥有的股票;因为是估计股票会跌价才会卖,所以如果是卖空某人即对该人前景不看好也。
Just because he doesn’ say much is not reason to sell him short. t不能就因为他不太说话就看扁他。
send someone packing to send off or dismiss someone roughly and immediately.
粗暴迅速地让某人离开。似可译为“打发”。 字面上绝似中文的“卷铺盖走人”;但“卷铺盖走人”一般用于解雇某人,但英文短语的意 思比该中文俗语宽泛,不仅仅指解雇也用于其它场合。
There were some kids at the door asking for money but I sent them packing.
set store by/on to regard as valuable, trustworthy or worthwhile.
◆ store 做名词用时其中一个意项指“价值、重要性”;字面意思即“赋予某某价值”。
To this day Ricardo’ principle remains the basis of international trade, although s nations don’ always set much store by it. t至今理卡德创立的原则仍然是国际贸易的基础,虽然许多国家并不总以之为然。
shadowbox to evade or avoid positive, direct or decisive action.
◆ 原意指拳击手在训练时假意频频闪躲进攻。
Like all the other firms they had to shadowbox around the money issue until things got awkward.
shake a leg to hurry up.
shape up or ship out to either behave properly or leave.
要么举止得体要么离开;一般为规劝行为不当之人的命令语。 即“要么规矩点要么走人”。
shoo-in one that is a certain and easy winner.
A cut in capital-gains taxes, strongly backed by both GOP legislators and centrist Democrats, appears to be a shoo-in.
shoot the bull/breeze to talk aimlessly.
shoot off one’ mouth/face s to speak ind iscreetly; to brag, boast.
Jim doesn’ play tennis, but he’ always shooting off his mouth about how good he t s is.
shoot up to inject a drug with a hypodermic syringe. 注射毒品;后一般接 on+具体的毒品名称。也许可译为“扎针”。 People who stay at the motel all day are either sex freaks or shooting up.
shortchange to treat unfairly or deceitfully by giving someone less than what they deserve.
不公平或欺骗性地对待某人,一般是通过少给他本应得到的数量。即“让人吃亏”、或“委 屈他人”。
◆ 该词的原意是找钱时少找给顾客;当然,这一意项也仍在使用。
I thought he, as a law student, was shortchanging himself by wanting to teach high school history.
the short end of the stick the worst side of an unequal deal.
◆ 该短语始于 1930 年代;也作the shitty end of the stick。一说源于为控制他人而将细棒塞入其肛门的野蛮做法;另一说源于过去人们用棍棒打斗,用较短棍棒的处于劣势。[注意与 wrong end of the stick 区别,后者是“误解、没完全明白”之意;如 We ordered one quart,but the clerk got the wrong end of the stick and sent us four quarts in stead. 该短语源于辅助走路的拐杖,如果把拐杖拿错了头,那对使用者而言显然是与事无补毫无功效 。试译为 “弄拧”]
If you invest in the company, you may end up with the short end of a long stick.
short list a list of candidates for final consideration (as for a position or a prize).
◆ 也即原来的候选人很多名单很长 ,但经过层层选拔,到最后一轮时名单已经很短了。 在短名单上有名,通常表达一种有戏、有可能、有希望的意味。
be short with someone saying little but showing a slight lack of patience or annoyance in the few words that you say.
If I’ being short with you, forgive me. m如果我对你有什么不耐烦,请原谅。
a shot in the arm something that boosts one’ spirits. s令人鼓舞、使人振奋的事件或人。为保留英文的生动之处,试直译为“打了一针”。
◆ 源于在手臂上注射毒品 以寻求刺激。
She is a terrific shot in the arm for everybody.
show someone the ropes show someone how to do a job or activity.
◆ ropes 复数形式在非正式用法中意指“某件工作等的特别或基本程序或过程”。所以也可以说learn the ropes, know the ropes。也许源于水手用语,因为当水手必须学会打各种复杂的绳结。
shyster one who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law.
◆ 源于德语,原意相当于 bastard;该词一般只用于指律师。
He’ stupid if he thinks those rednecks’ listen to some shyster from Memphis. s ll如果他觉得那帮乡巴佬会听一个从孟菲斯来的讼棍的话,那他是蠢到家了。
sicko a person who is mentally or morally sick.
You can’ reason with sickos. t你没法跟有病的论理。
sidekick a person closely associated with another as subordinate or partner.
a sight for sore eyes one whose appearance or arrival is an occasion for joy or relief.
◆ 英文的原意指“眼疼着的时候刚好看到美丽宜人舒缓疲劳的景色”。
silver lining a hopeful or comforting prospect in the midst of difficulty.
艰难困苦中一线希望或令人欣慰的前景;也泛指事物好的方面;常用于“every 线天”。
◆ 乌云密布时,偶有阳光透过缝隙,看起来就好像给乌云镶了个亮银边儿;所以有此一说。
cloud has a silver lining (即每个困难都有其光明的一面)” 。为保留英文的幽默意味,也许可译为“一As for those countries still in the shadow of the clouds sent up by Mexico, Lehman Brothers economist Mushkat sees two silver linings.
至于仍然被墨西哥掀起来的黑云所笼罩的那些国家(指墨西哥经济崩溃对周边国家的影 响),莱曼兄弟公司的经济学家摩什克特看到了两线天。
sink one’ teeth into s to deal with it or become involved in it with great energy and enthusiasm.
◆ 短语的字面意思即(扑上去)一口咬定。
I'm so bored at work, I wish they'd give me something I could really get my teeth into.
sink or swim to fail or succeed by one's own efforts, without help from others.
◆ 原意即掉进水里,要么沉底要么游出来(不管是沉还是 游,相信都会大力“摸索”了)。
My employer gave me no help when I started my new job - I was just left to sink or swim.
我刚开始干的时候我老板一点忙也没帮 –就把我扔那儿自己摸索。
sit-in an organized protest demonstration in which participants seat themselves in an appropriate place and refuse to move.
sitting duck an easy target or victim.
易被击中的目标; 容易上钩的对象等。即“活靶子”。
◆ 原意指打猎时站立不动的野鸭。
sit pretty in a fortunate position.
They got a good price when they sold their house and now they’ really sitting re pretty.
sit right usually used in negative construction, not sit right with someone : he does not agree/approve or is not pleased with it. 通常用于否定句,not sit right with someone 表示不同意或不赞同或对其不满意(注意:
His idea seemed good at first but it doesn’ seem to sit right with the president. t他的点子刚开始时好像挺好的,但却跟总裁(的意见/思路)对不上。
six feet under be dead and buried.
◆ 相信不用解释该词语的原意了。HBO 有一部电视连续剧的名字就是Six Feet Under,主要讲述的是一个从事殡葬业的家庭中的事情。
He doesn’ plan to move until he is six feet under. t不到入土的时候,他是不会考虑搬地的。
that is about the size of it that is all I got to say, that is exactly what I mean句子;指这就是我所要说的全部,这就是我的全部意图。 类似我们用作结束语的“大概就是 这么个意思”。
-so you mean you won't come with me to the party? -that is about the size of it.
-你是说你不跟我一块儿去参加聚会了? -大概就那么个意思。
slimeball /slimebag a repulsive and odious person :
It’ Heidi’ obsessive, love-hate relationship with this seductive slimeball that s s fascinates Broomfield.
使布鲁姆费儿德倍感兴趣的是海蒂与这个东诱西惑一肚子坏水的家伙之间的挥之不去又爱又 狠的关系。
slow burn a gradually increasing sense or show of anger and deep dissatisfaction.
逐步增加或渐渐高涨的愤怒或不满。 似可直译为“慢烧”;或在某些场合,译为“(愤怒的 火苗)越烧越旺”。
◆ 相信看过卡通片《猫与老鼠》的读者都见识过,汤姆猫在生气时经常是从脚到头全身慢慢变红,最后头顶冒烟。这也许是对该短语的最好注释。
smart as a whip: very smart, intelligent.
◆ smart 的主要意项其实指“致使有刺痛感的”,而鞭子显然是可以致使刺痛感的,所以这么形容;有故意利用歧义的意味。
smell a rat feel that something is wrong.
-“How come the front door is open?”
-“Don’ know, I smell a rat.” t“不知道,像有生人气。”
smoke and mirrors something intended to disguise or draw attention away from an often embarrassing or unpleasant issue 。
◆ 源于魔术表演。
smoking-gun the conclusive evidence or proof especially of a crime.
◆ 即杀人或犯罪后, 手里的枪还在冒着烟。
Sporkin was particularly struck by what he called smoking-gun evidence.
snow job an effort to deceive, overwhelm, or persuade with insincere talk, especially flattery.
My boss did a snow job on me.
a snowball’ chance in hell s no chance at all毫无机会。英文比较形象幽默,所以试采取歇后语的形式译为“三伏天滚雪球 - 没戏”。
◆ 地狱一般被描绘为烈火熊熊、烧烤着罪人; 所以在地狱里滚出雪球的机会显然渺茫之极。
If he can't afford a good lawyer, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the case.
如果他请不起好律师,想赢这案子他是三伏天滚雪球 - 没戏。
snuff film a pornographic film or sex film in which one of the actors or actresses is really murdered in order to provide the viewer with extra excitement.
一种色情影片,演员在镜头前进行色情表演过程中被真地杀死以挑引某些观众的变态爱好。 也许可译为“色虐片”。
◆ 好莱坞明星尼古拉斯?凯奇曾出演的影片《 8 厘米》讲述的就是制作这种色情片的情况。
Links have been suggested between the death of several boys in the London area and the alleged making of child 'snuff movies'.
softsoap to persuade or soothe someone with flattery.
恭维、奉承;可以用作名词和动词。绝似中文的“ 软话” 。
◆ 原意为液体肥皂;抹在身上当然是滑溜顺当了。
soft money political donations made in such a way as to avoid federal regulations or limits, as by donating to a party organization rather than to a particular candidate or campaign.
规避联邦法规或限额的政治献金,例如捐献给一个党派而不是捐献给某一特定的竞选人。国 内似乎没有对应的说法,也许可直译为“软钱”。
Bernard Schwartz, the largest individual donor to the D.N.C. in 1996, was responsible for more than $600,000 in soft-money donations.
伯纳德?施沃茨是 1996 年民主党最大的个人捐款者,他捐出的软钱献金有 60 多万美元。
song and dance a long and often repeated story or explanation that is usually not true or pertinent.
I suppose she gave you that whole song and dance about being orphaned at the age of three and growing up on the streets.
我想她把整个陈年老调都给你来了一遍,说她 3 岁成为孤儿以及在道上混到大。
sound out to discover the opinions or intentions of (a person) usually by careful questions.
We're sounding Jones out about joining our group.
sour grapes denial of the desirability of something after one has found out that it cannot be reached or acquired.
◆ 中英文都是源自伊索寓言。相信大家都很熟悉,无须我赘言了。
Our priest tells us witchcraft is all the work of the devil. I think it is sour grapes on the part of the church because witchcraft is so popular.
spark plug a person who leads, inspires, or animates a group.
◆ 原意为发动机中的火花塞。
She's the spark plug of the team - the one who gets everyone else to give their all.
她是小组里的积极分子 –她能激发每个人对工作都全力以付。
spic/spick/spik usually offensive. a person of Latin Americam descent.
冒犯性的俚语;对说西班牙语的拉丁美洲后裔的蔑称;一般即指墨西哥人。 中文似乎没有相 应的称呼,所以暂译为“西班牙土鳖”。
spike to make (esp. a drink) stronger by adding alcohol, or to add flavour or interest.
She claimed that someone had spiked her drink at the party.
His writing is spiked with humour.
spill the beans to reveal a secret.
◆ 源于古希腊选举投票:白色珠表示同意,黑色珠表示反对,必须全体同意才能通过。所以如果收票人不小心在投票结束前把袋里的珠子给撒了,只要发现一个黑珠,投票就会被中 止。
So who spilt the beans about her affair with David?
spin doctor a spokesperson for a political party or candidate who tries to forestall negative publicity.
为某政党或候选人消除负面报道或将该些负面报道往正面重新解释的人,一般是发言人。也 即把黑的描成白的、把白的描成圣人等操纵舆论的专家,试译为“忽悠大师”。
Privately, Clinton spin doctor claimed to welcome demonstrations against him by gay activists in San Francisco last week.
spread oneself (too) thin become involved in too many activities at the same time.
同时参与过多的各种活动;常常是超出自身能力或精力。就其字面意思,绝似中文的“面儿 铺得太开(或太广)”。
spring chicken a young and inexperienced person, often used in negative construction.
◆ 原意指春天刚出生的 2-10 个月大的小鸡。
“I don’ want you to see the others (wounded people)” t“我不想让你去看其他人(指伤员)”
“I’ no spring chicken. I did three tours of duty in ’ m Nam.”
speedball a dose of cocaine mixed with heroin or morphine or an amphetamine and usually taken by injection.
一剂混合搀杂了海洛因或吗啡或安非他明的可卡因;通常以注射方式食用。 不知国内瘾君子 们是否已“精进”到此程度,所以不知有无相应的中文“术语”。
spic-and-span brand- new; spotlessly clean.
spin one’ wheels s to expend effort with no result.
You could ask him, but I think you are just spinning your wheels.
split hairs to make oversubtle or trivial distinctions; to argue about the correctness of unimportant details.
进行过于精细或微不足道的区分;或争辩不重要的细节问题。 与中文的“ 鸡蛋里挑骨头” 有异 曲同工之妙。
◆ 原意即试图分开或劈开头发丝。
The European governments are worried about the exact figures agreed for grain imports - but they are just splitting hairs, to avoid signing the agreement.
欧洲各政府对达成的粮食进口的确切数量忧虑重重 – 但他们是在鸡蛋里挑骨头,就为了不签 这个协议。
square off to prepare to fight or compete.
准备打架、战斗或竞赛等。也即我们的“ 摩拳擦掌” 。
◆ 字面意思指(电影或卡通片中人们打架或比赛前)习惯地扩胸耸肩以震慑对手。
The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.
快餐业的这两个巨人(指麦当劳和肯德基)这个月是摩拳擦掌要展开迄今最具攻势的广告大 战。
sticks remote usually rural districts regarded especially as backward, dull, or unsophisticated.
◆ 也许源自偏远地区都是树林杂草丛生(sticks 比喻树干)。
stick out to continue to the end of (a difficult or unpleasant situation) - often used with it. 坚持到(某困难或令人不快的局面的)结束,常与 it 连用。也即“撑”。 I wasn't enjoying the film, but I stuck it out till the end.
stock car an automobile of a standard make modified for racing purposes.
◆ 该词指的是经过改装用以比赛或飙车的普通汽车,一般只是保留原来的底盘和车架。这与专门生产的赛车是不同的。
storefront the front side of a shop or commercial building facing a street.
Storefront clinics, using variations of CITA’ patented procedure, have sprung up s across the nation.
使用不同形式的 CITA 专利疗法的小门脸儿诊所一下在全国各地都开了花。
straight from the horse's mouth directly from the source.
◆ 源于马匹交易。交易者们要检查马匹的“牙口”,因为从马匹的牙上可以看出马的年龄、营养及其它健康状况。
If you want the real story you have to get it straight from the horse’ mouth. s如果你想了解实情,你得得到第一手的资料。
straight from the shoulder honestly; candidly :
◆ 原意指出拳时举起手臂向前直直地平击。
steal someone’ thunder s to do what someone else was going to do before they do it, esp. if this takes success or praise away from them.
把别人计划做的事情或言语抢先给做或说了,从而抢了他人应得的奖励或表扬等。也即 “抢 人风头”。
◆ 短语的字面意思即:本来别人要打个雷使人震惊或惊奇的,但你却把雷偷走先给放了。这里的雷其实喻指气势。
I was going to introduce my talk by giving a brief history of our group but the previous speaker stole my thunder by doing just that.
我本准备开场先简短介绍一下我们小组的历史,但我前面的发言人却抢了我的风头先给说 了。
steal a march on to get an advantage over someone by acting before they do.
Our rival company managed to steal a march on us by bringing out their software three months ahead of ours.
我们的对头公司比我们抢先了一步提前 3 月发布了他们的软件。
stick one's neck out take a risk.
Why should I stick my neck out for them t o be a guide in that dangerous jungle?
stick to one’ guns s to maintain one's position especially in face of opposition.
◆ 也许源于西部牛仔片;牛仔们手按枪柄勇敢面对危险。
The chairman stuck to his guns and insisted that it would make good sense to hear the other side of the question before voting on the issue.
stock phrase an expression in constant use, so that it has become a mannerism.
Noah’ Ark and Murphy’ law are stock phrases, we have to keep them as they are, s s not with of but with apostrophe -ess.
诺亚(的)方舟和墨菲(的)法则都是约定俗成的写法,我们必须这么写(说),即用撇 s 而不是 用 of。
stool pigeon a person, often a criminal, who gives information in secret to the police and helps them to catch other criminals.
He promptly murdered the stool pigeon who had tipped off the authorities about the escape plot.
suck up to someone to do and say things in order to make someone like and approve of you.
◆ 也许卡通片是对该短语最好的注解。例如《猫和老鼠》中:有时汤姆猫为讨欢心会撅着嘴对着主人的脚或手一通连亲带吮。
sweat bullets sweat a lot.
◆ bullet 指汗珠。中文是“豆大的汗珠”;而英文是“子弹大的汗珠”。
Our Cupid is worried, very worried. And to tell you the truth I’ sweating a few m bullets my self.
T T&A the flaunting of a woman's sex appeal.
女性展露性诱惑的表演、姿势或者图片等;通常是裸体。 暂译为“春光秀”。
and ass 的缩写。 The enlisted men were settling down to watch a movie, ...lots of T & A to keep their attention.
◆ 是 tits那些大兵们安定下来开始看电影,… … (电影里面)春光无限把他们全吸引住了。
tailgate to drive too closely behind the vehicle in front.
紧跟着前车行使。即“ 贴着开”。
◆ 原意指卡车的车厢尾部的挡板,在装卸货物时可放下。
The guy who tailgates you find you drive too slow.
take some beating if something will take some beating, it is so good that it is hard to improve on it.
Lewis's new world record will take some beating.
take a five take a break.
◆ five 指 5 分钟。
Rollie, why don’ you take a five? t罗利,你干嘛不消停会?
take a hike to leave because one's presence is unwanted, often used in the imperative.
常用于祈使语句,让人离开(因为已不需要或不想要其在场)。近似“一边呆着去”、 “一 边凉快去”。
The manager came up to us and suggested we take a hike.
take a leak to urinate.
take a powder to make a quick departure, run away; or stop doing something.
◆ 一说源自女士借口补妆而离开上洗手间(powder 指粉饼);20 世纪 20 年代的美国电影中常出现这个短语,特别是黑帮份子为私下密谈而命令他们的女人去“补个妆”,也即令其 走开。后渐渐演变为离开的意思。
take one’ hat off to someone s to admire, respect, praise someone for an achievement.
take someone to the cleaner's to take all the money or possessions of someone, especially by outsmarting or swindling.
Paul was really taken to the cleaner's on that deal.
take something lying down accept something, usually unpleasant, without complaining or fighting against it.
不加抱怨或反抗地接受令人不快的事物或批评等。近似“对… 没什么反应(逆来顺受)”。
◆ 字面意思即躺在那儿都不带动的。
She refused to take such an insult lying down.
take someone for a ride to deceive or cheat someone.
◆ 源于黑手党绑架暗杀;对被害人诡称载其兜兜风,而实际将车开至荒野杀害之(通常即将车弃之当场)。
take something in stride to deal with or face something, usually a problem or difficulty, calmly and do not let it have an effect on what you are doing.
平静、镇定地处理或面对困难或问题,并不让其影响自己。试译为“对… 不慌神儿”。
◆ 字面意思即(自管)大踏步地走(有什么东西,捎上就是)。
When you become a politician, you soon learn to take criticism in stride.
take stock 1. to count exactly the items of merchandise or supplies in stock; take inventory.
2. to make an assessment of 评估、考虑;后常跟 of something。也即“盘算”也。源于第 1 个意项。 The father closed his eyes and tried to take stock.
take the bull by the horns to take a decisive action in a difficult situation.
◆ 跟牛相斗时,奋力抓住牛角当然是很勇敢而且也很具有决定性。
Julie had felt she was missing a lot of fun because she couldn’ dance, finally she t took the bull by the horns and went a dance studio for help.
take the cake to win the prize, rank first.
◆ 一说源于纸牌游戏:纸牌做成刀切后一块块蛋糕的形状;最后收到纸cake 最多的是赢家。另一说是源于某些家庭游戏,赢家获取的是精美的蛋糕。
I’ seen a lot of mismanaged companies in my day, and this one takes the cake. ve我有生之年也见了不少管理不善的公司,但这家得排头一个。
talk shop talk about your job with those you work with when not at work.
Our wives were annoyed because John and I spent the whole evening talking shop.
talk through one’ hat s to speak irrationally or illogically.
Nothing of what he said made sense - he was talking through his hat.
他说的东西一点道理都没有 – (明显)说话不过脑子。
thank one’ (lucky) stars s to be thankful for good luck; think yourself lucky.
◆ 西方习俗相信每人在天上都有对应的幸运星。
She thanked her lucky stars that she had taken out insurance when she was involved in an accident on holiday.
thingamabob something that is hard to classify or whose name is unknown or forgotten. 对于叫不名、忘了名称或无法归类的事物的统称;也作 thingie。即“玩意儿”。 the third degree serious questioning and/or rough treatment to get information.
为获取信息而进行的严厉盘问或拷打等;可以指实际的审问也可指比喻意义上的。也许 一个 “审”字足以译其神。
Entered Apprentice (试译为 “新进门 徒”),第二级为 Fellowcraft (试译为 “同行手足”),第三级为 Master Mason(“石工大◆ 源于往日的石匠业:石匠有三个级别,第一级为师”);在升到第三级之前需要经过一次严格的考查,该考查更多地倾向于体力方面的考验 而不是脑力劳动。
I got the third degree when I got home last night.
throw in the towel to admit defeat, give up.
◆ 源于拳击;将毛巾高高扔起或扔进拳台以示认输。
The hacker tried to log into the Elxsi. Took him 10 minutes to throw in the towel.
那个黑客试图侵入 Elxsi 系统,但 10 分钟后终于举了白旗(放弃)。
throw/knock for a loop to surprise tremendously; astonish.
极度地震撼或惊动某人。绝似“将… 整、吓懵”。
◆ 字面意思即将某人打得直转圈。
It was the meat counter, McBain says, that “really threw me for a loop”(that is, $15 for 100 grams roast beef).
麦克本说到了肉类柜台才真正把他给吓懵了(指 100 克牛肉竟售 15 美元的高价)121
throw one’ weight around/about s to use power or authority, especially in an excessive or oppressive way.
The other players did not appreciate how he threw his weight around in practice.
throw the book at critisize severely for breaking a rule or law.
因其违反规则或法律而严厉地批评某人。为保留英文的幽默,也许可译为“淬… 一脸”。
◆ 字面意思即将写有该规则或法律的书扔向犯错误的人;相信读者在电影电视中都看过类似的镜头。
After the accident, the safety inspector threw the book at the company's practices.
tickled pink /tickled to death be pleased, amused.
◆ 字面意思即某事如同在给你搔痒一样,让你乐不可支;而人们在兴奋高兴时通常会涨得脸红。
I was tickled pink to receive the invitation to her wedding.
tighten/put the screws on to use force or threats to make someone do what you want.
使用武力、压力或威胁以逼迫某人做事。试译为“绷谁的弦儿”。 字面意思即拧紧某人身上的螺丝。
They put the screws on him until he was forced to resign.
tit-for-tat (of an action) done intentionally as a punishment as a reaction to something unpleasant done to you.
for tap 的变体;两词皆为“击打”之意。 Recent months have seen a pattern of tit-for-tat killings between the two sides.
◆ 源于 tip两方这几个月展开了一轮针尖对麦芒式的杀戮。
to a T to perfection.
a tittle 的简写;tittle 指极细微之处。 That new suit fits you to a T.
◆ to那套新西服跟长你身上似的合身。
toe the line to adhere to doctrines or rules conscientiously; conform.
◆ 一说源于士兵列成队列接受检阅(脚踩地上的标线以保证队列整齐);另一说源于运动员在起跑时按起跑线站好待命。
tongue -in-cheek characterized by insincerity, irony.
Her latest play is a firmly tongue-in-cheek look at the world of advertising.
toot one’ own horn/trumpet s to boast, brag one's own achievements.
吹嘘、夸耀自己的成就。绝似“自吹自擂”;不过英文只得一个“吹”字,而我辈是连鼓都 用上了。
Michael’ last novel was a hit, he has no need to toot his own horn about his s literary accomplishments.
tooth and nail with every available means.
◆ 字面意思是指甲和牙都用上了,即连咬带抓。
I would fight him tooth and nail if he ever tried to take Brendan away from me.
touch-and-go very dangerous or uncertain.
◆ 一说源于航天工业:一按发射钮,火箭或飞船就启动了。
Paramedics pulled him back from the brink (he’ having a heart attack), but it was s really touch-and-go.
tough it out to get through despite hardship; endure.
The administration is betting that the bond market will tough it out.
trophy wife the young attractive wife of a rich and successful older man.
一般为贬义,指年老富有的成功男士所娶(通常是再婚)的年轻妻子,通常是以此炫耀自己 的成功和地位。有些类似中文所说的“蜜”,但中文的“蜜”多指婚外的情妇,而此处的英 文指的却是合法妻子;但其中的褒贬含义,中英文却颇有相同之处,所以暂译之。
◆ 字面意思即该妻子对于该成功男人而言就如同一件可以炫耀的 trophy。
twiddle one’ thumbs s to do nothing for a period of time, usually while waiting for something to happen.
◆ 美国人在坐等时习惯两手手指交叉而两个拇指互相来回绕;所以有此形象的一说。
He arrived early for the meeting so he had to twiddle his thumbs for half an hour.
two-bit worthless, very unimportant or trivial.
◆ 原意指 25 美分。
Word is they (US Interior) are going after the operators, not the two-bit types, but the ones who are trapping and selling to falcon collectors in this country.
传言道他们(美国内政部)追查的是操纵者们,不是那些小零碎,他们要的是那些捕捉并向 收藏家贩卖隼类的家伙。
two cents or two cents worth an opinion offered on a topic under discussion.
◆ 源于赌牌,只有押了底,玩家才能介入牌局,也即才能“说话”。
Lou said he’ put in his two cents about the threats. He’ like to get us out of town. d d露说对这些威胁如果要他说话,他想把我们全搞出城(跑路)。
U under one's own steam by one’ own efforts; without help. s不借助他人地、靠自己的努力地。也即“自个儿”。
◆ 英文俗谚喜欢把人比喻为机器,有螺栓固定,靠蒸汽运动;该短语的字面意思即靠自己的蒸汽来运动等。
When the fitness class closed, we decided to do some training under our own steam.
under the skin beneath the surface, fundamentally.
◆ 皮肤下面显然是骨头了。
up against a brick wall unable to get any further with a plan, argument etc. because some obstruction.
In its campaign to prevent the building, the department found itself up against a brick wall.
up one’ sleeve s concealed or held secretly in reserve.
隐藏地或秘密储备地。虽然其字面意思与“袖里乾坤”极吻合,但也许译为“葫芦里卖什么 药”更与其精神相符合。
We know you’ planning something big for Paul’ party. Mind telling us just what re s you have up your sleeve?
up to the hilt completely, to the furtherest degree possible.
◆ 原意是把匕首或刀剑等直插到柄。
Everybody knew somebody who had been made redundant, or had mortagaged themselves up to the hilt.
up-yours an answer to a criticism to express strong disagreement or rejectio n; fuck off. 表示对某批评或言论强烈不满或拒绝等的回应用词;与 fuck off 同意。近似“去你妈的”。 ◆ 是 up your ass 的简称,即 you can take that and shovel it up your ass [你可以把那批评(或其它言论)塞到你自己的屁眼里去]的简写。
upset the apple cart to cause trouble or change to a plan, system or situation.
◆ 一说源于过去水果 贩们都是用推车来卖水果,而各种水果(包括苹果)都在车上码放得整整齐齐的。
While most Koreans welcome the new moves toward democracy, they worry that a major political change could upset their economic apple cart.
虽然多数韩国人欢迎向民主迈进的新(改革)举动,但他们也担心重大的政治变化会把韩国 的经济摊子给掀了。
V vote with one’ feet s to indicate a preference or opinion by leaving an organization or stopping from supporting, using or buying something, and changing to a new organization, service, or product.
以离开某组织或停止支持、使用或购买某物并转而投降另外的组织、服务或产品来表示自己 的意见或倾向性。其实中文两个字足以译其神,“走人”。
◆ 字面意思即用脚来投票,也即起身开路。
Netscape stockholders voted with their feet by late August, Netscape stock had shed half its value from a December high.
网景公司的股东们到 8 月下旬都走人了,网景的股票从 12 月份的高位缩水了一半的价值。
W warts and all all defects and imperfections notwithstanding.
◆ wart 指皮肤上的硬块、肿块;特别是脚上或手上的疖子等。
He’ my client, and he’ counting on me. I’ take him. Warts and all. s s ll他是我的客户,而且他全靠我了。甭管他是歪瓜还是烂枣,我都会接他的案子。
wash an activity, action, or enterprise that yields neither marked gain nor marked loss.
There is a sense that in the election, foreign policy will be no worse than a wash.
wash one’ hands of s to intentionally stop being involved in or connected with something or someone that one is previously involved in or responsible for.
对以前参与或负责的事或人主动不再参与或负责。绝似“对… 甩手不管”。
◆ 源于圣经:基督被抓以后,当地的行政长官 PontiusPilate 认为其无罪,但迫于压力将其交给了罗马人处理;在作出转交的决定后,他要水来洗手并说到:I wash my hands of theblood of this just man。
washed up no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed.
◆ 据称源于演出结束后演员洗去或擦去身上的化妆品等。
The tragedy of being a dancer is that you're all washed-up by the time you're thirtyfive.
舞蹈演员的悲剧在于等你到了 35 岁你就没得戏唱了。
wear the black hat play the bad guy.
◆ 早期的黑白默片中,为区分角色好坏,坏人总是戴黑色的帽子而好人戴白色的帽子。
wear the pants to have the controlling authority.
◆ 因女性一般皆穿裙子,所以穿裤子的“男人婆”们通常被认为爱颐指气使,不甘受男人的“欺压”。
Lisa may appear more pliant and easy-going than Brian but I'll tell you she wears the trousers in that relationship.
wetback Taboo Slang. a Mexican laborer who enters the U.S. illegally.
◆ 因为偷渡时他们常游过美墨边境的Rio Grande River,所以得此称呼。
wet blanket a person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves.
◆ 即到哪儿就如同给哪儿的人兜头盖了个湿毯子。
wet dream a man's sexually exciting dream which is followed by the release of sperm during or just after sleep.
T-38(a plane), a spiffy little supersonic trainer. Two seats, dual controls and she handles like a wet dream.
T-38 式(指飞机),特飒的小型超音速训练机。两座,双控而且操作起来跟梦遗一样爽。
when the chips are down at a critical or difficult time.
◆ 一说喻人生是一大赌局,所有的筹码都放定欲赌的时刻当然是关键时刻。
One day when the chips are down, you will know who your true friends are.
the whole ball of wax everything that goes or comes with the territory.
My office will be flooded with demands from the media. Newspapers, radio, television, the weekly magazines - the whole ball of wax.
媒体的采访要求会洪水般地涌进我的办公室。报纸、电台、电视、周刊 –全齐了。
with one’ back to the ropes/wall s in serious trouble or desperate situation.
◆ 源于拳击手被逼退到拳台边缘的护绳处,已无路可退。
Huffington is adept at fighting with her back to the ropes.
work one’ fingers to the bone s work extremely hard, esp. for a long time.
长时间地非常努力地工作、劳动等。也即 “玩了命地干活 ”;干活干得手指都露骨头了,当 然得算是玩命了。
She worked her fingers to the bone to provide a home and food for seven children.
她玩了命地干活为 7 个孩子挣吃挣住。
Y yenta a gossipy, annoying woman.