June 15, 2009
Obama’s Speech on Health CareReform
Following is a text of PresidentObama's prepared address on health care reform to the AmericanMedical Association, as released by the White House.
From the moment I took office asPresident, the central challenge we have confronted as a nation hasbeen the need to lift ourselves out of the worst recession sinceWorld War II. In recent months, we have taken a series ofextraordinary steps, not just to repair the immediate damage to oureconomy, but to build a new foundation for lasting and sustainedgrowth. We are creating new jobs. We are unfreezing our creditmarkets. And we are stemming the loss of homes and the decline ofhome values.
But even as we have made progress, weknow that the road to prosperity remains long and difficult. Wealso know that one essential step on our journey is to control thespiraling cost of health care in America.
Today, we are spending over $2 trilliona year on health care – almost 50 percent more per person than thenext most costly nation. And yet, for all this spending, more ofour citizens are uninsured; the quality of our care is often lower;and we aren't any healthier. In fact, citizens in some countriesthat spend less than we do are actually living longer than wedo.
Make no mistake: the cost of our healthcare is a threat to our economy. It is an escalating burden on ourfamilies and businesses. It is a ticking time-bomb for the federalbudget. And it is unsustainable for the United States ofAmerica.
It is unsustainable for Americans likeLaura Klitzka, a young mother I met in Wisconsin last week, who haslearned that the breast cancer she thought she'd beaten had spreadto her bones; who is now being forced to spend time worrying abouthow to cover the $50,000 in medical debts she has alreadyaccumulated, when all she wants to do is spend time with her twochildren and focus on getting well. These are not worries a womanlike Laura should have to face in a nation as wealthy as ours.
Stories like Laura's are being told bywomen and men all across this country – by families who have seenout-of-pocket costs soar, and premiums double over the last decadeat a rate three times faster than wages. This is forcing Americansof all ages to go without the checkups or prescriptions they need.It's creating a situation where a single illness can wipe out alifetime of savings.
Our costly health care system isunsustainable for doctors like Michael Kahn in New Hampshire, who,as he puts it, spends 20 percent of each day supervising a staffexplaining insurance problems to patients, completing authorizationforms, and writing appeal letters; a routine that he callsdisruptive and distracting, giving him less time to do what hebecame a doctor to do and actually care for his patients.
Small business owners like Chris andBecky Link in Nashville are also struggling. They've always wantedto do right by the workers at their family-run marketing firm, buthave recently had to do the unthinkable and lay off a number ofemployees – layoffs that could have been deferred, they say, ifhealth care costs weren't so high. Across the country, over onethird of small businesses have reduced benefits in recent years andone third have dropped their workers' coverage altogether since theearly 90's.
Our largest companies are suffering aswell. A big part of what led General Motors and Chrysler intotrouble in recent decades were the huge costs they racked upproviding health care for their workers; costs that made them lessprofitable, and less competitive with automakers around the world.If we do not fix our health care system, America may go the way ofGM; paying more, getting less, and going broke.
When it comes to the cost of our healthcare, then, the status quo is unsustainable. Reform is not aluxury, but a necessity. I know there has been much discussionabout what reform would cost, and rightly so. This is a test ofwhether we – Democrats and Republicans alike – are serious aboutholding the line on new spending and restoring fiscaldiscipline.
But let there be no doubt – the cost ofinaction is greater. If we fail to act, premiums will climb higher,benefits will erode further, and the rolls of uninsured will swellto include millions more Americans.
If we fail to act, one out of everyfive dollars we earn will be spent on health care within a decade.In thirty years, it will be about one out of every three – a trendthat will mean lost jobs, lower take-home pay, shutteredbusinesses, and a lower standard of living for all Americans.
And if we fail to act, federal spendingon Medicaid and Medicare will grow over the coming decades by anamount almost equal to the amount our government currently spendson our nation's defense. In fact, it will eventually grow largerthan what our government spends on anything else today. It's ascenario that will swamp our federal and state budgets, and imposea vicious choice of either unprecedented tax hikes, overwhelmingdeficits, or drastic cuts in our federal and state budgets.
To say it as plainly as I can, healthcare reform is the single most important thing we can do forAmerica's long-term fiscal health. That is a fact.
