Hi Everyone!
Hi 大家好!
I’m excited to introduce to you today the first deep dive into oneof the four seasons in The Sims 3 Seasons – SPRING! As we wereinitially designing the themes for The Sims 3 Seasons ExpansionPack, spring became the season of rain, bright colors and ofcourse, love!
Weather is one of the new additions to this expansion and a greatway to distinguish one season from another. Those familiar with TheSims 3 have most likely become accustomed to sunny weather, butspring time not only brings blue skies, but, occasional drizzle,fog, heavy showers and even lighting. Although rain can soak yourSims, there are quite a few benefits to having a few wet days. Simscan splash in puddles for a little fun, it can help put out firesin your town or it can water your plants. Also, no longer willinclement weather prevent your Sims from enjoying the outdoors. Forthe first time in The Sims franchise, we have umbrellas! Withwater-proof umbrellas in hand, Sims can walk, chat and even runoutside without getting wet. Not only can you change the color andpatterns on the umbrella, you can even upgrade them to glow!
In additional to weather, colors also play a large part inseeing the changing seasons. Through the thick of wintersnowstorms, spring is welcomed with a fresh burst of color. Thetrees will start to re-grow their leaves, and you’ll see our newcollectable wild flowers sprouting throughout the town. Sims canpick and gather these wildflowers to add an extra pop of color totheir homes. Although be warned, they may be susceptible toseasonal allergies. Don’t worry though, a quick trip to thehospital to get an allergy shot will clear your Sims’ symptomsquickly.除了天气,色彩也在季节变换中扮演了重要角色。经过严冬的风雪,春季迎来了各种颜色的绽放。树木会长出新叶子,你也能在城市中看到可以采集的野花。小人们可以搜集这些野花来为自己的家增添色彩。虽然已经警告过很多人,但是人们仍然会被季节性过敏感染。但是不要担心,去医院打一针可以很快治疗小人们的过敏。
To celebrate each season, a festival will arrive toyour town! Each festival is unique to the season will transformcompletely with new objects and decorations throughout the year.Not only will festivals appear in Sunset Valley, but they’ll appearin other worlds too. You can be living it up in The Sims 3 LateNight ’s Bridgeport, or be enjoying the dry heat of The Sims 3Store’s Lucky Palms while participating in seasonalfestivities.
But back to spring. With spring being the season of color, it wasfitting to have an egg hunt held at the spring festival. Every day,new eggs are scattered throughout the grounds. Finding thesecolorful eggs can net your Sims some valuable festival tickets thatcan then be redeemed for prizes. You might even find some othersurprises during your hunt as well!
In The Sims 3 Seasons we created a lot of new waysto meet other Sims. Sims can hold parties, send love letters bymail or even find a date online. Once you’ve found a potentialmatch, the spring festival has plenty of activities for newlovebirds to enjoy. They can skate on the roller rink,
test their knowledge of one another on the lover tester machine,dance and compete for the title of Spring King and Queen orchallenge each other to a round of horseshoes.
Or if your Sim is alone (or willing to sneak a peck), they canask for a kiss at the kissing booth. Your Sim can also work akissing booth too! If you see an open, unmanned booth, you can sendyour Sims to offer kisses of their own. With a little charm andappeal, your Sims may make a few Simoleons stealing a fewsmooches.
hope you enjoyed this peek into The Sims 3Seasons . Stay tuned for more information about the other seasons,additional weather effects and other exciting features.
-Charles Murakami, Associate Producer, The Sims 3 Seasons
模3四季的助理制作Charles Murakami