*A bad apple害群之马
The corruption(贪污)in thegovernment started with a bad apple, a high official two years ago.Now the whole system is corrupt(腐败的).
*Be a piece of cake小菜一碟
A: How was the driving testyesterday? Did you pass? 昨天的驾照考试怎么样?过了么?
B: Of course! It was a piece ofcake.当然了,小菜一碟!
*Be all ears洗耳恭听
Now tell us all about youradventures in Africa last summer. I’m all ears.
*Be the apple of someone’s eye掌上明珠
Sarah’s only son was the appleof her eye.
*Be as American as apple pie=to be typicallyAmerican地道美国
An American couple opened arestaurant in Japan, and their food tastes as American as applepie.一对美国夫妇在日本开了一家餐厅,(尽管是在日本,但是)他们的食物就像在美国本土一样地道。
*Be as blind as a bat看不清楚的 视力不佳
A: Can you read the firstparagraph on page 115 for me? 能给我读一下115页第一段么?
B: Sorry, I forgot to bring myglasses. I’m as blind as a bat without them.
The new stricter school policymay backfire and do more harm to the students than good.
*Bark up the wrong tree找错了门;错怪了人
Don’t blame me. I have nothingto do with it. You are barking up the wrong tree.
*Beat around the bush拐弯抹角
Don’t beat around the bush! Tellme what exactly you want.
*Beat it避开(Michael Jackson的歌曲《beat it》为反暴利歌曲应翻译为“避开”而众多错误翻译为“击败他”)
I guess we should beat it beforeshe comes back.
*Bend over backward/backwards=try one’s best to dosomething尽全力/拼命做某事
The manager bent over backwardsto help new employees.
*Bite off more than one can chew(咀嚼) 好高骛远人心不足蛇吞象
Do your best. Do whatever youcan, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.
*Bookworm书虫 喜爱读书的人
I found the joys of reading whenI read that book. I became a bookworm after that.
*The bottom line 本质内容 重点
I’ve heard enough of yourexcuses. What’s the bottom line?
*Bring the house down 博得满堂彩 演出成功
Sarah is a musical genius. Herperformances always bring the house down.
*Be broke 身无分文 破产
“Do you want to go to the moviestonight?””I can’t go. I’m broke. Tomorrow is payday(发薪日).”“今晚你想去看电影么?”“我去不了,我没钱了,明天才发工资。”
*Bug someone(bug 虫子,昆虫)=bothersomeone令人烦恼,就像身边有好多虫子飞一样
That’s enough! Stop bugging me.Don’t ask me anymore.
*Butterflies in someone’s stomach心理紧张 七上八下
He always gets butterflies inhis stomach before taking a test.
*Can’t make head nor tails (out) ofsomething/someone 摸不着头脑 理不清头绪
Could you show me how to usethis machine? I can’t make head nor tail out of the instructions inthe manual.
*Cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴,白费好意
Tom wouldn’t listen to Sarah’swise advice. She was just casting pearls before swine.
*Catch someone’s eye=draw one’sattention吸引某人的注意
Suddenly something flying in thesky caught his eye. It was a big bird he had never seen before.
*Be chicken 胆小鬼
“Why won’t you dive in(头朝下跳入水中)?Are you chicken? (Don’t be chicken!)”
*Cold feet紧张 胆怯 害怕
It’s normal for young people toget cold feet before their wedding.
*Cold turkey突然,无准备/突然完全停止使用毒品
Tom was a heavy drinker for morethan 15 years; then he quit drinking cold turkey. He’s never drunkagain since then.
*Cook someone’s goose=ruin one’s plan使某人计划泡汤使彻底失败(用于自身:自找麻烦)
When the president made a wrongdecision about the country’s economic policy, his political goosewas cooked.
*Be (as) cool as a cucumber(黄瓜) 泰然自若(遇事从容不迫很冷静)
She was cool as a cucumber evenright after she was fired.她被解雇时依旧很冷静。
*Cool someone’s heels久等,久候(带些不满情绪)
The show was so popular that Ihad to cool my heels in a long line at the box office.
*Couch potato 电视控(指边看电视边吃零食的人)
Don’t be a couch potato! You’rejust wasting your time.
*Be cut from the same cloth如出一辙,一刀切
When you teach children,remember that they are not cut from the same cloth. Each child hashis/her own personality.
*Dear John letter分手信(John原指美国大兵 此短语起源于二战时期)
His girlfriend wrote him a DearJohn letter and moved to Japan.
*Don’t let the grass grow under yourfeet.不要什么都不做,浪费时间。/马上行动。
Now that you know what to do,act right away. Don’t let the grass grow under your feet.
*Be down in the dumps(dump垃圾场dumps抑郁) 闷闷不乐,垂头丧气
Mary has been down in the dumpssince her mother’s death.
*Drive someone up the wall把某人搞得心烦意乱
(Drive someone to thewall把某人逼得走投无路)
The heat in this apartmentdrives me up the wall!
*Eat out 出去吃,下馆子
I don’t want to cook tonight.Why don’t we eat out?
*Easy as a pie轻而易举,极其容易
The midterm should be easy aspie if you prepare well.
*Eat one’s words食言/取消诺言/认错道歉
Tom said Nancy would neversucceed in her business, but after seeing her business grow, he hadto eat his words.
*Fall in love with someone/something陷入爱河
Tom fell in love with Jenniferwhen they first met.
*Feel like a fish out of water如鱼离水,生疏,不适应,不合群
I don’t like going to the bigparties they have. I always feel like a fish out of waterthere.
*Be fishy奇怪,怀疑,有鬼
I was offered an unbelievablygood business opportunity, but there was something fishy aboutit.我收到一份意想不到的工作机会,但是这其中还有些事情有待商榷。
*Food for thought精神食粮,参考资料
Today’s reading assignment willgive you enough food for thought to prepare for next week’s classdiscussion.
*A frog in someone’s throat(暂时的)失声或嗓音嘶哑
In a speech contest last year,she suddenly got a frog in her throat and had a hard timespeaking.去年,在一场演讲比赛时,她突然嗓音嘶哑,说话艰难。
*Get over something克服,从…中恢复过来,熬过去
She was just getting over theflu when she had a stomachache.
*Get up (Wake up) on the wrong side of thebed(无缘由的)一起床就整天心情不好
Don’t talk to the boss today. Itlooks like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
*Give someone a hand帮忙
Let me give you a hand with yourbaggage.我帮你弄行李吧。
*Be glued to something全神贯注于某事
We were glued to the televisionwatching the news about the accident.
*Go nuts 情绪失控
My dad would go nuts if he sawthis mess.
*Grab a bite 简单吃点东西
We have five minutes before theshow. Let’s grab a bite.
*Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同
A: I’m going to the concerttonight.我晚上去看演唱会。
B: Oh, really? Me too. I heardthe performances are excellent.
A: Great minds thinkalike.英雄所见略同
*A hand-me-down别人用过的旧东西
When I was a child, I always hadto wear my sister’s hand-me-downs.
*Hat trick帽子戏法(一般指运动赛事中连进三球或者三连胜)
Jordan has already won 2 gamesin this series. We are wondering if he can make it a hat tricktoday. 这一轮Jordan已经赢了2场了,我们都很好奇他今天能否三连胜。
*Here you go/are给你
“Here you go—two cheese burgers,a double burger, and three pops(含气饮料).”
*(Somebody’s) heart sinks消沉,失去信心
My heart sank when I heard Istill had to take 5 more exams.
*Hit the books 努力读书
I’m going to hit the books thisweekend to prepare for the final exam.
*Hit the ceiling/roof 暴跳如雷
Dad will hit the ceiling when Itell him I broke his camera.
*Hit the nail on the head正中要害 恰到好处
She hit the nail on the headwhen she proposed her plan at the last meeting. It’s exactly thething we need to do now!
*Hold one’s horses沉住气 别冲动
Hold your horses. We are notready to go yet.
*Hit thesack/hay(sack粗布袋hay干草)(一天工作和学习后)去睡觉(不能指午睡)
I hit the hay before 11:00 p.m.every day.
*Holy cow 天啊!
Holy cow! How did she get thefull score on such a difficult exam!
*Be in a pickle 身处困境
Now Janet is in a pickle. Shehad made two very important appointments at the same time.
*Be in the same boat 同舟共济,命运相同
Nobody has any money to go outtonight. We’re in the same boat.
*It’s easier said than done.你说得轻巧!
I should just say “No” to him,but it’s easier said than done.
*Be in hot water 处境水深火热
He has been in hot water withhis boss. He might be fired.
*It’s about time.时间差不多了。
A: Do you think Jane has gottenhome now? 你觉得Jane现在到家了么?
B: It’s about time.时间差不多了。
*Keep an eye on someone/something照料 监视 密切注意
He can be very dangerous. Alwayskeep an eye on him.
*Keep one’s bed 卧床休息
A: Is Nancy sick? Nancy是病了么?
B: Yes, very. She keeps her bedall day. 恩,病得很严重,她每天都卧床休息。
*Kick the bucket 某人过往了
That old guy finally kicked thebucket last week. 那位老人上周过往了。
*Kill time 消磨时光

We killed time talking andplaying games until the bus arrived.
*Know by heart 背下来,记住
Sam is really a walkingdictionary. He looks as if he knows the whole dictionary byheart.
*The last/final straw(稻草) (压死骆驼的)最后一根稻草
The low salary and thedemanding(要求多的) boss were bad enough, but the rude co-worker wasthe last straw. (Then I decided to quit the job.)
*Let someone know 告诉某人
When you move, let me know yournew address. 你如果搬家,一定要告诉我你的新地址。
*Be like taking candy from a baby易如反掌
A: It was a veryimpressive(给人印象深刻的) video presentation(演示文稿,陈述). I imagine it wasvery difficult to make such a complex work.
B: No, it was very easy withthis software—like taking candy from a baby. It took me only anhour to make it.
*Be like the cat that got the cream 形容自己很高兴
She got 100% on her final examyesterday. She looked like the cat that got the cream.
*Low-key 低调
Sam and Jane want to keep theirwedding as low-key as possible. They will invite only a handful of(一小撮)people to their wedding.
*Make ends meet 收支相抵,量入为出
When she was a poor student, shehad to work 5 hours a day late at night to make ends meet.
*Feel/look like a million dollars 身心舒畅,容光焕发
Look! She looks like a milliondollars in that gorgeous dress today.
*Hold water (容器)滴水不漏 (论点)站得住脚 经得起考验
Their arguments against thegovernment’s foreign policy simply don’t hold water.
*Be on the tip of someone’s tongue 想不起来,话到嘴边
The teacher asked them aquestion. The answer was on the tip of his tongue, but anotherstudent raised her hand and said it first.
*Once in a blue moon 千载难逢的机会/稀少,罕见
He has a very nice car, but hedrives once in a blue moon.
*Out of the blue 出乎意料,突然
Late last summer, out of theblue, Sue announced she was getting married and leaving her homecountry soon. We were all shocked to hear that.
*Out of the frying pan and into thefire刚出虎穴,又入狼窝/每况愈下
If the government accepts hisnew proposal(提议), the nation will be jumping out of the frying paninto the fire. (=It will make the situation worse.)
*Be over the hill青春已逝,走下坡路
At the age of 85, she says she’snever felt she’s over the hill. She always finds something good shecan do for other people.
*Pop the question 求婚
“You’ve decided to pop thequestion? That’s wonderful! I think you should buy her roses andtake her out for a nice dinner,” replies Eric.
*Play it by ear 随机应变,看着办
We can’t plan for today’sinterview. Let’s just go and play it by ear.
*Pop quiz 随堂突击性考试
Mrs. Jones, an ELC teacher, isfamous for giving her students a lot of pop quizzes.
(ELC是一所面向在上海的外国人的学习机构,全称是Shanghai Expat LearningCenter,99%的学生都是来自国外的友人,学校的老师除了中文老师以外,授课的也都是在沪的外籍老师,并在自己从事的领域有一番作为的“专家”,目前正在和交大谈合作项目)
*Pull someone’s leg 开某人玩笑(决不是拖后腿的意思)
Don’t worry. I won’t tell it toanyone. I was just pulling your leg. (It was a joke.)
*Put all your eggs into one basket 孤注一掷
I’ll invest(投资) my money inseveral companies, not this one only. I don’t want to put all myeggs into one basket.
*Put yourself in someone’s shoes 将心比心,设身处地为他人着想
You need to take some time toput yourself in their shoes and understand them.
*Race against the clock/time 争分夺秒
They started a race against theclock to finish the interior(内政) of the new store that wasscheduled to open in a month.
*Rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨,瓢泼大雨
It will rain cats and dogstomorrow, but he will go to work as usual.
*Read between the lines 领悟言外之意
Linda tried to be cheerful andsaid she was okay, but reading between the lines, I could see shewas really upset.
*Rings a bell 听着耳熟,使某人回忆起
The name “Nora” sounds familiar.It rings a bell.
*See the light看到希望,领悟
If we could get the committee tosee the light, we would be able to pass the bill.
*Shake a leg 赶快行动
We’d better shake a leg, or wewill miss the bus!
*Be shaking like a leaf (因害怕恐惧等原因)瑟瑟发抖
The child was shaking like aleaf while he was meeting with the principal.
*So far so good 目前为止还不错
I got up early, dressed warmly,and arrived at the stadium 15 minutes before the game.
So far so good—then I realized Ileft the tickets at home.
*Be sold out 售罄
The tickets for the ceremonywere sold out in 60 minutes.
*Speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到
(They were talking about someoneand he just came in the room.)
Speak of the devil! We were justtalking about you! How did you know that?
*Stay up 熬夜
We stayed up all night tellingour stories. 我们讲述着自己的故事,彻夜未眠。
*Stuffed shirt 自命不凡的讨厌鬼,妄自尊大的人,道貌岸然的人
My boss is a true stuffed shirt.She’s very formal and rigid all the time and not an interestingperson to talk with.
*Surf the Internet/Net/Web 上网
Don’t waste time surfing the Weball day. 不要成天上网耽误时间。
*Take a leaf out of someone’s book 模仿某人,学某人的样子
I will take a leaf out of hisbook. It’s clear to see how he learned to become a fluent Englishspeaker.
*Take it easy 放轻松
Don’t worry too much about theexam. Take it easy—everything will be okay.
*Take to something like a duck to water轻而易举,毫无畏惧
Sam is really a naturalprogrammer. He took to programming like a duck to water even beforehe graduated from elementary school.
*Tearjerker 催泪的电影、故事、小说、歌曲
That movie was really atearjerker. 那部电影就是颗催泪弹。
*That makes two of us.彼此彼此/我也这么想
A: I wish I didn’t have to takeso many final exams this week.
B: Yeah, that makes two ofus.是啊,我也这么想。
*That’s that.就这样吧。
I won’t do that. I’m justleaving now, and that’s that.
*Throw in the towel 认输,放弃
There are still a few things youcan do before throwing in the towel. Don’t give up hope.
*The tip of the iceberg 冰山一角
The reporter said today’s deathtoll might be just the tip of the iceberg.
*Time will tell. 只有时间能证明。
Only will time tell whether weelected the right person.
*Be tongue-tied 舌头打结
He met a very beautiful woman atthe party and was tongue-tied.
*Top dog 领头羊
Karen has never lost herambition to be the top dog since her first year in the company.
*Turn over a new leaf 洗心革面,改过自新
She decided to turn over a newleaf after her mother’s death.
*Turn your back on (someone) 不愿帮助某人
How can you turn your back on mewhen I need you so much? I’m going to fail this test if you don’thelp me.
*Twenty-four seven 不中断(每天24小时,一周7天都不关门)
Their supermarket is opentwenty-four seven.这家超市昼夜营业。
*Be under pressure 处于压力之下
Some people perform well underpressure and some others don’t.
*Be up and running 电脑运作正常无障碍
Our computer crashed, but theengineer got it up and running soon again.
*Be up in the air 悬而未决的
They are eager to see the king,but his visit to their village is very much up in the air.
*Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve以诚相待,开诚布公
Be careful when you talk to her.Never wear your heart on your sleeve.
*When it rains, it pours. 祸不单行
I can’t believe what happened tome last week! My dog ate my homework, and my computer crashed. Evenworse, I got sick that night! When it rains, it pours!
*When pigs fly 无稽之谈,决不可能发生,没门
A: Do you think she’ll ever comeback and work with us again?
B: When pigs fly she will. (Shewill never come back again.)
*You can say that again. 你说得没错!
A: Don’t talk to Mr. Hughes.He’s been really grouchy(爱抱怨的,不高兴的) these days.
B: You can say that again. Heargues with anyone who talks to him.