

L6915E: Libraryreports error: The semihosting __user_initial_stackheap cannotreliably set up a usable heap region if scatter loading is inuse

L6915E:Libraryreports error:

The message istypically one of the following:


Error:L6915E: Library reports error: The semihosting__user_initial_stackheap cannot reliably set up a usable heapregion if scatter loading is in use

It is mostlikely that you have notre-implemented__user_setup_stackheap()oryou have notdefinedARM_LIB_STACKorARM_LIB_HEAPregionsin the respective scatter file.


__user_setup_stackheap()supersedesthe deprecatedfunction__user_initial_stackheap().

See thefollowing inDeveloping SoftwareforARM®Processors:

See thefollowing inC and C++ Libraries andFloating-Point Support Reference:

See thefollowing inUsing theLinker:

  • Error: L6915E: Library reports error: __use_no_semihosting wasrequested but was referenced.
  • Whererepresents__user_initial_stackheap,_sys_exit,_sys_open,_sys_tmpnam,_ttywrch,system,remove,rename,_sys_command_string,time,orclock

    This errorcan appear when retargeting semihosting-using functions, in orderto avoidanySVC/BKPTinstructions beinglinked-in from the C libraries.

    Ensure thatno semihosting-using functions are linked in from the C library byusing:


    See thefollowing inUsing C and C++ Libraries andFloating-Point Support:

    If there arestill semihosting-using functions being linked in, the linkerreports this error.

    To resolvethis, you must provide your own implementations of these C libraryfunctions.

    Theemb_sw_devdirectorycontains examples of how to re-implement some of the more commonsemihosting-using functions. See thefileretarget.c.

    SeeUsing Cand C++ Libraries and Floating-PointSupportfor more information on usingsemihosting-using C library functions.


    The linkerdoes not report any semihosting-using functions such as, forexample,__semihost(), in your own applicationcode.

    To identifywhich semihosting-using functions are still being linked-in fromthe C libraries:


    … Loadingmember sys_exit.o from c_4.l. reference : __I_use_semihostingdefinition: _sys_exit …

    This showsthat the semihosting-usingfunction_sys_exitis linked-infrom the C library. To prevent this, you must provide your ownimplementation of this function.

    Ifrepresentsmalloc,free,__heapstats,or__heapvalid, the useof__use_no_heapconflicts withthese functions.

    Ifrepresentsmalloc,free,__heapstats,__heapvalid,or__argv_alloc, the useof__use_no_heap_regionconflicts with thesefunctions.


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