发布时间:2018年04月10日 19:48:53分享人:像个废品来源:互联网2
Crises in PR, just like crisesin real life, are natural and unavoidable things. Remember though,when confronted with a PR crisis, the most important indicator ofsuccessful teams is their response to the crisis.公关中的危机,就像现实生活中的危机一样,是自然产生的而且不能避免的。但是大家要记住,面对公关危机时,指导团队顺利度过危机的最重要的因素就是他们的责任心。1 Don’t be areactionary.A reactionary simply responds toproblems as they arise. Great teams take preventive measures tostop problems before they arise.第一、不要成为保守派。保守派是在问题发生时简单地应付了事。而一个好的团队应该在问题发生之前就采取预防措施去阻止它们发生。2 Develop strong internalcommunication.Your team must be comfortable with talking and communicatingwith each other. This involves sharing information within your teamwell before crises are developed.第二、建立强大的内部沟通体系。你的团队必须很好地适应相互的交流和沟通,这包括在危机进一步发展之前大家就已经在团队里分享相关信息了。3 Tell the truth.Sometimes we see white lies (small lies not intended to hurtanyone) as a good way to benefit immediately. However, even thesmallest of lies can become a huge problem when crises arise.Always tell the truth, before, during and after crisessituations.第三、说出事实真相。有时候你会发现:善意的谎言(小谎言,不打算伤害某人)是可以让大家受益的好方法。但是,在公关危机发生的时候,再小的谎话都可能导致一个巨大的问题出现。所以,在危机发生之前、当中和之后,都要始终诚实地告诉大家真相。4 The best defense is an active offense.When a PR crisis erupts, don’t simply make statements thatrespond to what is being said and written about you. Take theopportunity to actually say new things about your team, yourcompany, your products and services and your goals.第四、积极进攻是最好的防御。当公关危机爆发时,不要简单地用一个声明来回应那些关于你们的报道和文章。你要找机会去说一些新的东西,可以使关于你们团队、你们公司、你们的产品和服务以及你们的目标。5 Play the What If game.In normal times, encourage your employees to play a WhatIf game, one in which they begin to envision how they wouldrespond to different crises if they were to erupt suddenly.第五、玩 “如果…,那么…”的游戏。在正常生活中,你都会带领员工玩“如果…,那么…”的游戏,在游戏里他们就可以想象一下:当不同的危机突然爆发的时候,他们如何去应对。6 Identify a spokespersonIn crises situations we are tempted to all interject our ownopinions, but in truth, we are more likely to receive betterresults by electing and preparing a single spokesperson to handleinquiries.第六、委派一个发言人。在危机时刻,我们会试图亲自去发表自己的观点。但事实上,如果我们能够委派一个发言人来专门回答和解释这些大家的疑问可以达到更好的效果。7 Stay ahead of the game.When things are going smoothly, make sure that you are alwaysbuilding solid ties with media in your industry.第七、保持领先地位。如果事情进展顺利,你一定要始终和行业内的相关媒体建立好密切的合作关系。本文选自《西雅图工作英语》教材原文,如需转载,请务必标明出处。

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