时间:2010-03-16 09:58来源: 录入:luhui 点击:89次
包含学科 社会科学综合,自然科学综合
文献类型 电子期刊,OA资源
内容属性 全文,摘要,索引,全文连接 资源状态 免费
资源语种 英文 收录时间
供应商 Lund University Libraries 供应商电话
责任馆员 联系方式
使用帮助 相关软件下载 数据库使用指南
2003年5月,瑞典LUND大学图书馆创建了开放获取期刊列表DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journals)。目前收录的开放获取期刊已达3029种,有16万多篇论文可供在线获取,涵盖了农业、社会科学、工程技术等17个主题。
Aim & Scope:
The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact.
The Directory aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content.
In short a one stop shop for users to Open Access Journals.
Open Access Journal:
We define open access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition [1] of "open access" we take the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.
[1] http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/boaifaq.htm#openaccess
Quality Control:
The journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included.
Research Journal:
Journals that report primary results of research or overviews of research results to a scholarly community.
A serial appearing or intended to appear indefinitely at regular intervals, generally more frequently than annually, each issue of which is numbered or dated consecutively and normally contains separate articles, stories, or other writings.
Selection Criteria
Subject: all scientific and scholarly subjects are covered
Types of resource: scientific and scholarly periodicals that publish research or review papers in full text.
Acceptable sources: academic, government, commercial, non-profit private sources are all acceptable.
Level: the target group for included journals should be primarily researchers.
Content: a substantive part of the journal should consist of research papers. All content should be available in full text.
All languages
All content freely available.
Registration: Free user registration online is acceptable.
Open Access without delay (e.g. no embargo period).
Quality control: for a journal to be included it should exercise quality control on submitted papers through an editor, editorial board and/or a peer-review system.

The journal should have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number, for information see http://www.issn.org).
Metadata information
Resources will be catalogued on journal title level.
To make article level content searchable in the system, journal owners are encouraged to supply us with article metadata when a journal has been added into the directory.
If you are a journal owner and have not received this information, please contact us.
Project Background
The proliferation of freely accessible online journals, the development of subject specific pre- and e-print archives and collections of learning objects provides a very valuable supplement of scientific knowledge to the existing types of published scientific information (books, journals, databases etc.). However these valuable collections are difficult to overview and integrate in the library and information services provided by libraries for their user constituency.
At the First Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication in Lund/Copenhagen (http://www.lub.lu.se/ncsc2002) the idea of creating a comprehensive directory of Open Access Journals was discussed. The conclusion was that it would be a valuable service for the global research and education community. Open Society Institute (OSI) supported the initial project work.
Available technologies make it possible to collect and organize these resources in a way that allow libraries worldwide to integrate these resources in existing services thus offering added value both for the service providers of these resources and for the global research and education community.