walking in the air walk in the air歌曲

《心随律动》---PartyInTheUSA party in the usa
Party In The USA-----MileyCyrus

壁橱怪谈INTHECLOSET_J&E in the closet mv
◆原 名:In the Closet◆译 名:壁橱怪谈◆导 演:Jody Wheeler◆编 剧:Jody Wheeler◆演 员:J.T.Tepnapa .

经典英文歌曲 旋律超好听的英文歌
·[英文歌曲]-One thing·[英文歌曲]-Falling 堕落·[英文歌曲]-Diary(图)·[英文歌曲]-Heal the World·[英文歌曲]-Forever《永远》·[英文歌曲]-Miracle (爱的奇迹)·[英文歌曲]-Dangerously in love·[英文歌曲]-I am alive

英语诗歌:乡村墓园挽歌Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard written in the water
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Thomas Gray 托马斯·格雷The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,晚钟为告别的白昼敲起了丧钟,The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea,咩咩羊群在草地上慢慢盘桓,

Born in the Wild born in the wild种子
Born in the Wild - along come the Americans with something totally voyeuristic and life-threateningJun 05, 2014 15:4