6.Are you ok?“it really hurts!”“hit me or bite me, let me share thepain with you!”,“It really hurts, I do not want you to be hurt. Ican handle it by myself.
7.Wish you have the greatest success and prosperous yearsahead.
8.Ilike hiking in the mountains duringholidays.
9. please send your commentsby Friday at the latest.
10. I would be greatfulif you could send me moreinformation.
I would appreciate if you could send me moreinformation
11. I look forward to receiving theinformation as soon as possible.
12.It would be morebetter for me if we meet on Tuesday.
13. I am afraid that Ihas not reveived your payment yet.
14. when/whattimewould it be convenient foryou?
15. I look forward to hearing yousoon.
16. With reference youremail/your enquiry, I have attached all the informationyou need.