Word 宏命令大全 wow宏命令大全

1、 为宏命令指定快捷键。



如何为功能项设置快捷键或修改功能项已有的快捷键,需要对 WORD进行自定义设置。

在WORD主界面中,点击“工具”菜单下的“自定义”菜单项, 在“自定义”对话框中,点击“键盘”,如下图所示:

2、 举例说明


Sub 英文引号转中文双引号()




With Selection.Find

.Text = """"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdStop

.MatchByte = True

End With

With Selection

While .Find.Execute

.Text = ChrW(8220)


.Text = ChrW(8221)


End With

End Sub



3、 指定快捷键,尽量不要使用WORD已经使用的快捷键,如果一定使用,那么该快捷键将不再指定给原有的功能命令。指定的快捷键要方便记忆,要有一定的规律。




Sub Macro1()


' Macro1 Macro

' 设置光标前一个字符为下标,快捷键为"Alt+="


Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

Selection.Font.Subscript = True

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.Font.Subscript = False

End Sub

Sub Macro9()


' Macro9 Macro

' 设置光标前一个字符为上标,快捷键为"Alt++"


Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

Selection.Font.Superscript = True

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.Font.Superscript = False

End Sub

Sub Macro2()


' Macro2 Macro

' 设置光标前一个字符为斜体,快捷键为"Alt+I"


Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

Selection.Font.Italic = True

Selection.Font.NameOther = "Times New Roman"

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.Font.Italic = False

End Sub

Sub Macro5()


' Macro5 Macro

' 调整中西文字符间距,快捷键为"Alt+J"


If Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = False Then

Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = True


Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha = False

End If

End Sub

Sub Macro4()


' Macro4 Macro

' 设置光标前一个文字加着重号,快捷键为"Alt+."


Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

Selection.Font.EmphasisMark = wdEmphasisMarkUnderSolidCircle

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.Font.EmphasisMark = wdEmphasisMarkNone

End Sub

Sub Macro10()


' Macro10 Macro

' 调整中文和数字符间距,快捷键为"Alt+N"


If Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = False Then

Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = True


Selection.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit = False

End If

End Sub


Sub 分式()


' 分式 Macro

' 设置选定分数,快捷键为"Alt+F"


Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=3, Extend:=wdExtend

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then

'Selection.Font.Italic = True


Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _


Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


Selection.TypeText Text:="eq f()"

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


'Selection.TypeText Text:=")"


Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


MsgBox "您没有选择文字。"

End If


End Sub

Sub 弧()


' 弧 Macro

' 设置选定的两个字母上加弧

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2, Extend:=wdExtend

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then

Selection.Font.Italic = True


Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, _


Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.TypeText Text:="eq o(sup5(⌒"

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend

Selection.Font.Scaling = 150

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Selection.Font.Scaling = 100

Selection.TypeText Text:="),sdo0("


Selection.TypeText Text:="))"


Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


MsgBox "您没有选择文字。"

End If


End Sub

Sub Password()


' 文件自动添加密码。


If ActiveDocument.WriteReserved = False Then

If MsgBox("是否为本文档添加密码?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then With ActiveDocument

.Password = "123456"

.WritePassword = "123456"

End With


End If


End If

End Sub

Sub Example()


'* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

'* Created By SHOUROU@OfficeFans 2008-2-24 18:05:42

'仅测试于System: Windows NT Word: 11.0 Language: 2052

'№ 0334^The Code CopyIn [ThisDocument-ThisDocument]^'

'* ----------------------------- Dim myDictionary As Object, MyString As String

Dim iCount As Long, i As Long, n As Long

Dim ochar As String, TempA As Variant, st As Single

Dim Array_Keys() As Variant, Array_Items() As Variant

st = VBA.Timer

Set myDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

MyString = ActiveDocument.Content.Text

n = Len(MyString) - 1

For i = 1 To n

ochar = VBA.Mid(MyString, i, 1)

If myDictionary.Exists(ochar) = False Then

myDictionary.Add ochar, 1


myDictionary(ochar) = myDictionary(ochar) + 1

End If


MyString = ""

iCount = myDictionary.Count - 1

Array_Keys = myDictionary.keys

Array_Items = myDictionary.Items

Set myDictionary = Nothing

For i = 0 To iCount - 1

For n = i + 1 To iCount

If Array_Items(i) < Array_Items(n) Then

TempA = Array_Items(n)

Array_Items(n) = Array_Items(i)

Array_Items(i) = TempA

TempA = Array_Keys(n)

Array_Keys(n) = Array_Keys(i)

Array_Keys(i) = TempA

End If

Next n

Next i

For i = 0 To iCount

MyString = MyString & Array_Keys(i) & " " & Array_Items(i) & Chr(13)


ActiveDocument.Content.Text = MyString

MsgBox "共有" & iCount & "个不重复的字符,用时" & VBA.Format(Timer - st, "0.00") & "秒"

End Sub

Sub yy()


'数据限定要求:-922,337,203,685,477.5808 到 922,337,203,685,477.5807


Dim myRange As Range, i As Byte, myValue As Currency

On Error Resume Next

Application.ScreenUpdating = False '关闭屏幕更新

NextFind: Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content '定义为主文档文字部分

With myRange.Find '查找

.ClearFormatting '清除格式

.Text = "[0-9]{4,15}" '4到15位数据

.MatchWildcards = True '使用通配符

Do While .Execute '每次查找成功

i = 2 '起始值为2


If myRange.Next(wdCharacter, 1) = "." Then


While myRange.Next(wdCharacter, i) Like "#"

i = i + 1 '只要是[0-9]任意数字则累加



myRange.SetRange myRange.Start, myRange.End + i - 1
Word 宏命令大全 wow宏命令大全

End If

myValue = VBA.Val(myRange) '保险起见转换为数据,也可省略

myRange = VBA.Format(myValue, "Standard") '转为千分位格式

GoTo NextFind '转到指定行


End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True '恢复屏幕更新

End Sub

Sub setpicsize_1() '设置图片大小为当前的百分比

Dim n '图片个数

Dim picwidth

Dim picheight

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then

On Error Resume Next '忽略错误

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count 'InlineShapes类型图片

picheight = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Height

picwidth = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Width

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Height = picheight * 0.5 '设置高度

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Width = picwidth * 0.5 '设置宽度

Next n

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count 'Shapes类型图片

picheight = ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Height

picwidth = ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Width

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Height = picheight * 0.5 '设置高度倍数

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Width = picwidth * 0.5 '设置宽度倍数

Next n

Else End If

End Sub

Sub setpicsize_2() '设置图片大小为固定值

Dim n '图片个数

On Error Resume Next '忽略错误

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count 'InlineShapes类型图片

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Height = 400 '设置图片高度为 400px

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Width = 300 '设置图片宽度 300px

Next n

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count 'Shapes类型图片

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Height = 400 '设置图片高度为 400px

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Width = 300 '设置图片宽度 300px

Next n

End Sub

Sub 图片版式转换()

'* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

'* Created By SHOUROU@ExcelHome 2007-12-11 5:28:26

'仅测试于System: Windows NT Word: 11.0 Language: 2052

'№ 0281^The Code CopyIn [ThisDocument-ThisDocument]^'

'* -----------------------------

'Option Explicit Dim oShape As Variant, shapeType As WdWrapType

On Error Resume Next

If MsgBox("Y将图片由嵌入式转为浮动式,N将图片由浮动式转为嵌入式", 68) = 6 Then

shapeType = Val(InputBox(Prompt:="请输入图片版式:0=四周型,1=紧密型, " & vbLf & _

"3=衬于文字下方,4=浮于文字上方", Default:=0))

For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

Set oShape = oShape.ConvertToShape

With oShape

Select Case shapeType

Case 0, 1

.WrapFormat.Type = shapeType

Case 3

.WrapFormat.Type = 3

.ZOrder 5

Case 4

.WrapFormat.Type = 3

.ZOrder 4

Case Else

Exit Sub

End Select

.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = False '不允许重叠

End With



For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.Shapes



End If

End Sub

Sub GetChineseNum2()


Dim Numeric As Currency, IntPart As Long, DecimalPart As Byte, MyField As Field, Label As String

Dim Jiao As Byte, Fen As Byte, Oddment As String, Odd As String, MyChinese As String

Dim strNumber As String

Const ZWDX As String = "壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖零" '定义一个中文大写汉字常量

On Error Resume Next '错误忽略

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then

With Selection

strNumber = VBA.Replace(.Text, " ", "")

Numeric = VBA.Round(VBA.CCur(strNumber), 2) '四舍五入保留小数点后两位


If .Information(wdWithInTable) Then _

.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell Else .MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter


If VBA.Abs(Numeric) > 2147483647 Then MsgBox "数值超过范围!", _

vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Warning": Exit Sub

IntPart = Int(VBA.Abs(Numeric)) '定义一个正整数

Odd = VBA.IIf(IntPart = 0, "", "圆") '定义一个STRING变量


Label = VBA.IIf(Numeric = VBA.Abs(Numeric), "人民币金额大写: ", "人民币金额大写: 负")


DecimalPart = (VBA.Abs(Numeric) - IntPart) * 100

Select Case DecimalPart

Case Is = 0 '如果是0,即是选定的数据为整数

Oddment = VBA.IIf(Odd = "", "", Odd & "整")

Case Is < 10 '<10,即是零头是分

Oddment = VBA.IIf(Odd <> "", "圆零" & VBA.Mid(ZWDX, DecimalPart, 1) & "分", _

VBA.Mid(ZWDX, DecimalPart, 1) & "分")

Case 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 '如果是角整

Oddment = "圆" & VBA.Mid(ZWDX, DecimalPart / 10, 1) & "角整"

Case Else '既有角,又有分的情况

Jiao = VBA.Left(CStr(DecimalPart), 1) '取得角面值

Fen = VBA.Right(CStr(DecimalPart), 1) '取得分面值

Oddment = Odd & VBA.Mid(ZWDX, Jiao, 1) & "角" '转换为角的中文大写

Oddment = Oddment & VBA.Mid(ZWDX, Fen, 1) & "分" '转换为分的中文大写

End Select


Set MyField = .Fields.Add(Range:=.Range, Text:="= " & IntPart & " *CHINESENUM2")

MyField.Select '选定域(最后是用指定文本覆盖选定区域)


MyChinese = VBA.IIf(MyField.Result <> "零", MyField.Result, "")

.Text = Label & MyChinese & Oddment

End With


MsgBox "您没有选择数字。"

End If End Sub

Sub ToggleInterpunction() '中英文标点互换

Dim ChineseInterpunction() As Variant, EnglishInterpunction() As Variant

Dim myArray1() As Variant, myArray2() As Variant, strFind As String, strRep As String

Dim msgResult As VbMsgBoxResult, n As Byte


ChineseInterpunction = Array("、", "。", ",", ";", ":", "?", "!", "……", "—", "~", "(", ")", "《", "》")


EnglishInterpunction = Array(",", ".", ",", ";", ":", "?", "!", "…", "-", "~", "(", ")", "&lt;", "&gt;")


msgResult = MsgBox("您想中英标点互换吗?按Y将中文标点转为英文标点,按N将英文标点转为中文标点!", vbYesNoCancel)

Select Case msgResult

Case vbCancel

Exit Sub '如果用户选择了取消按钮,则退出程序运行

Case vbYes '如果用户选择了YES,则将中文标点转换为英文标点

myArray1 = ChineseInterpunction

myArray2 = EnglishInterpunction

strFind = "“(*)”"

strRep = """1"""

Case vbNo '如果用户选择了NO,则将英文标点转换为中文标点

myArray1 = EnglishInterpunction

myArray2 = ChineseInterpunction

strFind = """(*)"""

strRep = "“1”"

End Select

Application.ScreenUpdating = False '关闭屏幕更新

For n = 0 To UBound(ChineseInterpunction) '从数组的下标到上标间作一个循环

With ActiveDocument.Content.Find

.ClearFormatting '不限定查找格式

.MatchWildcards = False '不使用通配符


.Execute findtext:=myArray1(n), replacewith:=myArray2(n), Replace:=wdReplaceAll

End With


With ActiveDocument.Content.Find

.ClearFormatting '不限定查找格式

.MatchWildcards = True '使用通配符

.Execute findtext:=strFind, replacewith:=strRep, Replace:=wdReplaceAll

End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = True '恢复屏幕更新

End Sub

Sub 图片版式转换()

'* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

'* Created By SHOUROU@ExcelHome 2007-12-11 5:28:26

'仅测试于System: Windows NT Word: 11.0 Language: 2052

'№ 0281^The Code CopyIn [ThisDocument-ThisDocument]^'

'* -----------------------------

'Option Explicit Dim oShape As Variant, shapeType As WdWrapType

On Error Resume Next

If MsgBox("Y将图片由嵌入式转为浮动式,N将图片由浮动式转为嵌入式", 68) = 6 Then

shapeType = Val(InputBox(Prompt:="请输入图片版式:0=四周型,1=紧密型, " & vbLf & _

"3=衬于文字下方,4=浮于文字上方", Default:=0))

For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes

Set oShape = oShape.ConvertToShape

With oShape

Select Case shapeType

Case 0, 1

.WrapFormat.Type = shapeType

Case 3

.WrapFormat.Type = 3

.ZOrder 5

Case 4

.WrapFormat.Type = 3

.ZOrder 4

Case Else

Exit Sub

End Select

.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = False '不允许重叠

End With



For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.Shapes



End If

End Sub

Sub 设置图片大小为原始大小()

Dim n '图片个数

Dim picwidth

Dim picheight

On Error Resume Next '忽略错误

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count 'InlineShapes类型图片


Next n

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count 'Shapes类型图片


Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopClientHeigh

Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopClientwidth

Next n

End Sub



Sub setpicsize_1() '设置图片大小为当前的百分比

Dim n '图片个数

Dim beilv

Dim picwidth

Dim picheight

On Error Resume Next '忽略错误 ' If MsgBox("确定要改变文档中图片大小?", 68) = 6 Then

beilv = Val(InputBox(Prompt:="  请输入数字,然后按“确定”,文档中所有图形、图片和文本框的大小将按输入的数字以相同的宽高比缩放。 " & vbLf & vbLf & _

"  退出按“取消”。", Default:=0.8))

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Count 'InlineShapes类型图片

picheight = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Height

picwidth = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Width

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Height = picheight * beilv '设置高度倍数

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(n).Width = picwidth * beilv '设置宽度倍数

Next n

For n = 1 To ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count 'Shapes类型图片

picheight = ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Height

picwidth = ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Width

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Height = picheight * beilv '设置高度倍数

ActiveDocument.Shapes(n).Width = picwidth * beilv '设置宽度倍数

Next n

' Else

' End If

End Sub

Sub mySaveAs()


Dim i As Long, st As Single, mypath As String, fs As FileSearch

Dim myDoc As Document, n As Integer

Dim strpara1 As String, strpara2 As String, docname As String, a

On Error GoTo hd

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

.Title = "请选定任一文件,确定后将重命名全部WORD文档"

If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub

st = Timer

mypath = .InitialFileName

End With

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If Dir(mypath & "另存为", vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir mypath & "另存为" '另存为文档的保存位置

Set fs = Application.FileSearch

With fs


.LookIn = mypath

.FileType = msoFileTypeWordDocuments

If .Execute(msoSortByFileName) > 0 Then

For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count

If InStr(fs.FoundFiles(i), "~$") = 0 Then

Set myDoc = Documents.Open(.FoundFiles(i), Visible:=False)

With myDoc

strpara1 = Replace(.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text, Chr(13), "")

strpara1 = Left(strpara1, 10)

strpara2 = Replace(.Paragraphs(2).Range.Text, Chr(13), "")

If Len(strpara1) < 2 Or Len(strpara2) < 2 Then GoTo hd

docname = strpara1 & "_" & strpara2

docname = CleanString(docname)

For Each a In Array("", "/", ":", "*", "?", """ ", "<", " >", "|")

docname = Replace(docname, a, "")


.SaveAs mypath & "另存为" & docname & ".doc"

n = n + 1


End With

End If


End If

End With

MsgBox "共处理了" & fs.FoundFiles.Count & "个文档,保存于目标文件夹的名称为“另存为”的下一级文件夹中。" _

& vbCrLf & "处理时间:" & Format(Timer - st, "0") & "秒。"

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Exit Sub


MsgBox "运行出现意外,程序终止!" & vbCrLf & "已处理文档数:" & n _

& vbCrLf & "出错文档:" & vbCrLf & fs.FoundFiles(i)

If Not myDoc Is Nothing Then myDoc.Close

End Sub

这段代码是我请 @sylun 为我编写的,很好用。


strpara1 = Replace(.Paragraphs(1).Range.Text, Chr(13), "")

strpara1 = Left(strpara1, 10)

strpara2 = Replace(.Paragraphs(2).Range.Text, Chr(13), "")

这三行。前两行是提取第一段的前10字符,后一行是提取第二段的内容。如果文档标题是第一段,第二段是作者,把strpsra1=Left(strpara1, 10)一行删除,如果没有标题,第一段是一大段内容,把strpara2一行删除。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101011/85226.html


wow镜头调整宏命令 wow宏命令怎么设置

有时候游戏设置被别人改掉,视觉修改更不适应,游戏里设置镜头也无效,估计是被别人用了宏设置了。/script SetCVar("cameraDistanceMax", 50) wow默认的设置是15,只需要/scr

Word 使用方法大全 word快捷键使用大全

Word使用方法大全实战使用目录第一部分 文字处理技巧 11. 去除页眉的横线方法两则 12. 在WORD中快速选择字体 13. 用WORD实现快速隔行删除 14. 清除WORD文档中多余的空行 25. 同时保存所有打开的WORD文档 26. 巧妙设置文档保护 27.

魔兽表情命令大全 魔兽宏命令大全

英文命令/中文命令 /描述(无选定对象) /对选定对象---------------------A---------------------/agree /赞同 o o 你表示赞同。 你赞同(目标)的观点。/amaze /惊奇 o o 你感到很惊奇!(目标)让你感到很惊奇!/angry /愤怒 o 你愤怒地挥起拳头

魔兽cs命令大全 魔兽世界宏命令大全

魔兽cs命令大全魔兽版CS (OP)所有命令War3 xp 客户端控制台命令:“selectskill“ - 选择技能进行升级“changerace“ -重新选择种族(服务器开启这项功能才有用mp_allowcbangerace = 1)“playerskills“ - 观看所有玩家的种族和级别“s

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