This is an interesting andpeculiar book telling a romance. Its fans are out of count and ithas kept popularity for more than 100 years. It’s no doubt thatthis book is one of the best book for popularconsumption.
The story goes as follow—Dantessailed back and he was going to merry with he loved girl namedMercedes. He was very promising because he would become a captainif ecerything went well. But one of his workmates named Danglarswas jealous of his good and envious of the strong. So Danglarsframed Dantes with Fernand, a man who also loved Mercedes. Theywrote a letter to government said that Dantes was a crazy supporterof Napoleon.
During Dantes and Mercedes’nuptial feast, Dantes was arrested by magistrate. By chance,Dantes’ case was related with the deputy’s father. In order toprotect his father,the deputy, named Villefort, put innocent Dantesinto prison—the ChateauD’If.

At first, Dantes was full ofhope because he believed himself was innocent, he imaginedVillefort would set him free sooner or later. But time flied, hebecame hopeless and wanted to die. At that time he met Faria abbe,wise, treasure’s owner and wanted to escape the prison. Faria abbemade a math mistake when he digging a tunnel to escape so he wentto Dantes’ prison by chance.
Faria abbe taught Dantes richknowledge, made him could act as a noble, and helped him to knowwho had assassinated him. Faria abbe even told Dantes where histreasure was because Dantes looked after him quite well. AfterFaria’s death, Dantes regained his freedom, escaped and found outFaria’s treasure successfully. After that, Dantes changed his nameto the Count of Nonte Cnsto.
Whenhe came to know his boss Morrel had ever tried to help him and hisfather, he gave a hand to Morrel, gave Morrel a new ship and helpedhis family. After paid a debt of gratitude, the Count of NonteCnsto began to take vengeance on others.
Morcerfhad captured his wife, betrayed his benefactor, but at last hiswife left him, his son felt shame to be his son.. He lost allstanding and reputation. So he killed himself to end. Villefortpaid all his attention and used every way on his politics life, healso wanted to kill his son, but his crime eas discovered, his wifeand son took poison to die, he became mad at last. Danglars madeDantes’ fathe died of hunger, he seized every chance to gainadvantage by trickery. At last he was tricked by the Count of NonteCnsto and went bankrupt.
“Ilove ones who love me; I hate ones who hate me”. In this story, thekindhearted people have happyending, the evils we bring onourselves are the gardest to bear. It fits to our Chinese mindingvery much. So it can bring happiness and leisure tous.
Thestory is full of romantic. Dantes met Faris by chance, Faria wasrich and wise, Faria also changed Dantes from a sailor to noble.These are much like a myth. The Count of Nonte Cnsto became anoble, just like a “superman” or “God”, he can do whatever he wantto do. He makes plans painstakingly and forces his enemies intoimpasse. All the people around him are his tools for vengeance. Butall of that is based on his treasure, the world is controled bymoney. Anyone who owns enough money can make the society round withhim. It shows that the relationship in capitalism society is therelationship of money.
Thereare many philosophy sentences in the story which show author’soppinion. For example,”There is neither happiness nor misery in theworld, there is only the comparison of one state with another,nothing more.” ”He who has felt the deepest grief is best able toexperience supreme happiness.” “Until the day when God will deignto reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in thesetwo words---wait and hope.” These words contain wize and show akind of attitude towards life. Life is full of hope, we should notbecome pessimismmists.
Ina word, it is an excellent book. It has romantic and novel idea andset up an interesting work.. We should read, understand andappreciate it.