No Pains, No Gains
As we all know it,the only way to achieve success is to work hard. Just as a sayinggoes, “no pains, no gains”. Have you ever seen a man who succeedsjust by idling about? Of course, the answer is "No". So if youwants to accomplish something, you must take great pains, otherwiseyou will gain nothing.
Numerous successstories can support this irrefutable truth. Without hundreds offailures and unremitting efforts, Edison would not have inventedthe light bulb, and the Wright brothers would not invested theplane. Without pains-taking efforts and hard training, China’sfamous athletes could not have brought home their worldchampionships. For example, hurdles superhero Liu Xiang could nothave made such a great breakthrough in track race without tortuoustraining. The same is true for Ding Junhui, the world championshipwinner, who is said to lock himself in a room for more than tenhours practicing snooker every day.
From these exampleswe learn that success can be achieved only by persistent efforts.Unfortunately, there are some people in our society who do notunderstand this simple truth. They idly wait in vain for success orresort to dishonest means, such as falsification in scientificresearch, academic plagiarism and examination cheating, but theyall end up with failure or punishment because they violate thecardinal rule: no pains, no gains. If one wants to achieve success,only hard work and his perspiration can get him toglory.
有许多成功的故事可以支持这个无可辩驳真理。没有数以百计的失败和不懈努力,爱迪生不可能发明出灯泡,莱特兄弟也不可能发明飞机。没有刻苦努力和艰巨训练, 中国的一些著名运动员就不可能为国家赢得世界冠军。例如,没有刻苦训练,跨栏超级明星刘翔就不可能在田径比赛有如此巨大的突破。世界冠军获得者丁俊辉也是如此,据说丁俊辉每天把自己锁在房间里苦练斯诺克达十多个小时。