— Most children likemusic.多数儿童喜欢音乐。
— I like swimming, playing tennis, and things like that.
— I like to read inbed.我喜欢躺在床上看书。
* to grow to like sb./sth.[5gr[U] 逐渐开始喜欢(人/物)
— After a while the kids grew to likeMr.Cox.

1. to acquire a taste for sth. [[5kwai[ 5teist] 开始喜欢上...;
— This beer isn't bad,I'm beginming to acquire a teste forit.这啤酒不错,我开始爱喝了。
2. adore [ [5dC: ] v. 非常喜欢
— Don't you just adore thesecookies?你难道不喜欢这些饼干吗?
3. (to be) appetite for sth.[5ApItait] 喜欢... ;
— Paul has no appetite for hardwork.保罗不喜欢卖力气。
4. to care for sb. [5kZ[ fC]喜欢某人
—I have never cared for him very much. At the same time I mustadmit that he is a very
5. dig [ 5dIg ] v. (过去式和过去分词digged;现在分词digging)喜欢
— I reall dig thatdress!我真喜欢那件衣服!
—I really dig the way shesings.我真喜欢她那种唱法。
6. favourite [ 5feiv[rIt ] adj.(仅用于名词前)最喜欢的
— Who's your favouriteactor?你最喜欢的官员是谁?
7. (to be) fond of ...; [5fCnd] 喜欢
—I used to be fond of pop music verymuch.我曾经很喜欢流行音乐。
8. to grow on sb./sth. [5gr[U Cn]越来越喜欢(人/物)
—She grows on you when you get used toher.等你和她相处熟了,你会喜欢她的。
— His music is difficult to listen to, but after a while it growson you.
9. (to be) keen on ... ; [5kI:n Cn] (尤指对某一项事物的)喜欢
—I am not very keen on travelling byair.我不很喜欢乘飞机旅行。
—Are you keen on modernart?你喜欢现代艺术吗?
10. love [ 5lQv ] v. (不用于被动态)喜欢...;
— Max found that he really loveteaching.麦克斯发现他很喜欢教书。
— We all love to talk aboutourselves.我们都喜欢谈论自己。
11. prefer [ prI5f[: ] v. (过去式和过去分词preferred;现在分词preferring)更喜欢;比较喜欢
— I prefer history togeography.我喜欢历史胜过地理。
12. (to be) struck on sth. /sb. [5strQk Cn](英)喜欢... ;
— I'm not very struck on thesechocolates.我不是很喜欢这些巧克力。
— He's wery much struck on his newgirlfriend.他非常喜欢他的新女朋友。
13. relish [5relIF] v. 喜欢
—He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain hisbehavior.
1. I enjoy doing sth. [In5dVCi] ( (常用句型;enjoy后接动名词表达)我特别喜欢... ;
— I enjoy speaking English verymuch.我特别喜欢讲英语。
* I don't really enjoy sth. (常用句型)我不怎么喜欢...;
— I don't really enjoy scarymovies.我不怎么喜欢恐怖片。 crazy
2. I'm crazy about sth. (doing sth.) [5kreizI](常用句型)我非常喜欢...;
— I'm crazy aboutsports.我特爱运动。
— I'm crazy about makingmoney.我特喜欢赚钱。
3. What's your favourite ? [5feiv[rIt] (常用句型)你最喜欢什么?
— What's your favourite food?你最喜欢吃什么?
— I love spicyfood.我喜欢吃辣的。
这些词汇应该知道, 掌握更好:
1. affect [ [5fekt ] v. (尤指出于偏好在穿戴上而) 喜欢... ;
—He affects blackdress.他喜欢穿黑色衣服。
2. (to be) no enemy to sb./sth. [5n[U5enImI] 喜欢(人/物)
— He's no enemy towine.他喜欢饮酒。
3. (to be) one for sth. (尤指对某种体育运动或学科等的)喜爱
— I've never been ( a great) one for watersports.我一向都不(很)喜欢水上运动。
4. to think the world of sb. [5WINk5w[:ld]非常喜欢某人
— Lee thinks the world of you — you knowthat. 李非常喜欢你— 你是知道的。
相关词汇链接:dislike v.不喜欢;hate v. 讨厌;love v. 爱