1. active 活跃的;积极主动的 (反义词passive被动的)
e.g. His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings. 他的女儿上午总是很活跃,吵吵闹闹的。
2. ambitious 有抱负的 (反义词unmotivated懈怠的)
e.g. Nowadays it's acceptable for women to be ambitious. But it wasn't then. 现在人们能接受女性胸怀大志,但那时并非如此。
3. assertive 果断自信的 (反义词diffident不自信的)
e.g. What have you learned over the years about the balance between being feminine and assertive? 这些年来,在展现女性特征与维持果敢性格之间取得平衡的问题上,您有什么感悟呢?
4. careless 粗心的 (反义词careful仔细的)
e.g. It was very careless of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it. 你把药留在孩子能够到的地方,真是太粗心了。
5. conceited 傲慢自大的 (反义词modest谦虚的)
e.g. Cristiano has nothing to do with the conceited image everybody has of him. 克里斯蒂亚诺本人与人们所想象的那个傲慢自大的形象大相径庭。
6. conscientious 认真尽责的 (反义词slapdash马虎粗心的)
e.g. To get real results we need to engage conscientious,hard-working people in the effort. 为得到真正想要的结果,我们的需要吸引有责任心、认真努力的人加入我们的工作中。
7. curious 好奇的 (反义词apathetic漠不关心的)
e.g. She was a very bright, engaging, sweet person, very intellectually curious. 她是一个聪明,讨人喜欢,又很甜美姑娘,对新知识有着强烈的求知欲。
8. docile 温顺的 (反义词obstinate倔强的)
e.g. Kangaroos are not as docile as they look. 长颈鹿没有它们看起来那么温顺。
9. extroverted 外向的 (反义词introverted内向的)
e.g. We did end up getting friendly with an extroverted road runner who hung out on the veranda by our room 最后我们确实和一个在我们屋外游廊上闲逛,性格挺外向的路跑者处得不错。
10. impulsive 冲动的 (反义词cautious谨慎的)
e.g. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister. 他太冲动了,无法成为值得依赖的首相。
11. inventive 有创造力的 (反义词unimaginative没有想象力的)
e.g. It inspired me to be more inventive with my own cooking. 这激发了我在烹饪中更具创造性。
12. nervous 神经质的(反义词calm平静的、冷静的)
e.g. She was apparently a very nervous woman, and that affected her career. 她显然是一个很神经质的女人,这也影响到了她的事业发展。
13. pragmatic 务实的 (反义词idealistic理想主义的)
e.g. The American people are pragmatic by nature. 美国人的天生都很务实。
14. reserved 含蓄的;矜持的 (反义词outgoing喜欢交际的)
e.g. He is particular reserved around women. 他在女性面前表现尤其矜持。
15. serious 严肃认真的 (反义词flippant轻浮的、不认真的)
e.g. a serious young man 一个老成持重的年轻人。
16. shy 腼腆害羞的 (反义词bold大胆的)
e.g. She was a shy, quiet girl. 她是一个腼腆而安静的姑娘。
17. trustworthy 可靠的 (反义词untrustworthy不可靠的)
e.g. Regardless of how you voted today, do you think Bill Clinton is honest and trustworthy? 不管你今天如何投的票,你觉得比尔·克林顿是否诚实可靠呢?
18. volatile 情绪变化无常的 (反义词placid平和的)
e.g. a volatile actress 一个情绪多变的女演员
19. capricious 善变的 (反义词faithful忠诚的)
e.g. He judged her to be capricious, and easily weary of the pleasure of the moment. 他认为她很善变,容易对一时的快乐产生厌倦。
20. servile 谦恭的 (反义词domineering专横的)
e.g. They said she had a servile attitude to her employer. 他们说她对她的老板十分恭顺。
21. stingy 小气的 (反义词generous慷慨的)
e.g. It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy. 真是奇怪,如此有钱的人居然那么小气。
22. shrewd 精明的 (反义词naive天真幼稚的)

e.g. a shrewd businessman 一个精明的商人
23. boorish 粗野的、没教养的 (反义词cultured有教养的)
e.g. He disgusted many with his boorish behavior. 他粗野的行为让很多人都讨厌他。
24. witty 机智幽默的 (反义词dull沉闷无聊的)
e.g. He is a very witty speaker. 他说话妙语连珠。
例子:提示词:1. spicy 2.cold 3. dog 4. fire 目标词:hot
提示词:1. smart 2. sensible 3. foolish 4. judicious 目标词:__________ (首字母w)
提示词:1. skin 2. touchy 3. emotional 4. careful 目标词:__________ (首字母s)
提示词:1. nice 2. average 3. indicate 4. unkind 目标词:__________ (首字母m)
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单词猜猜看答案:1. mad; 2. humor; 3. generous
Hard to catch.
Easy to hold.
Can't be seen
Unless it's cold.
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