NO.1 前元音[ i ]=[ i:]疯狂外号:“穿针引线长衣音”
speak dream please
1. SpeakingEnglish is a piece ofcake.说英语是小菜一碟。
2. It’seasier to dream than toachieve.想起来容易,做起来难。
3. please make yourself athome.请随意,别拘束
NO.2 前元音[ I ]=[ i] 外号:经典收小腹减肥短“衣”音
gift will visit
1.This is a small gift; I hope you likeit.小小礼物,希望你喜欢。
2.Nothing is impossible to a willingheart.心之所愿,无事不成。
3.I hope you can visit my hometownsometime.我希望你日后能来我家乡参观。
heat热least最少leave 离开 seat座位sheep 羊
hit袭击list清单live居住sit坐ship 船
Our city was hit by a heat wave this month.这个月,我们的城市受到了热浪的侵袭。
I have lived here my whole life. I don’t want to leave.我一辈子都住在这儿,我不想离开。
We need to ship these sheep to America.我们要运这些羊到美国。
1.it’s a deal. 一言为定。
2.seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
3.what do you feel like eating for dinner? 你晚餐想吃什么?
4.it was difficult for me to sleep in a little bed because I amso big.因为我个头大,让我睡小床很困难。
5.i live in Guangzhou,but I’m leaving for Beijingtomorrow.我住在广州,但明天我要去北京。
A:believe me,I will work hard to make my dreams come true.i meanit.
B:how can I possibly believe you?seems like all you do is eatand sleep.
A:seeing is believing!you just wait and see!
B:all right.it’s great that you want to stick with it thistime.
A:this time is different.trust me.
1.把peace 读成 piss
正I want to live in peace.peace is what I’m looking for.
误I want to live in piss.piss is what I’m looking for.
2.把beach读成 bitch
Hahana is fomous for its beaches.i want to find a beautifulbeach there
Hannan is famous for its bitches.i want to find a beautifulbitch there.
3. 把sheet读成shit
My sheet needs to be changed.我的床单要换了
My shit needs to be changed.我的屎要换了
4. 把smile读成smell
Everyone in Beijing should smill.每一个北京人都该微笑。
Everyone in Beijing should smell.每一个北京人都该闻闻,言下之意,北京很臭
5. 把living读成leaving
Sorry,you’re living.=I wish you were dead. 真遗憾,你还活着=我希望你死掉。
Sorry,you’re leaving=I wish you didn’t have to go.
NO.3 前元音[ Z ]=[ e]外号:小开口“45度”音
never effort bet
1.I’ll never forget that specialday.我永不会忘记那特殊的一天。
2.Your extra effort will have excellenteffects! 你加倍努力将会得到显著的成果。
3.I bet you feel tired.please rest for awhile.我打赌你肯定累了,歇一会儿吧
NO.4 前元音[ ?]=[?? ] [ B: ]外号:大开口夸张“90度”音
back happy
1. Don’tlaugh behind other people’sbacks.不要在别人背后嘲笑他人。
2. I ‘m sohappy to be home.i missed you somuch.回到家真幸福,我太想念你了。
bed 床 bet打赌flesh 肉 pen笔pet 宠物
bad 坏的 bat蝙蝠flash 闪光 pan平底锅 pat 轻拍
1.All is well that ends well.结果好,一切都好。
2.Let’s meet at half past ten tomorrow morning.我们明天上午十点半见面吧
3.if you want to remember English words,practice every day!
4.My dad is glad that I passed my exam at last.
5.As a matter of fact,it’s attitude instead of aptitude thatdecides your success.
超级挑战(super challenges)
I was in a bad wreckyesterday.a black van crashed into my car.i hurt my head and myback.the other driver hurt his hand and his neck.i guess we arelucky we didn’t get badly hurt.the cars are totally smashed andcan’t be repaired.
A:hey,what’s the matter?you look very unhappy.
B:I had a real bad day yesterday.
A:oh,really?what happened?
B:I went shopping and lost my bag.
A:your bag?did you get it back?
B:I went back for it,but it was already gone.
A:that’s too bad,I’m sorry to hear that.
B:oh well,things like this happen all the time.i have to be morecareful.
NO.5 中元音[ ??]=[??] 外号:重读卷舌音
perfect early
1.Nobody isperfect.人无完人。
2.I like to go to bed early and get up early.我喜欢早睡早起。
NO.6 中元音[L]=[?? ] 外号:轻读卷舌音
dinner November
1.Shall we have dinnertogether?我们一起吃晚饭好吗?
2.We are eager to get together again thisNovember. 我们盼望着今年十一月再相聚。
Nervous 紧张 perfect 完美的person人prefer 更喜欢 serve 服务
Dinner 晚餐 perform表演 perhaps或许 offer提供cancer 癌症
1.the early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
2.he’s never nervous in front of girls. 他在女孩子面前从来不紧张。
3.i’ve never heard of anything so stupid! 我从来没听过这么愚蠢的事情!
4.the faster,the better.just try your best. 越快越好,只管尽力而为。
5.there are three ingredients in the good life:learning,earningand yearning.
A:do you like proverbs?
B:sure I do.they are short and meaningful.
A:I do ,too.i know a nice proverb about “birds”:the early birdcatches the worm.
B:I remember one too:a bird in the hand is worth two in thebush.
A:ha,ha,I guess we two are “birds of a feather”!because birds ofa feather gather together!
NO.7 中元音[ ? ]外号:经典收小腹减肥急促短“啊”音
money [‘m?ni] 钱,金钱; 货币 lucky [l?ki] 幸运的, 侥幸的, 吉利的
1.Money[‘m?ni] doesn’t grow[ɡr?u] ontrees.钱不是从天上掉下来的。
2.Seven['sev?n] is my lucky[l?ki]number['n?mb?].七是我的幸运数字。
NO.8 中元音[ ? ]外号:经典收小腹减肥放松“鹅”音
appreciate [?’pri:?ieit] 感激, 感谢alone[?’l?un]单独的; 独一无二的
2. Ireally appreciate[?’pri:?ieit] yourhelp.我真的很感激你的帮忙。
I apologize [?’p?l?d?aiz] for leaving youalone[?’l?un]. 我很抱歉把你一个人留下。
Come [k?m] 来;来到mother [‘m?e?]母亲 suffer[‘s?f?] 遭受summer [‘s?m?] 夏天tongue[t??] 舌头
Command [k?’mɑ:nd] 命令 drama .[‘drɑ:m?]话剧 success [s?k’ses]成功 suppose .[s?’p?uz]料想 tonight [t?’nait] 今晚
1.everyone must suffer[‘s?f?] before he can reachsuccess[s?k’ses].磨难是每个人走向成功的必经之路。
2.i suppose[s?'p?uz] shanghai will be extremely [iks’tri:mli]crowded[‘kra?d?d] this summer[‘s?m?].我估计今年上海一定非常拥挤。
1.come and see us again.再来看我们吧。
2.can you come tonight[t?'nait] for dinner['din?]?你今晚能来吃晚餐嘛?
3.the famous['feim?s] doctor had to makea tough[t?f]decision.[di‘si??n].那个著名的医生不得不作出艰难的决定。
4.i’m eager['i:ɡ?] for anopportunity[,?p?‘tju:niti] toadvance[?d'vɑ:ns] in my company.我渴望在公司里有升职的机会。
A:why do you study['st?di]English? 你为嘛学英语?
B:I study English just forfun. 只是为了玩玩
A:I suppose[s?'p?uz] that is the best reason['ri:z?n] tostudy,but I find studying English boring['b?:ri?].我认为这是最好的理由,但是我发现学英语很烦
B:you’re not alone[?'l?un] in that opinion[?'pinj?n],butlearning English could [kud]be fun!你不是唯一有这种意见的人,但是学英语可以很有趣的
A:really['ri?li]?i doubt[daut] that very much.真的吗?我很怀疑
B:but it’s true,plus[pl?s] I’ll do everything possible['p?s?bl]to help you.但这就是真的,
A:thanks a lot!it’s very kind of you to help me.it is more funto do anything with a friend.灰常感谢,你能帮我实在是太好了,和朋友一起做任何事都会更加有趣。
NO.9 后元音 [? ]
Job[d??b]工作 problem[‘pr?bl?m]问题
1. Do you enjoy yourjob?你喜欢你的工作嘛?
2. Could you possibly help me solve theproblem? 你能不能帮我解决这个问题?
NO.10后元音 [ɑ: ] 感叹祖国大好河山音
heart[hɑ:t]心 smart[smɑ:t]聪明的
1. Don’t break myheart.不要伤我的心。
2. You are sosmart.你真聪明。
Balm.[bɑ:m] 护肤膏 calm.[cɑ:m]平静hot.[h?t]热的stop[st?p]停止
Bar[bɑ:]酒吧car.[kɑ:] 小汽车 heart.[hɑ:t]心start.[stɑ:t] 开始
1.nothing is impossible[im’p?s?bl]! just tryyour best! you are almost there!
2.sorry to bother you, but I want to take a day offtomorrow.
3. we haveto go to the farm by car because it is very far.
4.a large starbucks just opened near thesupermarket.[‘sju:p??mɑ:kit].
4. .
A:you’re impossible.you’re so hard to get along with.
B:please don’t say that.you are breaking my heart.
A:you only do what you want.you never care what I want todo.
B:keep calm.i know I am not smart,but I do care about you.
A:you care about me? It’s hard to tell.
B:we need to have a heart-to-heart talk.
A:it’s too late for that.i think we need some time apart.
NO.11 后元音[ ? ]= [??] 外号:中嘴长元音
awful fault
1.The weather is really awfultoday.今天的天气真糟糕。
2.It’s all my fault.Honey,forgive me.i won’t do it again.
NO.12 后元音[ ?r ]=[??? ]外号:中嘴卷舌长元音
Sport important
1.It’s important for us to practicemore.对我们来说,多加练习很重要。
2.Dance breaking is my favoritesport.Breaking 是我最喜欢的运动。
daughter女儿fall 秋天 fault过错 saw看见wall 墙
door门for为了four 四 sore疼痛war 战争
1.i am not going to fall for any of your lies.=I’m not going tobelieve what you say.
2.this wall is a war memorial.it has the names of everyone whodied in the war carved into it.这是一面战争纪念墙。上面刻着所有战争死难者的名字。
1.shall we talk now or later? 我们现在谈还是迟点谈?
2.He always takes a walk after dinner. 晚饭后,他总是去散会儿步。
3.i was lost in thought when you knocked on thedoor.你敲门的时候我正在沉思。
4.my whole family went to Beijing last fall for the beautifulscenery there.
5.A:I’m almost finished.how aboutyou? 我快做完了。你呢?
B:I will need some more time. 我还需要点时间。
A:hey,don’t walk on the lawn.
B:sorry,I am looking for my passport.
A:oh,you lost your passport?that’s very important.
B:yes,it is.and it’s awful that I lost it.
A:that’s too bad.better talk to the police officer walkingthere.
B:okay,I will.thank you for your advice.
A:do you want me to go with you?i can translate for you.
B:that would be great.i really appreciate it.
NO.13 后元音[ J ]=[ u] 外号:经典收小腹减肥圆唇短乌音
push[pu?]推 good[ɡud]好的
1.Don’t pushme.别逼我。/别催我。
2.Thanks for being such a goodfriend.谢谢你一直以来都是我的好朋友。
NO.14 后元音[ u ]= [ u: ]外号:小圆唇长乌音
improve[im’pru:v] 提高 fool[fu:l]愚弄
1.your brother is making a fool ofyou.你兄弟正在耍你呢。
2.I’m dying to improve myEnglish.我很渴望提高我的英语水平。

cool[ku:l]cook[kuk]foodfoot.[fut]tool tookpull pool
1.i once stood here as a student just likeyou.我曾经也和各位一样是这里的一名学生。
2.don’t pull my arm.i will fall into the pool.不要拉我的手。我要掉进水池里了。
1.luke is a good cook. 卢克是个好厨师。
2.lucy’s room is full ofbooks. 路西的房间里满是书。
3.sue,could ou do this for me? 苏,你能帮我做这个么?
4.susan says you should be there by two.苏珊你说你两千必须到那儿。
5.look at the woman in the swimming pool!she is really good!看游泳池里的那位女士,她游得真好!
A:do you know my good friend,mattew?
B:he is your classmate,right?
A:yes,he is one of the top students in our school!
B:really?that’s cool!i’m sure he is good friend.
A:yes,he truly is.he is very good at English and computers.heoften helps me with my English.
B:he is also very good-looking.no wonder your English hasimproved so much.
A:sure.that helps,too.
NO.15 合口双元音[ e ]=[ ei ] 外号:嘴角咧到耳朵上音
mistake amazing
1.Your Chinese isamazing.你的中文太出色了。
2.The more mistakes you make, the more progress you make.
NO.16 合口双元音[ aI ]=[ ai] 外号:超级大嘴饱满阿姨合口双元音
try mind
1.Great minds thinkalike.英雄所见略同。
2.Do you want to try some of thisfish?你想要尝尝这条鱼嘛?
Bake 烤kate 凯特 May五月tray 碟子 way 道路
Bike自行车 kite风筝 my我的try尝试 why为什么
1.i want to bake bread.get on your bike and go to the store tobuy some flour.
2.kate,may I have some ice cream?凯特,我可以吃点冰激淋嘛?
3.the weather is great today!let’s go and fly kites!今天天气真好,我们去放风筝吧
4.please wait a minute.let me try again. .请等一下。让我再是一次。
5.smiling at yourself in the mirror will make you feelgreat.
6.i’m flying back to china tonight.i’m very grateful to you foryour help.
A:hey,wake up,mike!good morning!
B:hey,morning,jane.i smell something great!
A:haha,it is your favorite cake !i just baked a cake foryou.
B:wow!that’s great!jane,you are my sunshine.
A:hope you like it.
B:I sure will.why are you so happy today?
A:because tomorrow will be pay day!
B:that explains it!
NO.17合口双元音[?i] 外号:中嘴短衣合口双元音
1.disappoint [,dis?’p?int] 使(人)失望noise[n?iz] 噪声, 喧哗声Please don’t disappointme.别让我失望。
2.There is no way to avoid noise pollution in a big city. Youhave no choice but tolivewithit.在大城市里,噪音污染是无法避免的。除了忍受它你别无选择。
Annoy 使苦恼boil 煮沸 enjoy享受 oil油 toy玩具
1.Makes my blood boil=makes me extremely angry使我的血脉膨胀=使得我非常生气
2.All this noise late at night makies my bloodboil. 深夜里的噪音使得我非常生气。
3.if I fail an exam,it makes my parents’ blood boil.如果我考试不及格,我的父母非常生气。
4.life is about making choices. 生活就是做各种选择。
5.when I was a little boy,I had no toys at all.我小时候根本没有玩具。
6.spoiling your child will destroy your child’sfuture.溺爱会毁掉孩子的将来。
7.please lower your voice.i am enjoying a movie.请小点声,我正看电影。
8.the boys are making loud noises and it is veryannoying.男孩们在大声吵闹,很让人心烦。
A:What’s thenoise?什么事这么吵?
B:Roy is crying at the top of hisvoice.罗伊在放声大哭
A:Roy?Why is he crying? I am enjoying a touching movie!罗伊,他哭啥?我在看一部感人的电影呢
B:Because he just destroying his toy and wants a new toy now.因为他刚刚把他的玩具给弄坏了,现在又想要个新的
A:oh,you want to buy Roy anothertoy?哦?你想给罗伊再买一个玩具
B:His crying is so annoying.i must buy him the toy to make himstop! 他的哭声太烦人了,我要买玩具给他让他别再哭了!
A:well,that is a sure way to spoil theboy!哦,你这样不把他宠坏才怪呢!
NO.18 合口双元音[ ?u]外号:疯狂舀水合口双元音
Know [n?u] 知道,了解 own [?un] 拥有,自己的 smoking ['sm?uki?] 吸烟
1.Nobody knows his ownfate.没人知道自己的命运。
2 I hope I am not botheringyou.希望我没有麻烦到你.
Smoking is not only bad for your health, but also makes you lookso old.
So don’t smoke. 吸烟不仅对身体有害,而且会使人看上去显得苍老。所以不要吸烟。
bowl [b?ul] 碗, 钵 ball [b?:l]球coal [k?ul] 煤炭 call[k?:l]通电话coat[k?ut]上衣caught [k?:t] catch的过去式和过去分词
NO.19 合口双元音[ aJ ]=[ au] 外号:鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音
1.without [wi'eaut] (表示否定)无, 没有 house [haus] 住宅, 房子I can’t do itwithout yourhelp.没有你的帮助,我做不了这件事。
2.Get out of my house rightnow!立刻从我家滚出去。、
Boat[b?ut]船hope[h?up]希望low[l?u]低的no[n?u]不vote[v?ut] 投票
about[?'baut]关于 how[hau]多么 loud[laud]大声的 now[nau]现在 vow[va?]发誓
1.speak in a low voice.don’t be loud in publicplaces. 小点声,不要在公众场合大声说话
1.Speak[spi:k] in a lowvoic[v?is]e. Don’t beloud[laud] in public['p?blik] places[pleis].小点声,不要在公众场合大声说话
1.i’m so proud[praud] of ourcountry['k?ntri].我为我们的祖国感到无比自豪。
2.i’m thinking[θi?ki?] about[?'baut] goingabroad[?'br?:d].我打算出国。
3.you can conquer['k??k?] 攻克, 征服 English.there isno doubt[daut] about[?'baut] it.你能征服英语,这是毫无疑问的。
4.welcome['welk?m] to my new[nju:] home.let meshow[??u] you around[?'raund]. 欢迎到我的新家来,让我带你到处看看。
5.I don’t want to go out.i’drather['rɑ:e?] stay home alone[?'l?un].我不想出去。我宁愿一个人呆在家里。
A:Hey,Mr.brown.you look so fit.do you often work out?
Byes,I do.without doubt.
A:but I am always too busy to go to a gym.how do you manage tofind time?
B:I focus on my work at the office so that I can do it fast,andthen I can have my own time outside working hours.
A:oh,that sounds good.i hope I can go with you.
B:no problem.we can always go together.you know what peoplesay?sound in body,sound in mind.
A:there is no doubt about it.i’mso glad I found someone to workout with!
NO.20 集中双元音[ Ir ]=[ ???] 外号:短衣集中卷舌音
year jeer sneer clear
1.That year was the best year of mylife.那一年是我一生中最好的时光。
2.It’s not polite to jeer orsneer.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。
3.Sorry,I’m not clear about what yousaid.抱歉,我不太清楚你的话。
NO.21 集中双元音[ Zr ]= [e??]外号:咧嘴集中卷舌音
scare spare share
1.I’m scared to death.我害怕死了。
2.I have no time tospare.我没有空闲时间。
3.Could you share some advice withme?你可以给我一些建议嘛?
NO.22 集中双元音[ Jr ]=[??]外号:短乌集中卷舌音
poor sure
1.I have a poor memory. I’m always losingthings. 我记忆力不好,总是丢东西。
2.Many people can’t resist the lure ofmoney.很多人都挡不住金钱的诱惑。
Beer 啤酒 dear 亲爱的 rear后面 sheer纯粹的 tear 眼泪
Bear 熊dare敢rare 稀少的 share分享tear撕,扯
Poor 贫穷 endure 忍受lure诱惑sure当然tour旅行
A terrible man gave that poor bear some beer and made itsick.
If you share something for the sheer pleasure of it,you are sureto enjoy it even more.
1.john,come here!this chair is so nice!i love it.John快来,这张椅子真漂亮,我喜欢
2.let’s have a beer there.i’m sure you will like it.
3.make sure your computer is turned off before you leave here.
4.i’ve got a good idea:we should get up early to enjoy the fresh airand exercise to improve our poor health.
5.if you want to do your hair,go upstairs.sure you will like itthere.but it could be very dear.
A:what did the chairman say at the meeting?
B:he said our club was going to have a tour to the poor ruralnear the end of this year.
A:oh,where did he get this idea?
B:from one volunteer’s suggestion this February.
A:what do you think of this idea?
B:I think it is good and many members even cheered for thisidea.
A:wow,that’s really good.
B:yes,and we need to prepare for the tour carefully.
NO.23 双唇爆破辅音一 [ p ]外号:气破双唇音
possible cup
1. Let’stry to make the impossiblepossible.让我们把不可能的事变为可能。
2. ManyAmerican people start their day with a cup of coffee and anewspaper.很多美国人都是以一杯咖啡和一份报纸来开始他们的一天的。
NO.24 双唇爆破辅音一 [ b] 外号:气破双唇音
believe beat
1.Don’t believe him; he’s justboasting.别信他,他只不过是在自吹自擂。
2.Stop beating around the bush and talk to me. What’s theproblem?
bearpearbatpatmob mop
NO.25 齿龈爆破辅音一 [ t ]外号:舌尖齿龈弹气音
point tomorrow
1.I don’t really get the point of thestory.我不是很明白这个故事讲什么。
2.One today is worth two tomorrows. Time is too precious towaste.
NO.26 齿龈爆破辅音二 [ d ]外号:舌尖齿龈弹气音
doctor decision
1.The doctor advised me to do moreexercise.医生建议我多做运动。
3.I made a big decisionyesterday.昨天我下了个很大决心。
At在bet打赌 neat整齐 tear眼泪tie 领带
Add增加 bed床need需要 dear亲爱的 die 死亡
I bet you miss your own bed. 我肯定你想睡觉了
I need a neat environment to work well. 环境整洁,我才能认真工作。
1.don’t lose heart.i’m always behind you. 别灰心,我会一直支持你。
2.take your coat with you.it is cold outside.带上你的外套,外面很冷
3.betty,where did you go?look at your dress!how dirty it is!
4.take your time and enjoy the delicious dishes.慢慢吃,好好品尝这些美味的菜肴
5.study hard and work hard.live a productive life.
A:what can I do for you,sir?
B:yes,I’m looking for a nice birthday gift for my two-year-olddaughter.
A:ok,let me see.how do you like this toy dog?
B:It looks good to me.how much does it cost?
A:twenty dollars and fifty cents.
B:I do not have cash on me.can I pay by credit card?
A:that would be ok.
Never let itrest,永不停息
Until good isbetter好上加好
And betterbest。精益求精
NO.27 软腭爆破辅音一 [ k ]外号:气破舌根软腭音
speak[spi:k]讲; 谈 conquer['k??k?]攻克, 征服
1.Practice['pr?ktis] speaking['spi:ki?] Englishwhenever[hwen'ev?] you havetime.一有时间就练习讲英语。
Practice['pr?ktis] makes perfect['p?:fikt] youknow.要知道,熟能生巧嘛!
2.Crazy['kreizi] English can help you conquer['k??k?] yourfear[fi?]. 疯狂英语能帮助你征服内心的恐惧。
NO.28 软腭爆破辅音二 [ n ]外号:气破舌根软腭音
any['eni]无论哪个, 无论哪些 end[end]最后部分, 末尾
1.Getting[ɡeti?] angry['??ɡri]愤怒的, 生气的 won’t[w?nt] do anygood.生气不会有什么好处。
2.A good beginning[bi'ɡini?] makes a goodending['endi?].善始才能善终。
Back[b?k] 回原处 class[klɑ:s]班级 could[kud]能 kate[kate]凯特lack[l?k] 缺少
Bag [b?ɡ]包glass[ɡlɑ:s]玻璃good[ɡud] 好gate[ɡeit]门lag[l?ɡ] 落后
I had to go back[b?k] and get my bag[b?ɡ] because[bi'k?z] I leftit in class. 我必须回去拿包包,因为我把它留在课堂了。
Kate[kate] is waiting['we?t??] at the gate[ɡeit] with acake[keik].凯特拿着蛋糕在门口等着。
1.great minds[mainds] think alike[?'laik].英雄所见略同
2.could you please give me a hand[h?nd]?请帮我一个忙好嘛?
3.keep up the good work!you are great! 再接再厉,你是好样的
4.the weather['wee?] in Kunming never gets too hot or toocold[k?uld]. 昆明的天气总是不会太热,也不会太冷。
5.we are having a picnic['piknik] this weekend[,wi:k'end].wouldyou like to go with us?这个周末我们要野餐,你愿意一起去嘛?
A:Grace[ɡreis],did you bring[bri?] my book?A:格雷斯,你把我的书带过来了吗?
B:oh,I’m sorry.i forgot[f?'ɡ?t]. B:哦,对不起,我忘记了~
A:you know what,grace?you shouldn’t be so forgetful[f?'getf?l].A:你记得什么格雷斯,你总是这样健忘
B:I know.but I got up late this morning and I left it on mytable when I rushed[r??d] out of the door.B:我知道,我今天早上起床晚了,出门太匆忙以至于把书忘在桌子上了。
A:ok,please don’t forget again tomorrow. A:好吧,明天千万不要再忘记了!
B:I promise['pr?mis] I won’t.thanks for not getting mad[m?d]恼火的,发怒的.
NO.29 唇齿摩擦辅音一 [ f ]外号:唇齿相依摩擦音
life feel
1.Life is beautiful, but it’s not alwayssweet.生活是美丽的,但并不总是一帆风顺。
2.I feel like taking a walk for some freshair.我想出去散散步,呼吸一点新鲜空气。