哈曼卡顿(HarmanKardon)是哈曼国际工业(NYSE:HAR)的一个部门,专门生产制造家用与车用音响,总部位于美国纽约伍德布里。JBL、AKG、Infinity也是属于哈曼集团旗下的品牌。HarmanKardon于1953年由热爱音乐与艺术的Dr. SidneyHarman与BernardKardon两人创立。该公司协助创建了高传真音频产业,他们的首个产品是一个FM调音器,在创立后一年HarmanKardon发售了世上首个真正高保真接收器FestivalD1000,该款单声道装置在瞄准非技术性消费者的同时亦结合了许多现时常见的功能,如在单一机身上集合了调音器、组件控制部件与扩音器。1958年HarmanKardon发售世上首个立体声接收器FestivalTA230,再次瞄准非技术性的用户力图让高保真得到更广泛的采用。HarmanKardon是宝马、路虎、奔驰与萨博等汽车和东芝笔记本电脑的主要音响供应商。
Harman Kardon History
The story of Harman Kardon is largely the story of SidneyHarman.
Harman, born in Montreal in 1918, grew up in New York City. Froman early age, he showed a flair for business. As a teenager, hecollected recently published magazines, talked local retailers intoselling the used but still interesting publications for a nickelapiece and split the resulting revenues with them. “That nicelittle business helped finance my years in high school and paid formy books in college,” Harman says in his memoir, Mind Your OwnBusiness.
But Harman had another talent: science. At New York’s CityCollege, he majored in physics. In 1939, after he completed school,he found a job in the engineering department of the David BogenCompany, a firm that made public-address sound systems. He and hisboss, chief engineer Bernard Kardon, quickly became friends.
Soon, Harman moved from engineering into sales and found that heliked it. In sales, he discovered the importance of payingattention to customers. “To this day, over half a century later, Ican say that no valuable, enduring product ever arose fromcontemplation in my office – or in the engineering department,”says Mind Your Own Business. “I know of no substitute for thefiring line, for listening to the customer, for identifying andresponding to real need.”
He responded to the customers’ needs by innovating. In the early1950s, Harman and Kardon wanted Bogen to let them simplify thecontrols on the company’s public-address systems. Also, aftercustomizing Bogen loudspeakers to play records in their own homesand noticing how much their guests loved the machines’ sound,Harman and Kardon wanted Bogen to manufacture similar devices forthe public. Bogen agreed to Harman and Kardon’s proposals – but heagreed very reluctantly.
Though Harman rose to the rank of Bogen’s general manager, hewasn’t content. Not only did he chafe against Bogen’s conservativeways, but the aging Bogen planned to leave the company to his sonand son-in-law. Harman realized that he would never be able to runthe company as he liked.
In 1953, Harman resigned and took Kardon with him.
The Birth of Harman Kardon
Each man put up $5,000 and formed a new company, Harman Kardon,to manufacture high-fidelity machines for playing music athome.
“At the time,” New York Times reporter William Holstein wrotefifty years later in an article about Harman, “the conventionalwisdom was that to listen to music from the radio, you needed atuner to capture radio signals, a preamplifier, a power amplifierand speakers.” Instead, Harman and Kardon combined multiplecomponents into one easy-to-use unit that they called areceiver.
Built into an attractive housing that looked more like stylishfurniture than complex electronics, the receiver – model nameFestival D1000 – was a huge success. It was especially popular withyoung listeners. “The college campuses were the breeding groundsfor a generation who loved the music and felt that the best way tolisten to it was in the dorm with our equipment,” Harman recalls inhis autobiography.
In 1956, Harman and Kardon’s initial $10,000 investment wasworth $600,000, and Kardon wanted to retire. Harman bought outKardon’s share of the company and kept on working.
Two years later, Harman Kardon produced the Festival TA230, theworld’s first stereo receiver. High-quality sound that seemed tocome from around the listener, not just in front of him, was atlast available to a wide audience. And the wide audience lovedit.
Growth and Pain
Harman Kardon continued to create popular products. Starting inthe late 1950s, for instance, Harman Kardon’s Citation series ofamplifiers and other components included some of the mosttechnologically advanced equipment in consumer audio. (Today, thoseCitation machines are collector’s items among audiophiles.)
By the early 1960s, Harman was a happy man. In 1962, heconfidently merged Harman Kardon with a cable-television company,Jerrold Corporation. Soon, he was no longer so happy.
Harman felt that Jerrold’s chief, Milton Shapp, interfered toomuch in Harman’s own work. After a series of arguments, Shappbought out Harman’s share of the company. Harman now had a pile ofcash, but he was cut off from the company that he had built.What’smore, this constantly productive man suddenly found himself withnothing to do.
Harman might have been down, but he wasn’t out. He took some ofthe money from the buyout and invested in a small conglomerate, theJervis Corporation. He took over the company and used its financialclout to buy Harman Kardon back. He also acquired other audiohouses, such as the prestigious JBL, and eventually renamed theentire group of companies Harman International Industries,Incorporated.
Meanwhile, Harman Kardon continued to seek out new technologies.In the late 1960s, the company began working with a young,high-tech firm with fresh ideas about reducing audio noise. Itsname was Dolby Laboratories. Harman Kardon products continue tofeature Dolby equipment.
As the 1960s became the ‘70s, Harman Kardon grew larger and moreprofitable. Harman attributed the success of Harman Kardon and hisother companies to a new style of management. Instead of simplyissuing orders, as executives at other companies did, Harmanencouraged his managers (as he told Music Trades magazine in 1988)“to respect people who do the work, to see them as a great untappedresource.” He felt, for instance, that the workers buildingamplifiers and speakers could contribute smart, practical ideasabout ways to improve the manufacturing process.
Harman’s approach apparently worked. By the mid-‘70s, HarmanKardon was a leader in American consumer audio.
Goodbye and Hello
In 1976, Jimmy Carter – a candidate that Sidney Harman hadsupported – became President of the United States. What’s more, heasked Harman to join his administration as Undersecretary ofCommerce.
In order to enter the government, Harman had to give up any jobsand holdings that might become a conflict of interest. For thesecond time, he sold his company. The buyer was Beatrice Foods, alarge conglomerate that included many products in addition to food,and the price was about $100 million.
Beatrice’s executives didn’t seem to know how to run an audiobusiness. Sidney Harman saw his child go into decline, and hedidn’t like what he saw. By 1980, Harman International had lostabout 40 percent of its assets.
By the time the Carter Administration came to a close, SidneyHarman had left the government and was determined to get his oldcompany back. He bought Harman International back from Beatrice for$55 million.
He didn’t get Harman Kardon, though. During the late 1970s,Beatrice had sold the company to a Japanese firm.
Five years would pass before Harman could return Harman Kardonto Harman International. Finally, in 1985, he was able to buyHarman Kardon back. His flagship company was in his hands onceagain.
Back to Life
Returning to Harman’s hands didn’t suddenly make Harman Kardon aflowering success. In the 1990s, Harman Kardon was running intotrouble. The company still made excellent products, but it wasn’tleading the industry in new technologies anymore. The world ofaudio no longer spoke about hi-fi and stereo but about CDs, MP3,DAT, and other bits of techno-slang.
Harman, his executives and his engineers took action. In 1999,for instance, Harman Kardon presented the CDR 2, the world’s firstCD audio recorder with 4x dub speed, allowing music fans toaccumulate more sounds and songs quickly with no loss of audioquality. Also that year, the company produced SoundSticks® computerspeakers, a combination of science and sculpture so beautiful thatNew York’s Museum of Modern Art has added them to its designcollection. In 2000, Harman Kardon teamed with Microsoft to developa high-tech remote control for computers. Another advanced remotecontrol came along the next year, as Harman Kardon’s patentedEzSet™ remote allowed owners of multichannel audio systems tocalibrate their speakers automatically for superb surroundsound.
Additional inventions followed. By 2003, the company’s 50thanniversary, Harman Kardon was going strong again.
The Torch Passes
Sidney Harman continued to run Harman Kardon and his othercompanies. Still, he realized that he couldn’t keep going forever.In May of 2007, as he approached his 88th birthday, Harman hiredDinesh Paliwal as Harman International’s chief executiveofficer.
Paliwal, an engineer with degrees from the Indian Institute ofTechnology and Miami University of Ohio, came to HarmanInternational from the presidency of the global power andautomation technology leader ABB Ltd. About a year later, hesucceeded Harman as the company’s chairman.
The engineers, executives, and other employees of Harman Kardonwatched these changes with considerable interest, but none of thechanges swayed them from their usual concern: making great audioproducts. In 2007, for instance, the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum ofArchitecture and Design gave its Good Design™ award to HarmanKardon’s DMC 100 digital media center. And in 2008, the prestigiousElectronic House magazine bestowed Product of the Year honors onHarman Kardon’s AVR 354 audio/video receiver.
What’s ahead for Harman Kardon? More of the same – and if thatsounds boring, consider that at Harman Kardon, “more of the same”means more innovation, more attention to its customers’ needs andmore great sound. Those are the principles on which Sidney Harmanstarted the company. And they’re the principles that guide ittoday.
西德尼哈曼继续经营哈曼卡顿和他其他的公司。可是他意识到自己不能永远工作。在2007年5月,他的88岁生日即将到来之际,哈曼聘任DineshPaliwal为哈曼国际公司的总裁。DineshPaliwal是一位工程师,拥有印度理工学院和俄亥俄州迈阿密大学双学位。来哈曼国际公司前,他是全球电力和自动化技术的领跑者ABB公司的总裁。大约一年后,他接任哈曼成为公司的董事长。哈曼卡顿的工程师,主管人员和其他员工都饶有兴趣地关注着这些变化,但这些变化从未改变他们习以为常的兴趣点---生产更出色的音频产品。例如,在2007年,芝加哥协会:建筑设计博物馆把“优秀设计”这一殊荣颁发给哈曼卡顿的DMC100数字媒体中心。2008年,颇负盛名的《电子大厦》杂志授予哈曼卡顿的AVR 354系列音频/视频接收器年度产品奖。
