THISAGREEMENT entered into this [ ] day of September,2012 by and between A (“Consultant”) having offices located in New York, and [ ].(the “Company”) having offices located at, [in China].
本协议是2012年9月 订立的协议,是由办事处设在纽约的展望资本风险投资公司(“顾问公司”),与办事处设在中国的“融资公司”之间签订。
WHEREAS,the Company desires to obtain financing by the pledge of certain ofits assets; and
鉴于, 融资公司希望用其若干资产来抵押取得融资;并且
WHEREAS,the Company has requested Consultant to seek Lenders that may offerto provide this financing for the Company; and
WHEREAS,The Company hereby engages and authorizes Consultant as its authorized agent todevelop and secure debt financing of all or a portion of theCompany Assets, including ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE / PURCHASE ORDERS /MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT / INVENTORY. Consultant will useits best efforts to secure and provide financing of the Company’sAssets through Consultant’s funding sources.
WHEREAS,This Agreement shall have an exclusive term of 120 days from thedate of the receipt of any and all documentation that the Companycan disclose as requested by Consultant or the proposed Lender orInvestor (“Funding Source”). It remains theresponsibility of the Company to provide the documentationrequested on a commercially reasonable basis, understanding thatthe timeliness and receipt of such data is crucial to thedevelopment of a prudent lending facility or funding source for theCompany.Subsequent to this period of time and based on the successfulfunding by a Consultant Lender accepted and received by theCompany, the Company will provide to Consultant a Right of FirstRefusal (ROFR) on any additional debt funding requirement for aperiod equal to the Initial Term of the original facility, thatterm is not to exceed a three year term. The Company agreesnot to engage with another Financing Agent during the 120 Dayperiod as detailed above.This agreement shall apply for any Investment made by a FundingSource during a period of one year from the date of suchintroduction and any Investment made pursuant to any commitmentmade by, or any right, option or warrant to make an Investmentgranted to, a Funding Source within one year after the date of suchintroduction.
鉴于, 本协议按照顾问公司或贷款人或投资者( “资金来源” )的要求,从顾问公司收到的任何或所有文件开始算起,应当有一个专属期限为120天的封闭期,此时间过后,融资公司才可以再将这些文件对外披露。融资公司在商业合理的基础上有责任提供要求的文件,了解这些数据的及时性和获得数据对审慎的贷款机构或融资公司的资金来源工作的发展是至关重要的。在这一段时间的基础上,顾问公司成功获得贷款人并被融资公司接受后,在融资公司获得资金后,对任何额外的债务融资要求,这些额外要求的开始期限等于初始贷款机构进入的时限,将提供顾问公司优先购买权(ROFR ),这个贷款时限是不超过3年的期限。融资公司同意不得从事与另一融资代理进行联系,细节如上规定封闭期在120天。本协定应适用于来自资金来源的任何一年期间的投资,从引进之日起,所作出的任何承诺和任何投资,或拥有任何权利,或者这样引进后一年内的新的资金来源。
WHEREAS,Consultant has agreed to search for a loan or loans, or other formsof financing from a Lender (hereinafter referred to as “LendingFacility”) or financing sources for the Company;
鉴于,顾问公司已同意为融资公司找到贷款,从贷款人(以下简称“贷款融资” )或融资公司的融资渠道进行。
NOWTHEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutualagreement contained herein, and for other good and valuableconsideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are herebyacknowledged, the parties do hereby agree as follows:
1.TheCompany hereby engages Consultant as its authorized agent under theTerms described above, to locate and develop a financing source orLending Facility.
2.TheCompany acknowledges that Consultant will use letters, contracts,data records, projections, forecasts and financial statementsprovided by the Company (“Company Information”) to assistConsultant its search for a Lending Facility. The Company agrees tohold Consultant harmless from any and all claims that may arisefrom Consultant’s use of Company Information to the extent thatsuch claims arise based upon any material misrepresentation orinaccuracy contained therein.
融资公司确认,顾问公司将使用融资公司(“公司信息”)所提供的 信件,合同,数据记录,预测,预报和财务报表协助顾问公司寻找贷款融资机构。融资公司同意顾问公司在使用融资公司信息过程中,由于所承载信息的任何重大失实陈述或不准确的程度可能出现问题,顾问公司免受任何及所有索赔。
3.Consultant acknowledges that the Company information isconfidential and hereby agrees not to disclose such information toany individual, company or entity that might be a competitor of theCompany.Furthermore, Consultant agrees to require its agents, assigns, andConsultant’s funding sources to not disclose any companyinformation to any individual, company, or entity that might be acompetitor of the Company. Any companyinformation provided by Consultant to Consultant’s Funding Sourcesis to be used only for the purpose of deciding if a LendingFacility or equity investment should be granted to theCompany.
4.COMPANYFINANCIAL DATA: The Company grants toConsultant restricted access to any and all Company financial data,including but not limited to books, records, financial statementsetc… TheCompany hereby agrees to provide such data to Consultant on acommercially reasonable basis. The Company agrees toprovide to Consultant the financial data that the Company providesto a Consultant Funding Source.
融资公司财务数据:融资公司授予顾问公司的准入限制级获取融资公司的任何及所有财务数据,包括但不限于书籍,记录,财务报表等... 在商业上合理的基础上,融资公司特此同意向顾问提供此类数据。融资公司同意向顾问公司提供财务数据,这些数据是融资公司提供给顾问资金来源的数据。
5.NON-CIRCUMVENTION: Consultant’s FundingSources are a valuable asset of Consultant. The Companyacknowledges that Consultant’s Funding Sources have been developedat considerable cost of time, effort, and resources, and as such,are fundamental to Consultant’s livelihood and future. Accordingly, theCompany agrees not to make direct or indirect contact with anyConsultant’s funding sources except through Consultant. The Company furtheragrees not to disclose the names of Consultant’s deal fundingsources to any third party. Thisnon-circumvention clause will remain in effect for THREE (3)YEARS.
6.Consultant agrees to present each lending facility or investmentproposal it may develop to the Company for discussion andapproval.The Company retains the sole right to accept or reject anyproposals submitted to the Company by Consultant or Consultant’sfunding sources.
a)The Company agrees to pay Consultant a fee of Four (4) PERCENT ofthe total Lending Facility (CREDIT LINE) developed by Consultantand accepted by the Company (“Fee”). The fee shall bebased on the total of all facilities offered to and accepted by theCompany.This fee shall be due and payable to Consultant only upon thesuccessful completion and funding of a lending facility developedby Consultant and accepted by the Company. The entire fee shallbe due and payable upon funding of a lending facility fromConsultant’s lending source or the Company. Company agrees thatthe Consultant’s lending source that funds a lending facility forthe Company will be instructed through the use of an intermediarybank account or escrow, or instructing the Lender to payConsultant’s fee directly by wire transfer to Consultant from theinitial proceeds of the lending facility.
融资公司同意支付给顾问公司发展的并且被公司所承认的借贷总量总数的4% 为佣金。佣金以所提供的所有的并被公司承认的贷款量为基础。只有成功的完成一个借贷,顾问公司才可以拿到佣金。只有是在融资公司或顾问公司的资源之上形成的借贷关系,顾问公司才能拿到佣金。融资公司同意顾问公司的借贷资源,为公司形成的一个借贷必须在使用一个中间银行账户或契约的指导下所支持,或者指导借贷方通过电汇的形式在借贷形成的最初阶段直接给顾问资金。
CREDITLINE INCREASES: Should the Companyreceive additional or incremental Credit Line increases beyond theinitial loan facility within a Two (2) year period from the initialfunding date, Consultant shall be entitled to and receive THREEQUARTERS (equal to 75% of the Original Commission Fee Percentage)commission (Fee) on the increased amount as described above, withinTen (10) days of the additional funding being completed.
8.LOANRENEWAL:Should the Borrower and the Lender renew their Loan Commitmentwithin the first two years of the original Term, the Borrower willthen be obligated to pay to Consultant. a sum equal toONEQUARTER (equal to 25%) the fee described in the CompensationParagraph.Upon the completion of the funding, this fee shall be payable toConsultant whether the loan is drawn upon within 10 businessdays. TheBorrower agrees to provide Consultant with copies of allcorrespondence between themselves and the Lender regarding the loanrenewal.
9.Should Consultant develop a debt facility with another Lender, adifferent entity entirely (not in any relationship whatsoever) fromthe original Lender, as a LOAN RENEWAL, the Company agrees to remita fee to Consultant in the amount equal to ONE-HALF (50%) of theoriginal fee.
TheCompany shall furnish to Consultant, a detailed list of FundingSources it has approached in the past, describing what wasconcluded if anything and the name of the contact person at eachFunding Source. TheCompany will not breach any Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)previously signed with other potential lending sources. The Company will askeach Lender for a release from the NDA to disclose their names andresult.
10.GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shallbe governed by, construed by and enforced in accordance with thelaws of the State of New York. The parties further agree, if adispute arises as to the terms and or breach of the terms of thisAgreement, jurisdiction and venue shall occur in New York County.However, in the event injunctive relief is reasonably necessary oravailable to the Finder with regard to payment of the Fee, Findermay move and commence a proceeding for appropriate injunctiverelief in any court of competent jurisdiction. The parties furtheragree, the rights of the Parties under this Agreement are personalto that Party and may not be assigned or transferred to any otherperson, firm, corporation or any other entity without the other’sexpress written consent.
Upon the completion ofa successful funding by a Consultant’s Funding Source, the Companyshall provide to Consultant a letter of commendation for ConsultantManagement’s efforts in securing and finalizing funding for theCompany.
Any signed copy of this Agreement or of any other document oragreement referred to herein, or copy of counterpart thereof,delivered by facsimile transmission, shall for all purposes betreated as if it were delivered containing an original manualsignature of whose signature appears in the facsimile, and shall bebinding upon such party in the same manner as though an originallysigned copy had been delivered.
Allcommunications between the parties shall be in English in writtenform during implementation of Contract. Faxes concerning importantmatters shall be confirmed timely by registered or expressmails.
14.LANGUAGE 文本条款
ThisContract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese andEnglish, each of which shall deemed equally authentic. ThisContract is in ____ copies, effective since being signed/sealed byboth parties.
本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同共__ 份,自双方代表签字(盖章)之日起生效。