8. Form forPower of Attorney8. 法人代表授权书格式
KNOW ALL MEN bythese presents that the undersigned (name) (title) of (firm)lawfully authorized to represent and act on behalf of the saidcompany, whose registered address is do hereby appoint (name)(title) of (firm), whose signature appears below to be true andlawful attorney, and authorize the said attorney to execute all thenecessary matters related thereto, in the name and on behalf of thesaid company in connection with the Contract ofProject.本授权书声明:注册于(国家或地区的名称)的(公司名称)的在下面签字的(法人代表姓名、职务)代表本公司授权(单位名称)的在下面签字的(被授权人的姓名、职务)为本公司的合法代理人,就(项目名称)的(合同名称)投标,以本公司名义处理一切与之有关的事务。
In witnessthereof, we have hereto set out respective hands this day (monthand year)本授权书于年 月 日签字有效,特此声明。
Signature ofLegal Person: 法人代表签字
Signature ofAttorney: 被授权人签字
Name and Titleof Witness: 见证人姓名和职务
Name of Firm ofWitness: 见证人单位名称
Address ofWitness: 见证人地址
9.Qualification Documents9. 资格证明文件
Instructions toApplicants填写须知
(1) Theapplicants who are manufacturers shall fill out and submit Forms9-1, 9-2 and 9-5 specified hereafter as well as other informationconcerned. The applicants who are Trading Companies (or Agent)shall fill out and submit all the Forms specified hereafter andother information concerned.1)制造商作为投标人应填写和提交下述规定的格式9-1、9-2、9-4和9-5,以及其他有关资料。贸易公司作为投标人应填写和提交下述规定的全部格式以及其他有关资料。
(2) Positiveanswers should be given to all questions and/or informationrequired in the attached Forms.2)所附格式中要求填写的全部问题和 / 或信息都必须填写。
(3) Thesignatory of the qualification information shall guarantee thetruth and accuracy of all Statements and all answers to questionsmade therein.3)本资格声明的签字人应保证全部声明和填写的内容时真实的和正确的。
(4) Thequalification information submitted by the applicants shall be usedby the Purchaser in determining, according to the judgment anddiscretion of the Purchaser, the eligibility and competence of theBidders to perform the Contract.4)买方将应用投标人提交的资料根据自己的判断和考虑决定投标人履行合同和合格性及能力。
(5) Documentssubmitted by the applicants will be treated as confidential butwill not be returned.5)投标人提交的材料将被保密,但不退还。
(6) Alldocuments shall be made out in the Language in one originaland number of copies as defined in Bid DataSheet.6)全部文件应按“投标资料表“规定的语言和份数提交。
9-1. StatementConcerning Qualification9-1 资 格声 明
To: (name ofTendering Agent)致:(招标机构)
StatementConcerning Qualification资 格声 明
In connectionwith your Invitation for Bid IFB No. dated , the undersigned wouldlike to participate in the bid for supply of (Item No. and name ofGoods ) which are specified in the Schedule of Requirements andsubmit the following documents and certified that all statementsare true and correct.为响应你方 年月 日的(招标编号)投标邀请,下述签字人愿参与投标,提供货物需求一览表中规定的(货物品目号和名称),提交下述文件并声明全部说明是真实的和正确的。
(1) Letter ofAuthority issued by (name of Manufacturer) for supply of (Item No.and name of Goods) to the effect that we are authorized torepresent and bind the said manufacturer in one original andcopies (when the Bidder is a trading company acting as anagent).(1)由(制造商名称)为提供(货物品目号和名称)的授权书1份正本, 份副本,我方代表该制造商并受其约束(投标人是代理的贸易公司时填写)。
(2) Ours andthe manufacturer’s Qualification Statement, each in oneoriginal and copies.(2)我方和制造商的资格声明,各有1份正本, 份副本。
(3) Acertificate in which the undersigned certifies that the statementsmade in the Qualification Documents are true and correct, togetherwith a Letter of Reference from our Bank (name ofbank).(3)下述签字人在证书中证明本资格文件中的内容时真实的和正确的,同时附上我方银行(银行名称)出具的资信证明。
Name andAddress of Manufacturer Or Trading Company 制造商或贸易公司名称
PersonAuthorized to Sign This QualificationDocuments受权签署本资格文件签字人
Name:Printed Name and Designation of Person姓名、职务(印刷字体)
FaxNo.:Signature: 传真签字
Postcode:Telephone No.: 邮编电话
9-2.Manufacturer’s Qualification Statement9-2制造商资格声明
(1) Name andOther Information:1. 名称及概况
(a) Name of Manufacturer(1)制造商名称:
(b) Address of Head Office(2)总部地址:
Telex/Fax/Telephone No.电传/传真/电话号码:
(c) Date Established and/orRegistered(3)成立和 / 或注册日期:
(d) Paid-Up Capital(4)实收资本:
(e) Latest Balance Sheet (asof)(5)近期资产负债表(到 年 月日止)
(ⅰ) Fixed Assets ① 固定资产:
(ⅱ) Current Assets ② 流动资产:
(ⅲ) Long Term Liabilities ③ 长期负债:
(ⅳ) Current Liabilities ④ 流动负债:
(ⅴ) Net Worth⑤ 净值:
(f) Name of Principal Officer(Optional)(6)主要负责人姓名:(可选填)
(g) Name and Address of themanufacturer’s representatives in the PRC, if any(7)制造商在中国的代表的姓名和地址:(如果有的话)
(a) Facilities and other informationfor the manufacturer of the Goods of theproposal(1)关于制造投标货物的设施及其他情况:
Name and Location Item being AnnualProduction Number of Employees of Factory ProducedCapacity 工厂名称地址生产的项目 年生产能力 职工人数
(b) Componentparts which shall not be made by the principal manufacturer butshall be secured from other manufacturers(2)本制造商不生产,而需从其他制造商购买的主要零部件:
Name andAddress of Manufacturer Items 制造商名称和地址 主要零部件名称
(3) Experience(number of years) of the Manufacturer in the Production of theGoods Proposed (including project owner, rated capacity, date ofinitial commercial operation, etc.)3. 本制造商生产投标货物的经验(包括年限、项目业主、额定能力、商业运营的起始日期等):
(4) Name andAddress of Domestic and Foreign Firms to Whom the Goods Have BeenMainly Sold in the Last Three Years.4. 近3年该货物主要销售给国内、外主要客户的名称地址:
(a) ExportSales (1)出口销售
Name andAddress Items Sold (名称和地址) (销售项目)
(b) DomesticSales (2)国内销售

Name andAddress Items Sold (名称和地址) (销售项目)
(5) YearlyTotal Volume of Business for the Last Three Years:5.近3年的年营业额
Year Domestic (currency) Export(currency) Total (currency) 年份 国内出口 总额
(6) Name andAddress of Supplier of Easily Worn-outParts:6、易损件供应商的名称和地址:
Name of Parts Supplier’sAddress 部件名称供应商
(7) The Goodsproposed in the Bid previously Supplied to China directly orThrough Trading Companies in the Last Three Years, ifany:7. 最近三年直接或通过贸易公司向中国提供的投标货物:
Contract No.合同编号:
Signature Date签字日期:
Item Name项目名称:
Quantity数 量:
Contract Amount 合同金额:
(8) Name andAddress of Bank Reference:8. 有关开户银行的名称和地址:
(9) CoporateGroup to Which manufacturer Belongs, if any: 9.制造商所属的集团公司,如有的话:
(10) OtherInformation:10. 其他情况:
We herebycertify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statementsare true and correct, that all available information anddata have been supplied herein, and that we agree to showyou documentary proof thereof upon yourrequest.兹证明上述声明是真实、正确的,并提供了全部能提供的资料和数据,我们同意遵照贵方要求出示有关证明文件。
Name ofManufacturer制 造 商名 称
Name andPosition of Authorized Representative 签字人姓名和职务
Signature ofAuthorized Representative 签 字人 签 字
9-3. TradingCompany’s or Agent’s Qualification Statement9-3贸易公司(作为代理)的资格声明
(1) Name andOther Information:1. 名称及概况
(a) Name of Bidder(1)投标人名称:
(b) Address of Head Office(2)总部地址:
Telex/Fax/Telephone No.电传/传真/电话号码:
(c) Date Established and/orRegistered(3)成立和/或注册日期:
(d) Paid-Up Capital(4)实收资本:
(e) Latest Balance Sheet (asof)(5)近期资产负债表(截止 年 月日)
(ⅰ) Fixed Assets①固定资产:
(ⅱ) Current Assets②流动资产:
(ⅲ) Long Term Liabilities③长期负债:
(ⅳ) Current Liabilities④流动负债:
(ⅴ) Net Worth⑤净值:
(f) Name of Principal Officer(Optional)(6)主要负责人姓名:(可选填)
(g) Name and Address of the Bidder’srepresentatives in the PRC, if any (7)投标人在中国的代表姓名和地址,如有的话
(2) YearlyTotal Volume of Business for the Last Five Years:2.近3年的年营业额:
Year Domestic ExportTotal 年份国内 出口 总额
(3) Name andAddress of Domestic and Foreign Firms to Whom the Goods have BeenMainly Sold in the Last Five Years.3. 近3年该货物主要销售给国内、外主要客户的名称地址:
(a) ExportSales(1) 出口销售
Name andAddress Items Sold(名称和地址) (销售项目)
(b) DomesticSales (2) 国内销售
Name andAddress Items Sold(名称和地址) (销售项目)
(4)Manufactures Who Have Agreed with bidder to Manufacture the Goods(attach manufacturer’s qualification statements):4.同意为投标人制造货物的制造商名称、地址(附制造商资格声明)
(5) ComponentParts of the Goods Proposed to be Supplied and Manufactured byOther Manufacturers, if any:5. 由其他制造商提供和制造的货物部件,如有的话:
Items to bemanufactured Names and Address ofManufacturers制造商名称和地址