1.第一遍TAOrap的时候,为什么kris没有出来呢?因为他在后面换把自己的话筒给话筒出不了声音的灿烈,没有想到灿烈拿到这个话筒还是没有声音,于是他们一个在无声的B-BOX,一个在小声的合唱(灿烈的话筒到了kris这里又有声音了,只是很小,所以后来何老师才跟TAO说kris有在rap啊,很小声的rap)When Tao first rapped,the reasonwhy kris didn't show up is because Chanyeol was going to do theB-BOX,the mic has some problems so Kris was busy changing his micto Chanyeol.而且后来主持人问为什么没有出来,他不仅没有要求再来show一次,而是夸TAO一个人RAP也很好,太投入了,气场太强了,把那个舞台留给他就好了,后来是娜姐说“这样好不好你们再来一次”,于是这个不争不抢的小傻子才到台前来表演(本来就是双人rap啊!TTTT)
Then the host asked"why you didn't rap"? Krissaid Tao was doing very good even with himself,he has a strongcontrol of the stage and he involed himself in it.[so kris evendoesn't ask to show himself again but instead,he praised hismembers]
2.大家有没有看到在SUHO第一次上高台很害怕下来的时候,第一个立马扶着他的kris。。。Have you noticed that when SUHO wasscared of thehathpace and began walkingdownstairs, Kris is the first one whooutstretchedhis hands so as to catch SUHO.3.大家在观看密室视频的时候,凡凡默默的招呼TAO蹲下来,不要挡着观众的视线(因为6,7号都是在舞台中间)When everybody was watching thevideos,he told TAO to squat in order not to block the sight of theaudience.4.凳子游戏选择了TAO以后,立马转身和SUHO,LAY握了手,希望他们不要介意(内心os:哥还是爱你们的!噗),他是真的很关心每一个成员When Kris chose TAO,he immediatelyturned around and shaked hands with SUHO and LAY,maybe he issaying"I really care about all of you, but I can only choose oneperson, so hope you won't mind."
5.之前有些照片流出说凡凡没有抱紧白贤,于是两个人一起摔倒了,看了饭拍才知道这是第一次练习的时候,由于kris又垫着脚蹲下了(这样很不稳),然后白白坐下来的时候重心不稳两个人一起前倾,这里,有一个小细节,是凡凡发现要摔了的时候,立马跪地,但是不是一般跪地膝盖的长度,而是往前伸了很远,看视频会很清楚,是为了之后白白跌下来可以不会摔很重,而是坐到他大腿上有个缓冲When Kris was going to pickBaekhyun up, because of thebarycentreinstability,both of them were going tofall down, but Kris protected Baekhyun with stretching his legs sothat Baekhyun can sit on his thighswhen he kneltdown.

7.深情唱歌之前还有一个小动作:捂胸(是代表“这首歌是我用心唱的么”?),之前看了很多饭拍,都看到kris说了一句“我慢一点”,一直不明白为什么,原来DEJA_VU的视频里有位饭就说了一声“你快一点”啊,于是凡凡听到了就看了这边然后跟妹纸说“OK,我慢一点”TTTT温柔爆了好嘛!你要不要那么care饭的感受!A fan said"could you hurry up?" toKris before he sing the song,and Kris immediately answered her"sorry, maybe I will sing slowly", he really cares about fans,whatyou think and gives response to everyone.8.exombar的全场视频在43分10秒的时候可以听到何老师说了一句:“你有没有注意到有两个人一直把5,6号包了,就是DO和kris”,然后娜姐说出真相了:“选在那,就是中间的,没有什么攻击的”,凡凡,不管是问谁最胆小,最幼稚,最有异性缘,你的选择永远是5,6或者7,你不爱当出头的那一个,也不要镜头分配给你,你总是把机会让给别人,你让我说什么好呢?!9.说门面担当的时候,灿烈发现其他几个都没有上前,于是自己也想退到后面去,于是凡凡推了他一把,让他走到台前来展示,让我想到上次合体12个人上快本的时候了,说“要帮主持人接受惩罚的请举手”(这就是放送分量啊!),kris也是先翻译给灿烈世勋听以后,才最后一个举手。When choosing who is the most goodlooking of exo, Chanyeol is shy and want to hide behind people, itis Kris who pushes him up and encourages him to show himself. Itreminds me of the happy camp last time, When MR.He(host) asked ifthere’s anyone willing to receive punishment on his behalf, Krisfirst nudged Chanyeol and Sehun, asking them to raise theirhands,then he slowly raised his own. (We all know that on the TVprograms , they need chance to promote themselves, apparently hegave chances to members)This kid will never think for himselffirst!
10.但是到自己的时候呢?下图是一开始自我介绍的时候,他示意先从TAO那边开始,然后被其他人推举先从他这开始介绍,第二张图,多亏了何老师把他拉到前面来,不然这个傻孩子就一直站在后面,然后他只说了一句“大家好我是坚韧淡定的kris”然后就退下去了,所以我真的很感谢娜姐他们,如果不是他们接下话并且提问说“kris有一些变化,之前是花美男现在是很man,你喜欢哪一种”的话,凡凡估计就又略过了吧,第三张图就是介绍完后他默默的退回队伍里站好。。。11.同样的还有和TAO一起的RAP的时候,他就想默默的在后面唱了,也是何老师把他推出来的12.主持人说:“为什么你是爸爸呢?”,这个孩子也一点都没有夸自己,只是轻描淡写的说“可能是因为我个子高”吧,但是我们都知道,在香港,你又帮成员买吃的又买奶茶,又全程翻译,站在一边淋雨也没有任何怨言,在内地,不仅帮大家翻译,还负责和主持人导演商量节目流程,尽心尽力,真的是超靠谱的粑粑和语言担当!thepicture below shows what happened when they were shopping inHK,1.The first row: Kris told others that he only has the money for1 last bubble tea, and you can look at his facial expression,really cute; 2.the second row:he looked at themembers and the left money, tring to save money(he is kidding,youknow :P) 3.the third row: he put the money in thepocket but was caught by Chanyeol; 4.the fourth row:he tried toprotect the money and behaved really interesting, holding armsacross his breast; 5.the fifth row: but then helooked at DO,CHEN,SEHUN(drinking happily),he had not idea but onlytake out the left money and bought the last bubble tea and gave itto Lay. and last he walked out of the shop,looking at the sky andsaid:it's too tired to raise so many children!(the joke is from hesaid he is the father of exo), and the real story really shows thatkris is so warm-hearted to his members and he gave the drinks tothem while he and Chanyeol have no bubble tea to drink.That's whomwe loved,always cares about others and Kris not only took charge intranslation but also bought many food and drinks to the memberswhen they were in HK and mainland of China.